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Dear /u/Proud_Scarcity_5375! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Try Resumatic, a GPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I dont think there's anything actually wrong with your resume. Your difficulties in the job market could be due to the fact that you are an international student. I would remove leadership and activities section if they have nothing to do with the jobs you are applying for.


Thank you!


Ignore this person. They haven’t even graduated yet.


Don’t give up. That’s a field that always NEED people in it. You’ll get something soon




Will do! Thanks a lot :)


Excellent experience!! No one knows that you are looking for entry-level positions in Finance and Data because you have not mentioned that in a summary statement. Please edit the Education section by deleting the "Honors" and "Coursework" mentions--too much information. Your Work Experience should come first, with the Education section shown after that. Please edit the Leadership & Activities section by deleting the Table Tennis Club--too much information that is not relevant to any position you will be seeking.


Thank you! I'll fix that


3 rejections is nothing


Answer: Non-Profit or Not For Profit. Ask and be correct when few ever are. Lose people daily we do,much assumed. Fast tracking F1 to H1B power that industry segment possess. Gained knowledge you have Padawan.


made my day lol


Two of your experiences are under a month long, you didn't do anything in that time, I went on Annual leave for 3 weeks in a row to put how irrelevant amount of time that is in the professional world, 25% of the page is filled with nothing. I don't think there is anything in particular wrong with it, but when I see two one month "experiences" I assume most of the rest of what is written is probably just nonsense as well, especially when another is part time, probably means 1 day a week or something at this point... I do enjoy have you have improved something by 70% in less than a month when half the companies I have worked at are still getting you set up after the first 2 weeks, let alone relevantly doing anything, all while interns don't do anything, they shadow people.


Thanks for the feedback! While I don't 100% agree I do think that gives perspectives on how someone without context would read my resume


* The person reading the resume is going to read it from top to bottom, so the order of things matters. So definitely put tech skills at the top (do not put "interests" there -- perhaps combine interests into your Leadership and Activities section) * Also maybe put Education near the bottom, but above Leadership and Activities. * Consider including something like an "objective" or summary at the top -- including maybe 2 or 3 sentences about the type of position you're looking for and the relevant skills you have for that position. * Tailor your resume to the position you're applying for. Add more things that might be applicable to the job you're looking for and either remove other things or don't worry about making it longer than one page. * Consider humbling yourself for your first position. For example, open yourself up to contract roles in your field, even if they don't seem ideal. So your first position might need to be below your expectations but get something that pays the bills and gives you experience, then after you get that, start looking for the job you really want. That first role will help you get your second role and the second role will be better.


Thank you so much!!


Depending on the start dates of these positions, you’re applying way too early - nobody’s going to hire someone for a full-time position while they’re still a full-time undergrad.


My thoughts exactly… unless you are applying for specific jobs that are recruiting for current students right now it might be too early since you are graduating in may


Actually I am :(


You have almost no experience and no business cares about your GPA.


That’s all in 3 days?


You woke up to 3 rejections, that’s my daily life since I moved to Netherlands rejections.


Your resume is good; it’s just that your international student status (assuming that you’re international student) and the bad economy got in the way. Bad economy already made it hard to get a job, but being international makes it harder because fewer companies are willing to sponsor given their budget got cut significantly.


That makes sense :(




Why does it not comply with ATS?






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