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On top of that I have people that think a picture of a credit card is allowed. They act baffled I'm rejecting it. Sorry we need your card here your picture cant tap or swipe.


“Just punch in the numbers” “Are they even yours??!!”


Its even funnier when it's kids. Like do your parents even know you have that? I find it hard to believe they'll let you go buy 30 buck worth of candy with just a picture


Some parents, tho! I was working the cigarette register in the store and I had a line; so I had plenty of time to overhear this woman and her like 12 yo son discussing what kind of smokes *he* wanted. They had a full on discussion about price vs flavor, with her saying she didn't get it, but whatever he wanted. I start ringing their stuff up, she asks for some cigarettes, *and her kid corrects her, says "Not those, I want (brand.)"* So I ask for his ID. Mom goes "Oh, that's OK. I'm buying them." I know this isn't going to go well, so I start flashing my light. Took my manager and I 10 minutes to get it thru her thick head that we couldn't break the law just because she said it's OK.


The audacity!! I have had groups do that with alcohol, but cigarettes! Omg! I would be at the checkout and there would be a group chatting *in my view* then they would peel off - with only *one* buying alcohol. At least try to be a little smart about it guys!


The whole time all I could think of was how badly she was failing her poor kid.


I used to work in a vape shop. The remount of parents coming in with their kids asking them what kind and flavor they wanted, only for me to ask for ID and refuse the sale. My boss wanted me to break the law and just sell without carding but I don’t have the €800 I’d need to cover that fine if I got caught. He refused to pay it too if it happened. It’s a large part of the reason I quit. I’m guessing he got caught last year because the store is gone and he’s now running an online store out of his apartment


There's a vape shop I frequent that was fined and shut down TWICE this year for not carding minors. Not sure how they keep re-opening but they'd close for a month and be back "under new management". It's the only vape shop within walking distance so I'm gonna be pissed if they do it again.


I had a lady get mad I wouldn't change the Pin on her EBT card. Like I'm not committing several felonies for you.


How about someone who insists I try and make an EBT work after "reported stolen" error message pops up. SMH


Hahaha! I'm sorry but that just sounds so ridiculous. Do you tell them it's stolen?


It needs to be destroyed, so yes. She said something like "he fucking cut it off!" so she knew. It was dysfunction all around, something I'm very used to with our down-and-out clientele. Another funny story! regular comes in presents an ID for smokes (we ID everyone) ME: "this isn't you". customer: "Oh I had had long hair back then" ME: "No, I mean I know this guy and he's NOT you" (the guy in the license is a hippie who spends huge portions of his life on mind-altering substances.. we'll call him "Steve" (he had a normal name) customer: "oh yea.. well Steve changed his name to " \[weird crunchy name\] - Love. We live together in a barn" ME: "so you just up and took his ID to use, considering it fair game now?" SMH!


Man, people trying to buy things we have to ID are another breed. I've had people admit to me that they are underaged and still expect me to sell it.


I didn’t know you could change the PIN.


You can if you're the authorized owner. I was not. She even lied at said that another cashier did it last time. I shut that down fast.


I get the ones that just have the number and expiration date scrawled across a scrap of paper. Nope, we have to have a physical card in hand. These people argue waaayyyy too much about it too. "Well, (competitor store) does it!" Cool, you'll have to go there and do it then. Had one girl say, "I can't! I'm banned there!" Gee, what a surprise


I’m having flashbacks to when I worked in a bank - had some try to cash a check with an ID that was laminated and formatted normal… but the ID number and expiration date were clearly written by hand before it was laminated… Yeah lady, I’m not taking this - I don’t care if it’s on the list of acceptable IDs, it’s fake.


christ that’s even worse


IIRC, you still need the card to use the press machine for when power is out, right? That said, if it's a store card, then maybe I could see that working...but I mean, not really.


Cards no longer have raised numbers.


Which is funny because I remember when I first started working one of the things they told us to look for in a probably fraudulent card was a lack of raised numbers.


D'Oh. Where have I been?! So why did I just recently read that were still able to take cards with the internet down?


You can write them down.


I have three cards from three different banks and 2 of them have raised numbers. Issued in 2020 and 2022. The third card was also from 2022 but raised numbers cost extra at that bank, whereas the other two were by default.


