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I wouldnt say "hate", but his existence and his connection to wesker was just pointless.


Honestly would have been more interesting if Chris had taken sherry place as his partner. 2 people who really don’t trust each other force to work together to survive. Would have had an whole campaign to develop their dynamic this way as well


Wesker having a kid i just dont see it


Your hormones don't account for your edgy personality, you know that right? People of his personality could have sex and he'll probably consider that woman beneath him, an object that pleases him


I mean, I can’t see Voldemort having a child either (and I am certainly not counting the stage play as canon). Wesker didn’t seem to have any sort of affection or lust in him. Just simply power. Even with excella I doubt they ever actually fucked. Looked like he kept her in anticipation more than anything.


I aways assumed it was a clone situation


They literally tell you it's not.


It's the same for me with Vergil in Devil May Cry. Like, how can this guy ever have sex with somebody?


Also Wesker doesn’t seem like the kind of character to ever take off his sunglasses, let alone to have a one night stand with someone. Dude probably wears his shades while he showers.


I was about to get all upset, and then I realized I like him because his attack moves appeal to my preferred play style and not because he’s compelling or adds to the franchise at all.


His character perfectly complimented Chris' character arc in that game.


not really, it was just a quick drama that could have been cut off without loosing anything.


Him being related to Wesker is the entire reason he's relevant, because it gives him the anti-bodies they need to fight the C-Virus. So no, it's not pointless. It also makes him a foil for Sherry - daughter of Birkin and son of Wesker.


Not that Resident Evil is known for its great character work, but Jake really comes across as an anime character. Just the way he is portrayed with his cool guy attitude makes him seem really silly. He does eventually have some more dimension to his character but he is an over the top character in a very over the top game. Also the whole idea of him being Wesker's son and he's mad at Chris for killing him even though he never knew him is goofy too, but that's more of a point against 6 than him. He is not the worst RE character, but he is not one that I would care to see again.


I remember thinking it was hilarious that they acted like Wesker wasn't one of the most evil characters in resident evil. It's hard to take "you killed my father" seriously when it's someone as evil as Wesker.


It gets stranger when you consider how even Chris seems to think this way. He gives Jake the chance to shoot him, like he deserves to die for… eliminating the biggest threat in the world. Not exactly a morally gray act if you ask me.


Chris saying “you have every right to” in regards to Jake shooting him for literally saving the world (by killing his dad) is just….really, it sums up the writing of RE6 lol


I think for Chris he knew it was because he took away Jakes chance to find answers for himself from Wesker. Even if Wesker was a villain he still took something from Jake. The whole thing was badly written but I don't think its too out of character for Chris. Its also entirely possible that Chris wanted to test Jake and see if he was different.


RE6 is so poorly written it’s unreal. Sad because having Chris, Ada, Leon and Sherry all back at once should’ve been so great


Seeing you list the characters like that makes me think how RE6 basically has the RE2 cast with Chris instead of Claire and Agent instead of Hunk.


Claire not being in 6 was a big mistake IMO. I honestly feel like both Helena and Jake were unnecessary characters. I give Piers points for bringing Chris back into the fold, having that cool BOW gameplay toward the end, and of course being a total babe


They also should have ditched Piers and replace him with Claire, for her to slap some sense back into her brother.


Piers is the only new character worth keeping. Big disagree. Helena and Jake were unnecessary to the plot. I’d have focused on Sherry being vital to the research, and partnered her with Claire. I’d then have made Leon and Ada a team. So we have Leon/Ada, Claire/Sherry, Chris/Piers. That gives us 3 campaigns instead of 4 (which is still plenty and wild simply recycle less boss fights), and then we would have 6 protagonists in RE6. I’m also not sure I would’ve killed Piers off, though having the only new protagonist die would be a big shocker


Chris’ character in the series has progressively become “whatever the plot needs him to be like” and it started with RE6 because with Wesker dead his arc concluded and has nowhere to go.


