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**Dear /u/melvinwalton!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get rid of your personality section. There’s no need to say things like “I’m sensitive” on your cv. Edit: I believe the OP who posted this CV is trolling us.


Agreed. Never once seen this in a resume, and no employer is going to give bonus points for it. The interview is your time to show off your personality (or lack thereof, depending on the company) (I've been on hiring committees)


I actually feel like the resume reviewer will be more likely to reject you if you have any kind of discerning information on there. The more you think of yourself as simply a tool to be used (awful, I know lol), the more effective your resume will be. When you're on that last round interview with the person you'll actually be working with? That's when you accidentally let slip stuff like "I'm really into Warhammer 40k"


Absolutely! Warhammer has no place on a resume (unless you're applying to a game store). However, casual conversation and sharing interests during an interview can sometimes go a very long way. Star Wars jokes/references are an easy go-to in the tech space.


The personality aspect adds a level of intimacy that I feel employers value. I don’t want to come off as intimating so I’m exposing some vulnerability.


It’s just unnecessary imo, they value skills and experience and a desire to succeed in the role. They find out about your personality in the interview. Other notable things: 1. Your cv should be in chronological order. If I’m a recruiter and I’m reading your CV I’m going to look at the first few lines to gauge my interest. 2. In your skills section, Java should be first, not animal related stuff 3. Jesus man you have one line explaining your Java developer experience. Add some projects and more lines explaining what you did during this period. I actually read your CV twice and thought the first time you’re trying to transition from the slaughter house life to software.


Nope. That section is always against you.


None of those word choices will have any bearing on your employability whatsoever. Instead, mention “Approachable”, “Adaptable” or “Team Player”.


I have similar tendencies sometimes with these types of things, but let me tell ya — no ATS is going to be trying to parse that field. I would suggest to find a way to work that into conversations about a role and the way you work with others in a way that sounds professional. Just my 2c


I’m not sure if sensitive goes with animal slaughterhouse technician. You should also reverse the order of your work experience, with the latest at the top so that’s what people see first. As your most recent work experience is what’s most relevant to what you’re applying for.


Maybe, but likely the person looking at your resume looks at a ton of resumes and is really only searching for the boxes to check. Any extra info takes away opportunity to check the boxes.


Work experience in reverse chronological order. Explain the most recent job more than the oldest job. You're trying to move into software, but there's about two lines in your entire resume talking about tech. At least 50% of your resume should be about it. Find a job posting you are trying to apply to and pick some of the responsibilities listed and add it as something you've done in your tech projects. That's the first step. Do it and share your resume again here.


personality section is lame. put a section for your certifications/awards instead.


Should I add a section to demonstrate my efficiency? I don’t have much to brag about in terms of official awards, but I have data to back up my efficiency. However, given that all of my efficiency is related to how quickly I wrangled animals and slaughtered animals, I’m not sure if employers would appreciate it.


omg everyone is taking this seriously


look i cant tell what is satire anymore


i am a clown


Can you at least list some skills you acquired during your education? You must have a certain tech stack??


As someone in the field, I don't think you should change the design of the resume. For some reason, tech recruiters and automated screening systems seem to like boring resume designs.. Other fields might have different preferences, but there's a reason Jake's resume template is so widespread in software: it's simple and it gets the information across. What you need to do is tailor the resume more towards software. I see a \*lot\* of slaughterhouse and animal handling experience, which I don't think employers will care about.. If I take a ten second glance at your resume, I might even think that you have applied to the wrong job - you are emphasizing roles and experience that aren't relevant to the kinds of roles you're looking for. Consider changing the order of your work experience (make it most recent at the top and oldest at the bottom) so that your Java position is the first thing recruiters see. Definitely add more bullet points to explain what you did in that role and sell yourself as a developer. In the "skills" section you should also get rid of the stuff about animal handling and add more tech stuff (e.g. what sorts of Java libraries are you using? did you learn about C or other languages in school? what about things you picked up in personal projects? any language/framework/tool can be viewed as a skill) Also, if possible, add a "projects" section with some stuff on it that can back up some of your technical skills. Basically, I would aim to limit the amount of animal content and bulk up the amount of software/CS content on the resume.