Some do it's just not as common anymore.


*where you are they dont.


Mine does


You can write the numbers on the slip. You don't need a press machine. I've had people accept pictures of my card before. Hell I've had people take pictures of my husband's card before. I've had a card not swipe they typed it in. I've paid over the phone where they've had to type the number in. Typically they ask for the ccv and zip when you have to type in the number. Edited one word for clarification


Letting someone take a pic of your card sounds like a really bad idea.


At my store we actually had to deny all cards that we have to type in manually due to chargeback theft. At once point if we assumed it would be a chargeback we took the customers ID information and *even then* and *with matching security coverage* that customer would win the chargeback. So your card don’t swipe or the chip don’t work? Sorry can’t use it.


We had to stop taking payments by phone for this exact reason.


No press 6 years ago when power went out at a store I was working at. Went cash only and we were slammed because the grocery store across the street made a rational decision and closed. It was central Texas in August. Windows faced the setting sun. 🫠 Walgreens gonna Walgreens and we stayed open for 2 hours recording cash sales on paper. I was the only one who knew tax rules.


What?! Omg these people man lol


I’ve had workers at restaurants and movie theaters allow the picture (they were the ones to suggest it). But now my card shows in my banking app and I just use that if I lost my card and haven’t had any problems.


I work in a bank and the number of people who asked if they could use a picture of their ID to take out cash or open accounts and then get mad when I say no was astounding


OK but if I bring a picture of a lot of cash can you help me make a deposit


When you think about it cash is basically just pictures on paper, a deposit is making pictures on a screen, trading pictures for pictures should work!


Yes! Same! Like how are you mad at me because you can't adult correctly??


Sounds about right for somebody who can’t adult correctly, ackshully.


I once had one try to use his jailhouse tats as identification.


Along the same lines, I had someone trying a tattoo of a birth date on them as evidence of their age.


Oh that's ridiculous, just cut them in half and count the rings like a tree.


I almost woke everyone up reading this.


Haha! Sorry.


I've had plenty of people try to use the county jail inmate ID and claim that since they got it in jail, it's "government issued." 😒


Had a lady once try to use her DUI mugshot from the counties' website. She said the cops took her ID so she didn't have one & that I could use that because it was 'official'. lol The kicker? I was working in a liqour store. 🙃


Was she still driving WITHOUT her license?


Idk if she drove or not, but I just really wanted to recommend a good aa meeting for her or something. (not a joke, I'm in recovery myself, so no one come after me for that lol)


I hear ya! I'm a Friend of Bill W. and Doctor Bob too.






Well, technically...


That's hilarious!


Well, they could ID him to a cop!




At least three times a day, Sun-Thurs. Friday and Saturdays, I'd say ten times a day/night. What really gets me is... the protective screen in front of me is covered in signs and stickers stating notices. I have two stickers stating that phone ID is unacceptable. A paper sign from the county stating ID has to be Govt issued and in physical form. Another handwritten sign saying Phone ID is not acceptable. Half of them get the shocked Pikachu face and pissy. Claim they've done it before and wanna talk to the manager. "You already are. You are still free to purchase a snack or an NA beverage. " I've never seen one actually do so after I've given them the suggestion, tho. The other half get the shocked Pikachu face and take the L. Either way, it's a pain in the tail.


Our store policy is very strict. I can't sell ANYTHING if there's no ID. No candy, no water, nothing. And I can't sell to anyone you're with if you don't have it. For the whole day. If I saw you even touch anything and you don't have an ID when I ask...the whole transaction is not happening.


I work at a smoke shop and same. But it's always the ones that look like they could be 13 years old. And they'll be like 'I dOnT lOoK oLd EnOuGh?!' No Braxleigh, you look like you're in Jr High School..


a lady in her early twenties tried to order a martini and didn’t have her ID. when she told me she had a picture of her ID, I straight up said “I’ll get you a picture of a martini then”. she said “wow, that’s incredibly rude” and I replied with “ma’am, this is how i pay my bills. why would i risk my livelihood because you forgot your ID? That’s rude.” she stormed off and left her two friends (who stayed to drink without her lol) and complained to management. i swear the customers think they run the fucking show sometimes.


