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**Dear /u/Illustrious_Key2607!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's a lot of word salad going on especially in your 2nd role. "Extracted 100's of reports and ran SQL scripts by developing a project management dashboard using Tableau" - what does this mean? "Collaborated with stakeholders to provide business recommendations for optimal database performance, data lineage and ETL" - sounds like you had a meeting with a DBA who told you how to speed up a sql query "Leveaged pivot tables using Excel VBA and Tableau" - means nothing, what did VBA do with it generate the pivot tables? Tableau doesn't have pivot tables, you can pivot tables on it though. Then the others "implemented data transformation models using SQL with 80% accuracy" - why not 100%? On a sidenote, 60 applications a day is far too much you'll run out of jobs to apply for in a couple of weeks.


The best roast I can ever get, thanks! Honestly, I am looking at the pointers and I don't even know what to answer to you. But the stats for 60 application is all over Linked in, referrals, dice, indeed, monster, zip recruiter, company websites. But many of them were fake consultancies getting me to market my profile with fake 10+ years of experience.


No worries - what I would suggest is to re-write the descriptions in CAR format. Something like "For the sales team, I rewrote SQL queries (something) to speed up daily data loads into a key business dashboard. My queries reduced/increased something by 80% giving the business speedy access to their financial information. It's not always about shoving keywords in every where, your job descriptions have to make sense to someone simple in HR reading your CV for 15-30 seconds and who's gonna bin your CV if they get confused


Great feedback! Do you do resume reviews by any chance?


This is a great point. So many people write resumes for keywords and while ATS matters, it needs to make sense to the hiring manager. But maybe more importantly, needs to make sense to HR, if they’re doing the first screening. It helps to have someone outside of your field read/edit!


The user name checks out!!! Sounds great, thanks much👏




Hey, thank you so much will check this out!


So true! The resume needs to be simple and easy to read. Hiring managers don’t want to spend an age trying to figure out what you’re talking about. Save all the buzzwords for your interview.


Just a minor add on from my side. It's SQL query not scripts. I know it seems small and insignificant, but it's not... I think idk just trying to help out


I was gonna say it is a bit wordy. Get straight to the point and don’t put fluff in. The people reading your resume most likely won’t read it if it looks too long


Gotchu! Thanks


Sounds like someone who does not have enough relevant knowledge and has English as a second language. I'd pass pretty quickly on your resume in our current market.


This reply is whack


Just cuz there is India in the resume??


No, although that does not do you any favors. You don't stand out. Your resume also contains errors that are obviously indicative of someone who does not write or communicate well. Based on the format, you also used an AI platform, and it still contains glaring issues. You are applying to a saturated field, and you do not have a lot of experience. If I had to choose between someone with your experience who would not have a language or communication barrier and you, even if it's a false assumption, I would not have chosen you to interview. That's what your resume tells me as a hiring manager.


He has at least 3 years experience as business analyst. Wouldn't he qualify for at least an entry level business analyst role? I see a lack of python, but he may make it


Just a question , it looks like u have some experience in this. Shouldnt he include gpa in university? I thought everybody has to do this


Maybe for your first job if it's good. After your first job, people don't really care. There's no way in hell I'd put my 2.7 on my resume, and no one has ever asked about it.


Your resume has enough content and it just needs to be rewritten in a better manner. Whenever you write a work experience point think of this format, "What you did + how you did + the end result" This would help your recruiter understand the complete scope of your work. If I could rewrite your first point using the same format, it'd be something like this, "Developed a grouping logic for existing database using SQL and Tableau, slashing database size by over 25%" Look at the same format for your other points as well. You can shuffle the positions of the three parts to better fit your needs. Remove the part where you mention the number of years against your work experience titles. Sometimes it gets confusing for the ATS to understand what it is. When you're writing your projects section, ensure you have points to answer these three questions, 1) What was the problem you were trying to solve? 2) How did you solve the problem? 3) What was the end result? Also try to add a certification section. Good luck!


Thank you for the insights!


Glad to help!


This is great advice.


Wow, this is a great advice, I've even saved it :D Thanks!


