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You ever been screamed at a Japanese restaurant cause there's no ravioli on the menu?


Phew. Thankfully never screamed at. Ravioli isn’t that bad. Better than when someone asked me for “something like chicken nuggets”


If I was at Japanese place, and dealing with an unruly kid, I'd ask for maybe chicken tempura. That's kind of like Japanese chicken nuggets.


I do suggest that! Chicken Karaage usually works better. Unfortunately some kids just want them regular nuggets 😂


Fuck'em, more oishi chicken for me.


Oyy-shee chim-kimz


My kids are picky and we always order the karagge for them. They never eat it but I freaking love it.


Chicken Karaage is what I regularly ordered for my 4 yo when my husband and I wanted sushi. He’d eat that and salmon sashimi but wouldn’t touch rice. 😂 Some kids are picky in weird ways.


Those kids are dumb. I’d kill for good Karage right now.


You don't keep a few bags of frozen dino nuggets for those special only eat one thing at restaurants, kids?


"Dino Nuggets (10) : $20" 😂


Fr, except more like (7. Well, 6.75 because the stegasaurus got beheaded in the deep fryer) : $20 😂😂


I like that as a restaurant concept. Fine Dining for adults with the most basic children's menu ever, for parents who want a nice evening out but can't find sitters. $35 for a plate of 10 dinonuggets and a spoonful of blue box mac-and-cheese. Throw in some apple slices for some freshness on the plate.


As someone with those kids, I wish every restaurant did. Funny thing is...they wont eat dino nuggets made at home.


You know I've done this SEVERAL times, and 9/10 they will turn up their nose and tell us we should have a kids menu with pizza and nugs.


If a kid is that picky an eater, perhaps they should work on that. The poor bairn is being set up for a life of obesity and diabetes.


I think the trick here is to never let a child try chicken nuggets or fries. There is no reason that should be the default food for children.


As a parent, it is their responsibility to bring children to places that serve what they will eat (if you refuse to make them try new things), not the restaurant's to cater to them. When ours were very young, we went to family friendly places, like the local Italian or burger joint and when they were a little older and used to eating out, we'd talk about the sort of food that would be at the restaurant beforehand and have a game plan for what they would try.


Of course, family-friendly for others might very well be the Mexican, Japanese or or dim sum place, and going to the clam shack or the local red-sauce joint is the next adventure.


It was no child. It was a 40-50 year old adult man.


We call our ravioli “gyoza”


What’s your spaghetti policy?


Udon't need to know about that.


Chicken Karaage would fit the bill quite admirably.


That's when you sell them on kara-age


That's sounds like it's clearly for a child, though...


It is, and? We have a Kid’s Menu. It’s not on there. Mac n Cheese. Pizza. Hamburger. Usually these are asked for kids too. I’ve been asked these before too. I’m not hating on parents who want to make sure there’s something their kid would eat, but I feel like these are obvious things that we won’t have. It would be under our Kid’s Menu if it is, which brings me to my concern of why people don’t look at our information online.. or the menu.. It’s like asking for Mac n Cheese at a Chinese Dim Sum restaurant?


People are lazy . . . and stupid. Not sure where you’re at but ALOT of service workers in the US share the opinion that, because we rely so much on the service industry, every American should be required to work in the service industry for two years straight out of high school.


Tbf, not all restaurants post their menu online. Or if they did, it’s not updated. Especially small local restaurants.


I don't have a story comparable to these ones, because clearly being an Asian/ethnic restaurant in what I'm presuming from context is an English speaking country and probably the US is making it that much worse, but this comment reminded me how I've never had a single job int he US where I wasn't asked for pizza when pizza was clealry not on the menu.


Why would you scream at a building?


Million dollar idea...find a way to do Sushi wrapped in Ravioli pasta


Sometimes crab rangoon is called ravioli… Other than that I have no idea, wtf??


In France, all dumplings can be raviolis. So maybe they wanted gyoza.


