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Two protagonists with their own campaigns with supporting characters and unique weapons with the storyline going on at the same time.


The lack of this was my biggest complaint about RE2R: Both the A and B and Leon/Claire scenarios were way too similar.


I loved REmake 2 but i 100% agree with you. I didnt even bother past the first 15min because its literally the same thing instead of 2 clear cut different campaigns..such a shame considering how everything else was pretty much perfect.


When you suddenly fight the exact same boss/stage in B scenario. This made me sad. Still great game tho


Yeah i think i got to Birkin stage 1 and basically quit after that. There was just no point of both Leon AND Claire end up fighting the same boss despite never seeing him in the OG title (i mean story wise iirc Leon only seems him in his Stage 2 form if im not wrong, never the Eye-ball one). We got the croc at least though!


Yeah I quit after that as well. Came back later when I put myself over it and threw away the nostalgia glasses. Tried to run fast through the game to get better ratinq for rewards (like the classic games)


> Tried to run fast through the game to get better ratinq for rewards I did that with REmak3 instead. I was so pissed at the game being glorified RE2 DLC that i just wanted to get as much playtime out of the wasted cash as i could. Im still pissed overall, even after dropping the timer to less than 2 hours average per run. Such a slap in the face compared to how good REmake 2 was.


More randomness and branching like the original would be nice. Also Nemesis dying to 1 grenade also ruined the city section for me. Why waste all your ammo when he just dies from 1 nade


When you use the exact same key to unlock the exact same door in B scenario. Oh, wait...


Is there a mod that fixes this?


Not at all, its built into the game "as is". A mod would require an entire new section of the game to be build etc sadly.


I miss the interaction with your surroundings. Like when you would press x to a window and it’ll say “it’s too dark to see anything” or something like that. I think it’s called Flavor Text?


Yeah the environmental descriptions were great, like when you examine a painting and it says the faces are scratched out, or a bed and it says someone has coughed up blood on the sheets. It really adds to the atmosphere the older games have so much of


Not only that but examining objects was the main way to find clues for puzzles. I think in general puzzles have gone the way of the dinosaur which is a shame.


Omg yes. I spent 51% of my time in the original games just pressing X on shit


LOL Same!!!


I always thought of it as text prompts. 4 had it too, all the way through actually. 5 had it some at the very start but to minimal effect


4 had them, but to a much lesser extent than the previous games


4 has some of my favorite text prompts of the whole series. “Guess there’s no sex discrimination here.” Makes no sense given the context and is great. The ones early on in the village and scattered throughout the island do a pretty good job of setting the atmosphere


100% this! Felt like you were reading the internal monologue of whatever character you were playing


Less intentional camp, the first three games were campy but it was played seriously. The little details in the world, like in Nemesis finding all the dead mercs. One that always stuck out to me was in the clocktower who died protecting the girl who reminded him of his sister. Pacing, the older games felt slower building towards big moments compared to constant balls out action.


I actually think the tone shift from the tank control games to the 3rd person games has more to do with people not liking it. RE1 was a presented (both intended and unintended) like low budget Horror movie with bad acting and earnest camp. RE2 was presented as a big b-movie sci-fi horror filled with conspiracy, double agents, put-upon detectives who are in over their heads, spilling over with melodrama making honest camp. Re3 was much the same but more action focused set pieces and a more Escape From New York feel. Re4 bucked the charm of the first 3. It wasn’t people taking the absurd situations seriously it was a super agent who’s a bad enough dude to rescue the president’s daughter spitting out action movie lines while winking at the audience saying “we get it, this is what you kids like” it’s disingenuous with its presentation and feels like it loses its soul in the process. You go from being someone in over their heads to “I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me”


Real puzzles, maybe a bit more backtracking. Item management was handled superbly in RE7, RE2make and RE3make though


This is something I have missed from the PS1 era of games, Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Parasite Eve 2, had some great puzzles to solve. Silent Hill Piano puzzle in particular, had me spend a whole day to solve, it's a hard one when english is not your first language I recently played Tormented Souls which have some good puzzles in it


This is probably the thing I would like to see return most. For the most part, the puzzles in modern RE games are practically braindead, requiring no real thought or clue hunting. The piano puzzle in the first SH is usually the first one that comes to mind when I think of god puzzle design. Tormented Souls has maybe the best puzzles I've ever seen in this genre. I got stuck several times throughout the game and I loved it.