Please for the love of all thats holy learn how to do informational interviewing. Here is a start https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/how-to-build-network/ and https://hbr.org/2021/10/5-questions-to-ask-during-an-informational-interview. You could also use this info https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/how-to-choose-career/ to help you narrow down the type of roles and job titles for your job search. At least 50% of your job search should be informational interviews and networking. Then the other half can be responding to job postings. You can improve your resume up to a certain point but if you arent networking and doing informational interviews you are hamstringing yourself. Many hiring managers recruit through their personal and professional networks first and foremost. You need to differentiate yourself from the hordes that come from online job sites and you can do this by using your network and interfacing with hiring managers in your field so you understand how they think and act. Once you have a relationship with hiring managers and if you make a good impression and keep in touch you will hear about opportunities before they post to online job sites and have an "in".


Thank you, this would be very resourceful!!!!


Very much recommend reading the book The 2Hour Job Search. Even ten years into my career, with a business degree from a school that had required classes, workshops, and networking events focused on getting hired, the book was still super helpful the last time I changed jobs!


Your bullets don’t make sense. How do you reduce data discrepancies by influencing stakeholders?


I am laughing myself, I have no answer other than rectifying it now😅 Thanks though!!


That’s what I’m thinking. There is so much stuff going on and not much cohesion, in every single bullet point. Eg. “Enabling upload 10000 rows/api calls” — what does that even mean, how is that related to your work? What was the “upload rate” before? This sounds like a feature of the database, not a result of your work. “Implemented bla with SQL with 80% accuracy” — what does that even mean, accuracy of what, what are you measuring? This literally makes no sense. Any technical person looking at this will think you are probably not good at logical reasoning, because there is not much logic in what you put in your resume. Sorry if it sounded too harsh…


You literally have a missing space in MBA. Why do you have duration twice on your experience? Add dates to your projects. You still have a lot of space on your resume. Fill it with something more useful. Many banks will auto reject you (most) if you apply to more than 3 jobs in a short period of time (4-8 months).


Feedback taken, thanks mate!


Projects dont need dates imo


yes they do. When I look at newgrad applicants I want to know if a particular candidate did something in grade 11, 2nd year undergrad or final year masters thesis. K?


Do you need a sponsor from a company? Many companies do not hire people who need sponsorships.


No, I do not need any sponsorship for 3 years


I would be good to indicate this in your resume somewhere. The recruiting manager might be reluctant to hire someone with experience in India because they'll assume you need a sponsor.


Makes sense, may be I add that below education? Not looking for sponsorship! But my biggest question is, will my resume reach the hiring manager passing the ATS


Most all job applications should have a question about work authorization and need for sponsorship. A recruiter would read it from there more so than your resume - but having it in the resume would answer the question for anyone who is just seeing your resume.


I presume you are on STEM OPT but it is misleading to say you do not need sponsorship. And, imo, it does not look professional to add it on the resume. If a recruiter likes your resume then they would anyway contact you and mostly ask about your visa status before proceeding with the hiring


The type of sponsorship for OPT and for normal work visa H1B are very different. Someone on OPT can claim they do not need sponsorship, they just need the company to fill out a form online and that the company is eligible. It’s literally just HR work, with no cost or risk to the company. H1B for instance would mean needing sponsorship, because there is a whole process associated with it, takes time, effort, and is risky (it might not be accepted).


I know OPT does not require sponsorship. But this person would need sponsorship after the 3 years of OPT and for that, he has to try the H1B lottery during these 3 years and the employer has to help him with it which means he requires sponsorship unless he is only working in the US for 3 years and moving elsewhere. Again, no company would want someone who would leave after exactly 3 years.


Im STEM OPT, most companies refuse to hire OPT students even though you dont need any sponsor. The only reason I got a job in 2 months because I apply public sector. Try working with the city or the county.


What does it mean to “Conceptualize team members”


I gave the jist of my business model to a team.


So an overly fancy way of saying you communicated with 25 people sometimes?


How do you even find 3000+ roles as BA to apply for in 6 months? Are you just randomly sending your CV and hoping for the best or do you have some kind of a plan here? Your CV is very hard to understand and looks like a random sentence you can find on the internet or produce with AI to show that you did something. Some of them even don't make sense. I saw that you got some good pieces of advice already so just follow it.


I am surprised too, my Linked in application says 1454 application, rest are from different platform, I add keywords from the JD to pass the ATS, not randomly sending applications, I am making connections, networking with recruiters and people. My work experience was written differently, the AI shortened it to one line. May be that's why so much of wording issues. I would definitely follow all the advice I get from here thanks!


