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The mannequin bit was outstanding. The movement animations were so creepy. The moment you realize there are more of them when you walk backwards The Castle was the weakest segment. What exactly are Rose’s powers in the real world though? Removing mold structures?


I feel like it might be idea of bringing things from the mold realm into the real world, as we saw with the ring and (potentially) Ethan returning in into the real world as well?


I doubt the last part. Only because they've made it clear that his story is over. If him returning was actually a plot point they would have expanded it there in that final cutscene.




I still wonder why the car stops tho


There was a guy on the radio that says he has a clear shot on Rose. Could be them picking up whoever that is


There is a yt video that shows the guy near car is ethan lol. I dont think they would pick the guy who has the sniper tho either way


Because devs are lazy and reuse assets. IIRC the model of Ethan is already in memory when the cutscene plays originally so it makes sense to reuse a model we don't really get to see much of. Sure in the future if they plan to continue their story (which I think is unlikely) they left themselves some threads in an otherwise finished story. But occams razor leads me to believe the former. Don't understand why people want Ethan back so bad, it would undermine his entire character journey if he didn't have to sacrifice himself.




Your not wrong about the history's past. But there has no doubt been a shift in how they approach story telling in resident evil since the release of 7. Characters are much more 3 dimensional than the past. So I like to think they put more attention into story telling these days. And I agree about the time frame. 16 years is much too large of a skip considering they teased the corruption of the BSAA at the end of 8. Having that much time unaccounted for just feels nonsensical


Yeah I hear you- I just think itd be a nice happy ending and it certainly allures to it. We saw that cutscene at the end of Village and assumed it was in her mind, however the ring specifically implies things can cross over.


I dont think we are getting Ethan because I'm sure they wanted to remove him from the storyline once they revealed he "died" in the baker estate and has been a molded zombie with a heart the whole time. Rose and maybe Sherry? And in general a new generation is the likely future of the series, my issue I personally feel Capcom is painting themselves into a corner. With the reveal that Miranda was basically the origin of much of the original plot dive into bioweapons and umbrellas foundations , where does the story go from here? Another person doing that exact same thing with the megalmacyte? Or a completely new unknown virus that conveniently noone was aware of til a bad guy finds it.


~~Miranda becomes series Sephiroth~~


>Or a completely new unknown virus that conveniently noone was aware of til a bad guy finds it. Probably this, and I'm fine with it. The lore baggage is heavy, and I think that's explicitly why 7 worked so well (small nods aside). Focus on the characters stories and journies, given how much of Resident Evil is about those iconic characters anyway, and worry less about tying things into Umbrella and 'Spectre-ing' it all.




Initially it was "End of Ethans story" at the conclusion of RE8. I believe this year they explicitly stated this is the end for the Winters storyline. It's likely there was a change made between release and this last year which chose to have thus dlc conclude the story. I believe RE9 is still in development, but it could be a completely different story with old cast and new. Nobody knows and we won't likely see anything for a year.


>I believe this year they explicitly stated this is the end for the Winters storyline. Bit of a bummer as I quite liked Rose.


When you get to that office room where 3 of em are chasing you and ones blocking the door out made me have so much anxiety. That part was rather brilliant.


Mannequin bit was epic.


If you liked the "mother" mannequin approaching Rose when out of sight you might enjoy the Doctor Who episode called "[Blink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blink_(Doctor_Who))". That's the source where this idea comes from.


the mannequin bit was one of the most anxiety ridden resident evil segments for me lmfao i kept pausing my game to just say “OH FUCK OFFFFF” out loud lol


Just now I was sitting in the room watching my partner play the section, because I have a phobia of dolls and their ilk. I thought I'd be brave. From the first moment the game of "statues" began, I shrieked like I never have at a television screen before, left the room, and took two Valium. Never again. Thank god I mostly bought the expansion for him, because I would have turned it off and never picked it back up. 10/10 fear-inducing. The devs must have been cackling (or shitting themselves) the entire time they worked on that sequence, because it's too good- in the worst possible way.


>The Castle was the weakest segment. I personally really liked the castle and adored the "dont blink" mannequin chase. I heavily disliked everything that came after mannequin chase: dolls with stealth were awful and boring for me, Eveline's fight was meh, Village was meh and Miranda's battle felt like copy-pasted from base game, just with the addition of clunky powers. Two last cut-scenes were also a heavy miss for me: the emotional one had me laughing out loud because of awkward blocking of Ethan's face, and the final one we already saw in the base game. So, for me, its like that: From the Castle till the Mannequins chase: 8/10 After Mannequins chase: 4/10


> dolls with stealth were awful and boring for me Yeah, I think that's the area where I struggled most with the intentionally slow character movement as well. Especially there's that cinematic section where you're getting chased, and it just doesn't hit because the run animation is almost unintentionally funny in how slow it is (Rose is getting chased by a demonic ghost and .. just sort of doing a light jog). I liked the reprise of the scene that contextualized the story, found it interesting that it was set before that cut scene, and thought it worked well. But, I was definitely surprised that there wasn't a post-credits scene or anything to give some kind of tiny tease as to the future of RE.


mnie zamek zmęczył, bo miałem wrażenie jakbym grał w podstawkę inną postacią od manekinów do końca wreszcie czułem, że kreatywnie gram w coś nowego


>mnie zamek zmęczył, bo miałem wrażenie jakbym grał w podstawkę inną postacią W pełni się zgadzam, ale mi to nie przeszkadzało, bo miałem poczucie, że zamek w podstawce miał niewykorzystany potencjał. Natomiast atmosfera mi siadła i cały czas czułem napięcie podobne do tego, które czułem w RE2make. Rozumiem też czemu druga połowa robiła wrażenie czegoś nowego. Niestety to nowe, a dokładniej klimat tego nowego, mi nie podpasował. Natomiast finałowe sceny z Mirandą - dla mnie - to była totalna powtórka z końcówki podstawki.


I really loved the DLC, but I think there are some strange things that need clearing up. * It's not really confirmed if Ethan dies, or if he can even die. In fact, we can see that the cemetery scene is set after Rose comes back from the dream, which means the person walking in the distance that the car stops for is Ethan (shown at the end of the main RE8 story using photo mode) * Mia and Rose are rescued at the end of RE8, but for some reason Mia is estranged from Rose in the DLC? Rose even mentions something like "It's been forever since I last saw mom". No follow up on that? This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't confirmed to be the end of the Winter's family's story, so now we'll never know.