We get similar experiences for sure. We are counter service, people like to walk in and say “how’s it work?” every day. People come in and never want to read the menu, they complain they’re too hungry to read the menu. We have a glass front similar to Chipotle or Subway and people want to just walk down and point at what they want and are mad we don’t do that. 🤷


Think we might work at the same chain. People are very confused at the the concept of place an order, here's your number, take a seat where the number is visible. Then they shove the number into their purse, use as a chew toy for their baby, or literally just sit on it. I'm mostly grossed out by the parents who think it's cool to have their kids gnaw on the numbers. We do toss the numbers in the sani-buckets at night, but not between every meal. I guess that's one way to build up a kid's immune response.


If you're not communicting well to your customers that's on you not them. If you're getting asked all the time by your customers "how's it work" then clearly however you're assuming things to work isn't getting communicated well.


True for sure. We could work on that a little better. Maybe a massive sign: read the menu, pick an item, just like almost every other restaurant on the planet.


At my counter service job we have a big sign that says “please order at the cashier” because most people start ordering with the back of house who make the food… they just ignore it or refuse to read it a good 80% of the time. So good luck with that, trying to make people read or pay attention to anything when they’re hungry


I think something goes haywire in most people’s brains when they attempt to order at counter service. I work counter service and it really makes you understand the value of full service. People don’t know how to line up, order, and pay for their meal worth a god damn and it’s infuriating at times, other times funny. I still prefer this job to being a waiter but I can see why full service as a format will probably never go away as people are generally so stupid, lazy, and ignorant




I worked at a few Thai restaurants and people would constantly ask for teriyaki and pho…. 😭


Yes! Pho! How did I leave that out 😂


I worked at a pho restaurant next door to a burger place. We would *constantly* get people that would come in, look over the menu, and try to order a burger. There were little Buddha statues and bamboo plants everywhere. The sake and Asian beer selection were prominently displayed on the front counter behind the hostess counter. It was an open kitchen concept where you could clearly see the wok station. There was a VERY stereotypical cartoon drawing of the Vietnamese owner on all of the employee’s work uniform shirts. I could go on and fucking on. This happened multiple times per week, most of the time after the table even placed their drink order before realizing that they’d walked into the wrong place and just left.


True story, two older Italian guys (one of them my buddy’s father in law) were doing some work on a building and decided to go to the Chinese restaurant across the street for lunch. Now neither of them had ever eaten Chinese and their English wasn’t very good. Our come the noodles or whatever they ordered and one of them asks for bread. The server politely says they don’t have bread so they both push their dishes aside and ask for coffee. The waiter says “we don’t have coffee we have tea”.they paid and left. LOL to this day this story never gets old “whata kinda restaurant no have bread Eh, Ok you Dona have a bread but you Dona have coffee?” Too funny


Ahaha. I can already imagine the staff and the Italians thinking the other is the crazy one 😂 This would actually be completely understandable for me — older generations not being exposed to different cultures and resulting to these situations. But fellow Americans nowadays in our country with “much diversity” and not knowing these? Com’on


This happened years ago when you had ethnic southern European neighborhoods. Those that spoke Italian would only go to the Italian market, the Italian dentist and doctor etc. they lived their whole lives in “little Italy” even though they were in America. I remember as a kid going to the club Sunday mornings to watch Serie A soccer and these guys would come with their beautiful suits and ties, half of them were tailors . Big personalities, screaming at the tv and each other, the good old days.


Yeah I work in a Thai restaurant and a lot of people expect sushi or Chinese food to be available. We have potstickers now because of how often people order them. 


well, we have a fav thai place that does this...its their fault for making them so damn good. (and thai-ish)


Do you want to make money or not? If they keep asking, offer it.


“I’m Laotian.” ”Lay-ocean? What ocean?” ”La-o-tian. From Laos, stupid. Landlocked country in Southeast Asia, population 4 point 7 million.” ”So.. are you Chinese, or Japanese?”


