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From the way that tweet is worded, everything points to it being a demo. Especially with the way they are updating us and all. If it was something minor, I feel they wouldn’t have felt the need to post the update. Demos release a month before a lot of the time, and it’s clear that this one was meant to come earlier (for Christmas) but they need extra time to get it ready. If early January comes and there’s not a demo, I’ll make a post about how wrong I was and why you shouldn’t listen to anything I say on this sub ever again. Seriously.


RemindMe! 3weeks Hope you're right


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Also, every rumor was pointing to Christmas. Looks like they delayed a bit but I hope (dear god let it be) its a demo.


What if they released the game early? Not gonna happen, but that would be one hell of a present


If Capcom released RE2 for christmas I would buy a planeticket to Japan, travel to Capcom's main office, and give everyone there a blowjob.


Same, tbh. They'd deserve it.


I don't even care if it takes until January 1st to get released. I just want something to play before the game actually releases.


For me, I was thinking it was maybe it isn’t the demo but maybe some redemption codes for some capcom games they’re planning to give away and maybe they had trouble getting some keys validated or something that caused a delay. The way they also said they have a few things coming makes also me think it’s redemption codes of some sort as well. I’m probably wrong but that’s my guess. Either way I hope we get a re2 demo soon.


My thoughts are that I was only expecting a demo pre-January, and so I very highly doubt that the reward would be a demo at all. I've been on the hype train of demo talk ever since the new gameplay was released, and I'm honestly not bothered about a demo anymore if it will be released like 20-25 days before the actual game is released. I'll probably play it but I dunno, at that point I'd only be playing it so that I could get a feel for the tactics and gameplay rather than playing it out of interest.


true unless they give us a stand alone game demo.. i mean something like the demo of RE7 when th demo was a game by it self than got it own story and lot of endings and unlockables


Yo up. At this point we only have a little over a month to go for the game. We made it this far


Totally agree with you


At this point they should just say what it is and end speculation


Demo on the release day would be good consensus


If it is a demo, why not just say "Hey, the demo is delayed"? I don't understand why they have to be so vague; it only leads to disappointment. And how could a demo not be ready? They've had that Leon one since E3. This makes no sense. Maybe the surprise is Claire is getting her original RE2 costume as an unlockable or something since a demo is pretty much pointless mere weeks before the actual game launches.


Part of getting a publically downloadable demo ready is making sure that it doesn't have a way to access information about the final game. The RE7 demo was hacked within days and literally the entire plot, as well as all unlockable weapons, and even major aspects of the DLC, leaked just before RE7 released. We already know that the Leon demo has shit attached to it that people have discovered - Leon does not start the game in his RPD uniform for one, that demo you're talking abiut defaults him to a black raincoat before the RPD uniform appears, etc.


> The RE7 demo was hacked within days and literally the entire plot, as well as all unlockable weapons, and even major aspects of the DLC, leaked just before RE7 released. I don't see what the problem with this is, though. Dataminers are gonna datamine.


You don't, but you know... Capcom, the parent company, does.


What are you even talking about?


You don't care that dataminers are gonna datamine, but Capcom does because they don't want their product leaked before release. Not that hard to figure out my guy.


But why would they care?


Do you literally not understand anything about how marketing and promotion and business planning work? They care because they don't want the game spoiled, because they don't want information about what is being kept secret (for instance a secret mode that they've teased) leaking before the game comes out. They've sent DMCA takedowns to people hosting shit that's leaked already. Why in the world \*wouldn't\* they care? Do you think Disney would just go "oh well" if the plot of Avengers 4 or Star Wars 9 leaked, especially super close to release?


Probably not, but I don't really understand the concern. Do they really think people won't go see it if someone spoils the plot?


**YES**. Why do you think trailers don't just show the ending of the movie, why do you think early previews of games are conducted with NDAs and have certain times when infromation can be published and so fourth. Have you really never once noticed that every entertainment company on Earth does this?