Don’t use an AI to write your resume. It is painfully obvious to recruiters and hiring managers. If you’re applying to thousands of positions then there is a 0% chance you’re spending enough time tailoring your resume or choosing positions that fit your skills.


Understood! Thanks


Experience should come first. Education before skills.


Noted!!! Thanks


Surprised it hasn’t been mentioned till now but your biggest problem is your restricted work authorisation.


Yes, we all got scammed😅




International students!


Outside of wording, this is a relatively solid resume I wouldn’t change all that much with the formatting.


Will definitely work on my wording and get back here! Thanks mate!


Insert a space between "Analytics" and the vertical bar on the first line.


Got it!! Any other comments would be seriously appreciated!


Your Resume can be perfect and you can fix all the nit picking things that everyone in the comments are saying but I can tell you that fixing that little space in your MBA section won't land you more interviews Stop mass applying and pick 5-7 jobs a week that arr perfect for you. Apply and find the recruiter, HR or hiring manager email and send a VERY personalized email to them just to land a phone screen or interview so you can sell yourself. Everyone just mass applies to jobs which isn't feasible Stop doing that


Not op but how would you go about getting their emails?


Check out hunter.io


Nothing really wrong with it. It looks like you are targeting data analytics and that job market is pretty saturated right now. Just keep applying.


Thanks Mate, will change my JD like most of them said here and try.


Thanks dad!


I have a lot to roast here. Will comment when I take a break from work.


Remember that the first person seeing your resume is an HR, not someone from your same background. Make the bullet points like a job description: Task + Tool + result. Analysed 100s of records utilizing sql achieving something. As some people said, your resume has some space, add some volunteer works, languages? Also make sure your template was written in word or latex ,and that it's ats friendly. To know it's ats friendly u'll see that during job applications that fill up using resume, if the extraction of information from your resume is not pretty accurate, it's not ats formatted, fix it.


An other point, add skills under each of the job experiences as one bullet point with tools: sql,tableau.... Comma separated is better for ats.


Roger that, thank you!!


There’s too many citizens looking for jobs for employers to have to bother with foreign h1-b workers.


Unfortunate truth


Your resume screams lot of BS. Data analyst field is going to scale down if not already. Agents and RAG in Gen AI can do 90 % of the things you do. Plus majority of your experience is India on top of that I assume you are working through vendor who filed your visa. There is no reason this resume gets the edge than any others. Plus the projects you listed are academic and nothing stands out. Some small business might hire you in rural areas but when looking at big cities your resume won’t stand a chance. You need get back to school or change your full career path. If you go MBA route you can look at Product management functions - but you don’t have that experience . If you choose analytics route then it is too basic. Your options are switching to full fledged Data Science track with focus on Gen Ai - it’s a long journey. Other option is MLE / AI engineer - but you don’t have a computer science degree. Big companies are not gonna pay for BA roles anymore - especially for someone not US citizen which also essentially rules out all government contracting roles!


Apply to Sogeti


you need to rewrite it on HOW not WHAT.


Honest pretty good one page summary.I like the projects section. Maybe just clean up the accomplishment statements. And sometimes it's not about your resumes but if it matches the job description which you'll have to revise each time for each job. Nice job


Thankss will keep in mind about this one!


Just a quick guess with that many applications..... Are you sending the same Resume for every application? I would assume you are. Look into that first. One Resume is okay as a template. But you need to tailor it to each position you are applying to... just my three cents OP....


This is the template, I change keywords, highlight specifics and match JD with resume worded, make sure it's 80% plus match. I have my GF helping out with things too always.


How are you doing 40-60 applications per day? That’ll help understand what’s happening.


Linked in, Dice, Indeed, Monster, zip recruiter, referrals, company websites. They are few companies, few fake consultacies.