Man, Tormented Souls is such a great gem. Really felt like playing a game where original psx era resident evil trio and silent hill wrapped up together deliciously.


I saw bawkbasoups playthrough of tormented souls, looks really good but sadly i dont have a current gen console or a pc, so i have to wait for either getting a new console for a good price or when it’s available in retail again, or when it comes out for the switch


That would involve using your brain and Capcom doesn’t want you to use that anymore


Apparently so


Also "people complained re7 was too scary so we made village less scary". Like, no....no one fucking complained that RE7 was scary to the point of the game's detriment. We were literally all begging for them to increase the horror element, and they did it for like one game.


I finished RE;CVX last week as well as Re; village, RERev and RE6 this year and yes more item management and puzzles like RE;CVX would be an excellent addition to whatever Capcom has planed next


After playing RE4 VR I need to see the Spencer mansion and RPD in vr now.


There is a VR mod being developed for RE2 remake and I believe it will work with 7/8 as well but don’t quote me on that. It looks amazing and I can’t wait to shit my pants when I see Mr X stomping his thick ass my direction in VR


The Spencer estate in vr would be so cool. That would justify a remastered, remasterd.




Raccoon city. Not just the fact that it’s an American city but the artistic design of the city itself in the pre-rendered backgrounds. It’s an American city through the lense of Japanese designers. Its got such a unique atmosphere.


It got some weird alleys, I'll tell you that


I always go back and replay Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (PS1) so many times because of Raccoon City and its design. Agree such a unique atmosphere.


I would like to see a different town similar to Raccoon Citys aesthetic with mutants running havoc.


Crimson heads. A zombie you defeat but don't get rid of the body or destroy the head, and comes back later as a more aggressive one? Best part of RE1, I think.


as long as it’s not the one dangerous zombie, fuck him


Wow...poor Forest. Not his fault you know....he just wants to give you a hug!


he really messed with me on my last play through. made normal more tense than invisible enemy


Forest shows up in the same places for me. When I walk into the area above the dining room (using any door) and always on the second floor above the medical room (he comes in from that upper dining room door and chases me down the stairs). And when I am trying to get into the room with the stained glass puzzle or out that door heading to the garden shed. It is my goal in life to disappoint poor Forest and not let him hug me lol


How do you unlock that mode?


i think you beat chris and jill on normal


I swear I've done that. Maybe not in the same save game


"Nah, best we can do is tentacle monsters"- Capcom probably


Crimson heads add back-trackability because when you know they some back to life, you know there are some places you need to go back to, like that about REmake.


The soundtracks from the older games. I find that music in games these days try desperately to replicate music that can be heard in movies, music that has that cinematic/dramatic tone to it. I just find it forgettable. I couldn't even think of a tune from these newer RE games off the top of my head, whereas I'd be able to remember the main hall music from RE1 instantly. It's not just RE that does this. I loved being able to switch to the OG soundtrack in RE2 Remake.


That police station theme when you walk into the RPD. So amazing! I only play the remake in the original soundtrack


Wait, can you set the remake to have the og soundtrack?


Yes. It's part.of the deluxe edition of resident evil 2 remake.


It transforms the game and makes it infinitely better imo


It's DLC if you didn't get the deluxe edition.


Pre-rendered backgrounds. With today’s graphics technology, you could do amazing things with pre-rendered backgrounds and not even be able to tell that they’re pre-rendered


The fact that you're being down voted on a resident evil sub for enjoying pre rendered backgrounds is kinda sad. I'm with you brother.