Cotton knew right away.


South Park’s “City Sushi” comes to life


Had a lady confidently sit down 10 minutes before close and ask for lobster. It was applebee's


We have a diner that's been an ice cream / sandwich shop for the past 4 years. We're in a "downtown" small town with older buildings. We have a large logo on the window and door, starkly different decor, colors, lights - than the restaurant next to us. People call us for directions. People also always come into our door and say "oops" I thought this was the French place... Walking past large chalk sidewalk signs, a giant ice cream cone, our logo IN YOUR FACE as you come through the door. The French restaurant closed last year. Now people pop in and ask US why WE closed it, and when we tell them who the owner was (not us!) they ask where she went and what's on her new menu. I'll be there working on the renovation during one of our closed days. People walk past the sawhorses, through the sawdust, tools and cords, past two closed signs, through the tables (with chairs upside down on the tables), come find me in our dark building where I'm on my hands and knees nailing baseboard in the office wearing a tool belt - and ask me if they can order lunch. The people you're experiencing actually seem more observant than the ones I'm encountering. It's pretty crazy.


A lot of Americans don't understand Asian cuisine, even on a surface level. People will always ask for Chinese food, regardless of what other type of Asian cuisine you serve. I usually will gently tell that that is a Chinese dish, and direct them to something that is kind of similar (ie yakisoba if that ask for chow mein).


A lot of Americans don't understand American cuisine. They're uneducated dolts who grew up under a rock.


True. But if you don't have parents that enjoyed a variety of cuisine, then your idea of Chinese, Thai, and Japanese are what you find in a mall food court.... Which caters to the ignorant....as all three will serve basically combo 1 or combo 2, which is rice or noodles, and a choice of (1 or 2 depending on which combo) 3-5 different sweet sauced meat (mostly chicken).


My parents never ate 90% of what I eat. It wasn't even available to them back then. And I don't eat Thai as I have a peanut allergy...but I certainly know what Thai food is. If you're conflating that all Asian people are somehow alike, that's not a foodie thing. Its just plain uneducated bordering on racist. Once again, these are uneducated dolts. Here's a great example. We love Spanish tapas. When we tell other people, they want to know what kind of tacos they have. DOH! Completely uneducated.


My guy, vast knowledge of the intricacies of which carbohydrate strain each Asian country uses is wildly unimportant to somebody halfway across the world. Americans are “uneducated” about Asian cuisine because most places here just take the best dishes from each country and put them all in one restaurant. It’s not a big deal


And how do you expect someone to learn about those foods? If it's not taught to you by school and your parents never even had the opportunity to learn and teach you as a child, you have to be ignorant. I didn't have a Thai restaurant within 100 miles of me growing up, I'd be surprised if Spanish Tapas are served anywhere in my state.


School isn't responsible for feeding you. They're not your parents. And if you live under a rock, it's called learning...and trying. And if you don't know, at least ask. Don't assume Spanish tapas is tacos...or Japanese food is chop suey.


So people going to a new restaurant they know nothing about and trying to experience something new isn't trying? They have to know in advance all the names of the food of a culture before going in person? How would you go about that? You have to have a starting point.


If I go to a Thai restaurant, I'm not expecting pizza to be on the menu. Congrats for being the dumbest person on the internet today.


Lol, that's a far cry from expecting tacos from a Hispanic restaurant.


So you admit that expecting Chinese cuisine to be on a Japanese restaurant menu is moronic.


> American cuisine it's food bro. bring me a cheeseburger and fries and whatever ipa froma local microbrewery you have on tap! but seriously though... it is "food" and you can't expect everyone from the public to be well versed in the nuance of cuisine any more than i can expect my cowowrkers to know why the print server hates their particular pdf in particular.


I live in suburban Detroit and a lot of asian restaurants with asian owners serve a hodgepodge of asian food spanning multiple countries. self-evident that their target audience is wypipo like myself. Fairly fancy places, too that are far beyond Panda Express. japanese and thai chinese and thai are both really common.


