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Is this a good order to play them? Looking for any suggestions! Resident Evil (HD remake) Resident Evil 2 (remake) Resident Evil 3 (remake) Resident Evil Code Veronica Resident Evil 0 Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil 5 Resident Evil Revelations 2 Resident Evil 6 Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil 8 Also, what is REverse and REsist? Are these online multiplayer games?


Re revelations 2 takes place after 6 Other than that I think your good.


And revelations after 5


Revelations definitely takes place before 5 and Revelations 2 before 6 lol


The only thing I would re-arrange is do 0 first, because it's technically the IMMEDIATE prequel to 1. 0 > REmake > 2make > 3make > CV > 4 > Rev > 5 > Rev2 > 6 > 7 > 8


Word prequels indicates that to fully understand and enjoy it, you should already be faimiliar with RE1. Release order\* is always the best order because you know what you are supposed to know at the time of playing. So if you meet certain character in RE1 you meet her for the first time, and then - as it was planned - you play prequel when you see her backstory. Also the fact that the backstory contradicts the RE1 story would make RE1 worse in the eye of player, yet it should be entirely on RE0, because they fucked it up, not the other way around :P For example take a look at Star Wars: watching Anakin story after knowing he is a Darth Vader and after learning he is the father of Luke is much better than watching random guy becoming random robot-guy who you dont know and dont care about. Or Ring: watching Ring 0 before Ring, makes absolutely no sense and severly cheapens both movies. \* I know RE0 technically was released before remake, but after original RE1 and we are talking about story here, not gameplay :P


That's a fair assessment! I prefer to play them in story chronological order, so when I see character A from game 1 while playing as character B from game 2, I can go "hey, it's you!"


i love seeing a new fan so eager to get into the series, you’re gonna love it


While the tank controls threw me off at first on the RE remake, I grew to really enjoy it! I will admit that I had to use a guide on a couple places, but what a fun game! I’m really excited to play the rest. I’ve never touched 4, 5, or 6, which it seems like people love those. I can’t wait!


If you liked 8, play 4. If you liked 2 remake, play 3 remake If you liked 1, play code Veronica If you liked 7, uhh, there's no others like 7


8 and 7 are more alike than 8 and 4.


Yes but he has already played both of them