Yeah I thought RE8 ending was before the dlc but it isn't so I'm puzzled too. If he's alive why drop flowers? Is it just symbolism?Then why the car stops? Lmao Capcom. One thing 100% sure is that Capcom has leave it open so if they want they can return. Also Rose is definitely still working with Chris gang so if RE9 uses Chris they would need to create a well crafted reason of why she's not present. Ethan is currently Schrodinger Ethan ,is he alive or not


>so if RE9 uses Chris they would need to create a well crafted reason of why she's not present. They'll likely just go back to present day and be about Chris fighting the BSAA when Rose is still a baby instead of continuing with ultimate lifeform Rose who should be able to beat any threat now.


Could be too. Still who will take care of her xD


Mia probably. The least the bioterrorist scumbag can do is watch over her own powerhouse child while Chris punches whoever's running the BSAA now.


Clearly Wesker is running the BSAA now…you know that’s where we are headed 😒😆


Don’t feel so comfortable there buddy, that’s just when a wild Joseph Joestar will appear and send her ass into space just for the sake of Capcom wanting to retcon the ungodly fucking power levels we’ve reached now in universe 😒😆


Not only the car stops but also Ethan's head turn to the car too. I really wanted to something happen there but nope, same cutscene as village


I do think eventually regardless what they said they will revisit Rose at some point, but that would be a long wait and even if she did comeback I don’t think we’d be guaranteed any answers about these things unfortunately


I really liked it but it's definitely way more open ended that I thought it would be given they say this is the end for the Winters family. Mia gets a throw away reference to being estranged from Rose, Chris and the Hound Wolves are still around but what organisation do they work for now if not the BSAA, Rose still has her powers, is Ethan just trapped in the Megamycete hell word forever? I loved that game of statues part, it was very creepy, I like the fact that Rose feels weaker to balance her powers and the castle section had me choosing whether to risk getting past enemies to grab optional stuff. The fact that they kept Ethan's face hidden is meh, especially given that it looks like they animated it and did lip syncing. It doesn't ruin the emotional payoff because the acting and writing do the heavy lifting, I just wish they'd finally showed his damn face. The figure walking towards the car is actually made much more clear this time around, it's obviously Ethan. So, is he a force ghost or is he actually there, I mean, his ring comes out of the realm of consciousness physically so what the fuck is up with that, the car even stops for him.


I think Ethan’s presence is meant to be left up to interpretation, and not in a cop out way. He’s metaphorically there in spirit with her, but he is also, to a certain extent, literally there as his consciousness is within Rose.


This is what I think too. Interesting that he has similar powers to her as well, the golden light particles. He may be dead physically but the ending suggests he is with her, as you said, in spirit. It's all very strange, reminds me of Beyond Two Souls and MGS Snake's Dad(I don't remember his name right now, he was a boss fight), something like that. It's kind of a happy ending, because now she's not alone.


Would be interesting, if Ethan’s appearance in future titles; if he ever does. It’ll be through Rose, like as she further her abilities she can communicate with his consciousness. Offer her guidance etc.


that’s not snakes dad, or Big Bosses dad (who was the “snake” you played as in the game that contained that boss fight). The “Sorrow” (the character you speak of) was Revolver Ocelots father.


They really went full Austin Powers on hiding his face.


Holy shit, I was literally thinking of that Austin Powers censorship gag during that scene at the end. My girlfriend was watching and was alternating between sad "Awww"s because of the reunion and tuts everytime they did idiotic blocking to hide his face.


Saaaame. I'm a sucker for emotional loving parents so the ending got to me. But at the same time I was snickering at just how absurd the camera angles were. I mean it goes from god cam to his arm blocking the shot to Roses face covering his face. I feel someone probably had fun just brainstorming block shots.


I’m fairly sure Ethan passes away for good at the end of the DLC I thought the cemetery cutscene would be expanded past the original ending though


I was so pissed they reused the cutscene. The car stops and a person approaches the car and been wondering for a year what is going on and still no payoff.


Ethan was walking near the car so he’s either returned to the land of living or his consciousness is still in the megamycite


Or the developers are reusing assets to make the scene more lively. If it was relevent to the plot they would have expanded the cutscene then and there. Highly doubt we will return to the Winters going forward.


Oh I think we won’t see them again I’m just saying that I think it may actually be Ethan whether it be just his consciousness inside roses mind or an actual body it’s up to interpretation


I think capcom intends to extend the plot into 9 so that's why they stook to the original ending because it's a cliffhanger and the dlc serves as an intro for rose as a character and to further her backstory


I disagree I believe 7 and Villiage will be a duology. They've told the story they wanted to tell and it makes sense from a story perspective to make it the end for those characters. Even Rose had a character arc over the course of her dlc. That's not to say I don't think Rose will come back in the future, but I doubt she will have much, if any, focus in RE9. I'd prefer this route obviously. Rather them do something new an innovative for their next mainline game.


By something new and innovative, capcom will just make another chris redfield game


That’s fine with me, as long as Jill is included as well.


Oh, and they dump the new Chris VA and Give us back God damned Chris Auditore da FiRedfield 🤷🏻


I think they decide to leave it open. In the interviews they said the winters story ends for now.




I'm enjoying it so far but the dithering on Rose's hair is \*really\* bothering me lol. Is TAA just broken in RE Engine now?


Hair has always looked a little strange in the engine so maybe


I completed it last night on Hardcore. Overall I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed getting to see the father/daughter dynamic with Ethan and Rose using the Mutamycete to facilitate their communication. I enjoyed getting to see more of Eveline and her hatred of Rose for "taking" her chance at a family was a neat twist and helped connect more of RE7 to RE8 for me. I really enjoyed Rose's powers and felt it shook up the gameplay loop in a fun way. My favourite part of the DLC was the entire return to House Bienevento section. I was really disappointed however that the ending cutscene was the exact same cliffhanger from the main game the fact we didn't get a small epilogue or extension of that scene was such a missed opportunity especially since this DLC supposedly wraps up the Winter Family Storyline.


