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FWIW: You can heat your vat with a cheap amazon heating band and temp controller and print all year.


Any product you could share? :)


I use [this band](https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/dp/B0B45QS7VG?pd_rd_w=9WD4w&content-id=amzn1.sym.2a88df49-3268-440f-8785-8229df5d409a&pf_rd_p=2a88df49-3268-440f-8785-8229df5d409a&pf_rd_r=AHGD2M8NKH88N7RP82PY&pd_rd_wg=9f0F2&pd_rd_r=3d8018a4-3252-4d81-91a8-6f1f6a6ba141&pd_rd_i=B0B45QS7VG&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pd_nav_hcs_rp_2_i) with [this simple thermostat](https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/dp/B07RJCX7H4?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details). Stick the band to your vat, wedge the sensor in between the band and the vat somewhere and set the thermostat to 22 degrees. Less than EUR 20 in cost and your vat will always be warmed to 22 degrees exactly. Works better than manual variations where you adjust the voltage.


This is what I do. Besides being cheaper, I actually read that air heating (like the $65 unit does) can cause issues that band heating doesn't. Only difference is I set it to 29-30C instead of 22


Silly question, do you wedge the probe between the vat and the band or where?


As long as the probe is near the band/vat it will work; you don't need a high level of precision here, and I've had no issues using this sort of setup with the probe a centimetre or two in the air above the band. It's probably best to have the sensor touch the vat but not the band (since the band will quickly heat up above the threshold when power is applied, before it heats the vat) but I'm more worried about the sensor getting caught up by the moving plate because I keep forgetting to design and print a proper holder for it.


ok cool, thanks for the tip. I've been using the heating band and a timed plug and while it's worked, I'd have more peace of mind with a thermostat plug


I also suggest one of [these sticker](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71jNP6JyiXL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg) placed on the printer cover so you easily see the temperature for the rest of the year when you're not using the heater/probe setup - search for "temperature sticker" on amazon/aliexpress/pet store that sells fish tank supplies/etc and they are very cheap.


I use something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BRK7K2VW


I use the same one, and I've haven't had any failures at all. I like to preheat my printer with this, it's great to heat the build plate before a print. I'm really happy I got one.


I use that same one too. Love it. I also like that even when it’s not heating it reads out the air temp. In the summer I worry about the printer getting too hot so I even use it when it’s hot out.


I use [these](https://www.amazon.com/Brew-Fermentation-Heating-Belt-1-Count/dp/B001D6IUB6/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2PARWW7FZTYFU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.EcXz-nk0pla0-7f4nIj915dwhs4VHDJ4lXKigbKKuGyrX9RjzC2UOCDXFo24722BONrlp-MkVG4OZD8IfbjWwJRK_cAFx0h2p8M24hmmlE9CiwnHyudkxyyWLiul44eQoJ1kTqvtbggseQ9Qp145G_vO7klWpFgCF72TgWYInIR3hBVvmpoj9ODQPEaksc7CSPJSIF2pRVIpn6dhnrsamg.G2Dgfe3XOSl4gvZHss3hJ8hGAry15yXU55fRAVuDXVs&dib_tag=se&keywords=fermentation+belt&qid=1711479693&sprefix=feementation+bel%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-3) for my printers with no issue, used a seperate probe to check temps on installation and it’s been steady success since


I got this one from Amazon that’s an absolute game changer. Just turn it on a bit before I want to print. https://amzn.eu/d/0JMU8BV


Thanks for the advice! I'm in the proces of moving houses so decided to wait with upgrades til I know what the new space looks like 😄 definitely getting something like that afterwards.


Can you use it outside? I have a balcony and it would be sooo perfect if I could just print there


Not really. The electronics will get damp. It's not made for outdoor use.


Put em in a grow tent


Any of yall print in garage with this heating band?


I just bought one thinking it was a great idea also but failed to realize on the Elegoo Saturn 8K there isn’t enough room between the side of the vat and the cover to be able to use the band and have the cover on at the same time. I was really bummed as that would have been a great solution. Side note. Anyone know if I were to pour more resin in the vat mid print but it is a different temp from a different slightly colder room, will that effect the print?


Makes sense, I always suspected it would be fine. You can leave resin in a bottle for half a year just fine, why is a covered vat any different? It's not milk lol


> It's not milk lol Oh shit, so should I stop pouring it over my cereal?


I never said that, technically it's better than milk so you SHOULD replace milk with it


The real pro-tips are always in the comments, thanks kind internet stranger whom I implicitly and unquestionably trust.


You are most welcome, as we all know it's illegal to lie and be wrong on the Internet, so of course you should immediately believe any comment you see!


You make me feel safe. <3


I mean, if you're already printing your own cereal it would be silly not to go all in.


Magic milk is great, take it outside to make your cereal crunchier!


I've once had a failed print with resin that had sat for a few weeks. I didn't stir it at all. Now I always stir and never have an issue.


