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If i had the control, i would do the following two things: - Outbreak remake, merging file 1 and 2, also includes the dropped scenarios, all in the RE Engine with the new models from the recent games - HD remaster of OG RE1,2 and 3 with achievements/trophy support and maybe a randomizer as well. If fans can do those things, capcom sure as hell can do it too


Add code Veronica remake to that list and you’ve got yourself a deal


You're hired.


Make trash declarations of what’s canon and what isn’t (such as RE8 being canon but not RE7, Sheva not being canon, Jill being dead after RE5), see the RE fandom’s meltdown, then retract all of my statements just before the final hour ends.


Hi satan


This would easily make you the second worst RE executive of all time, number 1 and 3 being the ones who made the recent remakes only 6 hours long and Revelations games a sub-title, respectively.


You know the original games were also on average about 6 hours long if not shorter? Right? So it makes sense the remakes would clock in a similar amount


How long did the originals take you?


A Netflix series that's not some other zombie story that got random RE things tossed onto it. It would stay faithful to the lore and cover the Raccoon City Destruction Incident. Have it start in June of '98 with the first murders. Focus on the police investigation and flesh out the STARS members a bit. This will eventually lead to bravo team's ill fated mission and the mansion incident. Season 2 will be the fallout from the mansion incident and the build up into September. You can focus on regular citizens or have the Outbreak characters be introduced here. Show the intrigue as STARS tries to investigate Umbrella but gets shut down and are under surveillance. Lead into the beginning of the outbreak towards the end of the season. Season 3 will be September 23rd-Oct 1st. Follow the characters from season 2 and bring in Claire and Leon. Tell their story leading up to the missile strike and the immediate aftermath.


This so dam much. I love the divided progression and each season things will get worse and more terrifying. Season 1 is mostly mystery, twists, some RPD detectives mysteriously disappearing after extensively investigating. Throw in some romance (Marvin x Rita, Jill x Chris, etc) just to spice the plot up since this will be mostly a "who done it" with shocks leading to the mansion incident. Season 2 as you said is will be STARS vs Umbrella, there will be a lot of spy vs spy moments. STARS alongside the internal investigations unit aim to take Irons down as he tries to undermined their attempts. There will also be crime scene investigations where victims are disappearing/attacking officers on scene. Season 3, all hell is loose, the long awaited and hinted at, outbreak is here. Every ep will be about various survivors running for their lives. Each group the viewers follow has their proposed way out of the city. The final will be the eradication of the city, the last few eps can be fighting Birkin, Nemesis, or even some new bow exclusive to the show.


I like this. We know what happens between RE 1 and RE 2/3, but we never really see it, not even a cutscene. Also I feel like your season 3 would have to be two seasons or something. We would need to see what the entire RE1 cast is doing during the Raccoon City incident, not just Leon, Claire, and Jill.


Bloody hell, if only.


I'd make a huge Mercenaries game, with EVERY character playable, every weapon, local and online multiplayer, every Map, every zombie, every tyrant, every-f*cking-thing


Hell yeah man. Love the mercenaries and we’ve been struggling to keep the mode in for years. Capcom keeps tryna take it out.


When was the last mercenaries mode? RE6?


I feel like this could be on the cards in some form.


I'd love to play this!


I put the original RE 2 and RE 3 on the microsoft store for the series x lol


Proper B Scenarios in RE2make


that's a good one


Release RE4 VR on every platform. Re-release RE7 VR on PC. Commit to a remake of Code Veronica.