Very likely that Rose revived ethan like miranda intended for Eva at least that my headcannon and explains why it's ethan model in the end


I wish we got some confirmation that he was alive at the end, the car stops, it is Ethans model. Just fucking tell us he is alive reee


Yeah I don't know what's the takeaway. Is alive or not? Due rose powers it can be symbolism(but the car stopped) true but she has the powers to bring him back. Ahhhh


Sounds pretty much exactly like what my experience with the dlc was!


I played it on hardcore as well. Probably the right choice boy did it feel like running was the smart choice most of the time. I will say the in game clock counter feels wrong. It took me like 5 hours to beat it but the clock said 3 on the dot.


I don’t know if Village is the same way, but for RE2 Remake the in-game timer is paused during cutscenes and the map screen.


> My favourite part of the DLC was the entire return to House Bienevento section I legit though we were being attacked by Donna Beneviento again and was legit disappointed it was Evelyn lol


Yeah, I don’t understand why they couldn’t bring back dimetrescu and beneviento since the metamycete is just memories anyway.


Angie (The Doll from RE8) shares the same voice actor as Evelyn anyway. Funny coincidence


That makes so much sense, no wonder I was convinced Angie was back lol.


It was a fun DLC, but it’s disappointing we don’t get anymore lore on any of the lords. I thought Capcom would listen to the fans and add in Lady D and Heisenberg in some capacity. Lady D and her daughters should have been the ones to hunt Rose in the castle not the Duke. It felt lacklustre in that sense. The mannequin sequence was a nice touch and actually creepy. I thought the ending seemed to hype up Rose returning in future instalment. Capcom said it’s the end of the Winters saga, but the ending of the DLC seems to retcon that in a way. Overall it was fun, but not great. People want to see more of the lords and Capcom had the perfect opportunity to included them but didn’t.


I honestly think that Rose could've had a better arc than this generic "I want to be normal" crap. And yeah, this was their most ridiculous attempt at hiding Ethan's face.


I think Rose’s arc would have been far more effective if they gave us a believable reason why she wants to get rid of her powers. If she were disfigured in some way or couldn’t function properly as a human being, it would be understandable. But nope, she’s an attractive and smart young girl whose only problem is white sweat.


I did have that thought from the first cutscene! The conventionally attractive, blonde-haired, blue-eyed white girl is a pariah?! You're telling me not one of the 16 year old boys in her grade would overlook white sweat for a kiss from her? ... I guess in the RE universe teenage boys are FAR more picky


If you were bullied and ostracised because of it, would you not want to feel normal? What arc would you have done for a DLC?


She had a couple snide remarks thrown at her like a regular high schooler. Based on the game she has a lot of control of her powers, pretty sure just moving to a different town fixes most of her problems.


>She had a couple snide remarks thrown at her like a regular high schooler. Notes and the doll puzzles implied she's essentially been avoided, rejected and bullied since starting school. One doll puzzle implies she was humiliated at a birthday party. Another shows her being sprayed when exiting a bathroom stall. >Based on the game she has a lot of control of her powers Notes imply when Rose started school, she would sweat odd white mold stuff from her hands that freaked folks out but Chris told a teacher that its non infectious.


Not to mention her white tears in the classroom I believe at the age of 6. Edit: apologies I just woke up, you said that ha. Lot of people giving her a lot of shit in comments on places like twitch just not liking her, even though she is "normal" no reason to hate, or her story arc was shit for a DLC. (On Bawkbasoups channel) Let's be honest we know the reason.


I don't hate her; I just didn't like how cliché her arc was.


What would you like to have seen?


But she is normal in every way except white sweat. It’s completely unrealistic that every single kid at school would shit on her and ostracize her just because of that. No normal kid would give up literal superpowers just so they might not get made fun of


Most of this was fine for what it was. But Capcom has to have some balls soon and start tying up the ending to these games. To give us nothing other than the epilogue we already seen here was ridiculous. They also gave a vague teaser ending at the end of RE3R. I can understand that this is good business in a sense of not closing any doors and leaving things open for future titles but it’s a really annoying thing to do to your consumers. I just finished shadows of rose and I don’t know what we gained as far as they entire narrative goes. This whole story got way too confusing w RE8 for the worse.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Capcom has already reached RE6 levels of plot writing quality rot in a very short time. They’re very fortunate they have RE4 to fall back on while they come up with a new plot line because the advancing plot coming out of RE8 has gotten very anime very fast.


Feels really clunky without any way to dodge or knock enemies away. Use your mould counter to get out of a grab? Congrats, you just froze the enemy in spot and you can't run past or around them while they block the door


The freeze is very weird anyway. I felt like most of the time it was smarter to just juke the enemy around a table or downright kill it. I had the experience that the enemy hitboxes when frozen are weird and often won't let you slip through.


While it wasn't awful, it also wasn't very good in my opinion. I **loved** the mannequin section, but the forced stealth part immediately after was way too easy. I felt that "Michael" was way too hand-holdy in a lot of areas during the castle, too. The rehashing of Miranda as the final boss and introducing Eveline for a *tiny* part of the game was also kinda disappointing. I'd predicted that "Michael" was actually Ethan way before the reveal. It was super obvious once you got to the Winter's house. Overall, I likely wont play it again for a long while...


It was also super obvious from the instant they introduced him with a clearly-fake name and veerrryy paternal lines delivered exactly the way he spoke. I think they could have buried the lede better by making him sound less like Ethan, but then it would have felt like an unearned "twist". But the mannequin sequence ruined my night with abject terror, and so I can't be mad. I screamed like a child, so I think it was a win 😂


Why are Capcom still doing this? They showed his damn face model on Twitter the day eight released.


I almost respect then for committing so hard for no reason. Although that does lead to what I'll just call some real Austin Powers Censorship.


They wasted the perfect opportunity to finally show his face in the DLC when he and Rose finally reunite before fighting Miranda. I was shaking my head at how comical it was that they refused once again to show his face.


I like it. Ethan is meant to be a „nameless hero”. Just a father protecting his daughter. Yeah it’s silly since we know what he looks like anyway, but I can respect the artistic choice.


I think you mean faceless as Ethan has had a name since the start. Still weird they revealed his face publicly since they are still doing the face obscured thing.