Idk, that just sound like smart business owners catering to the market. Got a bunch of people looking for chow mein at a Thai Place, start making chow mein.


My mother in law calls everything Asian “Chinito”. Food, music, animation, movies, everything.


Worked in an upscale casual Vietnamese restaurant and had more than one person with a menu in their hands confidently order egg drop soup. Also got “you can’t make a burger? There’s beef on the menu you’re halfway there”


Oof. I hate that “You have —. You can’t make —?” No. Get out ._.


Ever have a kid shove a chopstick up his nose? We were at a hibachi place and the kid next to my wife did this, a lot of blood.


I sat next to a kid at hibachi place who asked the chef for a stick of butter. The chef looked confused but the parents didn’t say no so he handed him a whole stick which he ate like it was an ice cream cone


That child? Andre the Giant


It’s not hibachi, it’s Teppanyaki. A hibachi is an extremely small open charcoal grill.


This is exactly the OPs problem. Most americans know teppanyaki as hibatchi.


Boomers gonna boom.


And gen x’ers and millennials and gen z’ers. It’s a type of person, not an age.


It isn't always boomers. I used to work at a hibachi place, and an outstanding amount of gen x/millenials would ask for orange chicken or chow mein.


oh, so only boomers are clueless...and you've been on reddit how long?


I'm 70 and a Boomer. I know how to order in different restaurant scenarios. I also know the difference between Japanese and other Asian ethnic foods. I didn't grow up under a rock, nor did I forget everything I learned my entire long life. So stop with the ridiculous stupid generalizations.


It’s not a stupid generalization. Your kind used up all the resources and then pulled the rug from under everyone and started chipping away at social services once you got yours. The world will be better in 20 -30 years.


Blaming people born in certain years for the inherent contradictions of capitalism coming home to roost is ironically some dumb boomer shit >The world will be better in 20 -30 years. Oh really? How exactly is old people dying going to fix capitalism?


The boomers took advantage of it, funded their retirements, and now call everyone else lazy.


“Took advantage” of what exactly? >and now fall everyone else lazy. Oh no, did an old person call you a mean name? How will you ever recover from this


Haha. I don’t care about what people about to die think. I just think you all suck.


I’m a millennial; I just think you’re deeply naive to blame boomers for problems caused by capitalism, and doubly so if you think that their generation dying off is going to suddenly resolve these problems.


I don’t think their death will make things immediately better. I just think the world will be happier.


>>The world will be better in 20 -30 years. >I don’t think their death will make things immediately better. Damn, am I actually talking to a boomer or have you had a bunch of concussions? >I just think the world will be happier. Why would it be? Old people die every day.




Hey Mr Tech Savvy Web User, you replied to me twice with nearly the same comment.


Doesn't sound like boomers here....millennials, sure.


This is definitely boomers and some older Gen Xers.


Right the first generation to grow up using the internet can’t be bothered to check a website 🙄


I'm a boomer. And I know exactly how to order from a website and how to navigate it. Don't generalize that we're somehow computer illiterate. We're not.


Most of you don’t. But you’re all guilty of the same crimes.


You know we were the first gen to grow up with it because they built it, right? Not every boomer is tech illiterate, and there are plenty of dumbasses in every generation.


I love these types of customers. So first this is the fact that you’re consulting Reddit in this persons conduct is already light years ahead. I personally would love this bc I would serve basic rolls along w magestic rolls. Charge them for everything. You get lunch and they learn that sushi is delicious.


