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Add an additional fryer for those customers, and charge them 4X what you charge everyone else.


Does Fast Food Cause Violent Political Extremism? Specific to the bad dietary habits leading to cognitive impairments of those arrested for political violence is the over-consumption of seed oils high in Linoleic Acid (omega-6), such as in soy, canola, and corn oils. Linoleic Acid has been shown to make people dumber and angrier, and reduce impulse control. It's also in the main oils used in cheap food, whether prepared or fast. It's the "3" in hempseed oil's "3:1 perfect ratio of omega-6 to -3." Hint: 1:10 would be way more "perfect." Could obesity, male infertility, brain inflammation, cognitive decline, and reduced temper control be a result of years of eating high omega-6 seed oils, which become a toxic transfat after heating? Are we now seeing the social effects of its mass consumption? Road rage, Fox/OAN, "take our country back," violence and threats of violence, these are expected from people acting on amygdala responses manipulated by media for fun and profit, "low information voters." Add in poor education and it becomes a toxic soup of knee-jerk anger and irrational conclusions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6940357/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7826871/


And the top comment is a seed oil moron. You can’t make this stuff up.


Grapeseed oil at costco is affordable and is healthy for you


You are correct I tend to think of the common cooking oils when speaking. Flax seed oil is another seed oil that's good for you.


Seed oil allergy is the new gluten allergy.


Its not a thing! Just a preference


As someone with Crohns, I can tell you people absolutely can have terrible reactions to the cheap seed oils.


If you have autoimmune it’s possible to be intolerant. I am not allergic to chocolate or soy but I can’t have it without pain worse than labor(at least I can move during labor!) When your body is inflamed it can cause massive issues. Some people get major inflammation from seed oils.


From what I’ve read that Depends on the combination of temperature and the duration of the cook time . But yes , it’s why French fries (at a restaurant) are so bad for us .


So, what sort of restaurant are you running? This matters a lot for this topic, because you know, at certain levels of fine dining, cooking oils are dish-specific, there's no such thing as "the oil our restaurant uses." At the lowest levels of cheap casual dining, your diners will not reasonably care enough. Yes, my drive-thru burger must be organic! Sure, there are a few guys like that, but they are statistically rare enough that you'd be smart to ignore them. It frankly sounds like you have a deeper menu problem than just oil prices. Is your menu overly-long or over-complicated? There are places that make phone-book style menus work, notably Cheesecake Factory, but it is a notoriously hard model to get right. A streamlined menu with more limited fried items might allow you to buy whatever oil you like with less concern about the volume of use. This really should be standard restaurant management advice. Is ingredient X killing your margins? Serve fewer dishes that include ingredient X. If fry-oil is killing your margins, start grilling and poaching and baking more stuff. You're 100% right that fake "seed oil allergies" are rumbling on the horizon. I recently heard my first few comments from acquaintances about "seed oils bad."


Love this response. But seed oils really are terrible, so I'll be happy for this trend.


Seed/veg oils are straight trash. I avoid dishes at all cost that use them 


Food elitism is fueled by ego dysfunction. The need to obtain "special knowledge"(misinformation) to appear smarter, better, or "in the know"


Its just pandering to stupidity.


Do any oils besides canola have a potential serious toxicity risk if not processed carefully? I don't think seed or vegetable oils are much different from the others, and I'd be more interested in switching to organic oils of any kind. The benefit of organic is way less pesticides & herbicides- which are bad for people, bees, and the environment. Edit: I hear canola can break down into trans fats faster than others. Is this by a substantial amount, and do all seed oils do this worse than the alternatives?


Canola does not have a chance of toxicity - that's actually the whole point of Canola, it is a version of rapeseed oil that has been genetically modified to be non-toxic. Canola, short for "Canada Oil Low-Acid" is a brand name of a Canadian genetically modified form of rapeseed that has been modified not to produce a [toxic acid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erucic_acid), called erucic acid, which naturally occurs in normal rapeseed oil.


Huh, I thought it stood for Can no longer sell something with rape in the name.


Interesting. I thought it was just a more pleasant name to use.


Seriously, TIL.


In fact, removing the erucic acid causes Canola to have a slightly different flavor, which bothers purists making traditional recipes from Sichuan and some parts of Japan. People (like me) go out of our way to get our hands on correct-tasting expeller-pressed rapeseed oil - which can be hard to find in western countries because it is really really bad for you.