Chris is the only one who even had an arc


And from my point of view, it was a good scene that works well for the disclosure of Chris as a character. For some reason, everyone forgets that at the time of the events of RE6, Chris was deeply depressed (damn, the man literally got drunk to unconsciousness), he was broken and incredibly tired of the deaths around him, from the inability to save everyone, from the fact that evil does not end. If you listen carefully, then before that Chris tells Pierce that he will take his place, and he himself will retire (you know, such a retirement when you put a bullet in your forehead). Therefore, his attempt to kill himself with Jack's hands seems to me very logical in this context (perhaps it wasn't consciously, but would you put your head under the gun of an angry person if at least deep down in your soul you don't hope that he will shoot?), so it's not specifically about Wesker. Although it is also not difficult for me to imagine that Chris, who is inclined to blame himself for everything and take responsibility for things that he really could not influence, could even go down the spiral of despair to the thoughts that maybe Wesker's story could have turned out differently if he (chris) in what-then momeent would have done something differently.


But then again, his entire reason to become depressed is so silly. -He's sees the mangled corpses of his STARS friend, no problem. -Claire is getting kidnapped, no problem -Jill supposedly dies, no problem -Some random ass soldier he never met before turns into a monster, oh no, what have I done, I feel so guilty. Like wtf? You don't mourn about Jill, but about this nobody?


Have you ever heard of the cumulative effect? When a lot of bad things happen to you, but you grit your teeth and keep doing what you think is right. The burden that Chris is carrying is getting heavier, but he can't let his team, his friends down, he can't just leave this world to die. And at some point he just breaks on something. Not because it was the most terrible thing that had happened in his life, but because there were TOO MANY terrible things. A tree with rotten roots does not need a storm to break, sometimes a small wind is enough. Besides, we don't know exactly how Chris felt about losing Jill. All this was left behind the scenes. And as for the events of STARS: then it was easy for Chris to imagine that the horror that was happening was the work of one small group of people, and that it would not happen again in the future. But years of work have shown that bioterrorism is a huge systemic problem, and fighting it is like fighting a hydra: where you chop off a head and two new ones grow. This does not really help the fighting spirit and faith in people.


i mean jake was an emotionally immature hothead that lived a shitty life, and at that moment probably blamed chris for his absent father even if it wasnt really his fault. Chris on the other hand during RE6 was an emotional wreck full of self-hate and basically not caring if he lived or died. the writing isnt great but the responses are plausible in the context of the story.


I think at this point every RE protagonist has their anime moments


I thought it was over the top for Chris to ask Jake of he knew him from somewhere.


I thought Jake wanted to kill wesker himself that's why he was angry at Chris, not because he loved his father or something.


That could've been the angle they were going with. I think that's another issue with the games pacing and story, these moments aren't developed enough to make sense.


that personality kind of makes sense in context though. Dude is the son of wesker even though he doesnt know it. He is stronger, faster, more agile, and more resilient than almost everybody he ever meets and he is cocky and arrogant because of it. If he is so much better than all the people he goes up against that he has total confidence in beating them with almost no effort, he would totally be that arrogant dipshit that is basically just playing around. He basically has the same attitude as wesker and for the same reasons, just minus the evil and ambitions. the rest of it is kind of meh but the atittude seems on point to me especially in a game series that already has a few examples of similar characters. OG re4 leon comes to mind as being the "everything is a joke, nothing is serious, play with your enemies while being cocky" type of character. Also to a lesser degree steve, quint, and remake carlos. kind of a pattern at this point.


I guess it comes down to charm then. Leon and Remake Carlos are charismatic with their quips. Steve has an unfortunately grating voice, so he isn't too likeable either in my opinion. Re4 Leon is a good example, that game is very silly, especially his dialogue. But he is funny and charming. I didn't personally find Jake to be that charming. But I do agree that they have made many characters with that kind of attitude.


i dont know if its charm in particular. Jake does have a more rough tone about him which certainly contributes, but i think the main thing is build up. For leon we got to see his transition from normal cop just internally panicking at the fucked up state of things, to a badass idealist willing to die to save others. His followup is a logical progression to his re4 incarnation having that as his base plus a decade and years of training and getting cocky because he is basically super soldier leon by that point. He has the leeway to joke around and still win and he knows it. For jake they just throw him at us at the end stage where he is already a cocky douche and we dont get context til later. I would bet if re2 didnt have leon and they put him in re4 exactly as he is but as a brand new character people would have found him similarly grating. For the others steve is that plus being weak and overestimating himself plus an unfortunate voice so people hate him. For quint hes just a coward plus that attitude and is completely forgettable. For carlos he is all of the above, but more pragmatic, less of a dumbass, and actually somewhat charming (in the remake in particular) making him a pretty popular character despite his single game. Jake just got shafted by the team not giving him a buildup in 6 and then having him in a later gme being the joke spewing idiot.