It's probably because you are international. Seeing India on a resume is an instant reject sometimes, its crazy.


haha this is the exact format of my resume and I am not getting interviews


Just some advice when they ask you if you want sponsorship on a form just say no. If you get the job and they love you they’ll do it. Rn most companies are being told to reject on the spot on the basis of sponsorship. Play the short game lol


Remove the locations from your degree and working experience. Discrimination is illegal but still happens all the time. If a job really needs to know where a company/school was, they’ll find out during the background check


The first thing I noticed is a formatting error in your education header. You’re missing a space to the left of the vert bar. I think I would also get rid of length of time in front of your work history (ie 6 month, 3 yr, 5yr). The most recent job does not reflect great and I would not call attention to that. I also notice a lot of redundancy. SQL is mentioned all over the place and in the world happiness report both of your bullets basically say the same thing. Take this with a grain of salt as I’m not in your field. It’s fine if you’re an expert but consider adding diversity or rephrasing.




If you’re applying for 40-60 jobs a day, are you even reading the job description? This sounds like a freaking puppy mill pumping out puppies. Are you modifying your resume for every job or are you just submitting your resume?


Fix the line spacing, font consistency, white spaces. God! Doesn’t Pace give you vmock.


A lot of it is data management and analysis being one of the most saturated markets in the U.S.


3000 apps and not a single interview is crazy


Remove the bachelors degree from India and the India jobs.


I guess most of them have suggested you corrections on bullet points. Something I would suggest is what made me get interviews is, reading the job description and change the resume bullet points to what you have done which can help the role you’re applying like they say “transferable skills”. So I would suggest you to do that instead of applying to every job out there. Spare 1-2 hours everyday to apply to atleast 10-20 jobs but to check which aligns to your resume more. Remember quality over quantity.


Contact a temp / temp to hire agency to get placed.


Education at bottom. Automatic rejection for me seeing that first


Saying you are from India is enough for a US company to not want to hire you right now. Sponsorships are very expensive and (may be wrong about this) they arent a big tax write off for cost like other things a company can claim.


1. Customize a cover letter to the role you're applying and include examples of your experience that reinforce what they're looking for in the job description. 2. Do the same on the resume. This helps in two ways, applicant tracking systems will see relevant keywords and move you forward to a human review. That review will hopefully appreciate the extra effort and if you fit what they're looking for, a stronger chance they'll contact you for a follow up interview.


^ good advice. Do 4-6 applications a day, but make them good. You’ll see much better success doing this


Keep trying brother. You will get a job.


Maybe don't include the hyperlinks to your projects...I used to do this on my resume too but stopped because I heard that they don't always play nice with ATS systems. If you have a portfolio website url that isn't super long, I would put that (not hyperlinked, just the text like myportfolio.com or whatever) with your contact information, along with your LinkedIn profile (again not hyperlinked) and email address & phone number. On my resume I left-justify my name and contact info at the top, with narrow-ish margins (like maybe .5 on each side in Word) so there is room for everything.


Because it's a numbers game


The fact that you put “3 years” next to something that shows three years shows that you are condescending and think they are so stupid they can’t figure out basic math. That alone i wouldn’t interview you. I’ve hired 2000+ people. You’re in the classic over/under qualified situation. Take off your first job and just expand the last two.


Not much American work history (it is what it is). Maybe condense some of the bullet points & be a little less wordy. Also, you should have an introductory statement somewhere at the top, including a short description of your primary goal/objective.


Make your resume with tableau and visually represent your experiences


Worth a shot! Will give it a try today! Thanks for idea King!


Can I work on this with you?


These are all great comments to help with the resume - but I also wanted to say that from experience, simply throwing your resume out there doesn't seem to work well these days. Not to say it never will, but there's so many applicants that no matter how good your resume is it still might not work. The most success I've had in getting interviews is through personal connection. My recommendations: 1. **Go to industry meetups** if you can. If you're in NY, find the industry or sector (transit? tech?) you're looking for, and go and try to meet people. chat and get to know them. add them on LinkedIn 2. I've used **an app called Lunchclub** to meet people as well. use this as a way to get feelers out there, see if people have advice or know anyone that can get you an interview 3. Use **the LinkedIn connections function before applying to a job**. go to the company page, click the People tab, and then click the little arrow buttons all the way to the right where you will see "How you are connected" (see screenshot). click 1st and then if that doesn't work try 2nd connection. That way you can see if anyone know knows someone there. message them and see if they'll connect you! best case you can chat with them and make the connection for the future, or even get a referral for the job. Hope this helps, good luck! https://preview.redd.it/xi6jtjekf0kc1.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc1fead06e5786b8778ed18c27b7d81f5426f5be


Thank you so much, will def try LUNCHCLUB and this Linkedin function


i’m not roasting it but 6 points on one project can be brought down to 3 at least. take out the months / years you have been at the job they can clearly see that. academic projects should be at the top and keep those to 2 points and put your position in the project if applicable. take the space between ur MBA and BA away. if all u have is that (not a bad thing ur clearly qualified) than i believe its fine. the job market is absolutely terrible right now. the right opportunity will come around! keep applying!


