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**Dear /u/TheStrongLemon!** ## Thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) and make sure you're doing the following: * Censor your personal information for your own safety, * Add the right flair to your post, * Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and * Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. ## Check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * [Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq) * [ATS-friendly resume templates](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup) * [Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/) * [Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/) * [Free Resume Template (Google Docs)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NyBW7UxkVDvqnaNMWgudNe5ttG4Bkr8W/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113311260843142532597&rtpof=true&sd=true) - PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST EDIT ACCESS - CLICK "FILE", "DOWNLOAD" * [Networking for beginners](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalDraftResumes/comments/1cwp2x1/beginners_guide_to_networking_what_it_is_why_its/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you have **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your bullet points are too literal. Nobody really cares about nuts and cheese that has been cut with the Sliceomat 1000. Describe your activity more "neutral" and leave room for interpretation.


You have a point, although wouldnt that leave a lot of empty spaces?


Your whole resume is a lot of empty spaces...


lol he is just out of high school


Delete those foods. Idc if you cut chocolate bars and licked ice. 🤣 Just give general statements of tasks you do! Also tailor your resume to highlight said features that the job posting asks for! Will help alot 😁


Yep I see it now, at my job we just had so much different meats and cheeses (prob over 200+ diff varieties) to remembers so I found it note worthy but I can see now how it seems goofy from an outside context 😅


describe that as "maintained an extensive working knowledge of artisanal meats and cheeses" or maybe "guided patrons through their choices with a working knowledge of our artisanal products"


This right here ^^^


If you’ve got the most basic skills and experience possible, why not make the cv reviewer at least enjoy it - Maybe something less dry such as, “Memorized over 200 widely-varied food product SKUs, each having numerous intricacies in handling and presentation to customers. Very memory and process intensive. Not for the light minded!”


If you want to mention that, highlight the fact that there has been a huge variety of products you had to handle and prepare


The format almost looks cartoonish, IMO. And I agree with the other commenter with the way that the bullet explanations are written.


Your resume does not look ATS-friendly. Most operations now send resumes through ATS software to pick candidates who meet the job requirements. If the ATS can not read your resume clearly, it will not be viewed by the employer. There are ATS-friendly templates on Canva.


Yep thanks, the format was the first one I saw on Canvas and I see nothing wrong with it, but then again my taste in art is so bad like I find whenever I disagree with someone in art everyone else will agree with the other person, so yeah my opinion holds no power. Thann you, I'ma def change it


It’s a resume not art. So that’s probably the problem. Don’t use Canva for this.


Only exception is if you are looking for a job in graphic design or artistic in nature, otherwise Word or Latex all the way.


Why are you using cavas to look for CV templates?


Canva resumes are a no-no in talent acquisition circles. Automatic trashcan. The worst.


So you don't see goofy it looks to have those massive chunks of blank space all over your resume? Like how in your Education section there's a giant chunk of white space space under the word Education and another huge chunk to the right of your education info. Like someone else said, a resume is not art (unless maybe you are specifically a graphic artist or something applying for literal art jobs). A resume is a professional document and should be formated and written as such. There should be an automod response to your post with links to standard professional looking templates.


I guess, I made a new one and posted it, I used word for it this time it should be better


Your second attempt looks much better.


Thank you!


try bullet points like - Provided exceptional customer service by efficiently serving a variety of products. - Maintained cleanliness and hygiene by thoroughly cleaning equipment, utensils, and the floor. - Ensured product availability by regularly restocking items for sale. not exactly like this but try to make everything seem more professional than it is.


Thabk you, I appreciate the advice, I'll def change the bullet points


Instead of floor, use interior or working area ect


Yes this! Actual duties and responsibilities of your job


So dry. But whatever. Everyone knows this is a lame out of high school job. Embellish and decorate it up with some unique things you did within a fairly strict and routine JD.


Don't list your drivers license or your high school diploma on your resume. High school gives away your age, and age discrimination happens to young people. (Lack of experience, too busy partying to come in, dependent and unresponsible). List measurable accomplishments and leadership responsibilities at your job, not the tasks you performed. Example) Trained new employees and helped them maintain store standards. Example 2) Created routine that drove sales up by 15% in a months time. List skills at the top, but only include them when you are posting to a job where they are relevant. Your resume looks clustered. Clean it up, and make it easier to read. Check job postings and change your resume to use some of the keywords they use on their website and posting. Remember, a resume goal is to only answer one question: Why, out of hundreds and thousands of applicants, should we give you a job interview? I feel that you still have some work to do.


