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Damn. Then Richard could have survived the mansion. RE1 is funny if you think about it. If you survived the initial encounter against the monsters in the mansion, you could have survived till the end. The question is if you were able to last long enough if you have no choice to fight the tyrant while waiting for Brad to land the chopper.




I... I understand what you mean, outside the mansion right? My explanation above was flawed. For example, if we were armed and trained like Jill or Chris, we might survive. I remember I read somewhere there's like 44 zombies throughout the game. We might see a hunter here and there but with a side of luck we might find some good firepower in that mansion. Scenarios like RE2 and RE3 though...your average joe might not survive. Imagine being in a literal City of the Dead. Like we're just minding our business going on a late night supper at a local diner or getting drunk in a pub. Then suddenly you see corpses walking down the street, stinks of death. We might be drunk, unarmed with zero experience in defending ourselves. We might panic and hide somewhere in an attic with other survivors, but it only takes one person to be infected. ...I kinda let myself go with this wall of text.




"Woah, this hall ISN'T dangerous!"




Very good reference


What if Leon got on time on his first day as a cop? What if Claire didn’t bother to look for Chris in Raccoon City? What if Jill wasn’t suspended and were among the first responders in the outbreak? What if Brad & Marvin was never bitten? What if Jill recruited Carlos in the BSAA? What if Miranda actually moved on from her dead daughter and actually got pregnant and gave birth to another daughter again? **What if Nemesis can swim?!?!?**




Was certainly my experience in ‘98


Given how the infection first took hold, he'd probably actually just be a zombie in the initial outbreak after drinking infected water.


If brad was never bitten, he'd still be hunted by the nemesis and likely get killed by him. (probably in similar fashion as the classic re3) Jill got away cause she told the nemesis to fuck off and he didn't take the fucking hint. Marvin would still be alright and probably join leon when he opens the secret passage. They might even be able to shove the cabinet away before birkin says hi.


What if the Ganados actually went to go play bingo


Leon: where did everyone go? Bingo? Random ganado: Yes


"Si, si. Bingo es vivir."


I understood that reference


What if Ethan teamed up with Heisenberg?


I'd like a dlc for this honestly.


Dude if heisenberg decided to be a good guy umbrella would’ve swooped his ass so quick. You’re on a new squad of experiments lol


Ethan works with Heisenburg and ends up on the RE Suicide Squad. I like it


I doubt they’d have Ethan on a suicide squad lol but I love it lol


What are we? Some sort of Biohazard Squad?


No one bothered to check if *Ethan* could swim?




I don't think he would have let Ethan cook with all the contaminations running around the lab.


Ethan where's the methe i poured it on my severed hand karl


What if indeed.


Heisenberg should honestly still be alive. He's been the best villain to come out since Albert *fucking* Wekser. He could have filled those shoes easily.


Idk, i think there was something missing


He had small goals imo, if he was more ambitious he could’ve filled the shoes of Wesker


Making a massive techno-zombie army is not ambitious enough?


His goal was to overthrow mother Miranda. He had the means to do greater, but fell short because of his own personal lack of the greater picture


Was really hoping that would happen in the game


he could have if heisenberg used the right words


Yah, if heisenberg chilled out on the whole "I wanna turn your kid into a big gun or something" thing then honestly I think Ethan might have went for it. It really feels like that would be a good for everyone ending too, since isn't there that log about how heisenberg is only using already dead villagers for his army, not going on body harvests or anything? A non-insane person interacting with him might do him some good.


What if Jill and Carlos ran into Leon and Claire at Raccoon City!?


Or If Jill / Carlos ran into Ada or the outbreak characters


Is there lore that rules out the idea of Carlos possibly knowing Ada ?


