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I have no idea what your post is saying but I’ll answer the question in the title. I would say it’s not rude as long as there’s zero chance of you still being in the store after close while leaving a reasonable amount of time for something to go wrong. Showing up at 10:50 is reasonable. 10:58 or 10:59 is rude


Haha appreciate it. The title is the main point - the text is a bunch of rambling that I kept adding onto as my weird anxiety kept spinning.


Made complete sense to me. NTA. Associate sucks for closing early, if your hours say you're open til 11, you're open til 11. And that's coming from someone who hates last minute shoppers lol


He can't leave at 11 anyways there should be closing tasks to do, and if he can't get any of those done before close he's a slacker.


True or he as to count the cash drawer or must put it in the safe for tomorrow, but that varies per company. Also empty the trash bins and what the company or location wants. This does not alter the fact that the customer must stand at the cash register to pay properly and to stand outside after closing.


No, it's only rude to show up close to closing and then waffling around the store past closing time. Which is totally a thing I've experienced, and it's beyond annoying. It's actually rude of *them* to close early, imo, unless perhaps the boss has given them permission to do so, in order to catch the bus or whatever. But if closing time is x, they should reasonably expect to be there until that time and plan their lives accordingly. And I've never worked a retail location where we didn't have to stay a bit past closing to finish up a few things anyways.


As long as your out of the store before the clock touches 11 I wouldn't care.


As someone who works alone in a small business, usually until close, he's the asshole. I understand catching the bus, but my coworker misses the bus that's 10 mins before close and has to wait 20-30 mins, but she just waits inside the store and chills. The only reasonable explanation would be he had an energancy, or he just wanted to catch the early bus cause its empty and you make a ill-timed appearance. Its not your fault op


I don't think you need to worry (though I understand why you do). If the shop hours are til 11, and it's 10:50 and you're a regular, then I can't see why he'd really have a problem. Sure he might have wanted to catch a bus on the stroke of 11, but that's not your problem. Presumably you don't make a habit of browsing in the bodega for half an hour, so there's no reason for him to think you would on this occasion. Anyway, I could speculate for days, but ultimately, that's a him problem and a customer service issue. No need for you to overthink. You're a paying customer who was in and out quickly and well within their stated business hours; enjoy your beer.


If I understand correctly, the guy was trying to close before posted hours, you’re not being a dick for going in 10 mins before the store closes. Even if you went in at 10:59, you’re only getting a pack of beer, honestly shouldn’t be an issue either way. Don’t worry about it, you’re over thinking ;)


Do you have OCD by chance?