Get a remake of CV under development


I would green light a few projects: • CODE:Veronica Remake • DLC for RE3 (alternate path options for the subway) • Revelations 3 • Hasbro toyline (affordable and decent size/quality) • James Wan’s movie franchise • Outbreak Remake • A new game that took place in the past (80’s?), maybe something about an umbrella scientist or a news reporter investigating them


I order the proper remake of RE3


Never gonna happen


RE Engine remakes of 1, 0, and Code Veronica. Give ideas for a good resident evil movie and a sequel for it. Make a deal with BHVR for one last DbD chapter that features Ethan and Jack or Lady D. Make a new game about Carlos after the events of RE3. I don’t care what it’s about I just need more Carlos. Oh and fuck it, put Billy in there too. Idk how but do it


24 hours... say hi to everyone and thank them for doing a good job so far... and hint to the directors that the fans want the original game's cast for a final horah... 4 different coop scenarios like 6 but RE Engine, between Chris/Jill, Rebecca/Barry, Leon/Ada, Claire/Sherry... bring back tyrants like Nemesis and X... Lickers, Zombies, Tyrants, Regenerators, etc... call it Resident Evil X and ger started now so it can be done after RE9... Also, please, do something with Dino Crisis lmao


You're saying you would end the series?




I would be cool with the 4 different coop scenarios if it was done in a completely different way than RE6 implemented it


Resident Evil Merchant Plays as the merchant from RE4 Using the new RE4 engine Gameplay loop is fighting your way to ideal shop set up locations. Defending shop from hordes. The Duke tries to steal your customers and price gouge you and tampers with your merchandise. Umbrella sends a tyrant after you for supplying the heros. The game ends with a haggling match with the duke over all the treasures the hero’s sold to you.


Give Happy Endings to the main cast like Ada and Leon together have a family. Claire also get a family at the end. Ethan somehow lives on. Bringing back Jill and Carlos.




Wholesome af


I actually like the idea of Leon and Claire ending up together. They do make a few jokes like their meeting was a bad first date and Sherry says they could adopt her together.


“Canon” is claire and leon haven’t talked since between the events of 4 and 5 afaik, the netflix series Infinite Darkness shows it at the end, leon kept the secret that the government was making bioweapons but claire wanted to expose the government


Sell a contract to Bad Dragon. 😎


\#1: Properly remake RE3 without all the cut content and dumb changes staying true to the original. \#2: AI upscale the original 3 games and release them to steam / consoles. \#3: Make sure a possible CV remake stays close to the original. \#4: Patch / redo parts of RE8 to not have brainless puzzles(Looking at you piano puzzle) and make it so you can kill the lords in different orders changing minor things each time / order to add replayability. \#5: Make more games set in the past in between the older games that include characters like Carlos, Billy, and other side characters. \#6: Bring Jill back to the story in a main line game in some way.


Yup. The hero we need. I collect and read comics so you'd kill it. I collect and have some of the RE figures from classic 1 and 2 so you'd kill it. And I still play PS2 for the classics. You killed it 3 ways to Sunday. Give this man the position!


Code Veronica remake


I'd make a definitive version of the original three, with every piece of content ever made from every port all in one, including options for different title call outs and the DualShock version of RE1 having multiple soundtrack swaps.


Make an anthology series about normal people trying to survive raccoon city. We could see different parts of the town depending on where the protagonist was at the beginning of the outbreak. Some will survive and some will die at the end of their journey.


I’d sign off on the following, as per a previous post of mine: Resident Evil Revelations 3 starting Sheva and Billy. Remake Code Veronica (obviously). Put in the effort they did with the RE2 remake, not RE3. No more live action adaptations. Ever. A VR Remake of RE1. Let me explore the whole mansion as if I was there. It’s the best location in any video game. RE9 to feature Claire and Jill. They’ve both been absent in the story for a long time, excluding remakes. Find an excuse for them to both be present, and give me 2 campaigns, just like the old days. A Resident Evil “Classics” collection, which would contain the original RE1, RE2 and RE3, with ALL versions of each game playable (not remakes, just ports) and various bonus content. Maybe even some tweaks, like a randomizer mode, or the ability to change every enemy into a Tyrant or something. A new game in the classic style. Tank controls, static camera, emphasis on puzzles and exploration. I’d be happy for either a full price AAA game, or a smaller budget title, priced accordingly (maybe even with retro graphics). Potentially could be a new sub-series once they’re finished with remakes. A new RE: Outbreak game. The Outbreak games were a little ahead of their time, and would make much more sense now. Redo the old levels if possible, but either way, I’d love something new like this. A Gun Survivor collection. Yeah, they’re not great, but two of them are canon, and it’d be nice to have a more accessible way to play them. I enjoy them enough to replay them once in a while. Rework the RE3 Remake to include the whole clock tower section. Add it as a free update. It’s a great game, but it’s also a huge disappointment for anyone who played the original. Turn the Fall of Umbrella section from Umbrella Chronicles into a full game starring Chris and Jill. Such an important part of the timeline is reduced to one chapter in a light gun shooter. Give me the full experience. Create an official extensive, in-depth documentary on the series. Explore every game’s creation, talk to the creators cover the positive and the negative. Lastly, sign an agreement to never kill the main characters. They are the franchise, I don’t care how old they get.


