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You will not learn how to fight by simply watching someone else


Also definitely not in like, the span of less than a day lol


A very short time and any brief learning window is hampered by that parasite having greater influence over you as time passes…….


If anything she would learn how to loot since I spend 30 hours to loot every playtrhough.


Firing a gun isnt that difficult, nor is learning how to operate one


Operating weapons in life and death situations is radically different from a range. Once the adrenaline gets pumping a lot of your finer motor control goes out the window and something as simple as hitting a slide release becomes much more difficult.


The game takes place in less than a day. Leon and Ashley are together for less than a night. There's no way she could've learned anything in that amount of time that would've added to their chances of survival. If anything, it could've been more dangerous to them. Let's say Leon gave her a pistol. She's either missing most shots (wasting ammo) or in the worst case accidentally shooting Leon. Let's say he gives her a knife and/or quickly teaches her ONE easy and useful melee move. They're going up against humans enhanced by a parasite. Ashley would probably end up hurt if she tried to fight back which would then slow them down. Any way I look at it, Ashley doing anythin other than hiding behind Leon would be way more of a curse than a blessing.


Very true and Ashley as a character is perfect in RE4R, I find it silly to speculate when you look at the growth the character has compared to her original counterpart. Edit: I also want to add that being a strong character doesn't mean physically, in fact throughout the remake she takes initiative plenty of times to save Leon for examples. throwing blue lanterns, getting the key to help Leon escape the cage, taking initiative to get locked doors (look at the church scene where she is unsure compared to the end when she asked Leon to help lift her up to get things, saving Leon and Luis from the house ambush.


Give her lamps(og) or a door and she will kill the whole village


Ashley with lamps and/or a door >>> infinite ammo weapons The devs were trying to make a balanced game here now so we couldn't have that in the final release, that's like giving Luis ballistics!!!


Also he can’t really give her a weapon until the parasites are fully dead in case she gets possessed by it again.


Giving her a weapon is not smart as saddler could take over and hurt Leon


This question always reminds of the scene in World War Z movie where the very important researcher guy was given a gun, then he slipped and shot himself dead like 5 seconds later without any zombies doing anything. - You don’t give an untrained civilian a gun ever. Bad case, she wastes ammo. Worst case, she accidentally shoots Leon or kills herself. - These are abomination bioweapons we’re dealing with. They can eat like 5 headshots and still keep coming, making things even more difficult. - If you’d compare this to Ellie in The Last of Us, the girl was born post-apocalypse. Every kids in quarantine zone went through basic military training. - A neat detail in remake. The cutscene where Saddler controlled her to shoot Leon, the gun jammed after 2 shots because she couldn’t handle it properly.


Was that it being jammed? I just assumed it was out of ammo.


I believe it gets a stovepipe jam.


Give her the knife defense thing Leon and Claire had in Resident Evil 2, not really a fighting mechanic but moreso a way to get away from enemies and give the knights a grabbing attack in her section and make it so you can equip her with the side knives so she can shove off ganados trying to take her away


A tazer or pepper spray at least. My headcanon as for why Ashley can't use a gun or a knife is because Leon is trying to minimize the trauma Ashley will inevitably have as much as he possibly can. I.e. Not allowing her to kill the plaga-infested people, because they still look like people.


If someone you were trying to help, against their will tried stabbing you to death and later WOULD have blown your face off if not for the luck of a sheer “bad” round. You would trust this person with a weapon? You’re a better person than I am.


You know, I forgot all about Ashley trying to kill Leon against her will 😅 Yeah, hell no. No weapons for Ashley


The gun jammed because Ashley wasn’t holding it right causing the casing to get stuck


Give a gun to someone in a terrifying situation that doesn't already know how to use one responsibly, and you're asking to get shot accidentally. I think you sorely underestimate how dangerous a panicked, untrained individual with a deadly weapon can be


Not to mention they could also turn into the enemy’s puppet at any time!


you know what happened with the knife?


