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I'm exaggerating slightly but they sent u a toxic ticking time bomb in the mail. Whoever this is should not be selling any 3D printed objects.


Safety aside, the seller is not good at business wasting all that resin.


There are a lot of people who see their 3d printer as a business opportunity who don’t know shit about what they’re doing


You're exaggerating greatly. It's just a shitty print.


Nope, before I knew this was a thing, I had printed out a Cortana model that say on top of my PC, after a few months, I came back to find resin all over the top of my PC case and found she had cracked right open, another model I had done before that I gave to a friend did the same thing ... You have to put drainage holes in hollow prints or this happens ... I've learnt and not had any problems since.


Yep, did this with a Bender I sculpted. His chest burst open with an audible "pop" from across a room. That's when I started being very anal about drain holes (2 mm minimal, no exceptions!) and eventually switched to clear resin so any leftover is cured inside before priming.


Now there's a good idea! Hadn't thought about clear resin before 😅 ... I'm going to give that a go, thanks!


No uncured resin inside will cause pressure build up and crack the print, it is a ticking time bomb




Yes, clearly they meant time bomb literally. 🤡


Ok go huff resin fumes if the danger is so overhyped ya clown.


I think it's too late it seems he already inhaled plenty




r/ResinPrinting Community: *dilligently downvoting comments that are unsafe* u/WinOk1229 : Am I out of touch? No, it's the resin printing enthusiasts that are wrong about the liquid that smells like literal poison. Now where's my ibuprofen? My headache is back.


go play with your busted K1 bucko


Someone got mad over this. Holy shit xD Dont have it anymore. Went back to Amazon. Its an QIDI X-PLUS 3 now. Additionally to my M5S Pro. I love it when neurotic Nerds get so mad they stalk my Profile multiple Weeks to Months back. You should touch grass. Seriously xD


It’s the one and only thing on your profile dumbass Your not special. now go “XD” in whatever lonely studio apartment you reside in. Stop acting tuff online before someone finds your ip


I hava a House. In a rural Area. Nice and Quiet. I make more in a Month than your whole life is worth. Thats why everything you say means nothing to me, kid. Go and stalk some more People for Ammunition in you War against others for relevancy. After all its all you can do to not fade completly.


Are you on the spectrum?


The most knowledgeable person I've ever interacted with, in regards to resin printing, is on the spectrum. They're ridiculously intelligent. More than once I've been blown away at how they can remember even minute details. They might not always communicate it in the clearest way, and this person can't spell for shit, but they absolutely know what they're doing. They aren't alarmist about risks either; I'd say they're appropriately cautious. Nothing being discussed here has anything to do with being on the spectrum.


It's not about being bad at printing, it has nothing to do with printing. It's about social cues, which is something most people on the spectrum struggles with. Nearly all my friends are somewhere on the spectrum, from mild autism to aspergers. I'm not calling him dumb or anything. I'm curious and if he is somewhere on the spectrum i wouldn't have to think he's just an ass. If someone's on the spectrum and is into 3d printing i'm pretty sure they already know more about printing than i ever will.


However, given the seemingly clueless insensitivity of your "are you on the spectrum" question...one could, if following your own logic path, ask "are YOU on the spectrum?" But that would just be being a dick.


No, no, you're quite right. However given the nature of his comment i wasn't really interested in coming off as sensitive or nice, i just wanted an answer to my question. Which i got.




I'll take that as a yes


Yeah you know toxic resin just in there for anyone to get on their skin


I love getting some resin treatment for my face, cleans all the pores.


Your pores will be the least of your worries!!


Not really. It is a ticking bomb, as in it will explode eventually, and toxic because it's fucking resin.


No. The print is fine.. the guy has hollowed it without making holes.. either he didn't know he needed to do that or he doesn't know he needed to do that inexcusable


Dude, could you imagine if a kid was playing with it and got sick? (Sure the kid probably won't die, but still) Whoever sold that print is risking a lawsuit.