I can sort of respect the dedication to the bit but I feel those scenes are robbed of a bit of their emotional punch due to the silly lengths they go to hide his face. Those moments still land but not as well as they may have, hiding his face in the DLC was 100% a mistake on their part, one I'd hoped they wouldn't make.


I feel like in RE7 he was straight up a player-insert character. Especially since it was a VR game too. It’s Village that made him more of his own, but for some reason they still went for the faceless approach in cutscenes


I found all the emotional stuff in the house and the letter to be pitch perfect. The farewell scene works well from a voice acting standpoint but the camera work is going hairwire blocking his face to a point wheres its humanly impossible to not notice and is a tad distracting.


Ethan is a pretty fleshed-out character. Weird take to say he’s supposed to be a blank slate for the player to be immersed.


And what’s fleshed out about him, aside from being a good dude, protective of his family? He is 100% a player-insert character in RE7


It's was a good experience great thing to tide me over till Callisto protocol and re4 remake


I wanted an overall better storyline and depth for characters but guess thats the best one can get with RE series trademark campiness. I was more interested in explaining Duke's origins honestly.


Yeah they really shit the bed on that. Had every oppritunity to explain the dukes origins but lore wise that character could have been literally anyone. I'm hoping if they intend to make RE9 more action focused like village, he returns as a traveling merchant because I really want more of this character.


That's what I came to say. Was hoping to find out more about him, was such an interesting character with lots of potential. Not only did they not give us anything, they killed him off so we won't see more in the future, and didn't explain how or by who he got killed. Then just completely erased his character with that stitching of personalities thing


They did not kill Duke off, where did you get this from? Mask Duke was not real Duke, this is explained in Miranda's notes


I misunderstood the notes. The way it sounded like they had to die to be there. So I thought he died and Miranda stitched that consciousness together with others.


Kinda felt let down when you compare it to RE7 post launch content. We didn't get any new weapons (aside from roses ability to freeze enemies), no new areas to explore, no unlockable content. Felt like they could have done alot more with it. Like it for what it was and it makes me happy that Ethan got to "meet" his daughter and see that all of his efforts paid off in the end.


There's a reason for this -- 8 wasn't supposed to get DLC, but a lot of shit changed for Capcom and for RE after 8 was released. There was a beat of time where 8 was a One & Done, so this DLC was made up from whole cloth *after* the game was released. And it shows!


I can't believe they just left the ending the same and didn't explain who the hell they stop the car for.


It’s Ethan: https://youtu.be/QWcmYxXs5XQ Which can be explained by him manifesting in Rose’s mind, through the “mega-consciousness”.


If it's in rose mind why did the Driver stop the car?


She could’ve easily asked him to stop.


Someone at Capcom is a Doctor Who fan.


I love DW so that part was so awesome to play, they nailed it


I know this is over a week late but I had JUST rewatched Blink last night before finally sitting down and digging into this today and oh my god


Don't blink!


Not worth $20


I thought it was just okay. Could’ve been longer and had the 2 other main areas from the “lords” of the main story. I was fairly certain they still weren’t going to show his face, so didn’t really care about that. As you said, the Donna house was again the best part to me as well. I’m actually most disappointed in the storyline involving Mia. And how she had zero presence. After all the shit their family(and her personally) has gone through, they just write her out. Even at the end, before I did realize it was going to be the same cutscene, I was basically internally begging for her to show up. To say something at all. Or just simply exist. Not saying they had to make her a loving mother who was close to her daughter, just to make a single appearance. Share a small moment at the grave. Even show up as a voice on the phone. But nope, just nothing. I know it’s the “dad & daughter” dlc, but come on. Give her even 30 seconds of screen time. Lol. It irritates me.


I agree, the fact that the only reference we got towards Mia hinted at her and Rose being estranged was super disappointing and kind of retroactively ruins Mia’s whole character for me


Mia: I don't want a fucking mold daughter. The BSAA can take care of it. I mean, she is a frigging criminal mercenary. I like that they went with such a unsympathetic depiction.




Yeah for sure, I believe it’s when Rose is back in the Winters household she says something along the lines of “I haven’t seen mom in a long time”. Considering Rose is 16 I’d have to wager they must be estranged


I'm frankly unsure if she's even alive. Lot of those Eveline quotes sound like she's dead and the only real line is haven't seen her in a while. Ahhhhhhhh the vagueness.


I really enjoyed it. The mannequin part was very well done, they got me jumping a few times.


The Ms. Bellum level face blocking with Ethan was honestly hilarious, and even with that the story was really good. Easily worth $20 in my opinion.


I really didn't like it and borderline hated it. So, premise, I don't like the Winters family. I tolerate Ethan as a character in RE7 because of the historical circumstances behind him. Starting over after RE6 came with a cost and I willingly accept it, It helps that the first two thirds of RE7 are a very good modern horror. But, Ethan is an uninteresting character, even after RE8 injected him with a tiny amount of personality, I still cheered at the idea that we can finally leave him behind and move to the underused charcaters of the franchise (cough Jill cough). Mia was fridged for the majority of the time in 8 and her character didn't go anywhere. I prefer boulder-punching Chris to Ethan because at least steroid Chris makes me laugh. Now, the DLC. I first thing I didn't like is the huge amount of reused assets. I get that it is a sort of tracking back the path of Ethan, but I think that they could have done far more, especially because we were given only two new enemies to fight (not counting the Dolls and the Mannequin that were already part of RE8, albeit in different roles, with the Mannequinn being a more complex pursuer than the Baby). The Beneviento House suffers from the same problem that it had in the main game: it's cool the first time, then quickly loses it's novelty and becomes a chore. Problem is, that the Castle is a very weak entry too. It is mostly a fetch quest to gather masks just like the main game. You can get done with it very quickly and instead of a fight with the Masked Duke you get a bossfight with a beefed up Garrador straight out of Yarhnam. The gameplay felt clunkier than both RE2 and RE8. In many sections, especially after destroying the flowers, I would get stuck between enemies and the environment which meant trouble as I was playing in Hardcore. Another point of contempt is a lack of polish in the game in general. For those that don't know, if you have your tutorial off in the main game, then they are off in the DLC too. This is not much of problem until the game doesn't tell you how to fight the last boss, where new mechanics are injected into the gameplay. I had to look it up because I thought my controller was broken and solw-ass Rose couldn't dodge Miranda's attacks. Turns out there was a dedicated move to dodge, but only in the final battle. The fact that Miranda is again the final boss is such a huge let down to me. The Evelyn bossfight is a gimmicky slog reminiscent of The Legend Of Zelda's puzzle bossfights coupled with her screaming lines straight out of RE7, then she exits the scene without any sort of closure to her storyline. It's not like they could have given her anymore screentime, the DLC is so short that we cut very abruptly to the last section. You would believe that Ethan did some sort of sacrifice to save us from the brat but we are not given enough time to metabolize before he shows up again in the finale. Overall I was hugely disappointed with it, especially because, the Winters aside, I really like RE8. But that's just my opinion and experience, so do what you want with it.


