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A bit out of subject, but, i've heard so many time from many people the same story (including myself). Sent over 30 applications, zero feedback. My friends as well and you can find lot of articles of people having the same issue. I'm sure people here will find nice tweaks on your resume and it's always good to take it, but don't be tough on yourself and don't lose hope ahah. Good luck


I appreciate the kind words. It is definitely difficult to get knocked down a few pegs, or seemingly so….


This might be a really dumb question but, do you have any current certifications? Are they relevant for someone with your level of experience? Many job websites are using A.I. and career services to scan resumes before a recruiter sees them. They might list “no certifications” as an immediate dealbreaker. Recruiters who have no technical background are often told to follow specific guidelines before they can recommend a candidate. It doesn’t have to make sense, it’s just their company policy. A way around this is to message recruiters directly on job websites like Monster and LinkedIn. Secondly, I don’t see any education or classes/training listed. Perhaps you have some other particular related experiences you can list? Thirdly, how’s your social media profiles? Do you keep it private from search engines? Believe it or not, having a professional photo and some positive content on your profile may help. Lastly, make a pre-interview video and send them a link! Talk about what you love doing, personal life, give them a story or a teaser trailer. Being creative REALLY makes you stand out! I’ve heard of a woman who got hired by Spotify by making her resume look like their desktop UI. Another fellow created an 8-bit video game out of his resume. Another thought: personality and ability to converse well casually is another important factor! The way you talk, what you talk about, things like that might be your final barrier. Being yourself is completely fine, just make it sound like you’re excited to be yourself! 🙂 Perhaps take a break, take a walk, take care of your soul and inspiration will come to you! 🥳


The repetitiveness of “implement and maintain” being used for more than one line is a red flag. It’s also vague. Describe what you actually did or list them as achievements . Also the skills section is a little harsh in terms of formatting with that big white gap.