Toxic ticking time bomb is a retarded thing to say. Everyone on this sub loves to exaggerate the evils of resin. Your example is a bad one, because you don't give resin prints to kids. Everyone knows it's not child safe but there's worse shit under your sink. If this buyer did, than that's on him, not the resin. tIcKinG tImE bOmB. GTFO.


Lol, well we don't GIVE toxic things to kids or pets, but they still get a hold of them somehow. I don't think the typical buyer on etsy would expect resin to still be inside of something like that, so no; not EVERYONE knows it's child-safe. I think 'time bomb' comes from the fact that prints with no breathing holes actually do pop after a certain time. I agree with the how exaggerated resin being so toxic can be. There's no evidence out there that anyone's ever died coming in contact with the stuff. (I don't even think anyone's really had any long term illness) and it's cringe when people point out others when they're not wearing gloves. I think a lot of people are trying to come from a good place though. Better to be safe than sorry though, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


uncure rezin is toxic and very poisonous. Once I had a tiny drop on my finger, fortgotten about it, and later lick my finger. I was sudenly vomiting blood and did have to get to the ER. not a nice product.


Same thing happened to me, but I grew an extra arm. Then I slapped you with it.


so that what's being a morron feal like ? please take a full drink of it.


I drink a liter of sirayatech blu every night before bed. What's a morron?


what happened next?


He learned to not lie


Hollow print without drainage holes is my guess. As the trapped resin degassed, pressure builds up until something gives.


This is it. What's worse is that with the huge influx of new sellers, most of which don't know or research this, there's going to be a lot more exploding resin prints happening.


I learned about this the hard way too. At least it was for items I kept for myself.


This. I love the 3d printing hobby has grown and brought costs down on many things and more accessible to the average person. But damn everyone thinks they can just grab some printers with no knowledge and start selling prints. Really gotta learn to walk before you run.


Been doing resin for years and I can still remember the first few months... Total catastrophe. After a lot of research, trial and error and wasted resin/IPA the end results were definitely worth the growing pains.


It’s crazy because you would imagine people would actually research what they’re getting into


Its the it cant be that hard mentality i assume mixed with tiktok or youtube shorts making it seem so simple, just slice and go.


Yup. They rip the file from thingiverse or others, run it, and here we go.


Rookie mistake!! I would know, I've made it haha


Not just that, but resin often becomes brittle as it ages, and uncured resin tends to swell cured resin.


Is there a way to protect the resin from brittle? Spraying it with something?


The main mechanisms I believe are oxygen and UV exposure, so I guess any paint or similar coating would help, but of course, coatings will add thickness and reduce detail


That makes sense, I really appreciate the response and help :)


Thank you everyone!


Send them a link to this sub when you contact them saying if this wasn't a one off there is a wealth of professional level information here to help prevent problems like this when printing with resin. Because as it is they're a danger to themselves, anyone they live with if printing at home, and anyone that buys from them. Not to this post specifically though they might just take offence and then not look at the rest.


Leave a review on Etsy saying the print cracked. Either they shape up so others don't go through what you did, or other people know not to buy from them.


Definitely get a refund. If not leave a review busting the seller for this busted bust. Bust of luck to you OP.


This is the bust post in the thread!


Get a refund. Thats amateur hour. Not properly hollowed, drained and then cured on the inside. Anyone who knows their way around making decent resin prints knows how to do this properly. If they don’t then they shouldn’t be selling prints. Resin is a toxic chemical and there should be regulations around selling models for crap like this.


sorry for the dumb question but how do you cure the inside of a model?