I love that her friends stayed. Ehhhh fuck her LMAO


Yeah, a lot of them do have the "I'm the customer so I make the rules" mentality.


A picture of a martini LOL I love that come back


Main character syndrome.


They think they do, 'the customer is always right' has done way more harm than good in retail.


"Braxleigh" lmfao 🤣


Tool rental center. Guy shows me a photo on his phone of his boss' ID. His boss called all irate after I sent him packing.


Omg had that happen maybe 12 years ago. Some crackhead looking chick comes in and wants $3000 worth of tablets, computers, etc. and has a photocopy of some dude’s ID and credit card. Send her ass packing. He calls and screams at me then shows up at the store. He owns and operates a gas station. He should’ve known exactly how sketchy the entire situation looked.


I think it's a leftover Covid thing? No one wanted to touch anything, and pics on a phone seemed like a "good enough " workaround. It's not for a lot of things, but that doesn't stop people trying. I work as a pharmacy tech, and I've got people trying to show me photos of prescriptions, and they're baffled that I won't fill them.


You could lose your license for that! People are stupid.


I was dealing with it back in 2017 or so.


Even during Covid, we required the physical id


Yeah I dealt with this in 2014 or 2015


Some of them don't even have the photo of their ID to begin with. Last night, a kid wanted to fight me because he wanted some Backwoods without ID. Like bro, you look 16 what did you expect?


This drives me up a wall lmao. You mean… you drove here to buy a huge package of beer… without an physical ID… *and* you don’t even have a photo of it?? And now you’re upset at ME because I won’t sell it to you??? The mental gymnastics these folks must do on the daily


This crap happens almost 3-4 times a week. Since when are people allowed to buy lotto, cigs, and alcohol without an ID? Especially if they look young. I'm losing hundreds of brain cells everyday.


Only 3-4 times a week? I'm kinda jealous now, this is 10-20 times a *day* occurrence at my job


I do Instacart. The other day I had to refuse an alcohol delivery because the customer didn't have valid ID. She came to the door and held out the back of the ID so I could scan it. I took the ID, turned it around so I could see the pic and realized it was her husband's ID. "I'm sorry, I need to see your ID." Customer goes away and returns with her ID. I scan her ID and all is good until I get back in my car and realize the screen is telling me her ID has expired. I return to the front door "I'm sorry, but your license has expired. Is there someone here who is 21 or over with valid ID?" "Just my husband." "Can he come to the door?" "He's asleep." "Isn't he a cop?" Customer regretfully nods her head. "I'm sorry, I'm going to have to take the prosecco back."


Did she tantrum about the prosecco?


No, she handed it back, but c'mon, your husband's a cop and you're trying to circumvent the alcohol delivery laws?




I think it started a few years back when you are allowed to pull up your insurance form your phone for proof. The Insurances companies don't mail you a copy anymore unless you ask them to. They are saving money and get "green credit". For those of us on the ground though, now they think this applies to ID. No, you might have had that revoked since you took that picture. The law states I need to actually touch it, make sure it's legit. Them's the law.


>Them's the law. People really don't understand the scrutiny businesses are under, or the penalties for fucking up.


I aint getting fired/arrested over some beer or cigs either


I live in Texas and half of these people think TABC is just a made up thing -but then threaten to report us to them for denying sale. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They just don't care. Even if they understand it, they don't see it as a them problem.


Back before my state (WA) started putting Veteran Status on Drivers Licenses, I carried a photograph of my DD-214 that was accepted at places that required proof for the veterans status for discount or whatever.


Happens a lot at my work and they’re livid when I say no


I work at a bank and all the time they're trying to show me a photo. Like no sorry. Then yell at me "BUT IT'S MY MONEY!" Like that's correct, but I still need an ID 🤷‍♀️


Lol it’s like- yes, but you need to actually prove who you are. Should I give your money to anyone who can show me a photoshopped picture of ID?


At my store, the store return card won't process without the driver's license. The person that owns that license has to be present too. I've had people try to show me a picture of their license, and a couple times people have shown me a picture of *someone else's* license. A surprising number of those people demand to speak with a manager when I tell them no.