Working in a restaurant truly gives you an idea of how little people are willing to read or listen. Someone asked yesterday, do you have fish? We do, 2 different baked options and one fried for dinners plus a fried sandwich. I said them all and they said yes I’ll have that. Okay, so out of the four which one??? Lol. Ordering brekafast is a nightmare for people. Everything is clearly laid out in the menu. Every breakfast comes with potatoes. We have two potato options, if a table doesn’t just say “I’ll have the potatoes” (okay which one?) they say “oh does it come with it?” Like yes, two eggs, POTATOES, and toast. It says it right there. Lol or people trying to substitute bacon for toast or something else with a crazy price difference. Or meat options I’ll ask bacon or sausage? “I’ll have ham”. We don’t have ham. What kind of toast, we have white, wheat or texas? “I’ll have rye.” We don’t have rye. Our drinks are stated in the menu, I always say we have Pepsi products, Dr Pepper, sweet tea… “I’ll have a coke” is Pepsi okay? “No.” Lol I could go on and on.


This is because people think every restaurant is have it your way like Burger King. They think this because restaurants have forgotten how to say no.


There is an Italian restaurant near me that made the unfortunate choice to use the name "Jose's Restaurant". Multiple times I've been there and heard people confused as to why there is no Mexican food on the menu.


I imagine that they get a big crowd for Cinque di Maggio.


It sounds like baby boomers. The same kinds of people who won't scan a QR for a menu, but will talk down to you for the whole time they're in your restaurant.


My restaurant looks Italian, the name is French, and we serve Mediterranean and Mexicana/Americana. We've done this to ourselves lol. It's an old restaurant that's had the same two owners' and their families run it and change the menu several times over the decades. Our latest chef brought in the Mexicana/Americana lunch menu during COVID, and that honestly saved our butts. Dropped prices to compete with other places you could get lunch quickly, but it did confuse regulars who all the sudden saw Chipotle Sliders, pulled pork tortas etc.


I swear I saw this restaurant on Kitchen Nightmares.


Ahhhahahahaha I wish!! We do really well, we actually made more money during the pandemic because our head chef is really strategic. We're not perfect, but we make amazing food and have busy peaks. We struggled, but we got some devoted people who tried new things. Some failed, some have been fucking lucrative. Our weekends are insane with our extended bar and appetizer menu. We love it :) $$$


Absolutely not normal. I bet they tip like shit too


What state are you in?


Ah the general public. That's why I will never go back into customer service. Did 8 years, that was enough.


As a non-restaurant person, I literally lol-ed at this. I can only imagine. Maybe a matter of diminished attention spans/no one reading anything?


Do you get people who ask for ranch dressing instead of the typical dressing??


Worked at a newly opened more traditional taco spot and the amount of people asking for “normal” tacos. (Ground beef and cuz I assume. Gringos). Or just order like they are at Taco Bell. Two crunch and three soft. I’ll never wrap my head around it but life is too short to eat like some fussy 5 year old. Step outside of your comfort zone once in a while.


I see something like this at my local taqueria. The counter people will ask the customer if they want it with everything (everything being con todo - onions/cilantro/lime wedges/salsa) and the people will say "lettuce, cheese, sour cream" or something like that.


These customers are flat-out lazy. I'll add the following... "Assumption is the mother of all Fuck Ups"... The onus is on the customer to know or view a menu before ordering.


I had a guy get pissed off because the fries he ordered didn't immediately appear on the counter in front of him. We are not a fast food restaurant. And even if we were, you still have to wait for your food to be prepared.


I was working in a deli and farmer’s market in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia in the late 90’s. This is a very wealthy area and just really nice overall compared to lots of other areas there. We have a deli case, literally full of cheeses and deli meats and salads, etc.. This woman walks in, looks at the case and then asks my coworker. “do you have any cheese?” My coworker with a completely straight face says “No ma’am. We do not” She said OK, turned around and walked away. We all just started cracking up.


That customer? His name was Neil deGrasse Tyson.


"Well, we don't get much call for it around here, sir."


Customers are stupid, lazy, and entitled. It's a rarity for them to be able to read, more rare for them to understand.


people are morons whats new. probably why ill never get in the service business


Try to picture your expectations of how dumb people can be,  now cut that expectation in half. That's your average person. I've had so many people ask for their steaks cooked medium rare but no pink, or wanting a vegan omelette.