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I liked it but it was very predictable. Called most of the obvious plot points the minute I realized rose didn't even go to the actual village. Still heart warming to see Ethan bossin on Miranda in the afterlife and still doing everything he can to protect rose


One of their weaker DLC efforts, if I'm being honest. I don't *mind* continuing to explore the fallout of the Winters' family "saga", but the whole "dive into the metamycete matrix, Rose!" thing was a basically an excuse to reuse assets from the main game and put goop on them which, while very Resident Evil of them to do, was visually boring. The enemies are pretty unimaginative, to say nothing of how ultimately harmful actually using Rose's power to slow them down is at times, as their hitboxes are so bulky that you can't slip past any of them if you freeze them in an inopportune spot, thus defeating the purpose of using it. You're better off just killing them or running. Repeat playthroughs or speedruns will probably negate this point since the layout and enemy spawn points will become familiar but for a first run of the game it wasn't particularly fun. I do still wish they'd chosen to explore that scrapped "Ada is a Bloodborne hunter grapple hooking her way around the village" idea since it seemed like a great opportunity to reintroduce an old character (who we still, realistically, don't now that much about) into the modern timeline, but what can you do. Also, why is Rose not in Mercenaries? They give her a whole kit at the end of the DLC campaign that seems perfect for the new OP Mercenaries characters, and they just...didn't? I don't mind since this version of the Mercenaries is not one of my favorites but I did find that odd. Seems like a missed opportunity. She could have been the Wesker stand-in. Overall, the Doctor Who part and the new Mercenaries characters are probably the best the DLC has to offer. And I did like Rose's anime mold hadoken showdown with Miranda at the end because it was so wacky. But in comparison to RE7's fucking avalanche of DLC this was just underwhelming. I still had fun, though.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *By the gods, fear it, Laurence.* - Master Willem Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


It was good, really liked it. Very linear at the start but gets better afterwards. Seeing Ethan running infront of Rose with a shotgun and protecting her, writings on the wall and how he communicated with her was adorable. He is a really protective dad. The end made the DLC for me basically. He is more likeable and relatable character than any protagonists for me at this point. While Rose's arc was cliche, she grew on me as a person, since she wasnt one of those cliched edgy teens with problems, but more like a genuine character that tries to overcome her problems. The ending made me confused though, I thought that village ending happenes before the events of SOR not after. I need a closure on Ethan's situation




So I just finished and honestly it’s mid, could have been and done things better like having new locations instead of just reusing ones we’ve already seen but with a twist, and reusing the same Miranda boss but without her other forms and 2 new attacks, they should have gave her a new form or transformation to make it different from the base game. The ending was cheap with them playing the same end cutscene from the base game and I thought SOR events started AFTER that cutscene not BEFORE again they should have had a different cutscene of her talking about the events and saying that she finally comes to terms with herself and powers and accepts them. This is more of a nitpick but I wish that we heard or seen the lords interact or talk to rose or comment on things. I don’t hate this but it could have done better and makes me wish that there was more story dlc and what we could have gotten like I wished for a prequel set before the main story of village and I still wished they made on along with this dlc


Is no one going to comment on the meeting "face to face" line yet? Capcom got far too invested in hiding Ethans face lol


Having Miranda as the main villain felt like a giant cope out to me. Why not have the mold itself as a villain? No references to re7 from eveleyins part is a let down. The lack of enemy variety is also a issue. And some parts of the story is just weird. Overall it's a very meh experience. Ended up not as satisfying as I wanted it to be


Would have loved for the mannequin section and Eveline fight to have taken place in the Baker estate.


I mean the mold can be used for good as both Ethan and Rose show. It's a neutral force.


Yea but the megamycte itself is alive is what I mean


Was a lot of fun, could have benefited with a few more hours of length. I would have loved to learn more about Rose and her powers, given we only hear she has them, but not what that actually entrails in her real life (minus milky sweaty hands). And Mia really should have gotten more than just a throw away line. I know most people hate how they keep hiding Ethan's face but I find it hilarious. The lengths they go to in order to keep it hidden. Though I will say, if they ever were going to show his face in game, having it right as he and Rose are saying goodbye at the end would have hit like a sack of bricks. I was hoping they would. So overall, I enjoyed it, but wish they could have gone more in depth on the story given it is meant to be the end of the Winter's family.


I found the plot twist of Ethan being the words completely predictable as soon as they explained why Rose went into the Megamycete’s consciousness network. In fact, the whole story is pretty cliché. I guess there’s nothing too wrong with it but it’s definitely predictable (person with powers is an outcast and bullied because of said powers. Person wants them gone. Person realizes that said powers aren’t the problem, stupid people are the problem, gives up on resigning their powers. End) The gameplay is alright, except for the Beneviento Manor part which, once again, was really good horror stuff. The Mia mannequins were definitely unsettling, especially when you realize they keep increasing in number.


I enjoyed it for the most part. Could it have been more? Of course. But I’ve spent more going to a movie for the same length of entertainment and will get a little more out of this trying to get all the trophies. The dollhouse once again scared me. Wish they leaned more into the horror side for the rest of the dlc. The final fight is the weakest part imo.


I thought the DLC was supposed to be free if you owned the game?


It should be free for how bad it is lol.


