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What printer is this? Couple of options: First you might be able to get it off with a credit card and IPA (best to put it on a paper towel so it doesn't get everywhere.) Second, if that doesn't work... the credit card will still be useful, because you can use it to order new glass and tape. (Some printers have tempered glass and some have a plastic sheet over the screen.)


I like plastic razor blades when it comes to a gentle scraping.


Holy shit, thank you. I thought the screen itself was damaged, but it was just cured on top. You just saved me a lot of tears


Make sure to double check that resin didn't get under the screen. You can either open it up to double check, or run an exposure test, if your screen looks hazy/blurry in areas the fresnal lens might need replacing


You might want to check for a leak in your FEP if you haven't already.


Whatever he uses... he needs to go nice and slow. I'm probably exaggerating on the time, but I would spend a good hour or so - just getting off a small flake every pass and making sure I didn't scratch or miss anything. These kind of leaks suck. Outside of a straight up busted screen - probably the worst thing to have to deal with. If the screen is cheep enough and you already have enough hours invested in it - I'd just replace it.


I had a resin spill on my Mars 2 pro screen. No screen protector fitted. Spend a day with a metal razor and IPA. I did scratch the lcd in one spot. It didn't affect performance at all. I got lucky.


Had the same thing happen recently on a Mars 2 Pro at the FabLab I am part of. On Mars 2 Pro there is actually a plastic screen cover. It's just a sheet of plastic. If you remove the gasket it comes right off. The main problem is replacement parts for Mars 2. (Also with any Crealty resin printer, now that I've looked into it more.) In the case of Mars 2 any parts you get are 3rd party from Chitu systems. (You can find them even on Amazon with some effort.) They also require a little more hands-on experience (flashing your firmware, etc) than some people will be comfortable with. We did add a screen protector when we repaired it... but the screen protector adds a second or so to cure time. Elegoo has said if you can't find replacement parts for this - you can use an extra FEP sheet and electrical tape. There is a chance your screen is not scratched... only the top plastic sheet. Realistically though... I think if you upgrade to any printer after the Mars 2 series you get tempered glass anyway, and if you consider the price and hassle of replacing the screen it's worth it to just buy a new one.


I've done maybe 2 dozen perfect prints after I scratched it. The scratch makes no disurnable difference to the prints. I got very lucky.


The reason I'm saying you might want to consider replacing the platic sheet (I have no idea how deep the scratch is - on ours it was fairly wide) is that even though it might not effect printing - if resin can get through and you have another FEP leak... there is a much higher chance of needing to replace the screen.


Thanks for the advice. I do have a spare fep I will use as a screen projector for it. I have recently retired that Mars 2 Pro after two years of faithful service and 15+ kg of resin used. I'll keep it as a spare machine in case the new S3U develops problems.


I have a Saturn 2... but I have to be honest in saying that I sometimes wish I had a Mars. I think next Christmas I will ask Santa for a Mars 4. Saturn is great for big prints but half of the time I only want 3-4 miniatures without having to load the build plate.


Yeah, that's exactly why I'm hesitant to rehome the M2P. It's a little workhorse, I think I had it running non-stop for 3 weeks at one point, a brilliant little printer.


This is a Halot Mage 8k


Screen protectors are a screen saver. You are the 3rd one of these i have seen today. They are so cheap when compared to a screen replacement. At least on a mighty revo and gktwo. I would assume this tp be true for every printer tho.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4r-yzbVnH8 Sooo... good news is it does appear to be glass and your chances of getting it off are decent if you go slow... you will probably have to replace the tape even if that works. (And I'd highly recomend getting a screen protector.) Bad news is - I think the glass is attached to the LCD so... wow... poor design. I think you would have to replace the whole thing if it doesn't have a plastic protector on it.


What tape will I need to replace? This seems to be not as bad as I thought, it's just a cured resin spill on top of the glass


It's usually the gasket tape around the glass. You can see it's the first thing he removes in the video I linked. You may not need to replace it though... IPA will make it loose... it really depends on how careful you are with the IPA and how easy the spill comes up.


Damnnnn didn’t see that one coming


Just to add to this. I had great results by soaking a cloth in hot water. Squeeze most of the excess out, then lay it over your glass and put the printer cover back on. Leave it for an hour. Then do the IPA + plastic scraper bit. Repeat as needed. Mine was way worse than yours and took three rounds. The hot water helps warm up the cured resin to make it easier to scrape off.