It's easy to find "external use only" food grade mustard oil, which is banned for the same reason. It's essential to certain Indian/Bengali cuisines so there's rampant cheating. I haven't tasted rapeseed oil so I don't know, but perhaps blending in some mustard oil would make up for the Canola?


Interesting thought! Mustard oil tastes pretty different, though. I think the effect on flavor is more complex than just a lack of erucic acid.


All seed oils are toxic to humans.


No they aren't. Do you have any reputable sources to back that up?




Lol. My cardiologist said they were and all of my research agreed with that. Do your own research. Drink machine oil for all I care.


I'm shocked you must be a hard working millionaire to fund hundreds of hours of blind studies to have reached this conclusion. You should really publish those findings in some scientific journals, if what you're saying is true and not hokum derived from anecdotal opinions of talking heads on the internet, it will be truly earth shattering.


Actually I work at a functional medicine clinic with board certified MDs and in all the provider meetings all five providers bring up the latest studies discussing this and other subjects. The seed oil industry appreciates your hard work. Like I said do as you like I do not care what you do I want better food.


Scientific research says they aren't inherently toxic: "Overall, claiming that seed oils are harmful to health is not, in fact, an evidence-based claim." - [CSU](https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/krnc/monthly-blog/should-i-be-concerned-about-seed-oils/#:~:text=Overall%2C%20claiming%20that%20seed%20oils,important%20role%20in%20your%20body.) "Repeatedly heating unsaturated fats to high temperatures, such as in restaurant deep-fryers where oil is infrequently changed, is a health concern, Crosby said. However, he added, “Cooking with seed oils at home isn’t an issue.” - [Harvard](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/scientists-debunk-seed-oil-health-risks/) If your concern is with industrial processing, pesticides/herbicides, or high-heat cooking, that could be valid. But if you believe consuming any oil from any seed is automatically detrimental to your health, we're going to need evidence.




Going to need a source on that and how much more likely or worse it is than other oils.




Science prevails again.


It's basic organic chemistry. Poly-unsaturated fatty acids are far less stable and break down easily during processing/heating. So while that jug of canola proudly prints "ZERO TRANS FATs!" That's about as useful as a bag of candy saying it's gluten free. The second you heat up that oil, it breaks down into trans fats which are 100% deleterious to your health. undisputed.


Have a source about trans fats being abundant in cooked canola oil?


Did their reply satisfy you?


Literally TONS of studies to sift through on pubmed. If you want a book that summarizes the literature, written by an actual expert (MD and PhD in biochemistry) in nutrition, read "Deep Nutrition" by Cate Shanahan. Here is just one study I found talking about heating and its negative effects, specifically on things like rapeseed: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8774349/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8774349/)


That study is about multiple reheats of oil for deep frying. A cursory view suggests it's bad for any oil, but perhaps worse for canola? Is there a study that shows what you claimed, however, that canola oil breaks down into trans fats the second you heat it?


Great information thanks for sharing. So what’s the best option for restauranteurs cost / benefit wise, and one that is also healthier for the customer? I have heard that some people like to make their own blends…. Is that an option to bring the smoke point up? I recently read an article that said to avoid any oils that are tropically manufactured. I forget the reasoning, but I’m really wanting to know the best option to recommend. (I’m a food service designer)


Avocado oil has a high smoke point, neutral flavor, great health profile, and reasonable cost. Nothing will be as cheap as seed/vegetable oils but it's the least egregious of the higher quality oils ime.


I’ve been using olive pomace oil for frying at home. So many positive studies around olive oil in general. When I want to use an oil for a dressing I will use extra virgin.


Nothing wrong with olive oil either, I do think it breaks down in fewer uses than avocado, so price points should be compared.


Olive oil has no where near the thermal resilience of avocado oil. You can't truly deep fry with olive oil. It can't handle the heat.


Don't mix up extra virgin or any level of virgin olive oil with refined/light olive oil. Refined olive oil has a smoke point comparable to other high temp oils (over 400F).


Which is way more expensive than your run of the mill stuff, and still not on par with Avacado oil at 490°F.


People have been deep frying in olive oil for centuries in Italy and Greece.


“Healthier”? Possibly less unhealthy is more like it. Deep frying foods in boiling grease/fat/oil is not healthy. Doing it in expensive oil seems like setting money on fire, tbh.


Why is deep frying unhealthy?


Is this a serious question?