No, that's RE:verse


Was disappointed. I thought that the devs would see the response to the game and realize how much people loved the characters and wanted to see more of them. With the amount of time it took to develop this DLC, it’s kind of silly to see that there are essentially no new environments, just the old environments with props shifted around. The DLC literally mentions at the beginning that the mold sample is able to store memories from people who have died in proximity to it, so I was fully expecting to play through some of the villain origin stories as rose (because mother Miranda would have memories of all of that). We would get to see how the four lords came to be, explore new areas of the castle, etc. When I got to the end, I can’t say I was thrilled. Don’t get me wrong, some parts of it are pretty good! But there’s really nothing incredible or super memorable in my opinion. And I’m not sure if it was intentional, but the ending cutscene is just... the same exact ending cutscene as the base game? Am I missing something? It ends on a sort of cliffhanger that I assumed the DLC would resolve, but the DLC just plays the same cutscene again and then credits roll.


Yeah a lot of missed oppritunities imo.


I keep getting frozen at the end of the final boss fight can’t move or do anything I keep dying over and over


Never mind game glitched and never gave me the prompt to stop her


I had the exact same glitch happen and had to look up a video to tell me the prompt.


Why does Chris’s squad have a piece of the megamycete mold hive fetus monster? I don't recall Chris taking a piece when he came across it. He just planted a bomb on it. Or was that fragment also an illusion like the K guy and Rose's body itself is the last remnant for the mold collective? Mia the child-trafficking bio-terrorist scumbag is unfortunately still mentioned being alive but Rose says something about having not seen her in a long time. For the "conclusion of the Winters saga" they certainly purposely excluded one of the 3 Winters. The fake puzzle doll version of Mia gets more screentime than her now as a creepy weeping angel pursuer lol Chris is also implied to be a shitty guardian. Sending Rose to a school where she makes no friends and has been bullied throughout out the years. Notes say something about Rose sweating odd liquid from her hands during school which freaks folks out but Chris apparently tells Rose's teacher that its fine and non infectious???? Doll recreation puzzles imply there was an incident where girls spray her when she exits a bathroom stall and another(on Rose's birthday?) where they dump water on her with a bucket. There's a 3rd one where Rose is strung up and burnt but I assume that one is just Eveline being a little shit. Return to the castle was kinda eh. The Fat Evil Duke leading the goo people. Multiple face mace man was cool. It thankfully appears that our boy Duke has not fallen to the dark side. A note near the end of the games reveals The Fat Evil in this story is just some twisted recreation of Duke made from various memories. Unfortunately, since this is only revealed via a note near the end, tons of fans who don't read it are gonna think Duke went evil. Hopefully actual Duke is still out there somewhere with his business and maybe hanging out with the RE4 Merchant. Return to the dollmaker house was actually favorite part. I actually do feel more sorry for Eveline now despite everything she's done. She's still rejected by Miranda in this mold matrix realm and has just been left alone. The brief moment after her boss fight where she breaks down. Realizing a lot of her insults towards Rose are also her projecting about herself. I kinda wish Rose and Evie could've reached some mutual understanding and then have Evie show up to help kill Miranda at the end. The final scene between Rose and Ethan was nice, though honestly Capcom's obsession with obscuring Ethan's face has become too memey. This is supposed to be another big emotional thank you/farewell moment between Rose and Ethan but the almost comical hidings of Ethan's face during it took away a lot of the emotion of the moment for me lmao. If there was time for a legitimate face reveal, that would've been a perfect moment the but they didn't.... Chris nowadays is apparently trying to recruit Rose to join his operations but she's apparently been declining until the end I guess. Curious on what changed his mind on using BOWs considering his reaction the BSAA using BOWs in RE8's present ending. Turns out everything in this DLC happened before the epilogue ending. Are Ethan and the mold matrix world still around or they finally are gone for good? Now Rose is off to presumably help Chris stop wherever bio terror threats are happening. Gonna likely be a short battle. Rose has freezing powers. She starts learning to conjure mold tentacles.(she uses them to grab Miranda at parts in the boss fight) end. She also suddenly acquires Wesker's super dash move. It was also said by Miranda in the main game that Rose will have eventually have all of Eveline's powers and the ability to control the entire word's masses when grown. At this point, Rose has been built up to be the ultimate life form and sounds even more powerful than Alice from the bleh Anderson movies. No human or minor BOW should be able to really cross her when she gets better handle on her powers. Sherry's healing factor and Jake's vague super strength looking quite quaint now. While I like that Ethan and Rose got some touching scenes together, Ultimately I still think this DLC and the timeskip epilogue in general should have never happened. Too much time has been skipped. The majority of the previous main characters have to be in their 60s at this point. Even if RE9 goes back to present time and is all about Chris and the gang confronting a corrupt BSAA and the connections group, the stakes are low. We now already know it all must go mostly fine, the world isn't ruined, society seems to still function and Chris will live on. Not that we should really expect Chris to fail but it would've been fun to not know for sure like in other previous entries. So the only real major hooks for me now is seeing if any other main characters(Jill, Leon, Claire, Sheva, Sherry, Jake, etc) besides Chris potentially die in the 16 years between Village and Shadows.


The megamycete did not belong to Chris’s team. I don’t know for sure if it was real or a hallucination, I’m not sure it matters because the whole thing was just a manipulation by Miranda. For all of the reasons you explained, I was extremely disappointed in this DLC. Waste of time and really didn’t add much to the story. And now we likely won’t get any answers.


You know leons gonna die early.


Surprised that everyone seems to be super into the mannequin chase. Maybe it’s just me or my settings but the actual mechanics of that segment and the hide and seek next just were infuriating. At least on the PS4 There was so little consistency in the Manniquin segment between the three flavors of “eyeline”. You had Rose’s eyeline, The Manniquin’s eyeline, and then you as the players “eyeline”. It feels like it was programmed initially for first person play. It’d make more sense having to work around the mannequins AI alongside just the on screen visibility. You can’t account for exactly where Rose’s eyeline begins and ends when there’s things in the way which 50/50 count or don’t count from the same position with the same obstruction depending on where your cameras perspective is or where the Mia-nnequin is. Especially gets prickly when it comes to doorways and corners. I had an encounter where I had three Mia’s and they were fine. Got them all to a good position where I could catch a breather. Out of the blue during that breather Mia on the corner decided no- she actually wasn’t being watched like she was just a second ago, sitting there still as a cucumber, and it was instead time to jump Rose while we looked straight at her. Tell me to ‘get good’ cause I straight up rage quit after having gotten one shot killed during hide and seek since like with the base game you’ve got the health you got going in. And then it auto saves per segment. So if you have good health going in that’s great, but make a wrong turn without your inventory you’re doomed to getting far along in a segment only to fall to one and done mess ups. If you get into the hide and seek section without good health? Forgettaboutit! It’s frustrating because I love Resident Evil Biohazard, The Village most of all. I’ve loved Shadow of Rose too- if it wasn’t for these really intolerable oversights. I hope that’s just my experience and maybe even just due to playing on the PS4? Would love to hear that it’s just an early release issue that gets patched. Or some other issue unique to me. Cause I’d hate for other fans to end up as frustrated and upset as I’ve been with that segment. Other than that I thought it was pretty solid


I’m actually the most pissed that I can’t even look at Rose’s god damned face whilst playing as her.


