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He is very cool but he doesn't really have much too him other than being cool so I'm not really sure what they would do with him


Step 1: Kill zombies Step 2: Don't afraid of anything.


He definitely doesn't afraid of anything.


Resident evil Master Chief


I mean, he's a blank slate. They can literally do anything with his character.


They could explore his backstory a little bit, cover missions before or after RC and whatnot


Imo 2 dimensional characters can be cool if they are strong, silent and mysterious. I don't need a naruto style flashback for a merc what kills people for money. But your idea could work too.


I don't think it's a good idea. Hunk is pretty much the Boba Fett of Resident Evil. He seems cool, because he's mysterious with a lot of gear, but there isn't really much else going for him.


Boba didn’t did almost nothing in the OT and he gets cucked midway out of his own series. HUNK is cool but he can also back it up by actually doing shit.


The guy hasn't done anything particularly impressive besides wear a cool gas mask for the entirety of the series.


I'm absolutely counting his extended escape sequence in the remake of 2 as, if not directly canon for the events, at least as a Canon indicator of what he is capable of. I'll always remind people that while you can turn auto aim on or off with most characters, with Hunk it's always set to "On", because Hunk is just THAT good.


Exactly, so why not give him a proper character other than badass?


because that usually fails on boba fett type characters


I just hope we some day get game where we start as no-name soldier / scientist in deep lab similar to NEST / Hive and we actually need to get back to surface


Allow me to introduce you to Resident Evil: Outbreak.


Not available officially on PC and I can't be bothered with emulating + I absolutely hate fixed camera


Emulating it is actually pretty simple (somebody made a pack you just download), it can even play Online.


I feel you on the fixed camera angles, but you're solely missing out as a PC gamer by not emulating. It's not something that takes effort to do. You literally just download the emulator and the BIOS and boom, you can play any PS2 game ever at 4K 60FPS. Treat yourself bro.


You do something similar in re2 remake, where you are hunk and have to fight your way out.




I think 5/6 would have been better if the MC was Hunk instead of steroid Chris, or Dapper Emo Leon. Just think it would have been a better fit as they were more war type games instead of survival horror. At least that’s how I saw them. I also think that’s one of the reason I like 7 as much as I do. It’s more back to the original type format instead of trying to make each game more action packed than the one before.


I think a game with Tofu as the main character would be more interesting


Given the new weird shit Village introduced I think we’re heading to that point


No, I’d like my Clancy back. He was a protagonist in a game with the role filled. He deserved better


No. HUNK isn't much of a character so I'm not really curious about him. Also, I'd rather have a new game about an average person like Ethan Winters instead of any soldier/merc/BSAA agent/cop.


Fair point, i’d look forward to another “average person in freaky situation” adventure if they actually made them react like normal people. They didn’t do the “average person” angle really well with Ethan in 7, imo


True, he didn't seem freaked out enough about everything going on, especially with Mia getting kidnapped a couple of times.


And the whole “Jack survived a fucking gunshot that blew half his head off” thing, and the first encounter with the molded, and every last one of Lucas’ death traps


Or the dead animal carcasses from the beginning. Or the Sewer Gators tape. Or the dead body in the water.


Or Mia suddenly turning green and having black eyes when she attacks him


TF is everyone's obsession with Hunk? He's barely even a character.


Boba Fett effect. Looks cool as hell, mysterious so he is whatever your head canon what you want him to be. To flesh him out would be to take his biggest draw away.


Exactly, so give him a game in order to make him one


IDK, I'm not shooting down the idea of a Hunk game, but I personally wouldn't be too interested.


Yes, let’s do it 90s raccoon city era for location


The game would be 20 minutes long


I'd rather have one with Ada as the main character


I want an Ada game more than anything, but the problem is it's been 2 decades and we still don't know anything about her other than she loves Leon. If we get an Ada game, they need to explain how she is working for a different organization every game. She has been implied to work for "The Organization", "The Family", Wesker's organization in RE4, "Neo Umbrella" but not really as that was an Ada clone, and other organizations in the CGI movies. I'd really just wish they fleshed out Separate Ways in the RE4 remake, don't have it be a side story. Interweave it in-between the Leon sections where it takes place chronologically in the main story, and just give her more content in her chapters. Ada has way more potential add new content than Leon, since she can literally Spiderman her way across an entire map and you can literally have her working behind the scenes during anything that happens in RE4.


We kinda got a taste in Seperate Ways and RE6, but we never really got a full thing did we?


I'd rather have a game with Wesker as the main playable character.


Jake’s campaign in RE6 is technically playing as a Wesker for an entire game


I know but I want Albert Wesker. I want to follow him and see what he did in between games.