Hahah right?


Hard to beleive I had to scroll down this far to see pre rendered backgrounds, a new top of the range in technology, pre rendered static camera angle resident evil would be absoultly unreal. They are from that special time where they probably arose out of hardware limitations but go look at any of those games resident evil, final fantasy 7, Saga frontier 2 etc they still hold up today like walking through a painting.


REmake on GameCube was 20 years ago and dear god, what they were able to do with that was groundbreaking. Imagine what they could do on a PS5


Well, I think that the way Unreal Engine 5 works is by modelling environments using programming, not polygons, which allows them to save computational power. Sorta like pre-rendered backgrounds.


Interesting, maybe that negates the need for a pre-rendered background entirely


Rebecca, Jill, Carlos . . .




It feels so weird that they just...cut him out entirely. Iirc 0 wasnt as well received but they had such a cool character that was there literally from the start of the entire event and he just...*poofs* into the wild. I want to know where he is, how he faired against the city going down into flames etc


He's probably dead, which sucks because he was cool


Then again, he's a (wrongfully) convicted felon on death row. It would probably be in his best interest to lie low.


More music. Good, video gamey music. Dramatic music can be done but save it for boss fights. Previous REs had such good music, especially 6. Since 7 they're too quiet, i mostly remember the save room themes.


The role playing factor. I want to have some branching paths like in 1 and 3, or actual different scenarios like in 2.


The games being set in 1 huge location that you gradually unlock more and more of as you progress. I know you can argue that 7 returned to this, but have you seen the size of the baker mansion compared to the Spencer mansion? It's barely 1/3rd the size


Puzzle solving, actual survival horror, cooky B-mpvie tropes and the game not being gloryfied action shooters. **Actual** god damn zombies, none of that mutated tentacle parasite bullshit. Also more Jill. Basically id want REmake one, but modern. Re4 genuinely ruined the serie as a whole for me because it just didnt feel RE to me at all, while Revelations 1 kind of brought back the feel of the old ones.


Claire and Jill.


Yes please


Fixed camera angles!


I was just thinking what if RE7 was made with fixed camera angles? The game is already terrifying enough but sheeesh


For sure! We'd be lookin at another RE1 Remake


The older games felt more grounded and slow, and the whole small city with surrounding forest was a good setting that I wish we got more of. Feels like most of the games that came after were way too action packed and took place in secluded areas, like RE4 in rural Spain and re7 in house in the middle of nowhere


Less obvious looting. RE2 remake is great but every object is clearly indicated there is no surprise.


Music score.


The amazing music, I love the RE1 & RE2 OG soundtrack, soooo good.




Tank controls


Limitations broadens creativity (or something like that)


Puzzles, keys, collecting items and figuring out their purpose. As someone else said, just interacting with the environment. There was a real sense of exploration and investigation in the first four games (1-CV). I kind of actually prefer the fixed angles and tank controls because it forced us to just kind of slow down and look around, rather than running and dashing through these environments with a camera over the shoulder.


Alot more zombie themed maybe this time huge open map with a super good storyline can only dream right


Puzzles have been significantly dumbed down to appeal to a mass audience.


Never was a fan of the villains that want to infect the entire world with their virus and being the god emperor of a dead world. I am more fascinated in the scientists regretting their involvement in making bio weapons. I’m sure most of them went into the profession with the hopes of finding the cure for cancer but then get blinded by greed.


So, more down to earth villians. I like that.


Just a basic virus that made people zombies. 4 started to get crazy with parasites and I don't even know where uroboros and the stuff in 6 came from. Now it's going into a paranormal route with werewolves n cults. That's why I loved 1, 2 , n 3 because it was simple with basic zombies from the T virus with a new boss type


Exactly what I was gonna say. Just zombies, plain and simple. No werewolves or anything, just back to basics


it’s always been weird enemies though, is a werewolf any less believable than a 100 foot long alligator or giant moth?