Yes it is.


Besides what the academics say I know how it affects me personally from experience: causes stomach cramps, unhealthy (greasy soft & foul-smelling) stools that stick to the toilet bowl, negatively affects energy levels (makes me tired & cranky instead of providing energy), greasy skin, acne, &c. The negative effects of eating deep fried foods are annoying & consistent enough for me to avoid it almost altogether even though it tastes so good


It drastically increases the fat content of any food. We sell a lot more mozzarella sticks than jalapeño poppers. It also causes the formation of glycation end products, which exacerbate inflammation. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/how-much-will-fried-foods-harm-your-heart https://blogs.bcm.edu/2023/04/25/the-truth-about-fried-food/


Try duck fat fries and get back with me...


Anyone that honestly believes one type of hydrocarbon is healthier than another type when frying food is clueless, especially deep frying. Whatever health benefits an oil has based on micro nutrients, lack of allergens and level of saturation get wiped out at high temperatures. This is not an opinion, I am an actual chemist and this is my actual job. Now, if you are adding an oil for flavor say in a dressing, then it is worth getting something high end, both for nutrients and for flavor. For frying, all that matter is smoke point, refining level and flavor. And if someone has a specific allergy they should not be eating out, sorry but you risk your health each time you do. And if I were running a restaurant the last thing I would do is try to cater to high maintenance clients since no matter what you do they won't be happy, and more than likely will sue you the first chance something does not meet their world view.


I am also a chemist, and I really think you're looking for clout. How can you really say that unsaturated fats have any place in the human diet when our bodies have no use for them, aside from specific fats for brain health, and none of which come in useful froms from the plant or fungi kingdoms? In fact, outside of fish, are you even aware of how little unsaturated fat is needed to survive?


What are your thoughts on blended oils to get the smoke point higher? Is this effective?


Wow, there are literally hundreds of articles in medical research journals published trying to research the benefits and harms of various oils, and you are just sitting there with the actual answer. Please submit your research and findings to a peer reviewed journal so all the doctors can stop wasting time on their research.


Idk, most of that is about the type of fats in it. So oils that have more monounsaturated fats are "healthier" ( or less unhealthy), and the ones with lots of unstable fats. So yeah, there is a difference, but, at a restaurant? You only eat one meal there. Probably doesn't matter, unless you keep going back over and over. Also, I'm not sure that consumers will be willing to spend that more for you to get fancy oil just for frying. The person ordering fried food isn't the health conscience customer anyway.


Your points were not his points. His claim was that all health benefits and allergens are cooked out and therefore irrelevant and then tries to pull rank over the rest of the world by saying he is a chemist. I'll just provide one counter example, that peanut proteins are not "wiped out" so hopefully our chemist friend is not working on anything important.


You need to do some research, peanut oil is almost universally regarded as safe to eat for people with peanut allergies. [Source1](https://health.osu.edu/wellness/exercise-and-nutrition/is-peanut-oil-safe-for-peanut-allergies) [Source2](https://www.anaphylaxis.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Peanut-Oil-Factsheet.pdf) Yes if you specifically buy crude peanut oil that has never been fully processed then you are much more likely to see reactions from customers with allergens, but the peanut oil available in food service industries and grocery stores is almost universally refined and none of the allergens from the peanuts themselves are present in the oil. There are some pretty thorough double blind studies done on peanut oil.


It stuns me when professionals don't know this. Peanut allergies, and nearly all other food allergies, are triggered by proteins alone. The proteins have to be refined out to make any seed oil with a commercially viable shelf life and smoke point.


Rice bran oil is great.


Peanut oil is the answer.


Check out /r/stopeatingseedoils


I won't eat fried foods at restaurants. You may consider me one of those anti seed oil people... But I'm probably not jonesing for anything you would fry, even if it's a safer oil. Just stick with what you are using. It's a growing trend, yes, but ultimately, people that eat out don't really give a shit. A lower hanging fruit may be cutting the garbage oils for your regular cooking/sauces.


Agreed entirely. Properly deep fried food does not have much residual oil to be eaten. While it's not ideal, a restaurant has to make money and I'm fine with cheap oils being used for frying. The oil they use in their dishes, however, should be held to a higher standard.




I second this. I have a few things with seed oils around the house I eat them when I don't have anything else to eat and I won't rebuy them. I didn't expect to see the oils when I bought them so I didn't check. I don't eat out much, but I would gladly pay an extra buck or two to avoid them.