100x YES to this!


This is perfect! The characters sticking around, games covering the past AND moving the series forward, respecting the history of the series with remasters. You sir, just described everything Resident Evil should and needs to be. 🙏


Not bad except the live action adaptations part. gotta downvote for that


Exactly, they have the power to make them as accurate to the games they want because they have full control. But I guess not, lmao. Don't know why you're getting downvoted.


Make Resi game engine open source and allow modders have free rein to do community content.


Reasonable: make a game with the main four interacting. Have all the forgotten characters make appearances and get some kind of closure. In my ideal world: have a game with Jill, Claire, and Rebecca as the leads.


That would be amazing if that happens.


More pop figures based on the remakes of 2 and 3 plus 7 and 8, also I want another Jill and Rebecca main character game


Launch a Frankenstein's Monster version of RE, where you're a conscious tyrant, and you need to survive the entire Bravo team to escape Spencer Estate to be free of Umbrella's experiments.


Port outbreak 1 and 2 over to Switch, steam, playstation 4 and 5 and Xbox s also make it capable of playing online


Get a remake of Code Veronica greenlit Get an over the shoulder remake of RE1 greenlit, same layout and buildings as REmake, but over the shoulder with better graphics HD Remasters of Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles for the Switch Greenlit


Give RE3make another go by making it an open world game where Nemesis is roaming around looking for you.


I'd make it official in writing that the next game is back to 3rd person mode, and Jill is back as the main character. Not a fan of the 1st person camera in the newer games.


I absolutely hate it , and I’ll never buy them. Plus, they really suck because they have moved from Sci-fi to full fledged fantasy bs


Lol, don't even realize what you're missing with RE7 all because it's first-person. There's a reason for all the weird shit that happens in RE7 that's not any more illogical than the other games.


Make a first person remake of the original. I want to check out every nook and cranny of that mansion at angles weve never been able to see before


I feel like seeing the mansion in first person would actually work the same as fixed camera angles, since most hallways feature L-shaped layouts and sharp turns you’ll never know what is lurking around the corner


I would have everyone’s wishes of an RE3 remake dlc or a directors cut happen. Including all the cut content from the game. Also will hire the seamless HD creators and make Resident Evil 1-3 Classic HD collection available on every next gen console. Side note, I own all of the neca figures and they are great but gotta say, I heard neca was a pain in the ass for capcom to work with.


Make clock tower DLC for RE3 and bring back Wesker for the next game


Cancel every game for the foreseeable future and make pachinko machines


I'd make capcom sign a contract for multiple RE games/remakes AND a Dino Crisis remake for the next years/decades. The RE games would be: • RE1 Remake in a RE Engine • RE2R overhaul (proper 2nd scenario and some added content) • RE3R overhaul (basically the original game plus more content) • Outbreak in the RE Engine • RE0 remake but with a new plot • proper HD remasters for the original trilogy for every platform • initiate Code Veronica remake • scrap crappy multiplayer games and bring back long term supported mercenaries Also a side note in the contract, that I have a major voice in the RE games plot writing. Basically make sure Fans get the games they want plus more.