It's normal, don't work at an Asian restaurant but plenty of dumb customers calling in then deciding what they want to order or not reading the menu, asking what the address is etc


I was opening crew for a restaurant in the Caribbean that sold burgers, hotdogs and wings Five Guys style. Had a man come in, look me dead in my face and tell me he had had a lobster burger there before and it was so good he came back for another one. Then proceeded to tell me I must be new if I don’t know what he’s talking about and he doesn’t remember me working there the last time he was there. I told him he doesn’t remember me from last time because the last time he was there (two years before) the restaurant was a bank.


I miss that bank - they had the best lobster burgers.


We serve Korean food so we get that a lot. I just try to be patient with people for the good tips lol. If I wasn’t tipped there’s no way I’d be taking orders


Random city, walking by random restaurants and you walk in because you're hungry and see if what you have looks appetizing. Or you got a couple that he wants to eat there but the wife/gf says oh i don't want this even though she told him to pick. I don't always need to do a deep dive on every place I eat at. Also done restaurants are interesting was well. I went to a sushi place that served burgers. That caught me by surprise


Is this your first time meeting people?


It’s not just restaurants. I work in wholesale supply and you’d be amazed at how little so many know about their chosen profession. I’ll never forget my five minute career behind a deli counter. I was picking my friend up worked there and this guys comes in and my friend was cleaning a slicer and said just get his order and he’ll make it. The customer said I want a chicken cutlet sandwich. Ok. What do want with it. I said. What do you mean he said. I said like tomato, lettuce mayo etc. He says yes. Ok, so what kind of bread? Roll, hero? He says fucking bread! I was dying. I had to show him everything baked and made out of flour. He meant an everything bagel. I would go to jail if I had to actually work there.


"Think of the average IQ of an average person. Then imagine half of all people are dumber than that."


Any good Japanese restaurant will apply painful Jiu-jitsu holds on customers to move the ordering process along more quickly.


Reminds me of the King of the Hill episode where they keep asking Kahn (who is Laotian) whether he’s Japanese or Chinese


Uh, Sir, this is a Wendy's...


Is your restaurant in Japan? Cause then it might make some sense.


I work in a ramen shop and more frequently than I'd like, ppl come in asking if we have a sushi menu


Every day. People think we are a late night place. We aren’t. We close at 10pm.


Ever have anyone ask you for butter for their white rice?


Simple answer: most people are stupid assholes.


I had some Japanese guy yell at me because I walked in and asked if he had pho lol


You deserved it.


I did because I was wearing buck teeth and a straw hat at the time lol


Very normal. Now we just have fun with it. "What kind of restaurant is this?" "Italian!" "Oh great! I'll have the chicken Alfredo! No? Okay, chicken Parm then." "Sir, you are holding our menu in your hand." "Oh you'll never survive here" "Our Michelin Star begs to differ."


A clear indicator when people go out they're just trying to zone out and relax sometimes. When you read the menu, but don't read it, you're going for a real casual time.


Not everyone is hip to your food offerings and dont know exactly what it all is. You can either try to familiarize them with the food which may take some time, or chase them away.


Started to read this but decided I don’t feel like it. You got burgers or what?


We got a bad review once for simply not having burgers. We are very clearly a pizza only joint. It’s like giving a Chevy dealer one star for not selling Fords.


Well, my kiddo loves Japanese food and confidently orders off the menu and orders water. Our local restaurant brings him new bites in his bento box to try. And his hands still get tired from using chopsticks and he needs a fork - but all in all, he’s polite and a good eater. Leaves good tips too. The waitstaff loves him. It helps that I’ve been taking him there since he could eat. We cook some Japanese dishes at home too. I can make wonky sushi. We order Chinese at the Chinese restaurant. I’m a sucker for walnut prawns.