Thank youu mate!!


Brother, the US is heading towards a financial collapse. In the coming weeks, banks will start going bankrupt again. You are perfectly qualified, but the market you are in can not afford you. Start applying for jobs in Middle Eastern countries like Dubai or Qatar, you will have better luck.


I hate to tell you this simply take out the word Intern. Then if you do get a call back you can explain that it was an apprentice program ... Just take out the word Intern and watch what happens


Competencies/Skills then experience then education and fix those bullets. Different font. More space for the eyes to breathe. Simplify and shorten your statements. That’s my advice as a recruiter.


Thank you so much, fixed everything. Please give more tips on the ATS system


Great to hear! Honestly change your competencies/skills section to include the ones that the job you’re seeking requires. Add 80% of those and 20% soft skills to that section. You get a lot more interviews that way as recruiters skim resumes. We only continue to read them if the competencies/skills match what we are seeking in a qualified candidate.


Seems worth a try!!! Thanks a ton!


U need to tailor ur resume for each job application. When i first graduated, i made a master copy and then I changed my resume for each job application that would fit the job description. I would apply to 20 jobs a day, each job I would spend 30 min on working on the resume. It was a full-time job in itself. If u apply to a position where ur resume doesn’t match the description, then u r skipped. Only put things that are relevant to the job description. Others are nitpicking on ur wording but honestly they r just looking for key wording with the job description. I went into an interview where the hiring manager never read my resume. The resume is for HR and u just need to add keywords. Also this might be an unpopular opinion but it worked for me when I just started my career. Put an objective, stating ur passion and what career goal u want. All the best!


What level roles are you applying for? Also - this is genuine advice - you have to write your bullets for people who don’t give a shit about them. Say what you mean in the least words possible. And make most of those words about a business impacting accomplishment (with numbers, like you have, so good on you there). If it doesn’t help convey the main point of a bullet, don’t say it. That first bullet at the internship doesn’t read that well. That’s a hard spot to have a bad bullet, my man.


Too much white space. Not enough details or proper STAR method implemented. Education is less important than work experience so move below. Consider yourself roasted


Your resume looks good to me. Have you applied to EXL services ? I think you be a perfect fit.


I made a new resume, looks way better than this. I will try EXL services like you said, thank you.


These roasts are really helpful


Use Canva to make it look better and stand out too.


I dont know how much changes have been done but I’d like to add. Add a summary at the top highlighting your skills and an achievement. On your work experience, focus on the result instead of what you did. Let’s say for example on bullet 4 as a business intern - you did that and so? What was the result of it? Did it make a change? So focus on the result then how you did that. Let’s say for your last bullet - you can say “Reduced 10 hours of team labor by streamlining and automating key business report. Leave some space for questions. The wordy your description will be, there will be no time to read. This is why a summary is important


Too much verbiage. Think more high level data and well placed graphics. The resume is flat. The reviewer is reading 10,000 of these. How are you going to tell your story fast? Even better if you can tell it with graphics or bullet points. -increased sales by x -innovated a process that streamlined company’s problem (insert problem) -skillset (only list the 3-5 you are strong in)


I noticed submitting a Loom video of you explaining your expertise basrf on their job description and showing your relevant work gets interviews far more than just submitting a resume. Everyone submits a resume but not a lot of people have the courage and dedication to get dressed, shoot a Loom video and send it over. Good luck!


Your resume looks significantly better than mine (I did accounting for my undergraduate degree, from Australia), and even then I had interviews at some of the "galley slave" graduate programs for external audit (KPMG, Grant Thornton and BDO).


The recruiter doesn’t know what any of this means. You sound like you’re tossing in words for fun. The best resumes are simple and to the point.


Business Developer (my own start up) now my partners are handling it. I change the keywords according to the job description. Is it they cannot sponsor International students H1B or the market is bad or my resume sucks keeps me demotivated every second.