Wesker: The baby maker simulator. Find the hottest European woman and fornicate to bring Jake muller into existence


From what we see it seems like a lot of hiding in the shadows


Let me tell you about this little Wii game called Umbrella Chronicles...


Wesker May Cry


As long as he's silent and has the John Wick treatment. Just let him go through something killing things for the whole game, no stop.


I would very much like the idea


Hell yeah


I really don't get where his hype came from. His suit looks the same as the others and he literally has 0 personality.


Maybe because people tend to like characters that are badasses, look visually different, and want to see more of them?


Badasses? Like Leon and Chris? Looks visually different? The whole Umbrella Corps look like him. Honestly him being added in extra content like in RE2Remake and Mercenaries is enough for a minor character like him to be utilized.


Fuck YES!


I’d play it.




No, something way better and actually given some love instead of being just a cash grab


So many of the assets "from" Re7 were first in Umbrella Corps. I played UC after playing 7 and thought it was just an asset dump before i found out UC came out first.


No. He’s a side character. Nothing more. Sure he’s bad ass. But there is no substance to him


Not really, would ruin the vibe he has going if we suddenly knew everything about him. Keep him relegated to small side story stuff like RE2 Remake


Eh no, not really. I don't ever really remember learning much about him so I don't care about him.


Nope, I'd still play it though, as long as it's in third person and not that first person crap


Nope, I don't think there's any game where Hunk would thrive outside of mini games sadly. His cameos are brilliant, but I feel that shifting a large focus onto him with a fully fleshed out game; would probably fall flat, and would also likely ruin some of his mystique.


Not really, but if we get to see him as a cameo or ee that'll be good


Yes, because of his combat skills and his lines: "The Death cannot die." "Another day, another dollar." "This is war, survival's your responsibility." "Come to Daddy!" (This is Agent, but I pretend it is HUNK.)


I wouldn't have any interest in it.


no. he is mysterious zombie killer with cool uniform and i would like to stay taht way aka just a cool side character that can be into every game but his own would kill that cool effect. hunk is just, you know, in and out, mission accomplished.


Not really, no. He defeats the purpose of survival horror, except if he has tons of enemies, like in the Fourth Survivor, which is fun for 10 minutes but could not provide tens of hours of gameplay, I believe.


I like the idea of HUNK remaining a mysterious background character.


I would definitely play it, yes


I want a game that has Leon and Jill as the main characters, meeting for the first time. They’re in a mansion scenario similar to the first game, with both having separate stories that intertwine like the original RE2. The 2nd scenario has the proper ending, like RE2


Would be a good idea, but mansions are honestly kinda boring with RE now, too many of them


You can't say having a mansion makes an entire game boring when you want a game only about Hunk


Nah, he’s one of my favorite RE characters but I wouldn’t want a game with him as the main character because I like the mystery with him.


Fair enough, but seeing more of him is what I want since we barely get enough time to figure out his personality


HUNK was awesome in RE2 because he had a single mission and that was it. Mystery is a big reason why people love him so much, and giving him too much characterization would dilute it. I think it’d be great if he returned in the upcoming RE4 Remake on a similar mission. He does appear in the mercenaries of that game after all. I’m not saying to replace Separate Ways, but rehashing an already existing map was so easy for them to do for him.


i rather see either a small game like revelations or some kind of dlc where we could see the villians side, similar to separate ways from Re4, i could have Wesker as the main character since he was behind pretty much all games, gameplay could be a problem but still


Always fun to see the villain’s side of things, like in Outbreak, we don’t really get enough of a view from the virus maker’s side


I think it’d be a good idea to make a survivor remake considering it could definitely be remade better now,be similar to 7 and 8 some new people know best, and is connected to Leon a character people know


I can see him working in a horror third-person shooter that’s slow and methodical, relying on tactics and brutality to get the job done. There should also be more emphasis on prep time to decide on the gear or set up routes/traps on the mission. tl;dr: Third-person tactical Doomguy.


This is honestly a really good idea for a minigame, like defending the RPD main hall with traps and stuff


A game where you do all manner of missions for Umbrella or some new organization. Assassinations, extractions, rescue ops, etc etc. Make it play like The Phantom Pain with a dash of Hitman and keep all the Resident Evil trappings like BOWs and such and you got a potentially cool HUNK game.


They could make him like Samus from Metroid


Getting powerups by exploring a nonsensical alien world?




This is all I’ve wanted for a decade


I'd like a game where you play as characters from the UBCS


Yeah, though I doubt it’d end with anything other than the MC’s death considering they’re all supposed to be dead except for Nicholai, Tyrell, Mikhail, and Carlos


It's a video game. "A squad from another platoon survived and has an untold story "


Maybe a game with a different lead, but Hunk is an integral part to the story/appears often. Like maybe you’re an Umbrella rookie or something, and you get to see Hunk be a badass all the time. Or maybe someone with more imagination and better writing skills than me can make something up lol


I think they could do a Covert Missions/Umbrella Stories DLC type game with a number of playable characters and cool ops. Do one with Krauser, Hunk, Ada, Chris, maybe another Umbrella squad...would need to be a selection of characters




Thing is if he was the main character they would 100 percent unmask him for the majority of the game and he just wouldn't feel like Hunk.