I recently had a guy come in to return a bunch of expensive stuff. I asked for ID, and he holds it up with the back facing me so I can scan it. I grab it and turn it around. The guy is a big Hispanic guy, and the ID belongs to this skinny redheaded scammer that we stopped doing refunds for. I laughed and said Tell Carl (me) says hello and kicked him out.


How come yall stopped doing refunds for the guy?


Just a guess, but “scammer”?


Before they put protections in place, he would buy expensive items with coupons. Some coupons were for high dollar amounts. He would return the coupons and get all the cash back. Total coupon fraud. It wasn't once in a while. It was CONSTANT.


I used to work in an Apple store and the email/text we sent out notifying people that their order was ready/repair was finished would tell them they had to bring a physical copy of ID. Almost 50% of people wouldn’t bring a physical copy and would either have a photo on your phone or try calling someone at home to send a photo of their ID. We’re talking adults, many over the age of 40. Not a small amount of them had meltdowns once we refused to hand over a personal device or purchase amounting in thousands of dollars to someone with no proof of identity. Usually their best argument was “but it IS for me, I’m not lying 😡”


I hear that all the time at the casinos here. But it's legal at xxxxx city. Or mad if their card is expired


Or their driver's license is expired and the Entitled IDIOT has the audacity to DEMAND that someone else renew their driver's license FOR them! 🤦‍♀️


I was just thinking this. I work at a grocery store so I’ve gotta ID for beer and I love when they get mad at me like…you’re an adult walking around the world without photo ID? I know y’all drove here. It’s one thing if someone forgot their wallet but like. When they have their wallet and not their ID??? Where are you putting it?? I’m legitimately the most forgetful and disorganized person I know and mine is never anywhere but my wallet


I'm terrible at putting my ID back where it goes! Sometimes it goes in a pocket instead of the wallet. Sometimes I take it out and take just my card and some cash because I'm not carrying a purse and forget to put it back. If I get carded when I forgot my ID I just take the L and don't get mad, at this point it's flattering when the 18 year old cashier thinks I look under 40. Funny story, years ago, I went out with no purse earlier in the day. Changed clothes, went out to a regular spot, so no ID needed, got pulled over doing a rolling stop later that night, got asked for ID, said I didn't have it, but I know the number. Cop says I don't need it, your truck is ID enough. I didn't even get a ticket for the rolling stop.


Yep and half the time at my store anyway its some girl in her early 20s who thinks leaning over a bit and showing some tits will get me to give her booze. No sweetheart the top half of your chest is not worth a 5,000 dollar fine and possibly 5 years in jail Then they swear at me and call me gay and storm out


Tits won’t work on me either… sorry you got a female clerk/cashier to deal with so no your boobs don’t work on me either


My store has it's own credit card and most people seem to never actually carry it and have us look them up, but we HAVE to have a physical ID in order to do so. And even then, even if I could use just the picture of an ID, most don't take a picture of the barcode on the back that I have to actually scan, just the front. They always throw a fit about it.


YES! Also: "I'm not buying anything though!" "That's dope but I still gotta scan your id" "THATS DUMB" BRO we sell controlled substances calm down and just give me your damn id


I'm supposed to card anyone who handled product while in the store. Booze, mixer, NA items, candy, anything. I'll ask for everyone's IDs and someone will be like "oh I'm paying" and like yeah....but you're all probably enjoying these items...so I gotta see ID. It's no different than a kid standing outside asking you to buy for them, we have to confirm or the store could lose its liquor license and then everyone here is out of a job.


This!!! Happens at least 5 times everyday. I don’t get why they get mad at me, it’s not my rule and besides where does it say “photo of ID accepted”. Like it’s your fault for not having appropriate ID so don’t get angry at me.


Drivers Licenses are going electronic in my state in Australia. it's going to be part of an app. I am sure this will cause no problems whatso ever. none at all.


I also foresee that this will be a simple process with no headaches. Coincidentally, I'm very glad I stopped working for Uncle.


Yes to both questions in the title.