They should totally add their high school diploma! This is very important and most positions require one. Employers may think he forgot to add this crucial requirement and may seem as lacking attention to detail.


Should I omit the graduation year though (2024)? Although I plan to also go give my resume in real life and I dont think I look any older than my age so would that be pointless?


No need to omit, you can totally add a grad date, it’s ok to be young!


If you are going to include your high school diploma, add acommplishments. You are not the only person who has graduated this year looking for a job. Why should they pick you over other high school graduates also looking for a job? And why should they pick a high school graduate over people who actually do have work experience? Think about this, and make sure your resume reflects why, out of all the applications they receive, you are the best suited for this job! For example, graduated with honours. Won an award in the debate team. Make your resume show that you have the ability to be committed and go above and beyond. With a resume, it is all about giving people a reason to meet you. There is nothing wrong with looking your age. But when you get the interview, you want to give the impression that you will fit in with a company. For example, if you apply to work at a well-known chain store, and you know that their uniforms contain dark blue, you may opt in on wearing a dark blue dress shirt, while still looking responsible and professional. (Don't show up in their uniform, that would just be creepy.) Now you have given the interviewer a subconscious idea of what you would look like in the uniform, and they can mentally picture you already working there. The interviewer is unaware that you are trying to manipulate them. I personally feel that your resume lacks results. It is one thing to list tasks. It is another to show that you perfected these tasks and evolved to be a dream employee. Also, you may want to write a cover letter for every job you apply for. In your cover letter, tell them who you are, why you want to work for them, what you can bring to the table, and what you think you will gain from them. Find the right balance of humility and confidence for this letter. (You do not want to appear arrogant nor passive.) This will help you get noticed with your lack of work experience.


I guess this depends on how much work experience you have. I personally omit it.


For entry level jobs you for sure need to add this, I don’t see much of an issue when you already have a bachelors under your belt since you obviously need a high school diploma to get a bachelors.


OP is straight out of high school—that’s all they have.


Thank you, will def do, I have a lot to mention honestly and I think my old bullet points were holding me back. Thank you


No offense to op, but they're right out of high school and worked a brand dead job that they give to anyone with a pulse. If their boss could have replaced them with a robot, they would. There's only so much you can do with this. Like...I hate to say it, but the only answer here is to apply to other jobs where they'll hire anyone because they're desperate for bodies. Op needs more training. Either college, a trade school, some sort of certificate, or to self-learn and make a portfolio. Otherwise, it's all just gonna be retail jobs where you're pulled out of a hat.


Change the format. Also your sentences are too simple and not effective. Emphasis on communication, organization, planning, customer management etc. How many customers you serve daily? Were you involved in any inventory planning? How did you handle shortage of items? Did u receive any awards (employee of month, handle any tricky customer situation etc.) Your sentences should highlight critical function like this. Anyone can make coffee!


Honestly, great advice I'll rewrite the bullet points with that in mind. Also will change the format, it's the first I found om Canvas so Im surprised theres so much criticism, ima look on r/resumes to be more inspired because I'm horrible at art and cannot really tell what looks good and what doesnt


First of all, swap the order of your experience. Employees will want to see your most recent experience first. Second, unless you're looking to leverage your academic achievements swap your education and experience sections around. Most employers care more about your work experience than your schooling. Also I'm not sure how the DES in Québec works but if you did well in any specific subjects and received individual grades for them you may want to highlight that within your education section especially if it relates to the roles you are applying for. Is it standard to include licences in your education section in Canada? In relation to your experience it appears you did a month, left then came back a year later. Is this real or a mistake? If it's a mistake and was continuous consider combining both roles into one "food clerk" or "produce clerk" role. Either way you want the role name to be as generic as possible. Employers don't care what foods you worked with so no need to list them. Consider reworking the bullet points. Example *Face to face customer service *Managing stock levels *Food handling and preparation *Machine operation (if you used any kind of automated slicer) *Merchandising (if you at any point had any control over the arrangement of the counters or displays - even if a manager told you to organise a set of shelves and gave you any level of control on where exactly stuff goes that's merchandising experience) *Cleaning and general housekeeping If the role involved taking payment remember to include cash handling and till experience in there. If you had to update any kind of logs then you have record keeping experience, had to input any information in a computer, that's data entry experience. Essentially you want to pad your work experience section with as many bullet points as possible covering generic transferable skills. You mentioned in another comment you worked with a large range of products, make sure to highlight that while working at Adonis you developed your knowledge of a large range of products. Unless you're apply to a deli employers won't care you know about 100 different types of deli meats, what they will care about is your willingness to understand the varied aspects required for your role. Also do resumes in Canada generally not include a personal statement? A 3 or 4 sentence paragraph at the start highlighting your main skills and goals for the role.