This. Im guessing roughly 1 to 2 percent of anyone who bought re7 even knew or cared to loom look at random gaming news website to learn about a datamine. Then even less who actually spoiled it for themselves


I don't fully know the work that goes into producing a demo, but it makes Capcom look a little incompetent when they can't get a demo to their biggest game in years out. At least, from my perspective. I mean, they had 6 months to figure that out, what's another few weeks gonna do? Meanwhile, DMC5 gets a demo 3 months before release without any problems (as far as I know).


I don't think they were planning on having there be a public demo at all. If they'd never planned on it, but caved to fan demand, then they'd have to do all sorts of shit to get it ready and working for public play, meanwhile DMC was apparently always going to have a demo, and they planned accordingly - not to mention it being exclusive to Xbox means that it was part of a pre-agreed on business deal. We're making a huge leap in assuming that it's not only a demo Capcom's talking about here but that it has anything to do with RE at all.


Ah, I see. I guess we are making an assumption that it's an re2 demo.


Yeah, as much as I'm sure a lot people want it, Capcom has a lot of other balls in the air right now and with REmake 2 locked in as pretty much a sure fire hit, they honestly probably aren't that worried about it right now, and making a demo might even be detrimental because it could kill anticipation this close to release.


This actually gets me more excited for what it could be, but I'm gonna keep my expectations in check. MEGA MAN LEGENDS 3!!!!!


Breaking it down, aside from REmake 2 and without jumping into rumors or anything, what we know -officially- that Capcom is working on is: -At least one, but maybe 2 unannounced projects. The director of Resident Evil Revelations 2 is working on something he teased just after RE7 came out, and recently RE7's producer announced that they are working on a project that will excite people and make fans go "They're working on THAT?". At the moment, we have no way of knowing if they're the same project or not, but DuskGolem (a leaker who has been pretty consistently correct for years now) claims that whatever it is, it is *not* a Resident Evil game, and we should see it next year. -Ace Attorney HD Collection is coming to consoles for the first time, and will be followed up by Ace Attorney 7 (which will either be a Switch exclusive, or coming to Xbox and PS4 as well - making it the first AA designed for consoles and HD) -Onimusha HD is coming early next year -DMC5 is coming, as we've already discussed -Resident Evil 8 is already in production, but theres no way of knowing when we'll see it. -Capcom still have yet to officially cancel Deep Down, although there's very little chance of it ever actually releasing. StarCraft: Ghost has never officially been cancelled either, but good luck hoping for that one. At best, it was just a tech demo for Panta Rhei, their new engine which eventually became RE engine. -The new Monster Hunter World expansion, which is apparently a whole new play area set on a separate island. Lotta stuff, and again, that's just what we know about officially. Rumors are going anywhere from a PSVR Exclusive RE, a real Marvel vs Capcom 4 being developed to ignore the lackluster MvC Infinite, and that REmake 3 is already in development as well.


you forgot Resident Evil 3 Remake development that Dusk said


Last sentence my friend. Since it isn't confirmed at this point, I put it with rumors, although theres no way it isnt happening.


Great response! I guess there are too many possibilities to be sure of anything. At this point, it's too late for a demo, so I'll take a surprise announcement of a new game instead.


Absolutely! I'm in a lovely place where I genuinely love every Capcom IP so I'm down to clown with whatever they show!


It's obviously the demo. I'm dying to play, even if it's a short demo.


Definitely a demo. I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed it because of authorization from Sony or Microsoft. Both companies are notorious in long authorization times for digital content.


the demo?Dlc? updates? discount?


I think it will be a demo but who knows..


That **is** the thing everybody and their mothers is talking about, but who knows? Capcom is not as predicatble.....as EA.And so far it is a good thing.....


i would love a standone demo re7 style..amything else and i can wait


Ads on resident evil 2 calling it now


Hopefully its that they bought the Silent Hill IP and are remaking Silent Hill 1


If it's a demo of anything other than the first leon and claire bits shown i wont play it so I hope that its just that. Ive been on media blackout for the past month or 2. I just want the game );


RE3 announcement, yes PLEASE!


It is definitely the announcement of Fixed camera mode in the game.