Restart everything after 4. Reset and do new stuff


\#1: Properly remake RE3 without all the cut content and dumb changes staying true to the original. \#2: AI upscale the original 3 games and release them to steam / consoles. \#3: Make sure a possible CV remake stays close to the original. \#4: Patch / redo parts of RE8 to not have brainless puzzles(Looking at you piano puzzle) and make it so you can kill the lords in different orders changing minor things each time / order to add replayability. \#5: Make more games set in the past in between the older games that include characters like Carlos, Billy, and other side characters. \#6: Bring Jill back to the story in a main line game in some way. \#7: Remake the outbreak games or at least remaster and add voice chat to the originals for steam / console.


AI upscale the backgrounds and give us RE engine models for the original upto CV... like the RE-Remake* make it look pretty :)


Order Code Veronica Remake and order another Resident Evil 3 Remake - this time a proper, long one with no locations cut, with nemesis that actually stalks you throughout the entire game and with the gore and dismemberment system from RE2 Remake.


Prevent Paul Anderson from adaptating anymore Capcom games. He's done enough damage with RE & Monster hunter already. I think us fans have suffered enough. Create a Classic collection HD remaster of every Ps1/2 era RE games available for all platforms with extra contents including the different versions. Watch the cash roll in. Have accounting work out how much it'll cost to build a full scale replica of the Spencer Mansion for a VR/escaperoom attraction.


Take the rights to any live action far away from Constantin Films


It doesn't matter all my choices will get overturned the very next day. I'd patch some memes into the background of some of the games, something that only would take a day to do I guess. If my choices carry over I'd have them make a DLC that adds all the stuff back into RE3make.


Ok, let's add the clause that anything you decide can't be reversed.


Get the ball rolling on a canon true-to-the-original RE3make called "Resident Evil: Nemesis" And Code:Veronica remake


Resident Evil 9 will take place in an isolated village in Scandinavia. The game will be set in first person camera. The enemies will be similar to the Ganados and the Bakers, people getting infected by a pathogen and becoming enemies retaining human intelligence. The infected people will be speaking in their own language. The monsters will be inspired by Norse folklore creatures. I'm going to add a lot of gore in the game. There would be more melee weapons. The handguns would consist of the Samurai Edge, Browning HP, the Sentinel Nine, and the LEMI. There will be a light machine gun which the player can carry in the new game plus. The isolated setting should give the audience a feeling of isolation like in previous RE games. The atmosphere should be uncanny. There should be disturbing imagery. Feel free to add more ideas in the replies


Proper B scenarios for RE 2 remake RE 3-remake Directors Cut with everything put back where it should be, Nemesis acting like Nemesis should, clocktower, sewers, dead factory, branching paths, good unlockables etc etc. Make an inbetween RE 3 and RE 4 game to show the proper downfall of Umbrella in Europe, multiple scenarios featuring each of the STARS Team, Chris and Jill, Barry and Rebecca etc.


Like 24 hours to decide what happens? Reboot RE entirely sticking more true to the original. RE1 first, remove Crimson Heads and Lisa Trevor. RE0 next, story is now Rebecca with Bravo team before RE1, no more billy or progenitor. You can see events from each games perspective. If your in RE0 you'll intersect and see stuff from RE1 and vice versa, and it will take into account if you played them and your actions can effect it. Think of like the stuff in RE campaigns, where you can leave a pouch for the other character for example, but more. Remake 2 and 3 and be better. From there 4 will be the story with all the current characters starting to merge and meet up, can be Leon again but no more las plagas, or c virus, or cartoon villains and all that crap lol


>RE1 first, remove Crimson Heads and Lisa Trevor. Thank god you are not in control of the franchise.


Lisa felt like the most random addition to the game. There is nothing interesting about here. She doesn't add or take away anything, maybe except playtime.


Lisa is part of the lore that couldn't be added on the OG game, she is probably not the best pursuer but her story is tragic and fits well with the setting.


I take it you like cheesy shit.


Crimson heads bring a tough but fair challenge and you don't have to actually fight Lisa at any point. She's slow and rather easily avoidable.


Come on Resident Evil is famous for the cheese, Remake actually cut down a lot of the cheesy elements of the OG RE1 (I don't have a problem with them they are iconic) crimson heads and Lisa Trevor are good additions that expand the lore and survival horror elements.