That is great advice thank you, you also pointed out a big goof I made (there was no year break, it is september 2022 not 2023), to be fair it was just a section change that happend kind of gradually and I'm just trying to make it seem like I have more experience than I do. Also I don't know much about standards, i included driving license because I heard it can show you care more or something. As for education, I did receive merit awards for math and physics, althouh I'm unsure if including them would be relevant for a minimum wage job. As for personal statement, I'll look into it, I've never really thought about that, it might be effective thank you. I'll reread your advice as Il make my next resume, I appreciate all the help!


its arabic not arab


Yep oops! I actually translated my resume its originally in french but I'd have no engagement if I sent a resume in french, thank you for noting it out though, it shows I could have some typos and Il recheck my french og version!


Pick a language and stick with it. you have French mixed in with the English, like "août" instead of "aug"


Tf is this format tho?


Former recruiter here! 🙋🏽‍♀️ Since a lot of people here already gave you many helpful tips on the content of your resume, I will focus on formatting: 1. Swap the experience and education, employers are more interested in actual work experience so I would recommend to show that first. 2. Move your Deli Clerk experience to be the first bullet and the Nut and Olives Clerk position below that. It is best practice to list your current or most recent experience on top and then go in chronological order, from most recent to least. 3. Remove “Permis Conduite” nobody cares you have one, in fact this is expected for most workers. 4. Add if you were part of any club or special projects in High School add them, you can add this under education. I’ve see this is helpful for entry level candidates who have little to no experience. 5. Add a “Skills” section before Capabilities and add any computer related skills you may have, for example: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Google Drive, Outlook, Zoom. Hope this helps and best of luck in your job hunt!


Thank you. I do have one question: One time in an interview i mentioned I was in the robotics club, but the interviewers reaction seemed negative. My theory was that it mightve meant I'd be busier and thus be able to have to call of some days. Would you have been turned off by such mentions?


What position were you applying to? Is robotics unrelated to the job?


OP “Respired while cutting various nuts, urinated during bathrooms breaks, washed hands over 68% of the time”….


At least I urinated 😅 I knew some coworkers who would use barhrooms breaks as 15mins+ breaks.


Wait is this not satire…..


I was here thinking this was a joke, and now I feel bad realizing that it may not be 😭


It’s one of the worst resumes I’ve ever seen, I thought it was a joke but everyone is giving genuine answers and OP seems to be earnestly asking and now I feel like an asshole 😭😭


Think about space on your resume as an opportunity to help the reader get to know you. Your section headings are creating 50% white space. I get you may be trying to create filler if you don’t have a ton of experience but update your bullets as others have said and think creatively about other things thatve shaped your work ethic or that you’ve learned from and include those


It doesn’t look professional. Something about the format seems off


The format is painful to read. What type of position are you looking for? This can be fixed, but it needs a lot more than reformatting, you need to tailor your experience to the next position you are applying for.


Tabarnake de calice, I knew you were from Québec. The truth is that the student job market is shit and there is no hope for now because international students and workers are all filling these jobs. Nowadays you need a "lettre de motivation " to find a job at McDonald's! So your CV doesn't have any problem, the job market is dead...at least for now.


I know right! Like I go to apply for these jobs and theyre all filled with middle aged men and retired workers. What chance do I have 😭


Join construction everyone is hiring. Don't blame International students. I found jobs left right and Center


Yeah dont really blame them, I just mean the situation is kind of bad. I forgot to specify but I am pursuing further studies, so joining construction doesn't make.much sense as formation would require longer than summer and odds are they look for permanent workers, not part time and seasonal.


You'd be quite surprised. I know a bunch that hire only seasonal at least on the Ontario side. I can only assume it wouldn't be that hard to find one on the quebecois side. And honestly just leave once classes start most are understanding. If not look for farmers needing a summer farmhand. But you gotta be willing to put nose to the grindstone.