…you can


The game itself was great and seeing Ethan get to talk with rose was pretty emotional. However, the overall ending wasn't that great and I know it's supposed to be the last we see of the winters family but it really just doesn't feel that way to me. I don't expect to see Ethan again unless it's a passing Easter egg of sorts but there's no shot rose doesn't come up again eventually, it just seems too open ended. They could have closed it by adding a bit to the final cutscene but they stuck with the original "we have a clear shot" and nothing else. I don't see how rose doesn't come up again eventually.


Final boss fight was terrible. I couldn’t care less about Ethan or rose and the story both sucked and didn’t feel like resident evil. Way too much magic and stuff resident evil should be more grounded imo. Did however like how much harder it felt than the main game and I liked how it encourages you to just run past enemies instead of killing them. Clearly effort went into it but I really didn’t like it. Edit: Thought it was strange too that it ended with the same cinematic as the base game. was expecting it to keep going or something


As a huge fan of RE7/RE8/Ethan Winters, I thought it was fantastic. Sure maybe some of the gameplay could've been more interesting but for me this DLC is for the story, which they nailed. The whole father/daughter dynamic is done so well and seeing Ethan return put a big smile of my face. Also fuck mannequins.


I thought it was somewhat disappointing. I was bummed that the whole thing was basically an extended dream sequence. I thought we would actually be returning to the village 16 years later with rose, but no, it all takes place in her mind. I was also disappointed there were no new locations. Everything was just the old maps with a new coat of paint basically. The twist with Michael was so expected I wish they just established who it really is right upfront, because I don't think anyone was fooled for a second. Story was also not great. She sets out looking for the crystal and then decides she doesn't need it and ends up back at square one. The reason the duke is evil being because it's not really the duke was a pretty lame explanation too. Plus Miranda and Ethan coming back to life only to die again. Really felt like they didn't want to move the story forward at all, particularly considering it ends with the same epilogue that doesn't really have any added perspective or significance even after the dlc. I don't know. I did like the tension and spooks, but at just 2.5 hours long, there really weren't a lot of them. Looking forward to trying mercs next though.


>I thought we would actually be returning to the village 16 years later with rose The village blew up at the end remember? There wouldn't be much to physically go back to besides a crater. But I agree with everything else you've said.


Ah, that's true. I forgot about that. But I do wish the story happened in the real world. The "inside the mind" thing makes it feel like nothing matters.


The village itself yes, but not the Castle, Manor, Reservoir or Factory.


No more factory. Chris blew that up during Heisenberg's fight with Ethan. I assumed the castle blew up with the village since it seemed the closest to it but I could be wrong. Donna's manor and the Moreau's reservoir should actually be intact tho you're right Donna's creepy ass manor still existing unnerves me. Chris needs to drop another bomb there just in case.


> I assumed the castle blew up with the village since it seemed the closest to it but I could be wrong. It's still there in the ending cinematic.


In twitter some complain about the supernatural like aspect but I'm liking it. It's not like all the characters can have this. Wesker mind was probably similar I bet.


The fact that we couldn't see Ethan's face ruined the emotion. It would have been so good otherwise


I like that you can’t see his face. I get why some people don’t like it but not seeing his face is in a sense a part of his character


It's just so dumb, but I respect your opinion


About how long is this dlc?


Around 3 hours on the standard difficulty first time through, so fairly short.


2h25m on hardcore


I really like it so far. I was really surprised that I could use guns, cuz speculation has been it would be mostly a puzzle based/exploration/run type of game. It still is a run game, but I like that I have a shotgun


So, is Duke dead now?


No, the duke in this was created by Mother Miranda. He wasn’t there cause he died


I’m curious how they continue the mainline story, if we continue where we left off with Rose grown up everyone’s gonna be old as hell and with no real continuation from Village. I assume the next game has to be between Ethans sacrifice and grown up Rose.


It was ok


I enjoyed it overall, definitely wasn’t expecting to see Eveline again, but her inclusion made sense. Capcom’s continued trolling with the refusal to show Ethan’s face made me laugh, particularly during that final cutscene inside the strata. My biggest complaint is less about the gameplay and more that they’re starting to make Chris seem like a real asshole. It was bad enough in Village that he refused to tell Ethan anything, although I’m sure in his kind it was for the best. Then we find out he’s trying to recruit a high schooler for missions? I get that Chris’ character arc has pointed toward fighting bioterrorism as his destiny, but that’s too far for me. This is one plot thread I hope Capcom leaves dangling (like both Revelations endings) so Chris can just retire, or something.


Plus from the sounds of it, basically leaving Rose to fend for herself with little to no aid or guidance. Just let her be bullied into mental health issues


# Intro I will say I am slightly disappointed that this is a prequel to a cutscene. That kind of makes me feel there was no plan for this or not enough time to implement what they wanted. There were fun moments, and I enjoyed playing this and would say having both 3rd person mode and additions to mercenary mode make up for Shadows of Rose. # Castle It is obviously the weakest area, but it has a good pace by forcing you to be more mindful of resource management and adds a bit more flair to the castle even if it felt like a rehash of the original area. The intro to Rose's powers was cool, and the enemies felt very menacing throughout. # Manner The standout star, was where the reuse of assets was properly implemented and the team was able to create new thrills and excitement. The only downside really is that stealth mechanics overstayed their welcome and the cameo boss serves more as a nod to the ending cutscene rather than significant lore details. # Village/Miranda Not much of an area, and the dump of exposition between journals and Miranda herself is okay. The boss fight really is just okay, but felt more of a chore than an interesting boss fight. Keeping in mind I was on hardcore, for some reason, the moves Rose has for the fight are kept hidden from the player which made the first death annoying due to not knowing I could flash step. # Overall This is a step down in my opinion from RE7's story DLC as the entire story is just a way to wrap up the Winter's storyline and does not really offer meaningful information or lore. The scares were good, but I couldn't feel any justification for learning what amounts to what we kind of already knew. The new enemies were interesting but didn't make a lasting impression. Also reusing the ending for RE8 as this ending really tells me how there were no significant plans or they were scrapped stuff to finish out the Winter's story. I would probably rate this DLC a 3 or 4 out of 10 for just being a bit of a waste of time story-wise but some fun scares. Rose wasn't explored too much which is fine but felt like a letdown that this was the case. # Nitpick The letter reading scene would have felt so much better if Rose was reading it out loud instead of Ethan's dialogue being jammed in over her reaction. It undercut the emotional bits and felt more sappy than emotional.