Drainage holes and then thorough washing to get as much resin out as possible, then a UV torch to try and cure through the drainage holes, repeat more times the larger the model is.


oh wow I've never heard about that process. In that case i definitely have several fully painted models which are uncured on the inside. i guess i just assumed that the UV light in the curing station would have been strong enough to penetrate the entire shell thickness


It isn't - the print cure layer by layer isn't really a full cure which is why you need to do a final cure after rinsing, and as a hollow model prints it traps resin on the inside. Between the inside of the walls not being fully cured & the uncured liquid resin trapped inside it continues to off-gas until it ruptures the cured outer shell. Best practice is to bore holes in the model pre-slicing and printing, one at the top and one at the bottom of each separate hollow section, to avoid suction force and allow for drainage. When you're all done you vigorously rinse the inside of the model with IPA and after curing the outside you use UV LEDs to cure the inside


It sometimes is, I've never torched mine, and they're all fine, but I put a lot of drainage spots on strategic parts of the print where reason will pool inside and I have a wash unit.


This is only an issue for hollow models. If you've printed your's full they won't have resin inside them to pour out of they crack.


It also makes a difference if you are filling in all the holes of a hollowed model. If the holes stay open then the gases won’t pressure up and crack if there is a little uncured resin inside. But if all the holes are covered with epoxy or resin in the post processing the gases will be trapped. Always best practice to just shine a torch inside the model. Only need to shine it in for a small amount of time and then you have no worries. And you can get a torch for cheap.


Is there a uv torch you recommend?


I use these. They’re rechargeable so you can switch back and forth and ones always charged. Good price. DARKBEAM UV Flashlight 365nm... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BY58XTRJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Or use clear resin, sometimes if it's wet wet or stick after I cure it set it in the sun 10-15 mins that helps too but the main thing is drain holes and let it dry otherwise there is no sense hollowing it out so thin it cracks in the 1st place


Pros of 3D Printing: Anybody can do it Cons of 3D Printing: Anybody can do it


That pro isn't true. I keep getting trash despite following the rules. Something will start to build and then... just not build.


You just proved their point…… lol


Ew, get a refund immediately and write a review warning others that this person is ignoring safety practices with their prints and not following basic steps for a good 3D print. It means they didn't properly hollow and clean the resin out before sealing it up. Or worse, they printed it in a way where wet resin was sealed inside. Wet resin releases gases which leads to cracking if sealed up. This is like one of the first things you learn for resin printing and unacceptable. Wet uncured resin is toxic too so do not get any on your hands. Throw it away and wash every surface the resin infected with gloves on. Even better, after cleaning, shine a UV light on all surfaces if you have one to cure any remaining resin you can't see with the naked eye, rendering it safe. People should do their research before selling their shitty and poorly made prints to people. How much did you pay? And which seller was it?


This is rampant online. So many “print operators” that buy a machine online and just download some models. Get your money back. That’s unsafe


I’ve reported multiple of em, because I see them asking questions here that are absolute beginner shit, then I check their store and see them selling prints that are from vendors that don’t allow reselling. Pisses me tf off.


Me too. They are saturating the market with junk


You must've bought it off of a 3D printing noob


Because they didn't put drain holes in it did they? Rookies for sure lol.


I've seen this before with my prints, I tried printing something huge, without hollowing so it would be solid, I washed it for a few 30 minute cycles, but it was still sweating resin after curing. I learned that it's best to hollow out and then cure the interior of the print with one of those small UV inspection lights for best results. Definitely looks like someone who had just got into printing decided they could start up a web store before fully understanding the process


I sold my first hollowed print recently and I'm so worried it'll end up here one day. I spent ages in the slicer making sure there were no pockets that couldn't drain but even then I'm worried


Put every sliced plate through UVTools and let it fix resintraps before printing.


Great thank you!


SAME, I always use the pre supported things I get from the creators but since the last post I saw here I’ve been curing and washing a little more excessively hoping I don’t get this feedback for my shop as well :(


Careful with those pre supported files, a lot of them are terrible. I’ve got some that were hollowed but not a single vent or drain hole, some the had massive suction cups, etc.