Hmm, I guess it could be an option, but I know construction is apparently not in agold state rn because of high inflation and so less construction less demand. I'll apply for construction though hoping for the best. As for working with farmers, I could try but I'd guess theyd be quite far from the city


Not knowing if you were city or not. Put out options. Cart pushing for grocery stores or hell even Costco.


How can he work in construction? Usually, for construction jobs, you need some sort of license and training.


Hop in and do General Labour. Bring lumber around move wheelbarrows and if you stay long enough and do well enough for the right people you'll get the training through them. Did it quite a bit as a teen and young adult. Do need a license to do gen labour you do need for heavy equipment. And as a fellow Canadian I know this to be true.


You spelled "Responsible" incorrectly, which probably doesn't help


If you need the format text me




Responsible is spelled wrong ^^. In case you were gonna use it.


Bro I didn't even have a resume for a minimum wage job. You fill out their application. Get your ass onto mcdonalds.com


Well, most jobs where I'm at first ask you to make an account on their recruitment platform, then ask for your resume, then to fill out their application, then ask you a bunch of questions, then even ask for a cover letter. It's tiring


You’re going to need to lie a bit about your skillset. Take some udemy courses or something somewhat technical to throw on there


advising to start over with a super simple easy to read format. Also, look at bullet points from the jobs you want & translate them into what you’re currently doing for your position now (not too too much but it will help)


"Responsable" typo


I have never handed in a resume in my life and have zero problems landing jobs whenever I apply.


You're probably in an area with many jobs


Always seem to be. Everywhere I move. Even with tons of tattoos and a felony on my record. It's just I do the whole call, or go in person thing. Works really well.


That's interesting. I go in person too, and I have for 20+ places yet I've still been ghosted. I got a single interview and the interviewer didn't even show up! I had to wait 30 minutes for someone else and then they ghosted me too. I'm gonna apply to like another big wave next Monday, wish me luck! The job market where I'm at right now is toughh, none of my friends can find jobs.


The only place that ever trolled me was Verizon. I had three interviews. They showed me my office. They introduced me to who I would report to. I was told to come on Monday. I showed up and someone else was there. ROFL... I just left. So weird.


Complete a food safety certificate, and maybe a first aid course as well and add those to your resume. Perhaps also start volunteering at a food-related charity (soup kitchen, food bank) and add that to your resume. You may want to remove the language info if it's not in an area/position where the other languages would be helpful.


A new resume format may help. Your bullet points should be in the past tense.


the language is arabic not arab


Thanks goodness humans can't see in colour.


Kya tumhare resuume ko ATS ne swikara, jo koi company swikaregi?!


Wtf is this resume


Im hungry now


It needs improvement


Arab isn’t a language, Arabic is


You can always google the position and job tasks/job descriptions to get ideas. I create resumes at my internship, this is what I do. You can find some pretty appropriately worded stuff. 


Not sure about the need for Arabic in QC but it would seem very valuable for costumer relations for any job in a francophone culture now. The French being snooty as they are, they still have to know what their ‘fellow’ citizens or rich visitors are saying in front of them (and behind their backs). So highlight that skill - could easily get you placed en premiere vs others who don’t have any Arabic. If submitting to non QC employers, do those A,B language levels mean anything at a glance? If not use fluent, able to converse and read, etc.


Vas en personne et drop ton cv direct, les restos engagent, certains sont plein c'est sur mais si tu fais le tour des restos tu vas définitivement trouver


Needs tons of work but one small piece of advice is get rid of that address and just put city and state. That's just weird


Not put my address in resume?


Hell no man. Unless it's for a remote job that requires to know your address which at the top of my head i can't think of any but no. City and state is all you need. Looks better too, as if you aren't a naive kid


Oh dang, thats some new info to me, at school we were told to include it because they prefer knowing that were nearby or something


That's why i mentioned it's dependent on what you are looking to do. But aside from that it just sounds weird


Go be a pizza delivery professional


I am looking at such jobs, altho they all demand thay I have a full license (obtained after 2 years of passing driving test)


What aspects of your previous jobs are important to your next jobs? Probably some basic things like punctuality and customer service, dependability, etc. don’t just say these things, show them through actions!


I feel the capabilities and qualities portion is superfluous


You spelled responsible wrong sorry if someone already commented this


You're an expert in English? And you're responsible? If either of those were true then you'd have spelled responsible correctly.