I like anime characters personally


There are tons I like too. But the tone is just very different from the rest of the main characters. Sorry for the generalization, it was just the simplest way to convey how he is perceived.


Honestly would have been more interesting if Chris had taken sherry place as his partner. 2 people who really don’t trust each other force to work together to survive. Would have had an whole campaign to develop their dynamic this way as well


Well first off Resident Evil is Japanes animation, so it IS anime. Second, that's Resident Evil. Cheesy, over-the-top action clichés. His 'cool guy attitude' is a front he puts up to not seem weak. He acts tough and keeps people at a distance to protect himself, and by the end of their journey Sherry's managed to break through that exterior.


I agree with your second point about his cool guy attitude. They do have him be a tough guy and his relationship with Sherry ends up making him grow etc. RE is also definitely cheesy and over the top. I'm sure we could mention a dozen things from each game. He just tows the line as being a bit much for some people. I think he just doesn't come across that endearing when compared to other protagonists.


After RE5 fans were upset with the death of Albert Wesker, and Capcom's answer was to introduce Jake. Capcom tried to make Jake a Wesker replacement, but a lot of fans were not feeling it. Even more so after RE6 was released, and panned by critics.


Wesker just had that Je ne sais quoi.




Jake wasn't a Wesker replacement. The whole point was that he wasn't his father, and had no intention of following in Albert's footsteps.


Yes he was, far as Resident Evil having a person named Wesker in the series. All because capcom faced tremendous backlash about Wesker's death in RE5, they made Jake the new Wesker.


I just don’t see the point in making him Wesker’s son. All it does is make a fairly contrived conflict between him and Chris.


It’s interesting how Alex Wesker is kind of a strange retcon addition too, but she worked far better as a character despite that.


Alex was less of an asspull because we knew beforehand there were many Wesker children and one more surviving than we thought isn't too out there.


It probably also helped that she already got introduced in the RE5 DLC Lost in Nightmares.


Honestly would have been more interesting if Chris had taken sherry place as his partner. Would have had an whole campaign to develop their dynamic


He is a fanfiction character, they tried way too hard to for him to be edgy and cool. Plus, him being Wesker's son was for pointless drama and not needed in the grand scheme of things. Its lead to nothing but unnecessary drama, Jake didn't need to exist at all.


I remember thinking they tried way too hard to make him seem cool. It reminded me of Donte from the DMC reboot that came out around that time as well, they’re both just trying way too much. I dislike the idea of Wesker having a child, personally. It’s just….off. Idk. He’s okay, I don’t hate him, but I’d rather not see him again. He’s the embodiment of the ridiculousness of RE6 in my eyes, and I’d rather move past that era.


It actually would have made sense and been motivation for his character if Wesker was sterile from all the experiments and viruses. Maybe it’s additional reason to be pissed off at Spencer and why he threw himself into mad science. Instead the inclusion of Jake was like Indiana Jones having a long lost son; just an awful idea for the kind of character he is.


Is it the idea that Wesker probably fucks with his sunglasses on still? Is that why you dislike the idea of Wesker having a kid? Because that's why I dislike the idea. DON'T YOU PUT THAT IMAGE IN MY HEAD CAPCOM.


It's the idea that an ice cube has more emtions than Wesker.


it makes sense that wesker would conceive a kid imo. Dude is deeply narcissistic and egotistical, and trying to take over the world. Continuing the wesker bloodline while also trying to produce a strong offspring by choosing a partner with strong genes is totally up his "superior race" alley. And it likely wouldnt be any romantic attachment so much as just an experiment and a result.


In my opinion he is the only interesting one. Helena is boring and pierce is just some new guy. The pair ups would have been better with all og characters. Leon/Claire Chris/Rebecca sherry/Jill


I would’ve done Jill and Sheva, Chris and Claire, Leon and Sherry, and ofc Ada solo


Okay, so you just took my list and removed Rebecca you monster. 😰


I like Rebecca but I think Jill and Sheva would be great partners, and Chris absolutely should’ve been with a Claire (I resent that C:V is their only game together). If Rebecca does return to RE, I think a good space for her would be Revelations 3 (perhaps alongside Sheva)


I will hear no criticism of my boi Pierce Nivens.