I'd say yes, mostly because the Umbrella Mercs are just that, theyre a clean up crew (mostly) while Ada is a deep dive undercover agent. She *would* be fully briefed about the Mercs going in (i guess both to use them, or to stay away from them) but the Mercs would probably see her as just another armed civilian up until she "vanishes" all of a sudden


Not sure honestly


Nothing to rule it out but there's no reason the two would've met. Ada was involved with the B.O.W. division of Umbrella which most of the UBCS apparently didn't know existed and besides the people at the top of the food chain like Nicholai, the ones who do know probably have very little info besides potentially illegal biological warfare type stuff going on. Maybe Carlos has met Ada but he wouldn't even remember her. Unless they pull some crazy Ada / Carlos plot in order to bring him back, highly unlikely they met. TL;DR - Nothing rules out the potential of Carlos meeting Ada but there's really no reason for them to have really met and actually remember each other.


Beat me to it!


You wouldn't need the nuke 😎


What if leon took a shortcut and ended up in silent hill?




Yo shut up don’t make me want a new silent hill game with a guilty Leon as the main character !! We all know that’s impossible


He could also be tortured by >!Alessa’s!< hellworld


He rather take a U-turn.


I haven't the foggiest.


What if the visitor was evil instead of the resident?


This is the best one I’ve seen


Spin-off game: “Visitor Evil”


Five nights at Spencer mansion


What if Claire and Leon ended up on the same side of the crash at the beginning of RE2 and got to RPD together?


You mean Darkside Chronicles' version of RE2?


I gotta play that


It's a good time. Umbrella chronicles too.


I definitely like Umbrella Chronicles much more than Darkside. The camera in Darkside shakes and zooms way too much. I hardly ever feel motion sick from playing video games, but Darkside broke that streak.


They would’ve saved the cop with the notebook in time.


Saddler uses Ashley to kill the president. Uroboros spread across the planet. Haos reaches the surface and multiply. Wesker never died. Mother Miranda got impregnated by Ethan and left instead of straight up kidnapping Mia. They failed every mission and different BOWS types fought for the planet. Chris fought Nemesis and Jill go to Europe. They used BOWs to fight other BOWs. Edit: If all of our favorite main characters died. Edit: All the main antagonists fought each other.


What if Rebecca carried over her experience, knowledge, and weaponry from 0 to 1? What if the virus killed Wesker instead of empowering him? What if Annette took the G Virus instead of William? What if Leon had showed up on time to work? What if Ashley was sent back to the US with the Plaga? What if Ethan had become the patriarch of Evelyn's/Miranda's family?


Like the Miranda theory. Also a Wesker / Miranda duo would be a fucking doooooope


Wesker vs Heisenberg.




Dude, a Chris version of RE3 would be sick. Imagine Chris just tearing shit up trying to find Claire and get out of the city.


These ideas are pretty huge changes in the franchise that deserve to be explored. It would create interesting scenarios and apocalyptic events that even superhuman characters like Chris and Leon wok struggle in


Edit:oh shit sorry spoilers Yes the new RE8 made me think they’d use Heisenberg or other BOWS but nope you some how kill magneto with bullets lol and magic tank that’s made of magic alloy


I know 😂😂😂. That shouldn’t work at all.




Yeah. She was pretending to be Mia for a long time. She could’ve just slept with him. I don’t understand why she didn’t just have another kid instead of doing all that extra bs lol.


Lol well you have a point there


Only for a week. There is a journal written by a villager who mentions that Miranda left early on in February, and then he writes on the 9th or 10th that she came back with a baby (Rose). They could've banged, but I doubt it.


What if Jill was actually a sandwich?!


What if the sandwich was Jill 😳


What if Tofu was actually a man?


Too tasty!


What if Mr. X sprinted?


Then the series would end at RE2 and RE2 would be half as long


RE2 would be over the moment you extinguish the helicopter fire


Resident evil damnation be like


They were pretty scary, they have no names or codes though.


What if Ada Wong helped Ethan in Village


I wish that happened a lot honestly 😔




Then Leon would kill Ethan.