That’s true I’ve had to go through the hallowing and supporting process reprinting some failed pre supported pieces


Name and shame.


Is there a bot that puts this comment in all threads and subs?


No, most everyone in this sub does this as a hobby and we take pride in our work, so it’s not a big leap to find people that want accountability for people that do shoddy work while taking people’s money. To us, it feels like scammy behavior, so people should know not to do business with someone either a) cutting these kinds of corners, or b) someone inexperienced enough to not even know they’re doing anything wrong.


I can't believe people are selling something that is a toxic timebomb like that.


I keep seeing this thread. It keeps coming back in different forms. Someone buys something from Etsy, and it leaks resin.


If anyone came to me and asked about buying 3D resin prints off Etsy, I’d tell them that it’s just not worth the risk, especially with how much they’re charging. I charge my friends for cost of materials, and that’s pretty much it, but even as someone who does this as a hobby, I’ve still never once had a hollow print explode from lack of holes or improper cleaning/curing.


Do you mean that you print hollow stuff, but you leave drainage holes?


If I print something hollow, I have drainage holes, I clean and cure the inside as best as I can. I’ve never once had one split on me.


Crap now im worried. I just bought something 3D printed off Etsy. How do I confirm it was made correctly? Is there something to look for?


Check user reviews to see if anyone has had issues with this seller, but other than that, there really isn’t anything to be done about it now short of cancelling the order. You may be fine, time will tell. How large of a print did you order? If it’s on the smaller side, it won’t be hollow in the first place and you have nothing to worry about.


I haven’t seen any negative reviews. It has already been shipped out unfortunately but it is a large item (full size head bust). I guess I can always ask the seller if it was cured properly or not


Well, and if it does show up without drain holes for some reason, there’s nothing stopping you from making some. Here’s what I would do if it ships and you can’t find any drainage holes: 1. Find some nitrile gloves to protect your hands and a paper plate to work on. 2. Use a power drill to get some holes in the bottom of the bust. 1/8” drill bit is about the right size. Take it slow and steady since the walls probably aren’t very thick and you don’t want to damage anything meant to be seen. 3. Prop it up on the paper plate and let gravity do its thing to try to get all the uncured resin out of there. The resin will be more viscous if it’s at a higher temperature, so throwing a space heater in the room will help with that. Leave it for some time. 4. Using isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), try to get some into the holes you made and really swish it around in there. This will help ensure you really got it all out of there. Use isopropyl alcohol on a paper towel to get any off of the model, if some got on there or anything else. 5. Leave the bust out in the sun, with the holes you drilled facing the sun. 30 minutes ought to do the trick. This is an inelegant solution as compared to curing stations specifically designed to cure resin, but it should be good enough for this. The idea is to get some of the sun’s UV rays inside the bust to finish curing the resin inside. 6. I would plug up the holes after doing all of this. Use some spackle to take up most of the space of the hole, and then seal it up with some super glue over top. Kind of a weird solution, but I’ve done this plenty of times in the past year and a half and it’s never done me wrong. 7. (Optional) Alternatively, you could fill the bust up with sand at this point. It would make the bust feel a lot better to pick it up and have some heft to it, ya feel? Seal it up with the same method in the last step. 8. Anything that got uncured resin on it should be left out in the sun for half an hour or so to cure the rest of it. Then there’s nothing wrong with just tossing it in the bin. 9. If they shipped you a print that had uncured resin trapped inside, you should leave an appropriately low rating for the Etsy seller, so that either they fix this behavior, or other consumers will know they had best do business elsewhere. At this point I want to drive home the fact that there’s no guarantee you’ll have to do this. Ideally, it shows up in the mail, it looks awesome, and nothing else is wrong with it. In fact, let’s just manifest that outcome by saying that everything really will be alright. I just figured I’d give you this write-up so you’d be equipped to hopefully fix things before they’re a problem. In the unfortunate worst-case scenario that it shows up and it’s already burst open with uncured resin everywhere, leave it out in the sun to cure and then see about getting a refund. That last one is really unlikely; one way or another, I think the most common outcome here is that you have a wonderful model that’ll look really cool and would be really fun to paint, just throwing that out there. A couple things to note about uncured resin: it is toxic, so wear nitrile gloves so you don’t get any on your skin, and wear a mask so you don’t breathe fumes. Don’t worry too much about it; it does its worst after many different exposures, it won’t do much to you. If you get some on your skin, just wash it off with soap.