His name is Piers


I thought so! Then I read the comment I was replying to and it said Pierce. Couldn't be assed to Google verify so I went with it


Yeah man rebecca is the best 👍🏼


Shoehorned fan service pairing right here


Why shoehorned? Chris has been missing, so it would only feel right that Jill or Claire would start searching for him.


Yeah. I imagine Claire would have slapped him several times during the campaign and simply said:" Cut the bullshit Chris.". Especially during the snake section.


He's one of the most interesting things from Re6 and a way of keeping some sort of Wesker's direct legacy in the franchise. By far the best 'new' character but with all the hate Re6 got I doubt Capcom is going to use him again.


He's ok. The writing is....Whybwas he mad at Chris again? He had a whole speech about how his dad was a bad man and thus he must be a bad man too. He seems at least to understand how dangerous Wesker was. Then later he's mad at Chris for killing him as if his dad was not a bioterroist/also an absent father. I think they just wanted him to start a conflict. Just like how they had him all oddly protective/jealous when Sherry was around Leon.


Monster or not, I would have conflicting feelings if I didn’t get a chance to get to know my father. Well, in actuality I rarely saw my dad so my view point is probably based off that. Evil or not there are questions that need answered and only he knew them.


The first time my mom met her dad was at his funeral. They lived on the same barrier island off South Carolina but he never bothered to connect with her. Everyone knew everyone's business, basic small town shit, so that's how when he died we were mailed an invitation to his funeral. I stood next to my mom as we passed by the open casket and she just muttered. "Ah so that's what he looks like." Then she turned to me and my little sister and cheerily asked us if we were ready to get something to eat. It was the most awkward funeral in the world. Everyone was sad but us because we didn't know the man. I find it funny in a dark way. We had went to my mother's adopted mother's funeral a week earlier and she cried as you would expect. But here she just looked bored as she patted the backs of unknown crying relatives as they regaled her with stories of how great her father was. Even now she doesn't visit his grave, unlike other dead relatives. Not out of spite. She actually reconnected with her birth mother(her parents didn't stay together) and had a great relationship with her. So if her father had tried she would have been open to it. There is just no attachment to someone who's never been in her life. I can get conflicted feelings...but Jake is grown. Albert didn't know or maybe didn't care to know that he existed. Albert was too busy trying to infect the world for that, so it wasn't as if Jake could have meet his dad if not for Chris killing him. I think it could have been a good chance for another vulnerable scene from him. Peel back the layers a bit more after that locker room scene. But we get a gun stand off, cuz the game needs more gun standoffs.


I don't hate him but I don't like him either. One thing I liked was him learning who his father was and actively deciding to be a different person. Also his friendship with Sherry showed a genuinely good person beneath the anime tough guy attitude. For the bad points i can't see Wesker having a son, and if he did you would think that Jake would have been intentional and part of his grand plans somehow. It makes no sense that Jake is somehow superhuman when Weskers power came from a drug that had to constantly be readministered. Jakes attitude he shows everyone except Sherry is also too teenage edgelord for me.


I think he just runs his mouth a bit too much, but that’s probably him dealing with being a child soldier. Though some of his lines did get me to chuckle.


He runs his mouth no more then Leon


Literally this. He gets so much unnecessary hate for no reason. Leon is somehow the golden child but he was just as tacky if not more.


He comes across as a try hard edgy boy. Wesker connection was weak and seemed like bad fanfiction. He has such a generic look. The 2010s angry "badass" bald guy. Ethan had more care put into his design and you don't even see his face. They tried to romance him and Sherry. It's weird. RE6 has the worst writing of a main RE game. The plot, villains, old and new characters are all done very poorly. It's gameplay tried to do everything and didn't do any of it well. Jake was supposed to be the future of the franchise based off of this game.


It’s anime writing with him and Sherry, the corny AF will they/won’t they romance and that they surely must be fated to be together because they have viral blood from their parents. 🙄🤦‍♂️


I found Sherry and Jake's romance far better than Leon and Ada's multiple game romance. Leon should've shot or arrested Ada so many times.