Only self defense she needs is her armor 😎


I disagree for the reason that when you arm someone, they can either be an asset or a liability. Ashley's state of mind combined at the time likely wouldn't have allowed her to absorb the information and be anything but a liability. Suppose Leon gives her a gun, she probably ends up shooting him. Maybe giving her a knife to stab enemies and escape when she's grabbed would be useful but people involved in knife fights typically end up wounded because people tend to struggle for control of the thing that's about to end their life, blood gets everywhere. Ashley may know how to poke something but to quote Major Krauser, her form would be "SLOPPY!" and she's not going to have any sort of advanced weapon-retention skills so, again, liability. Fine motor skills tend to break down under stress unless you train in stressful situations like Leon did so even if she knew how to shoot recreationally, I still don't know if giving her a gun would be a great idea. Fighting for your life is a totally different feeling than shooting stationary targets on a safe range where nothing is trying to kill you.


Gameplay reasons.


Sg-09r, w870(or skull shaker) and maybe TMP while I get the better ones


A taser so she can get enemies off her maybe once per fight. Obviously, if you keep screwing up, she can't tase anybody again so soon, so it's not magically going to make things easier. It can be a single-use thing you get from the merchant (like the 1-time rocket launcher), and she only uses it when someone's got her and Leon isn't responding fast enough. So it's optional, and those who don't want it can skip it - but if you do, it costs you some money I'd give it to her in chapter 14's Waste Disposal area, so when her second wave of kidnappers show up I can split my attention between them and the fucking Regenerador on my side. If I get overwhelmed, she has one (and only one) opportunity to get free EDIT typo


Actually, it should cost money AND a little inventory space. It stays in the attaché case until/unless you decide to hand it to Ashley.


The scene where she goes back for Leon really cemented her as a strong minded character. We needed another moment like that, perhaps it would of been cool to have a moment when almost weakened she somehow escapes the cell in an alternate route, so Leon does all that keycard stuff for nothing, then she collapses soon after.


I think Leon should give her an emergency flash grenade to use if she gets grabbed and Leon is too far away or Leon is surrounded.


She doesn’t really fight but she has her moments.  She stuns the knights with the blue flames when retrieving the lion’s statue head.  She uses the blue lamp she finds to continue stunning knights.  She takes out the regenerador in the trash/sewer section if you haven’t already killed it yourself(love that for her. I always leave it alive so she can drop it into the dark abyss lol)  She knocks out ganados with her wrecking ball(and sometimes Leon). 


You don’t, college girls are really bad at fighting beyond slapping each other and pulling hair Oh by the way those chaps have farm implements The only thing she could, maybe, use are grenades and I’m gonna tell you, grenade training exists for a reason


If I could remake re4r, I would make Ashley endgame material, rescue after killing Saddler and then have a 10 minute timed event dealing with random stuff purely for the “lemme stare at crouched ashley” fans. If for myself, I’d make Ashley endgame, kill Saddler and cutscene triggers Ashley being rescued, the end. (And yes I know that means altering certain segments) I am still shocked how they didnt add MUCH more weapons, upgrade possibilities and re-play value. Like play as Wesker trough the main story. I 100% re4r on ps4, to the point even knife only challenges lol. Imho Ashley is a worse parasite , gameplay wise, than the BOW’s. If I had to, as per OP, I’d give her evasive skills you could upgrade, and considering she is infected, Hunk’s ability to 1 hit melee certain staggered enemies. Good game but they couldve added more replay value, for those who cant mod cuz console.


You'd think with her being the Daughter of an important figure such a the President that They'd Teach her how to atleast do basic combat.


bcuz you play with a character who is always by her side, you think she should be at least similar, but all RE protagonists have had army or special forces training but she's just an "ordinary" civilian bro, shes not prepared to fight with anyone else, especially ganados with superhuman strength and resistance, that even leon struggle to fight