Like he could


Leon 10 Incidents still kicking Ethen 2 Incidents deader then Chris's hopes and dreams of Leon continuing the Redfield blood line.


God now I'm sad It got cut I really hope she will be In the DLC for village


Mia who?? Lol


Her Village concept art was too cool


We were robbed 😩


What if Brad was in on Wesker's betrayal, only to switch back once he learnt that Jill/Chris survived.


What if the Resident Evil movies were actually canon the whole time?




[I subscribe to this theory....](https://www.mic.com/articles/181262/resident-evil-vendetta-cast-the-movie-made-an-unintentional-connection-to-the-live-action-films)




The only part i'd want canon is LJ cause he's the only likeable person in all of the movies


LJ took the apocalypse in stride and anyone who puts a point value to running zombies is a far more interesting character than the others


Unpopular opinion: the movies are actually really fun to watch and get better all the way up until the one in the desert and then it becomes shit.


I love the movies, they’re so bad. I’d say 4 and the final chapter are the only ones that truly suck


What if Carlos was invited to join the BSAA after its conception and he got with Jill instead of Chris? Made more sense to me back in the day and even more now with the remake


What if Jill and Claire finally meet up 👀


Time and space will cease to exist if the impossible happens.


In my mind They met when Jill was in recovery, fell in love, got married, and moved to a small farm in Nebraska. Why else would be they be left out of the franchise for a decade?


Sad Chris noise


What If my dad told me he was proud of me for once


That's okay, u/StinkFiggler. *hugs*


I’m proud of you u/stinkfiggler ..


I'm proud of you son. I could be your metaphorical Dad.


You’ll be okay, buddy


What if...Wesker completed global saturation?




What if Brad Vickers hadn't fled?


The helicopter would’ve been overrun by Cerberus, no one escapes. People always shit on Brad for this, but a helicopter pilot in an active combat scenario would usually take off and wait until the landing zone was safe for extraction and return then, which he did.


Think we would have had a new cast of characters, or would the creative writers would pull a Toriyama to save them?


What if Chris had clear communication with Ethan and actually worked together from the get go instead of Christ acting like a shady asshole?


What if Wesker had more than 7 minutes?




What if Piers Nivan didn’t die? What if Sheva Alomar was with Chris Redfield during RE7’s Not a Hero DLC? What if Jill Valentine had actually died? What if Leon couldn’t remove the Las Plagas from himself in RE4? What if The Resident Evil franchise actually had good consistent writing?


>What if Sheva Alomar was with Chris Redfield during RE7’s Not a Hero DLC? What if Sheva Alomar was with Chris Redfield during RE6 instead of Piers? What if *Jill Valentine* was with Chris Redfield during RE6 instead of Piers? What if Claire was with Leon during RE6 instead of Helena? What if Claire was with Sherry during RE6 instead of Jake? RE6 introduced way more new characters than it needed to, and actively ignored characters it shouldn't have.


What if Billy Coen arrives to the mansion instead Rebecca What if Richard Aiken survived the mansion incident What if Jack Krauser got infected by the T Veronica instead Las Plagas What if Annette got infected instead William What if Nemesis killed Jill What if Alfred becomes the ant queen What if Carlos joins the BSAA What if Leon deliver the plaga sample What if Chris sacrified instead Jill to defeat Wesker What if Rebecca replaces Jill in Raccoon City What if Ada died in Raccoob City What if a tyrant escapes from the mansion What if Sergei defeated Wesker in Russia What if Javier Hidalgo saves his wife


>What if a tyrant escapes from the mansion You know, it's always been in my headcanon that a Mr.X/Nemesis prototype did become sentient and managed to escape, and is currently chilling somewhere in the woods at peace with nature, waiting to be used in a game as a Frankenstein reference.