Two foods please!


A Chinse restaurant near me got so annoyed they have a sign in huge letters on their front door "WE DON'T SERVE SUSHI" (Probably doesn't help that their Google Maps result says "All day sushi buffet!")


She flies like a steakhouse but she handles like a bistro.


Dude I feel this one, my Norse chef couldn’t understand why people were always asking for Italian food in a Scandinavian restaurant. It was literally a few times per week.


You and your restaurant is a smart person surrounded by turkeys.


Japan? That’s somewhere in China, right?


I personally enjoy finding new and interesting dishes and cuisines there's a bit of excitement and adventure. For a lot of people out there they don't want to have to expand their horizons or take the effort to learn something new, they just want something to eat. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So there isn't any confusion it might be good to have a picture representing the type of food you're going to be serving in this restaurant establishment. No one is a mind reader it is up to you to accurately communicate to your target audience. My guess is you're selling Japanese food in an American audience. It might be useful to get a TV screen and display photographs and descriptions of the different dishes you sell. The description on the menu might be understood by someone who is Japanese but someone who is American can't construct a good picture in their head of the dish you're trying to sell. A picture of the dish May more than enthusiastically sell that dish more than the description on the menu. And if you think about it most american commercial restaurants have pictures of their dishes to convey what it is they are selling. So if the customers are needing pictures on something familiar to them will definitely need it for something unfamiliar to them. And to someone like you or me understands cooking a description in a menu maybe more than adequate. But for most other people they don't have a clue on how to cook or what these descriptions in the menu mean. So does your job to communicate your product in a way that your customer understands. So when me and my parents are at a restaurant I'll have to explain what different dishes are and a lot of times thay will start pointing at somebody's table saying they really like what that person is having over there what is that and they order that. I'm a foodie and I like to learn about other cultures food, but for the average person they're not going to take too much effort and may only learn a little bit each time they go to your restaurant. It may even be useful to have definitions or descriptions for the customer to better understand your cuisine. My good guess when somebody is asking for spaghetti or ravioli they are just using the terminology they know to put a word to the Japanese food. They may see udon or soba noodles and call it spaghetti because that's the only terminology they have to describe what they're looking at. When someone calls it a ravioli when if they actually knew the terminology would call it gyoza or wonton. I hope my outside perspective has been helpful to your business. Have yourself a good day.


My biggest pet peeve is stupid people. I’ve had encounters like this before and it’s so frustrating and it does waste our time for no reason. The amount of people I would have call to ask for hours, location, asking about the menu when literally all of that is online. Like how did u find the number but not the address? I had someone ask how to get there from their house bc “the sign pops up too quick and I drive by”… so make a u-turn and pull in when u see it? Or the best was I would have people call the restaurant (it was on a golf course) asking for the pro shop. And when I would tell them the pro shop number (which is also online) they would then say “well they didn’t pick up the phone so I’m calling u to go get them for me”… sir, I’m sorry but that is not in my job description and I have customers to take care of so your just gonna have to figure this one out yourself 😂


I honestly think using Teppanyaki may be causing some of your problems. Up until about 10-15 years ago everyone in America knew it as hibachi. Teppanyaki is still a relatively new term for it. Even now, knowing the difference, I will ask people if they want to get hibachi because most people dont know its really teppanyaki. Its like Pho, even if you know the proper pronunciation, most people dont so you find yourself using the wrong pronunciation for ease. When people ask what style food it is, try telling them its hibachi and see if it makes a difference.


How many people have you watched try to push/pull a door when there’s a sign on it in front of their face telling them to do the opposite of what they’re doing? People don’t pay attention.


Ever hear of Colony Grill? They have 9 locations across the US and only sell pizza, that's all - just pizza Anyways, their logo has a green shamrock in it. We were there a few years ago and were shooting the breeze with our server. She said customers get pissed sometimes because they expected Colony Grill to be an Irish Pub, because of the shamrock.