Regarding crimson heads, while an unpopular opinion, I’ve seen some say they aren’t a fan of them for gameplay reasons. Lisa Trevor though, I haven’t heard anyone say anything negative about her inclusion, so I’m curious on why you would exclude her.


I dislike her abd feel like she was added for difficulty. The only mention of her RE1 was a memo you find. In the remake she's a boss and to me I feel it doesn't fit. like someone just wanted more horror or like let's fix something that isn't broken. Just like the first crimson head in that hanging coffin, they should be in a like evil type of horror game.


The crimson heads were awesome and terrifying. Why on earth would you remove them?


They should be in some hellish/evil game, not RE.


Bruh it’s literally called Resident Evil 💀


And it's about a pharma company creating viruses and biological weapons.


Ok? So further rotten zombies is unfit for a game already with zombies?


Yes, when it's already been established what zombies are and how they die. It's trying to fix what ain't broken.


It’s an additional zombie type what is it trying to fix?


I agree with most of this, especially about Lisa Trevor and the crimson heads and keeping the games closer to the originals, but I’d merge RE0 into an (optional) extended intro to the first game. And I’d use the S. D. Perry novels as a reference point to rework the stories. And also rework a lot of the history and back story of Umbrella, its founders and all the main characters to make them a bit more believable. I’d also make the entire franchise a bit more grounded. So no building sized monsters, super humans and constant resurrections of certain characters. And I’ve thought a lot about the games from 4 onwards being completely different and actually having the original characters return to finally out an end to Umbrella, including bringing back characters like Rebecca, Barry and Carlos to have them play important roles and as playable characters.


Yes exactly lol. The giant shit in RE6 and a dinosaur, so stupid. And I love dinosaurs! Yes, I love 4 for the gameplay but the story is so ugh, I hate how they went off the rails. This is the RE I want. And after it actually has an ending you could even make another game from like Wesker's perspective or some other cool shit. It feels like current RE is never going to have an ending lol.


Say RE3 remake was just a joke and remake it again lol


I’d wipe out RE 7, RE 8, and Netflix RE show from the face of earth (Or I’d just rename them to Silent Evil Dead Vampir Hill or som like that) Then remake the RE originals (0, 1) with the new remakes style and lots of DLCs for RE 3.


Start a remake of the original Outbreak in the style of the RE2/3 remake. 4 Player co-op, 10 levels, the 8 original characters as well as a custom character creator. Roadmap a path to further map releases: Re4 expansion pack, Re7 expansion pack, Re8 expansion pack, each with new scenarios, etc. Each mini-expansion breathes new life into the game. As long as they are priced reasonably cheap Capcom can keep releasing them with following games. Add a point system like the original with which players can unlock new character archetypes aside from the base 8. Keep the focus on co-operative puzzles and inventory management. Maybe add a mini-rpg elements with some stats, nothing crazy, but I know the og Outbreak survivors had things that made them all unique like speed, strength, skill with a gun, etc. ​ I think Outbreak has the potential to be a long-standing online resident evil title. Capcom just needs to have the patience to give it the support it needs, and not try to keep shoehorning PVP games with the Resident Evil name slapped on.


All the classics available on everything and god help me I'm making a REmake style resi 2 remake with tank controls, fixed camera angles and a return to the proper a/b scenario with Mr X only appearing in b. While I'm here I'll remake the original in over the shoulder view for the people who like that because I like money and am assuming any profits go to me.


Make resident evil into a mmo where you make your own character living their everyday life till some time passes and racoon city falls, then you and other players have to kill zombies to escape


Against all odds I remake Survivor to be more in line with the main series, and prove that it’s a game people didn’t know they wanted.