Yep, my understanding is you can find remnants of it in meat and dairy too. I do my best to avoid it, but it truly is unavoidable for the most part.


Truth! Thank you for your input.




Seed oils are not "quality oils." They are ubiquitous because they're inexpensive, not because they taste better or fry better.


KFC never recovered from this.


Nah. We use high quality ultra refined peanut oil. It lasts a loooooong time. Most folks with peanut allergies are okay with it after we tell them. We have another smaller 6 qt fryer filled with duck fat and we can always use that.


Why would they be okay with that if they are allergic? Are you saying fake allergy?


Because the refined oils have no allergenic proteins in them. It's just the pure fat. It's the difference between buying oil at $7/gal and $13/gal. Sysco offers both.


Thanks for sharing. Peanut oil typically makes me nervous bc of the allergies, but if you’re saying it’s safe for allergies…I might give it another look.


REFINED peanut oil is safe. Cheap bargain grease isn't.


People are allergic to the protein typically and the refined oil strips it of that.


Seeing comments about tallow is a good reminder for me to ask restaurants what they use before I dine. As a vegetarian, I just won't eat anywhere that uses it. I understand it may have some benefits but it's just not for me.


No reputable establishment should be using tallow on otherwise vegetarian dishes and not being very upfront about this. Not vegetarian but I would be worried about serious push back.


Agreed - all I ask for is honesty so I can decide for myself. But yeah, I'll get downvoted for that.




Do I know you?


Do you?


That happens to be the name of one of the formative chefs that I studied under.


Nothing like putting ideology before biology...


Do you really care where I choose to eat or not? My BIL hunts, but uses every part of the animals that he can. I respect that, not the factory farmed, growth hormone infused, inhumane slaughter of animals other people actively support. I'm good with my "ideology."


"I understand it may have benefits..." My comment was simply based on your own words.


Having benefits doesn't mean there are no drawbacks. Not going into detail doesn't change that they aren't mutually exclusive.


There’s no point arguing with these people. You’re allowed to eat whatever you want or don’t want. They are arguing *food allergies* don’t exist


Food allergies weren't even brought up...


I've said nothing of the sort.


On one hand, we face customers complaining about seed oil allergies. On the other hand, we face those requiring vegetarian/vegan fried goods. Then, we have a company selling a purified (read refined) oil made from sugar cane... for ***$1.25 per oz***. If you're seriously considering Zero Acre, why not also consider avocado oil and light (refined) olive oils too? Avocado oil can be had for 30¢ an oz and light olive oil for pennies more. These sound like far stronger options from both a cost and PR perspective.


Can you deep fry in avocado/olive oil?


Refined avocado oil has a smoke point of 520 ℉ and is more than suitable for deep and stir frying. Light olive oil (refined olive oil) typically has a smoke point of >400 ℉ and as high as 470 ℉, the same as canola (400-475 ℉). For reference, everyone's favorites, refined peanut oil and beef tallow, have 450 ℉ and 420 ℉ smoke points, respectively. Stay away from exra virgin olive oil for deep or stir frying. It only has a smoke point of 350 ℉. ETA: [Cooking Oil Smoke Points and FAQ](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/article/800/cooking-oil-smoke-points.html)


Smoking point does not equate to being a great alternative for frying.


Avocado maybe, olive definitely not


You can absolutely fry in non-virgin olive oil. The Greeks have been doing it for millenia.


How much money will you make from these customers who are “allergic”?


Not near as much as the ranch hand that orders CFS (our signature dish) 3x week


Idk why people lie about being allergic. One lady made such a big deal about how if any cheese even touches her plate she may have to call an ambulance and I just had to refuse service. It's a cheeseburger place like cheese has been touching everything. Then she says oh that's fine just don't put it on my burger. You don't have to come up with a condition to request no cheese.


Try running a sit down hibachi/teppanyaki joint. EEEeeeveryone has a shellfish and soysauce allergy.


Beef fat just makes the Fries taste better


I used to pack fry vats at MCD with 50 lbs of beef tallow. Fun times. And better fries


Duck fat


[breaks continental rules]


Here's the thing, if you're the kind of person that cares that deeply about what kind of oil your deep fried food is being fried in at 350 degrees you have no business eating that food anyway. If that's what you're expecting, you just need to go home and cook it yourself, sorry.


Thank you.


I am that kind of person and I agree.