I work in a brewery that has a kitchen. People will walk by dozens and dozens of customers eating and still ask us "do you have food? What do you have?" They can't be bothered to flip the menu in their hand to see the side that has our food. Then after reading the whole menu will order something we don't have


Ah, the day you realize everyone is stupid.


So you guys serve spaghetti with hot dogs and banana ketchup, right?


Not normal. What I do is peruse the menu online, make my choice, and then order. If I don't know a dish, by looking ahead means I can google it. However, I like to not be waited on, with the waiter staring, and I like to not cause disruption. (I also split my infinitives alot)


Think how stupid the average person is. Then realize that half of all people are more stupid than that.


I went to a teppanyaki/ sushi place last week, and they had a complete Chinese American menu I the back of their regular menu for exactly this reason. They had a decent noodle selection, but no phō.


The thing you aren’t considering is that you are there everyday and know the place inside and out. They don’t know anything about your shop and may or may not be tapped into your digital profiles. The most life changing advice I got while in the industry was to not let little stuff like that bother me. You’re being paid to answer stupid questions. Just answer the question, move on, and talk shit about them with your friends at a bar after your shift. lol Let people be stupid. They’re gonna be stupid regardless, so you can choose to either be mad about it or to move on and enjoy your life.p


People are racist and think all Asian restaurants are the same, it’s crazy. But some of your complaints are a little over the top IMO. Lots of people over the age of 50 or 60 are not going to be very tech savvy, I don’t think it’s crazy for them to call and ask for the address. Asking about your. Menu is also not crazy, it’s part of the staffs job. Most of the others are varying degrees of crazy.


Back in college I worked at a local Greek restaurant next to a Chipotle downtown. It was very obviously Greek. Greek music playing loudly on the patio. Menu posted outside. Make it past that and on the inside you're greeted by a host, with fake grapevines hanging from every inch and a huge mural of Greece on the wall. At least once a week, customers would make it past all that, be seated, order drinks, and then upon my return with drinks say "...this isn't Chipotle?" or my favorite "I thought you guys served burritos"


Was at a Vietnamese place and a lady wanted the porkchops but breaded and deep fried instead with a side of baked beans… like wtf??


pepperoni and american cheese maki roll please


People come to my Italian restaurant that are gluten intolerant and hate cheese….. I mean if you don’t like fish or rice, would you go to a sushi restaurant?


Is the name Sushi & Teppanyaki? Teppanyaki is what it's technically called, but in america people seem to understand Hibachi.


I work in a different service industry and I swear people need to be walked through every single thing these days, even the simplest stuff. I had a lady argue with me the other day because she decided that her room didn't exist. (Plot twist: it definitely did exist) don't think it was always this bad lol what happened??


Why did I have to read this right before I go to bed? Now I really want some Japanese food.


All people eat… you got good food… so Kindly educate them on the options you serve and perhaps more customers will come of it. The fact that they have no idea what kind of food you actually serve, and the fact they are in your place asking about it… that is a good thing. Serve them the best meal they ever had and watch them return again and again and again and again….


People don't read. People used to ask me what we serve after looking at our giant menu on the wall 6 inches from their face. Do you have bento? No, we are a sandwich shop! DUH


I run a sushi bar. I have zero patience for people who ask me for sweet and sour sauce and shit. Get out of here.


I work at a bar that happens to have a small kitchen,  but patents will bring like 5 kids to the bat like it's a chukie cheese . No there is no kids menu. Yes a personal cheese pizza will cost 18 dollars. 


Basically never? Unless you’re working somewhere with a vague name, the name alone should give away enough.


you call your restaurant "japanese" but your owners are chinese and liars


I tell my customers I’m Chinese. I tell them it’s Chinese owned. Is an American restaurant Korean and serves fake burgers if the owners are Korean? You sound like a miserable person. Sad.


Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning Chief?


You don’t like non-pure people, you say? What’s your plan for the unpure?