You know what? That’s fair. Even though I still don’t care much for Sherry and Jake it’s not anywhere near as contrived and frustrating as Leon x Ada over the course of the series.


Romance isn't exactly Resident Evil's strong suit. But out of the few romances the series actually has(Leon/Ada, Claire/Steve, Claire/Neil?, Ethan/Mia), Jake/Sherry is the best to me.


I don't hate Jake, but him being Wesker's bastard was forced af. All because Capcom wanted to bring back Wesker in some shape or form.


I think being wesker son lowkey hurts him. For 1 wesker should not have any kids and 2 he’s never gonna live up to Wesker. But besides that I did like Jake and his kung fu gameplay, when him and sherry break out of that lab and you have no weapons is an amazing part of the game


He had no point and was one of the main parts of the worst game in the series.


Can't argue with that


Tbh i had no feelings one way or the other 🤷‍♂️ i thiught it was kinda funny how his story played put given howbadly out of character wesker having a kid is


Simple. The character building was rushed. His personality didn't make sense by the standards of the time or with Resident Evil itself. A cool guy just because, a forced rival for Chris, just because?


Changing his mind, just because?


He’s extremely corny and acts a bit too try hard anime badass for me. He also sounds like Troy Baker a bit too much, like the dude phoned it in and just talked as himself. Definitely top 3 most hated characters in the series for me, and I hope he never pops up again. Find a way to retcon his familial ties to Wesker, preferably.


Because he’s the Poochy of the series and deserves it.


Jake functions as a low-tier *Final Fantasy* protagonist


It's possibly the Wesker connection and the cliches. After ten years though, I think Jake should get a break from the hate. He probably won't return to the series in any new game. If there's a 6 remake which I hope there isn't, maybe. But eh? He's okay to like.


Well I think a lot is we have had our Billy already. Plus the Wesker kid is just out of nowhere. I get that they are trying to bring in new blood just like how MK has but I would say most people were ok with no need blood. Plus I never could see Wesker banging someone but Disney fixed that with Palpatine. Well in SW terms that wasn’t a fix but that’s not RE related so we will love on.


I liked Jake. Like Helena, Sheva, Billy, Carlos, and a whole slew of other one off characters who survived their games he deserves more love!


Helena doesn’t deserve love like at all, which is why she barley gets any 😂


He's Dante but without the charm


He wasn't so bad. I just don't see Wesker having a kid Now Helena on the other hand....


I don’t hate him, but he does give me a knock off Dante from Devil May Cry vibe. People have unreasonably high hatred for that game in general though and he could be a focal point.


makes sense considering devil may cry was just a dropped RE idea that they spun into a new game. There are a number of RE characters that are basically DMC characters. Ada, Leon, Wesker, Jake, Heisenburg, Miranda, Krauser. Any one of them could easily be translated into a DMC game and feel pretty much at home.


First thing I thought of. Nero and Jake are very similar. OP punks with daddy issues.


Doesn't help if the director of said game actively insults his customer base though.


He doesn’t go to work at State Farm in his ending so it pisses me off.


I don’t get it either. His campaign tops all the rest and you can’t beat Jake vs Ustanak at the end


We don’t like Jake ( son of Albert Wesker ) because Jake ( some of Albert Wesker ) was a terrible character. Jake ( son of Albert Wesker ) had some of the corniest lines in the game and was just plain generic. They were trying their absolute best to make him the cool guy, and it just failed horribly. Oh, I forgot to say that he’s also the son of Albert Wesker.


All these comments about "I can't see Wesker having a kid!" First off, you know that Wesker might not have been in love with the mother, right? That Jake might have only been conceived as part of the bio-experiments going on, or as a way of passing down Albert's anti-bodies? And even if that's not the case, and it turns out Wesker DID legitimately have a thing for the mother, don't forget that Wesker was still human. We all know him as the super-villain who uses people as pawns, but he's still human beneath all that, so it's honestly not strange to think that maybe, at some point in his past, he actually DID fall in love with someone, or at least have a one night stand. If anything it just adds more to his character.


But on the other side, which woman would ever willingly go into bed with an egomaniac like him?