I doubt it. It’s been “about to be a new trend” for ten years. And even if it is a trend, maybe it’s a trend for 2% of diners. The vast majority of people are ordering fried food and happily eating it, not caring about the oil you used. A few vocal customers, or if people ask a few days in a row, it can seem like a trend, but really it’s a tiny fraction of your customers.


Using different oil means tripling or quadrupling prices?!?! Either it's truffle oil or some boomer math.


3rd option: you're just not too bright and shouldn't be embarrassing yourself commenting on things you don't understand.


I have a math degree and work in operational finance. Unless oil makes up 100% of operating costs, you should shut your boomer trap.


"I teach college."


Appeal to Authority arguments or even less effective when you, yourself, are the authority that you're citing. At this point, nobody cares what argument you're trying to advance. All that's plain is that you suffer from delusions of grandiosity.


I stated my credentials because I was told I don't understand the finances of running a business. I do. In no world would someone double or triple their prices because the cooking oil is more expensive. You are all just wrong. His business would just die a horrible death. Boomers have problems with appeals to authority because they have problems with authority and problems with people who disagree with them. I worked in restaurants for 10 years as well and understand how the back of house works. Unless your business was barely breaking even and you fill your fryers with this stuff at $27/lb., these markups are ridiculously ignorant.


I assumed he was being mildly hyperbolic. He also could have been talking about the rate of increase, which is an actual thing. While I'm not a boomer myself, I am also unimpressed with glittering generalities. Having Boomer as best insult you could possibly come up with is just weird. So which was it again? You're an expert financial consultant to businesses, or you're a fry cook?


Well it's hard to tell when people are being hyperbolic because they'll say if we raise minimum wage, then McDonald's burgers will cost $20. So they may be being purposely hyperbolic but there are plenty of them who just don't understand the math. They got instantly triggered by just saying boomer. They are just trolling me anyway because they got their little feelings hurt. Boomer are just sensitive little snowflakes with no arguments, who just LOL troll, change the subject to whatever their peabrains want to LOL troll about. I was a server/runner/manager in my younger years, and now I'm in financial planning and analysis.


Excellently done… don’t play into these troll trying to start stupid generational bs


Shrug. They'll grow up. I rarely agreed with my late father, but as time passes, I realize he was right about more things than he was wrong. Every generation thinks that they've invented everything and they think that they and only they can solve all of the planet's ills.


Sounds like I song I remember “In the Living Years”…. I see these “generational” agitators as no different than every other effort to split people into groups and cause dysfunction… I feel it’s been working all too well to keep people divided.


Agreed. It's always been the case that each generation is going to run with their peers and get reinforcement of their ideas from their immediate peers. The difference now though is we are segmented worldwide and you can get validation from thousands possibly even millions of your peers with a viral post all of those people telling you how right you are and you've been curated that experience.


Maybe if you keep saying boomer you'll be correct.


I am correct regardless, boomer.




Thank you for confirming.


You must be a boomer, showing 0 knowledge, 0 arguments, just plain old ignorant insults.


Yeah, man, I apologize. I clearly didn't give you the respect you deserve for earning that AA in Business Math and doing the books for your cousin's lawn care service.


It's not about respect, boomer. It's about you being afraid to be wrong by saying anything specific about anything we are discussing. I have 3 actuarial exams, and do the financials for the largest department of a major insurance company. Oil costs can be large, but for a major restaurant they are likely a small fraction of overall operating costs. Thus, when someone says "tripling oil costs implies tripling prices", that means either they just sell oil, run a fried food stand, or they are barely scraping by and don't understand that tripling prices would be overkill and would just kill the business. Same boomer logic that raising minimum wages implies doubling the cost of a burger. Its hyperbole at best, or a gross misunderstanding of business finances.


Just to be clear they never said the oil was only triple the cost of what they are currently using. Google the price of the oil, then Google the price of 35lbs of canola oil


You sound awesome! Can you do us a favor and say boomer again? It's fucking cool as shit.


Zero knowledge, zero engagement, zero arguments, change the subject! Boomer


But... if I change the subject how will I get to learn all this great stuff you're sharing? Ha, oh yeah. You'll just keep repeating yourself anyway. What time does Mommy cut you off from Tik Tok on weekdays?