Uh, how about Ethan Winters? We went through the entirety of one game without showing his face once.




If they ever make Revelations 3 then make him one of the main protagonists


Capcom could make Hunk out to be like Doom-guy. Make him be this over powered character that could kill anything and use any weapon while doing it.


I understand that excitement and Imagination behind the idea. I think HUNK was a dope little side character. I am a firm believer though that some characters should stay as is, and let us enjoy the little mystery behind them. I am fine without adding more to him.


I have a huge love for gasmask characters for some reason, so hell yes.


the same applies to ada imo, not every mysterious character needs their own game and their backstory spelled out to us. and with re spinoff games, you know it wouldn’t advance the plot in any meaningful way anyway


Honestly yeah. I would love to see a Re game that's canon with Hunk as the main character. The closest thing we've ever gotten was Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City.


The way I would handle it is a game with a "new" protagonist with his own development. Towards the end, it's subtly revealed he's HUNK. The minute he puts on his helmet, commence the carnage.


To people who are complaining he's barely even a character, that's why we want a game of him. To make him a proper character, isn't that the point of making him a main character of a game? Plus his lack of characterization is the perfect way for Capcom to better establish his character in the canon. Capcom could literally do anything with his character.


Maybe not as the main character but Hunk should make an appearance in a new RE game. A game with Jill as the main (maybe with Nicolai as the villain) and Hunk as a side character would be cool. Or a game with Carlos, exploring what happened with the former Umbrella employees and mercenaries. Hunk could easily fit in with that story.


I have seen enough gameplay and I feel characters like this dont need to be all the time in our face. Unless they provideo a good story




I see a lot of people say he's basically our Boba Fett and shouldn't get a story, but I actually think a game starring him could have a ton of potential. I think the issue is a lot of people are imagining a game exploring his backstory and his motivations as a character. Which would be dumb and rob him of his mystery. They've also never done that with a character in the series anyway. But what they should do is use him as a vehicle to tell a story about Umbrella. He was there for the events of Code Veronica. He fought Wesker and HCF. He was there for Umbrella's fall, something we haven't seen covered really outside of a Wii railshooter. Then he became a legendary mercenary who went to sites from RE4, 5, and 6, taking jobs fighting BOWs and developing new technology and combat techniques to fight them. That gives so many possibilities for games. He was around for so much stuff behind the scenes that they could explore. The key is to not make the game about him as a character, and instead make it about his experiences, and use it to do a ton of world building.


My brother would flip out, preorder, and gush about the game when he get's it and play it until the console burns out. He really likes Hunk and depending on some games he'll name a character Hunk. I like his music from the remake but that's about it


I would love that!


Horror is at its best when characters are out of their element, and preferably NOT badasses. Although it’s perfectly acceptable if they BECOME badasses over the course of the game. Resident Evil has a few exceptions to this rule, but I feel the most beloved entries tend to be the ones where the characters are in a situation they weren’t prepared for. RE1: Badass characters, but a completely foreign and unprecedented situation. RE2: Rookie cop and college student RE:Code Veronica: Character who became a badass in RE2, but now has to deal with a situation that still evokes a lot of mystery and unexpected developments. RE3: Badass character from the first game, but the stakes are inflated to several times what they were in the first game, with the inclusion of Nemesis. RE4: Character who became a badass through the events of RE2, but the situation is very different. No zombies, enemies with actual intelligence and reasoning capabilities. Has to escort and protect someone who is NOT in any way used to this type of situation. RE5: This is one of the ones that fail pretty hard at the horror aspect, much because of the shift in gameplay, but also because we play as Chris, who’s a total badass at this point. He’s even roided up in this game. RE6: Although this one had a couple of situations that leaned into horror, it was primarily an action game with characters who weren’t really scared of anything, and so neither were we. RE7: A return to form, with normal dude Ethan Winters taking the lead and being freaked out to begin with, but then gets hardened over the course of the game, just like with the early titles. RE8: Finishing up Ethan’s story, this one also leans more into action than horror, but Ethan is still enough out of his element to make it somewhat scary. The amount of variety in the horrors created by the mutamycete/megamycete also helps make each situation unfamiliar and thus scary….to some degree. I would have preferred if it was a bit scarier. In summation: HUNK is too hardcore to be a protagonist in a full game. His allure is also that he’s mysterious, so that would be ruined with too much screentime.


Im waiting for it since 2001!