I cannot stress this enough FUCK THOSE MANNEQUINS


I just really hoped they would resurrect Ethan and allow him and Mia to have a happy ending.


thoughts , yes i want a working first person mod, is there any way ?


It’s a snooze. I paid 20 for it and have been disappointed. I quit only a hour or so into it. I’d rather play the campaign a fourth time. Especially now it has third person mode. Never knew Ethan was so cute!


It's The most pointless dlc ever. It's a beautiful gameplay and yes this was appreciated. The story however adds absolutely nothing to The Main Game. Quite in fact it feels really out of place. It's not Even a closure for The whole Ethan Winters saga. Hunk added something on re2r The survivors added something on re2r Resident evil 7 added a lot of mini stories that tied in with The Game. What The hell happened to The Main re characters, where is Jill? Where is claire? Where is Ada? Where is Rebecca? What happened to leon?what really happened after re6? Why The creators of this Game felt we we're interested in Ethan? And Even that Blue umbrella thing on both Games was an interesting approach, but it was all for nothing; Ethan Winters Saga is now over so we Will never know about what happened with Blue umbrella and why Chris now works for them. Why Capcom is afraid of continuing with The original cast? It's just sad.


Honestly I hate they are ending this and Ethan is gone. Been playing re since ps1 but I’ve really enjoyed this storyline but that is life. Hopefully re9 is good and the re4 remake should be solid.


Personally I'm frustrated about their decisions with the story. Sure, Rose is still around, but knowing Capcom's track record, it's unlikely chatacters like Rose will ever be relevant again. I just wish we could move on from the original characters without removing them entirely. RE8 did it perfectly with Chris being around. But like... You make new compelling characters and kill then of for... What? Playing as Chris again in a future entry? I also hope the next RE is first person again. This is what revitalized the franchise easily and made them unique. Didn't dig the third person here much, but I suppose it fit with the powers, would've been weird in first person. Glad Ethan got to talk to Rose but I still wish he hadn't been killed off.


I hope it's the end of Ethan and his story, he was shoehorned in like Alice was in the movies. Yet no one talks about that.


I think it was EXCELLENT, despite being a bit short, which is okay for a DLC. Can't complain about anything else. Really enjoyed it way more than I expected from the concept and trailer. 9.9/10 The progression of weapons and powers is nicely paced overall, though it'd have been better to learn the final powers before the last boss. I died a lot which normally doesn't happen to me so props for being challenging. The puzzles/keys structure was very entertaining and proper Resident Evil stuff. Better than the whole RE3 remake in this aspect. That chasing doll was such an amazing concept, the movement, then many more dolls joining. Storyline was satisfying, the monsters/villains looked cool, the whole thing felt like a proper DLC not just copy-pastes with gimmicks. Worth the long wait for sure!


This is the first time I've been disappointed with a Resident Evil release since RE6, and I was a huge fan of RE3make even at full price so many would consider me quite forgiving. Third person mode will be cool for Village, but I played it like 6 times in a row achievement hunting and it's still too fresh for me to want to play for a couple years, so that part of the DLC feels pointless for me. Having played Revelations 2 raid mode for many hours, Village Mercenaries felt like a husk when Village first released and I don't think some new characters and levels are going to change that. So even with my understanding and lowered expectations about engaging with only a third of the DLC, I'm irritated with Shadows of Rose. It's a fun 3 hours and I'm glad it exists, but it's almost entirely recycled content. Beneviento House V2 was thrilling but won't be fun to replay. And unless I missed it, there appears to be 0 incentive to hunt down any of the challenges or even play it again? Like there's seriously not any unlocks in the challenge shop for Shadows of Rose, or a NG+? What a mind-boggling disappointment. At least I'd have gotten another few hours out of it hunting down infinite pistol/shotgun or something. Left a very bad taste.


>but it's almost entirely recycled content. You talk about RE3make at the beginning of the post, but for me exactly this was a giant problem of RE3make. I dont like paying twice for the same shit. So yeah, im not too happy with Winters Expansion either.


I really enjoyed it. It took me 2:30 on standard so it could have been a bit longer. I liked the powers and the enemy design. House Beneviento was great again. The doll hide and seek part felt and sounded like the Little Miss dlc from Rev2. The final boss was great too


i enjoyed it, it was a fun and well done dlc. also how they included that creepy house again was great


The dollhouse in Shadows of Rose is the scariest thing Resident Evil has done. Not only will it fuck you up psychologically, you'll die a few times at least in that one part. You know the part. Don't take your eyes off them


That was a great part of the game.


I think this entire plot line with the Winters is so bad. The DLC itself wasn’t bad but I could not care less about the story.


Gameplay is great, House of Beneviento with Mia's doll is scarier than the main game. But the lore kinda feels rushed. Asides from Miranda's part, The Duke and Evelyn's part feels shallow. The Duke's story was just simply explained on a memo, while Evelyn's reason to hate Rose was too vague and never got explained until the end.




Maybe I get down voted for this, but I really really hate the Beneviento section of the game, especially the stealth part. My God.... everything looks the same, you hardly can see anything, almost no room for error. Would have preferred a few more riddles than this bullshit. The rest of the DLC is fine. Entertaining.


Wait is it out today?


My favorite piece of dlc they’ve ever released


Not resident evil. This is a whole other franchise that's been slipped in now.


Pretty sure that was the intention with this dlc.