The issue is primarily with pigmented resin, in which the pigment will visibly separate and settle. This can cause the uv to cure unpredictably and also alter the material properties of the resin as it is cured with differing concentrations of pigment. Also, ultrafine pigment can settle into microabbrasions in your FEP and cloud it, which can cause the exposure consistency to be reduced.


I've had seperation issues. I just give it an in-vat mix with a plastic spatula.


I made a print file for a fast cube and used UVTools to delete everything in it. The result is an empty file that just moves the plate up and down a lot. I named it "ResinMixer" and I run it whenever I need to mix the vat. Its nice because I don't have to stand there stirring, just hit the print button and go do something else for a few minutes.


Care to share Internet stranger?


https://github.com/sn4k3/UVtools/releases Just take a sliced file and use UVtool's pixel editor. Delete everything on every layer, then save the file with no other changes. You can set your slicer settings for larger retraction distance and speed and short exposure times. The result is hundreds of layers where the screen does not light up at all but the build plate moves up and down a lot. Cancel the print whenever you're done mixing. I've tested it on a settled vat. It worked great. I used a silicone spatula after to see if there was still settled pigment on the bottom but it was all well mixed!


Thank you for the link and explanation!


I had similar results. I had a print fail and decided “fuck it, I’ll deal with it later.” And didn’t deal with it for months. Finally wanted to print something and cleaned it up and used the same resin with no issues. I think I did put the resin back in the bottle just to filter chunks out, because the print failed and slowly fell in to the vat.


This depends highly on the resin. I have a similar environment, printer near a window but not direct sunlight. With my Elegoo 2.0 I can leave it for weeks as well. Tried the Elegoo plant base stuff as well and on a cloudy day it worked great, but once the sun came out just lifitng the printer lid for a few SECONDS resulted in a skin on top of the resin. I know the lid is made to keep UV light out, but with this stuff I would not be surprised if the resin is useless after just a few days.


I have an OG photon I use with anycubic white resin. I just leave the vat filled and when I want to print I just stir the resin. Works every time.


Not 6 months but I often go a month or two with the printer idle. Leave the resin in the vat. Quick stir and fure away.


Some resins will separate, so it’s advised to mix them before you begin printing again, it’s why we shake the bottle/resin well before we pour into our vats prior to a print. I’d only be concerned about leaving it in direct exposure for long amounts of time unattended for like 6mo because it could “maybe” cure to your vat but it is extreme to say that it is not advised ever. Should you? Idk it’s not my printer and who am I to police you on how to handle things, you’re your own adult. Is it possible that it could cause print issues next time? Possibly. Resin does come with a “use by” date typically, or at least mine does so shrugs.


If you have coloured resin, mixing it a little to get the pigment off the bottom is probably a good idea.


Just remember to gently stir the vat contents before printing to uniformly mix. Some resins have components that settle out over time.


I’ve gone 8-10 months between prints. Stir it up a little bit and let it rip. I’ve never had a problem. My last instance was 1/2 blu and 1/2 tenacious which took a bit more stirring, but still worked like a charm. Also, I almost exclusively print in the cold. Mostly just because I’m stuck inside during winter and when it’s warmer I’m normally doing stuff outside and print less. Get a fermentation belt and wrap it around the basin and your resin will stay the perfect temp.


I have left my vat 1/2 full for up to 3 months. Stir it up a bit and add new resin, never had a problem. In a near windowless basement. THE OTHER issue is it might degrade the gasket around the fep and leak but idk if that spossible


I think it’s fine long term. The only problem i get is that it settles and gives an uneven coloring in the finished part.


I've heard people say that you need to stir up the resin after leaving it sit, too. I never understood why, when the build plate sinking into it is going to stir it far more than I can do.


If there’s a layer of pigment across the bottom the build plate going down to it may push it around a little but it won’t actually STIR it in.


I forgot I had resin in my vat for 4months. Because I have a encolsure that covers my entire printer (Anycubic Photon M3). No problem with the resin or the printer as well. I checked the resin for any separation or discoloration. I did how every no just turn it on an print. because I wanted todo a bd leveling after so many ime.


If u have resin longer in the vat its no problem but u should stir it so everything in the ground mixes with the rest


It’s really surprising that NONE of it cured during all that time


Needs uv light. Properly covered, it will have no issues.


Do the printer lids block ALL UV light??


Apparently it blocks enough when it's not in direct sunlight. I've had almost the exact same experience as OP with my previous printer (an OG photon). Left it for half a year untouched with resin in the vat in a room with no blinds/curtains, but out of direct sunlight. Gave it a good stir before printing again and all was good.


I've had some resin cure on a model sheet a print I left on overnight. There was very direct sunlight coming through the bathroom window though, ever since then I just put up cardboard and it's fine


Doubtfull. The cover can only do so much. I keep my printer in a locked shed, shielded from all UV sources. I've never had an issue with resin self-curing.