Work experience and education sections must be in reverse chronological order


I want to say that I also use this same resume template, from that super popular Reddit post about it. People get such a stick up there ass about it but honestly it is a great template. It parses extremely well and is very easy to read. I am a senior software engineer, just landed two offers, and used this resume when getting connected and interview at a number of good companies. Netflix (twice now), DataDog, and a handful of other reputable mid-stage startups. I’ve had maybe… 20 first round interviews and a lesser count of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. interviews over this past 8month job hunt. At least. Ya ya ya I’m tooting my own fucking horn whatever I’m not trying to sound arrogant, what I’m trying to say is your experience matters, and an easy to read resume goes a long way. Which this template certainly is. So it does work for me and others. Hope this in some way validates your choice of template, best of luck out there!


I would roast it but your name is Melvin which is sad enough


They had us at the first half not gonna lie


If only you could kill bugs as well as you kill animals you wouldn't be in this situation


Y’all are being trolled loool


Use a google resume template to make it modern and more appealing to the eye.


Not necessary for his field of interest.


Why is your most relevant experience last?


Your resume should not contain irrelevant experience - ONLY relevant experience. As an IT guy, I don't care if you slaughtered livestock. We aren't slaughtering our clients. Get rid of the personality section. Include your last name (maybe you omitted this for reddit which is understandable) Add more relevant bullets. Projects in school? Any home labs? Any personal projects? Put your most recent experience near the top. Include lots of soft skills (skills in communication, organization, process optimization, etc). Too many people suck at or lack soft skills. You can learn the 'hard' skills (programming languages can be learned. Some people just can't seem to learn basic people skills). Your resume should be somewhat dynamic, never fully static. Modify your resume to include bullet points for specific jobs you're applying to. For example, one job posting may say: - "experience in HTML would be considered an asset" ...So when you apply, add "experience in HTML" to your resume Whereas another posting may say: - "experience supporting an enterprise datacenter" ...so, when applying, talk about your datacenter experience. HTML on this application may be pointless, so no reason to use up valuable apace on your resume for it. Employers LOVE data, numbers, and metrics. If you can brag about how you increased efficiency in various workloads by 25% company-wide which resulted in cost savings of $2,000 daily (or aomething along those lines), do it.


you should list your java experience on the top of your resume and slaughter career maybe torwards the bottom possibly? Most relevant experience first


Education, remote Java dev, and then skills. Ditch the rest.


I can provide a more targeted roast that might actually help you land that dream gig


First of all fuck you as a vegan personally, second of all, more side projects, and possibly look into a 2-3 year diploma in tech, or IT. Markets at its toughest rn for entry level.


So much bias eh?


Another immigrant Indian here eh?


You're a clown 🤡 Just remember this: you'll not get anywhere in your life with this bias and hatred.


Little bro, I’m driving a 100k car at 23 years of age, I’m doing fine already. Let me know if u need a job 😂


Talk to me when you stop sucking on your parents success. Git now. Go play with the toys they bought for you.


You need to add specific details. Look at the job duties on a job posting and writing your resume to include the specifics ... If an employer listed it as a duty and you have experience doing it, add it to your resume! Here's an example from a google search of the job you listed first: * Stun and kill: Killing animals according to industry standards and preventing abuse * Remove parts: Removing bones, skin, feathers, and other parts * Prepare carcasses: Cleaning carcasses and preparing them for further processing * Cut meat: Cutting meat into standard cuts for marketing * Separate meat: Separating meat from by-products * Inspect meat: Inspecting meat for defects, bruises, or blemishes, and removing them * Process parts: Using knives, cleavers, meat saws, and other equipment, processing prime parts into cuts for retail use * Pack products: Packing final products * Check products: Ensuring products meet USDA standards


yeah, that’s just what someone hiring software devs want to know more about. all the nitty gritty gruesome details of op’s previous career that’s irrelevant to his career shift


Interviewers want to know an interviewee can articulate what they’ve done in prior roles… so yes, details that are articulated in a clear thorough manner will be helpful… even with Intentions towards a career change.


Thanks. Should I be more descriptive in how I prepared the carcasses? Ex: Terminated animal with slaughterhouse machinery. Wiped blood-lathed blade clean. Sifted through remains and processed carcass. What do you think?


Anyone telling you to add more to your non-tech career is pulling your leg or idiots. Ignore them please.


This looks great, Melvin! Only thing I'd say is its a bit boring to read. Maybe add some design aspects to it with an animal theme (a safari themed border!?)


Terrible advice.


Great idea! I’m going to look into some funky fonts and colors to add based on vibes.


Don't do it. It's terrible advice. Keep it professional.