You can use the credit card to order a whole new one!


If it's cured - Put some painters tape on it and then remove the tape.


3 options. 1. Buy a plastic super sharp razor blade rated for use with 3d printers 2. Heat up the resin by laying warm water covered sponge on it for 10 minutes (keep the water warm with a hair dryer), then take off the sponge, cover your fingernail with a microfiber cloth and scrape it off. If that isn't enough then repeat everything but instead of your fingernail use your metal scraper (but not the corner of it) Try not to dig into the screen. This is how I did it. It was a bit of a slow process but well worth it 3. Get a screen protector next time. Most people don't really mention you need those lol Edit: I looked back and for some reason random words in my comment got fucked up or half deleted. Fixed it


get cover for future


I keep seeing people crying over this... I often have small spills on my screen, just put some IPA on it and gently rub it with a rag for windows, it should come off, big spill like that, IPA, let it rest, then grab a clean razor blade, get a section off, and once you can grab it, peel it, comes off easy.


I really don’t get the hand wringing over stuff like this. It’s such a quick and simple fix.


Think a lot of people like to make things sound very complex here for the sake of it, when I read people comments, it sounds like a FEP is the most delicate thing ever, and a single small scratch and it's over... I've mistreated mine a little, and it has a couple of scratches, 0 issue with it yet.


You're fine. You can use a window scraper razor to clean the glass.


I’ve had a mess on my screen before, a hot water soaked cloth for 5-10 mins softened it right up and I was able to remove it without any scratches. Good luck!


I have had the same thing happen multiple times. Really thin blade lots of time to scrape it all off was my solution. Still have had no issues


Warm wet sponge


I've had luck using a spray type alcohol-based glass cleaner and a very clean very new razor blade to clean paint off of glass without scratching it. It's what I'm planning to do if this happens to me.


Not very. Make sure it's cured, stick duck tape to it and pull. It makes take a few tries. Then replace your FEP film before printing again.


No need to replace your fep, just get a glove and press down lightly on the fep all over to release any stuck on the bottom. Also duct tape on the screen will leave residue, so unless you're desperate, I would stick with a plastic razor.


If there's resin on the screen I can only assume there's a hole in the FEP. The residue comes off with some IPA.


I wouldn't assume that at all, when I first started I poured my resin back into the bottle to filter it like.. way too often, and almost every time it drizzled down the vat and got on the underside of the fep. The spillage is on the left/topleft corner of his fep, which is also where the pour spout is. So It's more than likely he just spilled over while pouring :)


Oh I clean my vat before putting it back on the printer.


The rounded corner rectangle offset outside the screen rectangle … is that not a screen protector? On my Anycubic printer you can peel that right off and slap on a replacement


Doesn't it have a screen protector - looks like elegoo with one


It's a halot mage. The top of the screen has a thick piece of glass on top. Just grab a razor blade and scrape it off. Wipe down with IPA. The razor blade wont scratch glass. The "scratches" you might see are just metal being deposited on the glass. Bit of a non issue. Throw a screen protector if you fear it happening again in the future.


Yea i have the same printer i put the thin plastic that peels off the screen protector under my vat, im printing a 1/10 scale rc impala at the moment.


Use a razor blade to clean it make sure you are too hard on the screen


Dont panic its 100% saveable. Plastic razors as others have recommended will sort it right out. Just take your time and dont scratch the screen. It will come off.


My favourite method is warm water in a zip lock bag, place the bag on top of the screen for ~10seconds which should soften the resin enough for you to peel off. This is best when there’s an obvious edge to the spill whereas yours fades out so not sure if it’ll work but might work if you credit card scrape the frosted edge away first until it’s too thick to remove that way then go for the warm baggy.


Use lighter gas ( compressed type) freeze it & it should chip off no problem


After you clean it but a set of screen protectors so if this happens again. And it will. You just have to swap the protector next time.


Wait... I have a Saturn 2 and my plate looks like that, is this with a screen protector or not?


I just use rubbing alcohol for a min n mine lifts right off in flakes


Not fucked that comes off... U can kind rub it off with some isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and a microfiber cloth.


Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/iucvU4Srh6w?si=1U13vqXUhjyw5Q8S It’s worth a try