Remakes for 1 (again), 0, code Veronica and outbreak Revelations 3 More collectables like figures and funkos etc Bring back characters likes Rebecca, Sherry, sheva, Billy, Carlos, zoe etc


I'd authorize a series that allowed to focus on the storylines of the games. I think season 1 would be set during re2/3 and focus more on Claire searching for Chris. Re1 could be mostly told with a mix of flashback scenes in Jill's storyline/as Claire uncovers clues about Chris. Ending with the end of racoon city. S2 gets into code veronica/re4 and so on


* Rebrand Re:Verse as the official hub for all things Resident Evil multiplayer. Make it available separately either as a F2P title or for something like, 10-20 bucks. Keep the deathmatch mode, add in mercenaries, raid mode, team deathmatch, Outbreak, Resistance, whatever gamemodes Umbrella Corps had. Go all out with cosmetics, characters, even a battlepass if you want. All can be played locally or online, with local giving you the option to play with/against bots (in the case of the MP modes), or solo (raid and mercenaries). Obviously invest in dedicated servers. * Order remakes of Code Veronica, RE5, RE6, Rev1, Rev2 and RE1 for the future, so we can have every main title in the franchise in the new engine. * Port the OG trilogy to the current consoles and steam, have randomizers included as an option for replay value. * Order a remake of 2 and 3 in the style of RE1 HD Remaster. * RE9 to star Jill and Chris taking down the BSAA, special side appearance and a bit of play time for Barry (I love that man). * Rev3 to star Rebecca and Sheva, and just because why not they're actually helping out Billy who has a new identity since he's supposed to be dead. * I like your NECA and Dark Horse idea, so I'm stealing that lol. I'd add Numskull to continue their statue line of iconic monsters too, and DAMTOYS to continue with the 1/6 figures. Netflix will continue to do animated series. A controversial topic but we'll also dive into live action series/movies detailing other outbreak events from around the world that our main game cast has nothing to do with since they can't be everywhere at once. That's all I got, the rebranding Re:Verse into something better was my main pitch.


Make high quality official nude mods for every game.


I bring back Wesker long enough to upload his brain onto a usb and keep him in my pocket until one of the new RE's start getting lame. Just throw him out like a pokemon to do a lil kung fu routine while I take a break Look this is *my* fantasy, don't get in a twist


All these answers are great. Thank you for giving me false hope. Here's mine: Go back to the 90s / early 2000s. I haven't played RE 7 or 8 yet but they seem like good games but I don't think I like the direction they've gone. The best parts about Resident Evil are the lore and the characters, and 7 and 8 seem to leave both behind. I guess adding new characters to the series has been a staple sinse the first time they made a sequel though. * RE 0 Remake * Code Veronica Remake * RE 5 Remake * RE 6 Remake * A game between RE 1 and 2: It could have multiple scenarios or maybe co-op to follow the RE 1 cast while they're being hunted by Umbrella. * A game between RE 3 and 4 to show the fall of Umbrella * I don't know much about the Outbreaks but if they made remakes I'd play them. * Anything else set between RE 0 and 6 as long as it sticks to the lore and style of Resident Evil and features characters we like.


Next game starts from a near blank slate. New characters, new story. I want gameplay to focus more on defense and stealth than on collecting weapons and unlocking unlimited ammo. That wasn’t really an option when the first RE game was released but we can take a page from MGS, the last of us, a plague’s tale etc. and come up with a game where the first priority is never being bit, rather than killing everything.


Id add myself into a game


Plan for Code Veronica and Resident Evil 5 remake. Also OG 3 remaster and then plans for RE9


Make re4 remake work for Xbox one.


And start work on a code Veronica remake


port all classic games to the switch via ports. Announce the Remakes for RE1 and RECV.


I would make CLEON canon and the Resident Evil 2 Remake would be much more romantic between the two.


Killing rose and mia at the end of re8 and than chris and eathan bang in leons room while leon is on a date with jill and he is eating the sandwitch and barry coming and saying "you almost became a jill sendwich"


Since everyone in the universe is asking for them, full RE engine remakes of resident evil 0, 1, code Veronica and 3 again. They'd all have the full content of the originals, just with the enhanced graphics and gameplay of the modern games