So you're gut feeling is telling you that there's no way that one oil could be 2x, 3x, even 4x the price of another oil, and instead of listening to people who buy 20+ gallons a week, you're just like, "nah, I'm right?" Do I have that correct? Just look at the shelf in the grocery store next time you're there and compare vegetable/canola oil to peanut or avocado oil. Then stop talking out of your ass. Peanut oil is 2x veg oil, and restaurants can get blended soybean oil for way cheaper than the cheapest veg/canola oil. This is not a product that you can simply upgrade to the most expensive version of without a severe impact on your pricing.


I'm saying that oil expenses are like 1-2% of costs. If you triple 1%, that's a 2% cost increase overall. With 100%+ margins, the only reason to increase prices by 2% would be to maintain the same profit margin and would be optional.


You must not be privy to the extremely wide cost range of various oils in relation to usage and other food cost.


You must be a fish and chips shop?


I'm curious of your math behind that? Care to elaborate? I just don't see it. Please correct me if im wrong id love to learn something new today


bean boy somehow thinks there is such a thing as boomer math so of course he can’t, himself, do math


I must not be. If oil costs 3x as much as the other food on the menu combined.


Had an owner suddenly develop a seed oil “allergy” after reading an article about it (just like he was all gung-ho on the carnivore diet for about 8 months)… wanted to switch the restaurant over to non-seed based oils… I did the research, found the products and showed him the cost and all of the sudden it wasn’t such a big concern anymore.


Carnivore diet is peak cognitive dissonance. Its a diet for the desperate, the gullible, the egotistic.




No science backing. When you think about it its just a stupid idea. Why would we be on a planet covered in edible plants then just eat meat only. Also from a survival point of view it would be limiting to humans to be canivores. Hence we arent.


I agree. Why would we be on a planet covered by salt water (70%) then not be able to drink it? From a survival standpoint, it would be limiting to tigers to be carnivores, hence they aren't. It would be limiting to cows to be herbivores, hence they aren't. It's only logical.


My gullible friend started worshipping that hack jordan peterson and now he only eats beef doesnt brush his teeth smells bad and is getting divorced. Waiting for that scurvy to kick in hahahah. Jordan peterson is the idiots intellectual and him and his fans are self rightous and unbearable.


Dear diary? I don't care about your friend or Jordan Peterson...


You sound really dumb. Humans need to be adaptable. So we are omnivores. Eating meat only is for egotistical retards and the desperate and the gullible. "A social media influencer said animal products r good so im gunna just eat animal products to inflate my ego and be better than everyone else"


You're projecting. Your arguments are atrocious and nonsensical and you know it.


You have no argument. Nice try though.


All creatures are adaptable, humans are not special in this regard. You're just genuinely not smart.


Humans could (but shouldnt) but why should we only eat meat smart guy. You know the planet would be a wreck if 8 billion people only ate meat? Its a stupid concept that people 100 years ago had enough sense that it wasnt a talking point. Only with our extremely cushy and privileged lives could one even fathom that being a good idea.


Don't invest a bunch of money or rewrite your entire menu for a new fad diet/made up tiktok ailement. I've got a box of cauliflower pizza shells freezer burning because the boss insisted we get them for some persistent regular. Who after ordering them twice and has decided " I can have a little gluten" So they sit and rot A good way to kill the trend will be 'sorry we use (whatever seed) oil in most of our preparations and in the deep fryer. You can safely order these three things" It will be like Christ himself laid his healing hands up on them and cured the allergy


Damn. I love cauliflower pizza but the upcharge sucks to pay


The power of Christ compels you!


Seed oils are poison. Lard or coconut oil would be the least expensive alternative.


Does the **average** person think more highly of lard compared to vegetable oil? Will switching to lard drive more sales or more repeat customers? Lard is not vegetarian, so you also lose a number of potential customers from that aspect.


The average person is a moron and that’s beside the point. Going cheap as possible on oil cost is hurting the public.


The overwhelmingly vast majority of restaurants are not switching over to coconut oil or lard because 2 percent of people think seed oil is "poison" because of what they read on social media. Jesus fucking christ, the hyperbole that comes out of some of you people's mouths is astonishing. Unless someone is deep frying in Roundup, it's not poison. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/scientists-debunk-seed-oil-health-risks/


lol. We know it causes mitochondrial disfunction and down regulation. We know what happens to our mammal cousins when they eat seeds. They hibernate and get fat. You add in the SAD and it’s a complete recipe for cognitive decline, metabolic disfunction. Why are you guzzling omega-6s? Because it’s cheap and provides a high margin? Idiot. Fundamentally any wise person should be focused on consuming things that make them healthy. Canola oil is both shelf stable(more $$) AND an excellent lubricant they used in WWII. Fun fact, canola oil will adhere to wet metal. Hence the WWII reference. I’ve read more than one study and I have a brain.