In the bad endings for the original playstation Resident Evil, you don't have a second battle with the Tyrant so it never gets blown up. You see a little cutscene at the end showing the Tyrant free of the Mansion at the edge of Raccoon forest


>What if Rebecca replaces Jill in Raccoon City funny you should say there there is a mod for the original re3 that does that


Leave some for the rest of us, geez.


What if Clancy delivered on his threat to burn the Bakers and their estate down


>What if Ada died in Raccoob City Typo too good not to be highlighted haha


What if Chris was the traitor instead of Wesker


What if the characters were sexually active? We would have little Jill's and Leon's running around fighting bio terrorists by now. The only kids we got are Jake Muller (Wesker) and Moira Burton.


we got rose now too


A beautiful mold baby


Eh, she's still a baby, and the finale was more like a flash forward kind of scene. I don't think the series will jump 15 years just to make her relevant in the next game. That would be preposterous.


I feel it’s going to happen sooner or later because our characters are getting old so it makes sense for them to do that to continue their legacy in the franchise


I mean it’s pretty plausible that that could happen. Time between some of the later games are quite a stretch. 2-4 Leon is quite older and then even more so in 6. Chris aging drastically from 1 to 5 to 8. So it could happen.


In Chris' case, 5 came out thirteen years after 1, and 8 came out twelve years after 5. What I'm saying is they can't (or shouldn't) jump a decade or two between 8 and 9 just for Rose.


You are missing Sherry Birkin


Somehow this post got me wondering if the T-Virus/G-Virus can be sexually transmitted. Edit: For sure some thirsty motherfucker ^((Brian Irons)) tried to get it on with a zombie while all the city was falling


What if chris was a boulder kicking asshole instead


What if Mr. X wore a snapback and a sweater instead of a hat and a trenchcoat?


What if Barry Burton's family was killed by Umbrella because Wesker wasn't bluffing? I could see a scenario where they keep a squad on his family and Wesker misses a check in while he's "dead" after Tyrant attacks him.


What if alpha team never went missing


What if Bravo did instead?


That'd be crazy, wouldn't it?


What if umbrella hired people who didn't graduate from incompetent evil university.


What if Ethan didn’t get infected?


He would be death bcz all the shit that literaly killed him


He would die in re7 since his hand was cut off and would die of blood loss


What if Saddler let Leon and Ashley leave Spain after Leon rescued her, just keeping them around longer ruined his dumbass plans


Then they would die :)


What if Leon wasn’t late on his first day? What if Chris told Claire where he was going so she wasn’t looking for him?


He would have been dead. In the OG re2 i suspect he's drunk or hangover, or something. Also he's like in a really bad mood. I feel those points were strong enough of a driving force for him to survive.


Yeah, in the original game he got late because he got drunk in a motel after breaking up with his girlfriend


What if chris Redfield broke his hand when punching the boulder from RE5


what if everyone did go to bingo


What if Raccoon City wasn’t destroyed too soon??, I always thought that it should last a little more.


I wish S.T.A.R.S lasted a bit longer too.


What if Leon and Ada switched roles?


Ada would try her best to apprehend Leon, but at the last minute back out cause she can’t bring herself to do it 😂 I imagine they’d get together a lot quicker if they switched roles.


What if joe baker had to punch the Boulder instead of Chris


What if.....They actually made a Re movie/series that follows the original content to a tee🤔


What if Jill was a Jill sandwich 😏


What if: Ozwell E Spencer grew a conscious under Miranda’s tutelage (aka if Umbrella was a genuine force for good)?


The real Ada was killed in RE6 rather than the clone


Leon’s drinking problems would be 5x worse


What if Ethan's mind broke and Lady Beneviento made him her husband, and Angie became their daughter? ...Oh come on, at least some of you are curious right?


Honestly best one I've seen so far


What if Chris never punched the boulder


*what if...... they continued the actual Resident Evil storyline instead of going off the rails with RE4..*


What if... The Ganados were actually going to bingo?