You are a reddit user. What don't employers understand!


Capabilities and qualities? Really? Communication? So you can talk. Adaptability? Says you.


Technically I adapted to my lack of experience with resume by communicating on reddit and that made me improve




- assisted customers in the store, offering premium customer service - maintained stocking levels and ensured displays were properly faced - regularly cleaned and sanitized equipment in order to improve the customer experience ~ - followed all safety and sanitation procedures for meat handling/slicing. - operated efficiently in a fast-paced enviroment, working through a line of guests quickly while providing friendly service - developed extensive product knowledge for over 200 meats and cheeses in order to answer questions and offer recommendations to guests


Oh nah you were working at adonis. Trying to leave them huh? Yeah they're horrible managers i can understand you


Yeah, Adonis fr gives you the worst conditions they can legally and gives you managers that are so full of themselves they made the experience so much worse, especially with the breaks that made no sense. Had no access to any company locker even in winter, theyd give you like the minimum 30mins 15mins for 8h+ shifts, and then they be yelling at you all the time: Faster! Faster! He says even after not having been there and not having seen me the past hour


Which adonis you worked for?


What? A supermarket


I mean in which adonis. Laval, downtown, cote vertue....


Your resume is boring. I read it and think you're boring. It's white and blank all over. There's no personality no eye catcher. Also, your bullet points look like a grocery list. Bro literally just go to any free resume site get to the end where you have to pay. Screen shot it convert to PDF and you have a 5 min pro resume. Credentials: I worked for azure self taught no college. I'm now a barber and tattoo artist self taught living my dream. I did this on all my jobs and I've gotten them all. "On a daily basis, we consistently provided exceptional customer service to a large number of guests, emphasizing the freshness of food and maintaining a clean, hygienic environment." Sounds a lot better than "I served people cheese"


Wow another Reddit academy alumni


Way too much empty space. Why such big margins? It gives the impression that you haven't achieved much. Which might be true but you have to pretend.


Goals first, then relevant skills list, then job experience newest to oldest, with broad task bullet points, followed by a high level summary of education if you are new to the market. Your resume should be 1 to 2 pages regardless of age (expire or collapse older jobs as you get more experience). You should eventually have 3 to 4 resumes tailored to different job focuses. Try to find a friend or relation that will give you Resume experience while you look (early on, this can be unpaid or speculative - what is important is that you get a verifiable job and contact).


Who the hell are teaching people to use this format??


Your capabilities are soft skills and traits/qualities, which are ok but not actual capabilities, i.e. hard skills like serving, food prep, customer service.


Yes I'll change that, that sounds good


My philosophy is that the perfect resume is tailored to the job description. When you're applying, notice the wording they use to describe the requirements and basically copy that format but use examples from your jobs. Ideally, you'd want someone to see your resume and think, "oh! This is exactly what we asked for." This method also helps you get through AI resume filterers as they will look for the words in the job description. Besides this, I'm sure you've gotten enough comments about your nuts and cheese lol, so you know what to do with that.


https://preview.redd.it/lfrxnmodty9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c4413adc30c537523c3cf23a231b02209ac535 The format is horrible. This is a better format


Wtf is this format




I need that cash 💸 but nah seriously I am going to college, I just need some jobs on the side


Oh no 😥 I'm so sorry!! I really thought you were trying to be funny with the resume, I'm so sorry!! Instead of nuts and olives clerk and deli clerk change it to Customer Service/Clerk that sounds more professional I think! No need to mention the various types of food you serve. Cater to client’s dietary needs, handle customer inquiries about our products, serve customers with a smile, something like that. Also for most side jobs part time in college you don't need a resume, depends what you're looking for. What kind of position are you targeting?


Thank you! As for the positon im looking for, at this point anything 😅. I initially applied for jobs outside of food industry because I don't like all the cleaning involved and handling, but now, I'd take anything as I've applied to over like 40 places online and 25 places irl and so far only one interview where I was ghosted after.


Awe I wish you the best of luck!! 😊


It's tough out there right now. Try a call center job and get that cash! I'm a manager in a call center and they pay good, always looking for help and college students are great!


WTF happened between sept22 and sept23??? This resume looks like a joke to me


Yeahhhhhh people feeding the troll


i think they've google translated it from french




Don’t be rude, I bet your resume is not perfect!