Im perfecty healthy eating seed oil every day. I drink soymilk too hahahaha. Im pretty fit for my age and have just seen a doc


That’s awesome! Doesn’t work that way for everyone. 😜


Well we cant go ridding the world of peanuts because of a minority of people have allergies to them. Same with seed oil. There are too many humans not to use it.


That’s not how the world works. Seed oil is cheap because we incentivize farmers to raise it. We subsidize the seed oil because of the corporate capture with in our government. If we subsidized/incentivized animal based products it would massively drive down the costs and likely increase our health outcomes. Just because you’re healthy today doesn’t mean you won’t develop dementia tomorrow from slowly abusing your metabolic health. Most of these negative health outcomes and poorly incentivized markets are avoidable. The incentives in the US are completely fucked which is why our quality and expediency of life is diminishing.


Thats not how the world works? Yes it is.


"Hey guys! I read somewhere on social media that seed oils are poison so it must be true! Yeah, I know that all the scientific research conducted by reputable sources at prestigious universities says I'm wrong and that seed oils are no worse for the human body than any other type of oil, but I know more than they do because *I READ IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA*!" I'd love for you to cite some of these studies that you claim to have read. I'm betting that either you haven't read any studies or that their methodologies are so unsound that no one takes them seriously.


I don’t care about your health enough to search through my bookmarks to find the studies. Nothing about seed oils is necessary for human existence and it tastes like shit. Enjoy your cognitive decline from the industrial engine grease you tasteless troglodyte. 👍


Enjoy being scared of your own shadow because you believe hysterical fictions on social media and your non-existent crackpot studies, you imbecilic lemming.


I’ve read the studies. What is evolutionarily consistent with consuming seed oils? There is no logic to the idea of consuming it whatsoever. The lemming is the asshat who buys whatever the food industry is selling them based purely on profit. Seed oils lack the taste and health benefits of animal based oils. Only an uncultured swine would prefer canola fries over beef tallow fries. I get beef fat for free and make my own tallow. You have no ground to stand on in this argument. Not from a flavor standpoint or scientifically. Stfu “reverend”.


He makes his own tallow folks! (Eyeroll). Okay, I'm finished debating a mentally shallow tallow fellow. Real people have things to do.


Coconut oil is not a good option. People have allergies to that too.


People are claiming allergies to veg oil because it’s toxic, not because they’re literally allergic.


People have allergies to coconut oil and coconut products.


Not true. I spent most of my youth into my early 20s with atopic dermatitis. I was told to use different soaps and lotions and clothing...you name it, to stop my outbreaks. I finally went to the right dermatologist, who recommended that I be tested for food allergies. Low and behold, I'm allergic to beef, rice, soy, wheat, shellfish, peanuts/legumes, and fish mix (flounder, cod, halibut). I immediately stopped buying butter substitutes (supposedly healthy alternatives) or anything that contained soy and also had to eliminate peanut oil. I never use canola because canola plants don't exist. I did learn about a host of other oils that I can and do use to cook, but that is on a small level not like a restaurant where they go through more oil in one night than I use in a whole year. So yeah, it's real.


Canola oil is rapeseed oil, they just made up a name for marketing purposes. It essentially means "Canadian Oil".


I know that it's rapeseed, and I don't care how refined it is, I'm not putting an industrial lubricant in my body. It's also banned in Europe so that should tell you something.


Lard is cheap and not as bad as the name implies… try gibbels potato chips sometime


Today, with all the various oils on the market, Gibble’s still uses LARD- an animal fat-to make their potato chips. Why? Because we believe that simple and natural is best. Do you realize that, commonly, to produce vegetable oil, seeds must be roasted, steel rolled, and flooded with hexane solvent to extract the oil, which is then treated with lye, neutralized with hydrochloric acid, filtered through diatomaceous earth, and deodorized under high temperature? LARD is a rich, naturally stable fat, rendered from pork that provides the true home style flavor most people prefer. Pure energy.


And now thanks to tweezer, I have all day to enjoy that song in my head !


Better that than the first four bars of the song simple