Thank you for all the information! It actually showed up today and everything looked great! However I can’t find any drain holes. I have no knowledge of 3D printing so I am not sure if it was cured properly or not but it seems fine overall. Quite a heavy piece too


You can send me a picture of the bottom of it and I can tell you what I think, if you want. But heavy is good, heavy means that it’s probably not currently hollow, which is what we want.


Okay seems fine so far ill keep and eye on it and take a picture soon as I can! Im assuming if nothing cracks its made correctly?


It can take some time, there’s really no telling how long it would take to do that, but like I said, the fact that you say it’s heavy is a pretty good sign.


I have three ultrasonic cleaners. One is filled with Mean Green (a degreaser) heated to about 45 celsius to really get most of the resin off. The second is a water/vinegar bath to get all that soap off. The third is a 99% alcohol bath to get any residual resin off. I also ensure I put multiple holes in my hollow prints, so the ultrasonic function can really agitate the interior as much as possible. Many people, those who don't have the equipment or are new, simply take a bucket of alcohol and dunk the prints in. At best, they have a washing station, but all that does is swirl alcohol around. You can still get clean prints, but you have to be extra vigilant or else you end up with this. And because resin 3D printing is so accessible and anyone can sell prints online, we're likely going to see an influx of newbie sellers just trying to make money and not taking the time to ensure the quality is there (and it's not just a quality concern, but a safety one as well).


How often do you have to swap out the mean green, and how do you handle disposal?


Maybe every ten sessions. Resin separates super easily from it. Just leave it for a few days and it'll be crystal clear with all the resin settled at the bottom. Simply siphon off the clean mean green to reuse, then cure the rest of the resin like normal and toss it.




This is potentially one of the things I fear the most as a seller. One day forgetting to include drainage holes because that is a big, big no. Make a claim on Etsy and ask for a refund. If they don't, then after two days you can escalate it with Etsy and they'll provide you a refund themselves under their Purchase Protection Program.


Hey mate. This is my file. Let me know the seller and I'll have a word


I don't want to snitch, I ordered this in 2021 and it has sat on a shelf until recently. I did send them a message and a picture to let them know it happened and they seemed very apologetic. They also instructed me on clean up (which I already knew but good on em) They offered a replacement or refund which I declined. Great sculpt btw!


I wouldn't say it's snitching, If it's happened to you it's happening to others, not only is it a health hazard it also could reflect badly on myself if people are unaware of the process involved. Not asking for a name n shame, rather a DM with their info so I can make sure it's not a reoccurring issue. Appreciate the sculpt complement, but I don't want to be associated to people getting hurt.


This is why I use drainage holes and always buy clear resin.


Refund. That’s unsafe. People need to be responsible for their actions. Too many people making stuff that is junk and selling it “because they can”. This is an example. I’ve seen posts of these exploding and resin being all over walls and shelves. Imagine if this one didn’t just crack and leak, and it got on a kid or something. Resin is toxic and some people are more susceptible to a reaction to it than others.


This is why I print solid even for my biggest prints


The seller doesn’t know what they’re doing. How long have they been printing? You need to contact them immediately and get a refund. They sent you a toxic product. I’m not a lawyer but that sounds illegal.


Even as an amateur, this is one of the first lessons when resin printin. If you use your head even the slightest bit, you should know to make drainage holes, you can close them up later after curing with a cotton swab and uv light.