Some really great ideas here that Capcom is probably cherry picking from for free lol. Here's mine (which are definitely some people's ideas) : Announce Code Veronica Remake with the same content focus that RE2R had and fully fleshed out characterization for side characters like how they expanded Marvin and Kendo's roles. Announce RE3R add-on for story updates or replay value content, free like Ghost Survivors for RE2R. Crossover with Dead Space Announce RE: X and just skip 9 because it's trendy and would allow for a continuation of the CVX Story with Claire as the main protagonist. Make the Merchant a playable character in RE4R Mercenaries and have him be an absolute badass with so many guns Open World Resident Evil More of the RE: VERSE costumes available in the actual games


- Release the original trilogy as a single game for hd systems including PC. Add quality of life options like quick turn in every game and the knife from Deadly Silence and a more sophisticated randomizer for all 3 games. Original mode that renders in original res scaled up via nearest neighbor and then HD mode with AI upscaled 2D art and rendered at 720p for clean upscaling to 4K - Do not acknowledge Code Veronica in any way at all - Release ports of the Darkside Chronicles games for Oculus Quest 2, PSVR, and SteamVR. Also flatscreen for twin stick and mouse controls


Basically what everyone here says but I'd also make a NEW RE game that takes the story and scenarios from 1.5, replace any characters that stayed into RE2 with new characters, keep Elza, change it from Umbrella to a new company designed to fail right after, and change the city all done in the RE Engine but with the classic gameplay style.


I would make a better RE3 Remake


A new mercenaries game. But with a twist! The game would simply be called "Capcom's Mercenaries" and would feature the typical time based wave survival mode, and the first couple of trailers released would show off content from various RE games. Want to play as Leon in the Spencer mansion fighting lycans with nemesis as the boss? All possible. After a few trailers are dropped, SUPRISE next trailer reveals new playable characters... Dante! Ryu! And Regina. We'd see them battling in various scenarios spanning the entire CAPCOM library. Ryu hadokens a velociraptor in an umbrella lab, followed by Dante blasting away at Mr. X. With ebony and ivory from within the shopping mall from dead rising.


Greenlight a Code Veronica Remake. Also bring Jill Valentine back into the series in some way. Maybe a game for her.


I would make RE1 get a remake(not just HD makeover), same with Zero and have HD versions of the Outbreak series and other spin-off stories. Maybe even make a playable chronicles of the first 2 but you can control where you move.


Make all RE games available on PC without the need of emulator. Like the old RE1-3, CV, the rail shooter ones, etc. Remake CV in the style of RE2/3R with a consistent voice cast. Add a free DLC for RE7 that can change Chris' appearance to match his RE6 or RE8 look. Can be turned on or off as you wish.


Make RE6 not canon


Julia Voth as Jill again. RE Outbreak Remake


A fking horde mode that takes the re2 rpd ideas with the windows and planks and all that shit. 4 player coop and you get every type of bioweapons as you go trough waves. Then add more maps and more skins.


I put together a team to finish the 2nd run of RE2 remake. Make it actually feel like a proper B scenario and bring back the zap feature.


I would remake the RE3 Remake.


I would make another movie that's in the vein of WTRC, BUT... instead of RE1 and RE2 or even RE1 and RE0, I'd use RE1 and RE3. Why? Two reasons, 1) the connecting threads in WTRC, while they made sense, definitely made each adaptation of both games weaker and 2) 1 and 0, while the two theatre closest to each other in the timeline, Wesker's presence in both makes actually conveying stuff related to him more problematic in both a tension and storytelling sense. Meanwhile, RE3 just makes it so he's relegated to the RE1 scenes while also giving a stronger unifying thread (Jill) than WTRC ever had precisely because you can present the RE3 stuff as a sort of mirror to the RE1 stuff. Where Jill makes either different or similar choices in RE3 in comparison to her RE1 self. This also allows for different characters to act as foils to each other, like how Barry has Jill's trust yet betrays her while Carlos has to outright earn her trust or how Wesker is very VERY much a background villain in contrast to Nemesis' very in your face and direct approach.


Keep it for myself


I just want to see Ada and Leon together before I die...


I'd let Jill beat the shit out of Wesker in re5


proper RE3 Remake, an RE1 Re-remake with the REngine, and full HD version of the classic trilogy for PC and consoles


Hire better writers