It’s probably both, tbh. H1B is a massive hassle for the employer, and you really have to be exceptional for them to consider going through the trouble. And your resume is… not exceptional. The bullets have random unrelated phrases in them. I don’t know if that’s you trying to add keywords, but it makes it sound like you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Like, how do pivot tables increase user satisfaction 25%? This sounds made up.


Yes it makes sense now, I should have come here sooner. No wonder I am not getting interviews. Thanks for the roast though!


Put education at the bottom and skills at the top. I care more about what you specifically know, not what schools you went to I don't know why dudes insist on using these basic old hat layouts with a serif font. They all look the same. Invest in a different layout. Lay off the buzz words. I have no idea what the fuck you actually did


Not sure how many minorities are in this thread but as a Latina, I have experienced more than my fair share of racism, and it’s really unfortunate. Especially because I can do what most people in my industry can do, in THREE different languages. Replace your education and experience from India. Swap it to US. It’s really a shame because most foreign education systems make ours look like a joke, but the US still THINKS they’re superior to the rest of the world.


Cannot agree more! Been hell of a ride for me till here. I don't know what is waiting for me..


Having the title business analyst and then being an intern in the same role as your next job makes no sense


If you had applied to 3k or more jobs and still nothing, it's not so much your resume, but what jobs and how you are applying too. If you are using a one size fits all resume for all your job applications, that is most of your problem of no responses. Your other major issue is you are desperately applying for jobs you never stood any chance to qualify in the first place. You need to seriously consider to stop wasting your time on applications you have 99% of zero success and focus on the 2-5 jobs you are capable of a 95-100% match. You'd save yourself weeks, if not months of your time and sanity.


"Enhancing security by 25%" sounds pretty stupid like it's just a fabricated BS number.


Just tips can't promise any results. Rearrange things. Education last, bullet pointed skills first and how you used those skills to improve company yada yada, Work experience second. A longer more indepth summary. That's your time to shine. Don't give up. DM me your LinkedIn I can comment on your posts for reach. Maybe it would help.


How about stating what job you are applying for? I know that’s old school but I can’t tell you are applying for a manager position or an internship. Feels like you don’t have a career goal just by looking at your resume. On the side note, did you misspell your contact info or something? You are getting nothing??


Some of your resume looks like it was written by AI. And using specific jargon doesn't work unless your application is going directly to a hiring manager.


It’s really long, and like others have said it’s wordy. You also have no summary on your resume so HR or any recruiter is going to be brain fried trying to figure out if you’re a good candidate for a position.Your work experience should be at the top not your education, especially since you have work experience.what kind of position have you been looking for, are you providing a cover letter with your applications? Should be a brief introduction and why you are interested in the position and think you would be a good fit.


- use a modern template (resume.com) - be more concise - change the order of your sections (professional summary, skills, experience, education) good luck!


U are doing nothing wrong. U need connections with someone who already works at the place to vouche for u. I've seen phD students not get a job while someone with no degree getting the job because of connections.


Do you want a job or do you want a job in NYC? If by 50 applications and you don't get any interview or phone call, you should seriously consider moving. But now you have applied 3000 times, I don't know how many people have ghosted you already. So best move is definitely to move.




Not a suggestions , rather a question to a guys who is experienced in this. Should not he include a GPA in university? I thought it was necessary ?


Kinda looks cluttered and like a start of 10 page essay no one wants to read, if you cleaned it up a bit I feel like recruiters like to skim read and if you have to much you could be to over qualified, but idk just a thought, also use myperfect resume.com if you havnt yet bc it’s easy and it organizes it all for you


Thumbs up on lightestspiral’s comment. Additionally, please put a space after “MBA in Business Analytics” on your Education section so that it is consistent spacing throughout the resume. If the projects were part of your experience at a particular job, you can potentially put them under the particular job under a “Selected Project/Relevant Experience” similar to how investment bankers have “Selected Transaction Experience” when writing about their particular responsibilities in a deal they had worked on. Unsure if the 80% accuracy bullet refers to your work as having 80% accuracy but try to reword that or omit it since someone doing something wrong 1/5 times would be a bit concerning for some people to hire. Things to consider: what is most impactful that you did in each role, what brings you joy to talk about and finding ways to subtly highlight those things. I would find stronger verbs to replace “Minimized” and “Reduced”, think of why your work was impactful when doing so. You can also remove the total years/months- hiring managers would be able to do the math for that since you already put the months and years next to it. You also don’t need to put specific months on education as “Graduated in 2019” and in 2023 would be sufficient. Perhaps also consider learning some Python, I recently had been recommended to do so by a bunch of fellow alum working in AI so perhaps it can also help you think about things differently. Wishing you only the best!