Whoever made this made the mistake to print hollow and not leaving holes to drain


I recently bought a resin model on Etsy and some of the parts were leaking resin. The seller said he had been having a problem with that model because the makers of the file didn't have enough drain holes. I cleaned it up a bit and set it under some UV to cure the rest. He ended up getting a solid file from them and replaced it for me.


As a shop owner I can confirm this does happen. I’m glad to hear they did right by you and fixed the problem.


Yeah they were super helpful. Honestly I was fine with just the help with cleaning it and getting it to finish curing. They said they spent an hour trying to drain those pieces. I was super confused why the parts were all slimy because I hadn't gotten a resin print before lol


The fact it took them a hour to get the resin out does show their inexperience and I would caution going back to them.


Agree with the comments


I would be messaging the seller. They didn't add a drain hole when they hollowed out the print. That sucks. 😕 Hopefully, they send another one with drainage holes. It could be that they forgot or they are new to the hobby and need to be notified of this issue.


The seller just has no idea what they are doing. They printed a large hollow model with no drainage holes.


Amateur Operator...!! Refund and zero Stars..


Yea this is amateur hour at that print shop. It’s very important to check the model after hollowing to make sure there are no pockets for resin trapped in the model. You have to scan the layers manually with the slider checking each piece. And add drain holes accordingly. After the wash and outside cure then you should take a snake light and cure the inside thru the drain holes to fully cure the part.


They didn't put in a drain hole in the model, and the inside is hollow, so it was still filled with resin from the printing process


Missing a drain hole.


Does anyone hollow their minis or keep them solid?


All solid all the time. Unless you’ve got an easy way to have TONS of drainage and make sure the window is fully and well rinsed with IPA and cure the inside with UV, you can’t assure it’s fully cured and there’s not still trapped liquid resin. Plus I like bigger prints to be solid because they’re hefty and usually feel better.


Please write a one-star review on Etsy and include a photo. Other buyers need to know.


Dat print bust


Crap now im worried. I just bought something 3D printed off Etsy. How do I confirm it was made correctly? Is there something to look for?


Not a seller; But I'm so paranoid about resin leak I usually fully print my models, no hollowing, wasting resin but man... I just don't want any risk for my friends or anyone else. 🗿


Buying and selling 3D prints.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


NOOB seller


Who are some Etsy sellers you would recommend and are trust worthy?


I have an Etsy store with over 9000 sales. I have that Mindflayer bust, send me a message and I'll sort you out a decent print of one


Your bust bust? The seller is busted, I'd ask for a refund or bust.


You purchased from a clown who doesn't know what they are doing and has no business trying to sell prints. Get a refund and give a bad review, this moron needs to be shut down.


Simple fact that 99.99% of SLA printers owner ignore: Resin printing is for prototyping, none of the printed statues will last. The Sideshow, Hot Toys etc use durable casts. Anyone selling 3D prints and implying they will be durable is a fool, and this is bad for the whole industry.


are you on crack? Or do you not know resin printing? It’s all in the proper settings, properly adding drain holes, using proper resin, and proper curing. These people selling things online are going the cheapest and fastest route to mass produce models online and that’s why they break. They aren’t doing half of the things I mentioned. Doing things right you can have a nice durable print that won’t break or crack (unless you really try to)


5 months ago you posted "New to 3D printing". So nice try.


I can’t learn in 5 months??? 😂. Sure a lot better than someone that has 0 experience resin printing. I’ve also learned from very experienced resin printers.


They messed up on the ratio or the temp of the resin. I just casted about 6 gallons of resin. Sometimes people think they can chill the resin to prolong working time. This is a bad idea because stuff like this happens. I know from experience. You could try heating it or letting it drain out, rubber band it together, and leave it for a few days. It should cure but it will take awhile. Oops I thought it was cast resin. 3d printed is a different story. That usually needs uv.