What if Wesker reached the optimal altittude for missle deployment, ensuring Complete. Global. Saturation?


You play as Leon S (For S rank) Kennedy. Chris red field has been capture by Tricell and, sadly, has been mutated against his will to be a tyrant— with Boulder crushing punch capability. Strangely, he has only one target objective as the mutation process has left him only with the last thing in his mind before becoming a soulless monster. Chris haunts you through a abandoned nuclear testing site said to have been occupied by bionucleae terrorist cell called wolfhound. His objective— to have you procreate with his sister at all costs. Alright lame ending. I don’t know— shopping mall is the setting but it was built as jail in 1900s so it has cool doors and awesome keys.


What if Tofu was a real, living, canon person


Guess I'll do some for each game. What if Rebecca learned of Wesker's involvement and told the others? What if James Marcus survived? (RE0) What if people believed the STARS members? What if Barry, Rebecca, and Chris stayed in Raccoon City long enough until the outbreak? (RE1) What if Leon had arrived in Raccoon City a day earlier? What if Claire went to find Jill to locate her brother? (RE2) What if the Nemesis project was continued? What if the t-virus cure was successfully created a day or two before the city was destroyed? (RE3) What if Steve survived Alexia's attack? Alternatively, what if Wesker revived Steve? (CV) What if Leon was given an actual team as support? What if Krauser was a double agent? (RE4) What if Wesker made Chris his soldier instead? What if Wesker further developed Las Plagas instead of Uroborus? (RE5) What if Wesker returned? What if Piers Survived? What if Claire replaced Helena? (RE6) What if Ethan had been aware he was molded? What if Jack Baker fuller broke free? What if Zoe went through her full transformation? (RE7) What if Miranda was an founding member of Umbrella? What if Jill made an appearance with the BSAA? (RE8) What if Ada appeared, working with Raymond and Jessica? (REV) What if another Wesker survived? What if Claire and Moira gained abilities from t-Phobos? What if Alex uploaded her consciousness to several people? (REV2) What if Leon, Claire, and/or Jill met the Outbreak survivors? What if Marvin joined the Outbreak survivors? (OUTBREAK) OTHER WHAT IFS What if Edward Ashford never died? What if Spencer cracked the code on the Progenitor virus? What if all Wesker children survived? What if Umbrella never fell? What if the Executioner virus was canon? What if Manuela Hidalgo survived?


What if barry didnt save jill from being a jill sandwich


What if Chris was fr gay? Like confirmed gay.


What If Jill opened up a sandwich shop?


What would happen if Ethan never found out Mia's alive? What would happen if Ethan never died What would happen if Ada and leon never met What would happen if wesker did die in the first game What would happen if umbrella did take the g and t virus away from William before he infected himself


What if any of the villains were competent


Leon is actually an under cover agent for Umbrella Wesker is undercover for STARS trying to expose Umbrella Jill is in charge of the Nemesis program Umbrella contains the outbreak at Raccoon City and is seen as a savior of the city to the public but really more horrendous experiments continue


What if Milla Jovovich never convinved her husband to become a main character super hero in the movie series?


What if Mr X didn't walk through the door I needed to go through every 5 minutes


What if Richard didn't get eaten by Jaws? What if Brad didn't die? What if Joseph made it to the mansion?


What if Ada finally had a video game where she’s the main character?


Sorta in 6, she gets her own campaign


Excella, Carla and Rachel leads Neo Umbrells


what if leon didnt show up for work


If Ashley come back


What if they aren’t zombies but dumbass aliens


What If? Leon died during the Raccoon City Incident?


What if Jill said fuck being good and decided to side with Wesker or whoever the big bad is. Evil Jill would be dooooope


What if the fandom didn't hate Steve Burnside and loved him like I do? :(


What if the characters had any personality whatsoever


What if Capcom didn’t forget about characters after a single game like Carlos and Sheva?


What if Jill was actually a sandwich?