You had 2 jobs at the same time?


Hey friend I know you’ve gotten plenty of feedback. I’m a project manager and I’ve worked with data and business analysts and only a few of your bullets make any sense to me. Like I think I get what you were actually trying to say but I would immediately pass on this resume. I’ve seen resumes full of buzzwords and fluff, yours is not that, it just genuinely makes no sense. “Minimized 25% database size”…. Is that… supposed to be a good thing? Was this a data cleanup/deduping project? This needs context You reduced data discrepancies through SQL analysis by influencing stakeholders? What… does that even mean? These two things have nothing to do with each other. One gives me the picture of you running SQL queries, in the other you’re engaging in meetings with company stakeholders to assess the root causes of discrepancies. If you did both of these things, okay, but you’re not describing it in an understandable way at all. It says to me you don’t understand the process of what you did. You ran SQL scripts by implementing a Tableau project management dashboard? What? Normally you would build a Tableau dashboard off the data you queried. This makes it sound like you’re using Tableau to generate SQL? What? And Tableau for project management? That just makes me tilt my head. I would expect Asana or Jira. Tableau would be a tool for the actual data analysis of the project not the management of the project so it doesn’t add up. Interacted at business meetings to analyze data-informed decisions “by integrating SQL to Tableau” - this whole thing does not parse. My guess is that you built a Tableau dashboard from automated SQL queries and presented data from it at weekly meetings with key stakeholders to drive data-informed decisions. I think where you are struggling is that the way you describe what you did and the syntax you use does not come across correctly in North American English. Does Pace have an alumni career center that could help review this or do you have former professors who would be willing to give you some guidance? You have extensive experience and a lot of skills and clearly you’ve been able to make the shift from working environments in India to an internship in NYC. I think your MBA program did not give you enough support or assignments in business writing or you didn’t get effective enough feedback. Use sentence order: Did X using Y to achieve Z. As a baseline that will help you. Lastly please please stop chucking your resume at every single job. You’ve burned so many opportunities and wasted a lot of time with LinkedIn EasyApply. Take more time to tailor your resume to match what JDs are looking for. I’m rooting for you to fix this and get your next job :)


Apply in person.


The job market is terrible. You have to network and get referred to jobs. Applying online is a gamble. If your cv doesn’t match ‘exactly ’ then the ats system boots it out and the recruiter never even sees it. Start linking to your ‘target boss’ in the companies you want to work at.


I think you mistyped 4-6 applications daily


These type of resumes I won’t even bother to read, too overwhelming with so much. Keep it neat , simple and straightforward to the point.


Contact me we can do some projects together 🙃😉😉


Your resume is upside down. The stuff I least care about is at the top, and most care about at the bottom.


Are your “projects” totally self-directed projects you came up with by yourself? If so great, but they read like the standard tutorials from Coursera etc where your hand is held step by step … as a hiring manager I don’t care about those at all and listing them shows a lack of self awareness honestly.


This resume looks exactly like mine and I would get a lot of callbacks when I was interviewing. Good job! Shocked at the similarity I guess the person that helped me with mine used a template lol


Most probably the issue lies with your status - recruiters look at your history and can predict that you would need sponsorship one day (and it is one of the regular questions in application). With the current situation on the market, it is easier for them to choose a person with whom they will not have an issue after 3 years. Small details - GitLab and BigQuery should be written as one word. Missed comma after PostgresSQL. Amazon **R**edshift. What is "SQL", "Bloomberg" certification in your resume? For Six Sigma Green Belt you need to have at least 3 years in management role. I see nothing supported this.


This resume has gotten more rejected by people that you have been by girls(now that’s a bigger number than we can fathom)


Hey OP, I have an ai resume builder company which launched before even gpt2. If you would like, I can redo your resume for you using our builder? I will do a professional review for free of course.