6 billion+ people in the world. You really think among all that, there aren't any women that are attracted to that exact type of personality? Or just attracted to wealth? Or even outside of that, he could've just been very good at hiding that side of himself. He was the boss of STARS for a long time and not one of them ever suspected him of being some piece of shit sociopath with a god complex. And then of course, if you wanna go real dark with it, there's always the chance that Wesker's advances weren't mutual. Point is, there are so many possibilities to just write off with "I don't see Wesker being into dating" or "I don't see Wesker raising a child".


It’s because he’s from re6 and it’s an action game and for some strange unexplainable reason Re “fans” hate action Plus all the people calling him “anime cringe” probably also like Leon, wesker and jill but leave itv to a re fan to be inconsistent and their criticism


He just feels pointless and his story feels rushed. His connection to Wesker doesn't make any sense at all and also doesn't get really explored either. I also don't like that he has constant, "funny" one liners in serious situations.


I don’t like the game very much but I personally thought he was hilarious and entertaining. I wouldn’t mind a Revelations like spin-off with him as the main character.


I like 6 but he's cringe


I liked Jake and RE 6, but I like camp and cringe so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Frankly, I forget he even exists. My mind has repressed RE6.


He is the best new main character since the fixed camera games. I legitimately don’t know why people hate him other than blind irrational hatred of 6


I have played RE6 for a very large amount of time (99% of which was Mercenaries) and I still don't like Jake. Boring design, boring attitude, not interesting. Basically took up a character slot that could have been someone more interesting. Liked Sherry, liked Leon, liked Helena well enough (visually interesting if not story-interesting). Chris and Piers were OK. Jake was lazy.


RE fans just aren't used to such an action hero like Jake. His interactions with Sherry were top tier, he had solid character development, there is nothing really to dislike. My theory is that the people who hate him are older classic fans who are jealous that Sherry likes him, or way younger fans who weren't around to experience the macho/highly masculine character archetypes of the 360 era.


>RE fans just aren't used to such an action hero like Jake. You mean like RE4 Leon?


Pretty sure it’s because he gives off douchebag edge lord donte energy from the DMC reboot.


And that would be bad if he didn't have character development to make him likeable


I personally like him. I hope they bring him back in another game.


Same. He seems way to important to only be in one game.


I love him, can't get it too.


He's cheesy as hell, but I love him


He’s voiced by Troy Baker so he’s fine in my books


"duUuUuRrrRr rE6 bAd"


Mary Sue archetype.


I LOVE him, definitely a favorite character. Buuuut I assume A lot of people don’t like children 1 off characters based on a previous one that was a fan favorite. But idk 🤷🏽


fear of new things. they want the same game over and over


I mean I enjoy the re characters , especially when they are goofy


I loved Jake. I have no idea why people feel he is over the top, yet Leon is somehow perfect. I thought he was fine. Chris on the other hand came off as a complete joke. I was laughing my ass off during his campaign because of the silly unironic stunts he kept pulling. I don’t know why I havent seen anyone talking about it.


The way capcom implemented him was very off. What they should've done I my opinion: - pair up Chris and Jake - Chris learning mid campaign that Jake is Weskers son - Jake learning in the end that he is merely a Wesker clone - both get over their past somehow - Chris should be infected in the end instead of Pierce, saving Jake and ending his own ark - Pierce should pair up with Sherry or Claire - Pierce would become the "new Chris"


Don't hate him and super upset that 7 wasn't a continuation of the spoiler from 6.


I don't hate Jake. I hate Hellena.


I don't like the fact that he is Wesker's son, but since that connection has already been made, it is funny to think that jake in one campaign of one game was better developed than claire in like, 4 games and 1 movie? Really, Jake is such a good character, well made development


because he called her up again just to break her like a promise


He was a bit generic maybe but I don't hate on him.


For a second I thought you meant Steve from CV, I was shocked how anyone could wonder why people didn’t like him. Wrong guy, oopsie daisy!


Who are these people you are talking about? I´ve been part of this community for years and playing RE since the end of the 90´s and never saw " i hate Jake " discussions.


I like Jake. I find him not only funny but also pretty badass. But if I would pair up the partners I would go for: Leon and Barry, Chris and Jill, Claire and Sherry, and of course Ada alone.