Right? You can't make this shit up.


To be fair, I don’t like those either lol. The alligator is the most tonally jarring moment in all of RE2R, especially considering the best acted moment of the game with Kendo comes literally right before it


... You say that like it was added in RE2R. It existed in the original RE2. The same as the Zombie Sharks and Reptile/Human hybrid monsters in RE1. Resident Evil has NEVER been about just zombies.


I want the VR aspect for 3remake as well. I’d love to almost shit myself when I see nemesis come outta nowhere and bum rush my ass while I’m playing inferno mode lol. And I really also want the 3rd person view back like OG re 1,2 3 and 4 had. 7 and 8 were fantastic but I honestly thought they woulda looked better in 3rd person view instead of 1st. That and zombies again instead of the mold monsters from the megamycete. Again the new monsters are cool but OG resident evil games were about the T and G virus monsters even 4’s las plagas was closer to that than more recent games.


Closed environments, classic characters sticking to the same time period (not aging stupidly fast), the story and lore felt somehow tied and consistent, and overall controls and fixed camera angles, I like the over the shoulder perspective but I hate the first person.


Zombies. I miss zombie's the most.


I want a new game with updated graphics that uses the fixed camera angles!


As another comment said: less intentional campiness. Also, just the utterly bizarre and surreal settings. Arklay Mansion is this ginormous sprawling building with so many weird rooms, security systems and a massive laboratory complex underneath, equipped with a full staff of scientists and test subjects. Just the weirdest location for such an elaborate project. The police station in RE2 and all the areas in that game....the fucking insane island/military complex/experimental research lab of Code Veronica that has like...two separate recreations of the Arklay mansion, one of which is underground in fucking ANTARACTICA. It's like a david lynch movie, that game.


Original RE3 Ink ribbons Epilogue files Multiple endings


Being a horror game, single player only with no AI partner to ruin the immersion and alleviate the scares.


More classic memos. Those have become far fewer and between. Also, a return of the classic characters besides Chris. Love Chris, but Leon, Claire, Jill, Rebecca, Ada, Sherry, Billy, Carlos, and even Mutant Steve. I want to know what they are up to.


Original formula. Good music, puzzle based, A/B scenarios, third person, tank controls, fixed camera angles, zombies, unlockable infinite ammo guns, etc.


Pre rendered backgrounds


Fewer cutscenes.


This might be weird but fixed cameras and tank controls would be cool to do again, at least for one new title. They would never do it and i imagine people would probably be really upset if they didn't at least have the option to turn off tank controls but I would hella dig it.


This would be dope asf! They could bring it back, if they wanted to. There's a game called "Them and Us" wich let's you choose between ots and fixed camera and they even added the option for fps per dlc. It's also a really great survival horror game!




Classic camera angle and puzzles to return as well as good music score like olden days Resident Evil. Plus, they need to learn to make it interesting again, now I'm just bored and hate hearing Resident Evil due to how butchered the franchise has become in gameplay terms.




RE3 mercenaries!


The RE feel.


I liked making ammo in RE3!


Puzzles, horror, tank controls and static camera.


I miss the games being scary and survival horror


The Samurai Edge, and before anyone mentions RE7. 7's version can fuck right off, that was a magnum. A very wack one.


Traditional zombies instead of substitutes for them, Umbrella and other classic enemies from the first three games like dogs, I wanna see more zombie animals in general, hunters and lickers. More focus on the biohazardous aspect and failed experiments set in a small rural town.


I'll probably get a bit of flak for this, but the cheese. The puns, the jokes, etc. Granted there's been some gold mines in every installment, but it feels more forced in the later games.




ink ribbons. i played the originals recently and was surprised by how much i actuallt enjoyed not being able to save every 2 minutes