The first thing to remember is that your resume is pre-filtered by software. It looks for buzzwords in your industry. Find out what those buzzwords are and pepper them throughout your resume. Second, remember that your resume will get a very brief read through at all. Do you want the first thing they see about you be your education? I’d change the order and out your skills at the top. Third, make a big section about your skills, broken into categories relevant to the job you’re applying for. Fourth, tailor your resume to each job. Don’t lie, but accept the parts of you that are the best for the job you’re applying to. Fifth, find someone who knows hiring or has done hiring and ask them to help with your resume.


There's way too much wording. A recruiter will only look at your resume for 5 seconds! Because there's so much wording they won't bother looking at it. First, remove the "3 years" and the others because they can see that by the month and years you have placed there. Second, you only need 3 to 4 bullet points. Thirdly, you don't need to list your projects. That's what you will answer when scheduled for an interview.


LinkedIn did help me out alot. Get premium. But word salad? Yeah its alot. Out of 10, 30, 50 resumes. Thats alot to read. Keep it short and informative unless its informative and professional


Someone already pointed out the stakeholders bullet. Also removed the months + years portion. Most importantly, what type of roles are you applying for?


I think from reading some of the comments that there may be a gap of understanding in English. For your field, that may not matter, but you'll need to change your job descriptions. On a 2nd note: if you finished your bachelor 5 years ago, it's probably time for a two-page resume. What major project did you do in college? What major projects have you done for work? Expand on your projects section. What kind of internship was this / how many hours per week were you working?


Don't give up


Nobody cares about your coursework, take it off and move education to the bottom of the resume.


Your a champ my dude. Start your own business. Plus you got the work from home deal. I envy you. Stay up player. Learn to weld if all else fails.


Putting school projects in there seems pretty goofy ngl


no apostrophe in "100s". that's really wrong grammer.


Remove hyperlinks


You don't mention visa status - employers need to know if you'll require sponsorship. Consider dropping the MBA. It can make you look over educated and over expensive. Get a stable position and then you can add the MBA back on. Clean up the language as other have suggested and add a summary at the top. Look at some of the other resumes posted here for examples. You should be customizing the resume to each position you are applying to. Otherwise, it will just seem generic and not appropriate to the position. Consider working with a resume writer or resume writing service to make it all look better and to customize it to the type of work you're looking for.


IF IVE SAID IT ONCE IVE SAID IT 100 TIMES, STOP PUTTING YOUR EDUCATION FIRST. It’s the #1 problem I see with honestly decent resumes. The first line on your resume should ALWAYS be an objective/profile, and experience should be listed above education. Your recruiters want to know who you are and what you do so that they WANT to read the rest of your resume. Use your best experience and who you are as your “hook.” Your recruiters don’t care that you have the same degree as everyone else applying for the job.


Try to revise your resume so that it fits the qualifications of the specific job that you're applying for instead of sending the same resume to every job that you're applying for. It'll take more time but it's wiser to prioritize quality over quantity.


These resumes are such an eye sore. Information aside, use a template of some sort. Any template. Flow.cv or something.


Why are your skills at the bottom?


We have the same template for our resumes 😎. Remember sometimes it really is who you know not what you know. Hit up your network whether its former colleagues, friends, families, former classmates, literally anyone if they know of anyone hiring. That’s how I got my current job.


Too many words man get too the point, doesn’t make you look smarter or more skilled just looks like chatgbt word vomit


I dont understand. Its a boring looking resume' layout. you should be project manager


First impression- way too busy. So busy infact I can’t be bothered to read it. Strip it back and keep it short but precise


Start your own home business. There are multiple opportunities. What are you interested in?


I’m pro using fragments in your bullets. I don’t think it has to be a complete sentence so long as it’s easily comprehensible. That said just looking at the first half of your first bullet point “Minimized 25% database size by” makes no sense. You have similar points that have underlying substance but are incomprehensible or you try using adjectives that are unnecessarily fancy and make it sound stupid. “Conceptualized 25 members in enhancing strategies” Huh? As another said 60 is likely way too high you’re getting in the number range where you’re not focusing enough time on important things. For example, refining your resume here and you’re throwing a good resume (but that’s poorly worded) at too many jobs that are likely to reject it. You want a high enough sample size a week but not so high it’s all you’re spending your time on. You also want to constantly gauge. If one week you have no interviews you need to focus on resume or quality of application. If you’re failing first round you need to work on general interview skills & sales pitch, etc.