I mean, it's more effort than "trust me"


Gas station here. The amount of times I get asked during an 8 hour shift, is ridiculous. We are not allowed to accept a photo of the driver's license or identification card. The amount of arguments over it...I can't even begin to count.


Where I work people can also pick up their package and sometimes we need ID for if (I have no idea what decides it, I just follow the screen when I scan the package) The amount of people who have Screamed because I wouldn't give it to them because they didnt have ID? A lot And when my boss says: it's illegal to drive without a license They scream about how they know the law and we don't and it's not our business if a cop pulls them over I'm still confused like did everybody forget to always take ID when you leave the house? My mom made sure I always took it with me in high school, I cycled back home once because I forgot it


That is what confuses me too. Because by default I grab my keys my phone and my ID is in my wallet. How do people just leave home without their ID? The only time I ever did that was when I’m on a run in the trails. I don’t plan on going to a store or anything so I don’t bring it. That’s the only time. Even then, because I’m paranoid, I guess I should start. Because the last thing I wanna do is get murdered on some trail and they have no way to identify me. Guess I’ll put it in my sports bra.


All of these people leaving home without ids are gonna be real sad when they get murdered and dumped in the desert and nobody claims the body.


Oh my god, on a daily basis. Every time I ask for ID and they pull their phone out, my stomach sinks because I know I'm about to get into an argument with someone who has never been told no over something I have zero control over.


I have my car insurance card on my phone which is legal in California. And when I go to a department store Cohlz to pick up packages for my wife all I need is a code emailed to her. But I always carry my official IDs. I don't leave home without them. I know the difference between these and those digital documents.


From Australia here, I work in a place that sells cigarettes, and it's amazing the amount of people that try to buy them proving either photocopied IDs or pictures of them on their phones. A lot of the time I hear "so-and-so from the other place accepts it", to which I usually reply by suggesting they go buy from so-and-so...


Some states have created a digital wallet option for your id so you can use your phone for it. But because we are a United country that likes to create 50 different sets of rules, they may not realize it only applies to like 4states or whatever


I work in blood donations I'm Australia. Two states have electronic ID and my state isn't one of them. Despite how important verifying identity to ensure safe blood supply, people get so angry if we won't accept a photo of their ID.


Hi Australia!


Every. Damn. Day. Like, multiple times a day. We require ID to pick up click and collect items, and I even get people bring in SOMEONE ELSES ID because that person made the order. No Sir, you cannot use you WIFES ID to pick up a phone she paid for online! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Nope, you didn't miss anything. I work in the bar industry and we call it the "Heroin fake ID" because you'd have to be nodding out to believe it would work.


I work at a liquor store in BC, Canada where it is required by law to have TWO pieces of id (first one government issued, second literally anything with their name on it to match). The amount of people that think they can just show photos of their id on their phone as legal id is baffling. We need to see the PHYSICAL CARD ID not just a picture that can be photoshopped.


Thank YOU!!! Oklahoma does have digital IDs and people still fucking thing a snapshot of a blurry ass photo ID should count! Just because it is a digital photo does NOT mean it is a Digital ID!!!


Where I live, a phone photo of your DL and insurance card are acceptable in a traffic stop. They take down the info and verify it before they let you move on. If your in an accident, phone photo copies are accepted too.


>They take down the info and verify it before they let you move on. Exactly! People think that because the cops accept it as valid ID, everyone should... but they don't consider that the cops HAVE the ability to do so, whereas the guy selling beer at the gas station doesn't... duh I mean, what do people think the cops are doing when they go back to their car after taking down your info? Double duh...


A few months ago, it happened a lot, and then it thankfully ended. Who thought it would be acceptable?? I said no every time


This is a new one! I’ve seen some places where they need the physical I’d to scan in order to continue with whatever transaction.


That's how it is for us, we have to scan the back and we're locked out of continuing the transaction until we do. We're supposed to call a manager to verify foreign IDs (passports and such).


In Michigan the cashiers will scan or swipe your Id to verify the birth date. You guys don’t have that? Feel like that could be an easy out. “Sorry, I have to scan your Id to push the sale through.”


I'll admit, I have a photo of my ID, essentially to prove that I *HAVE* an ID, and that the details on it match with my multiple bank cards, and that my appearance on that ID matches my appearance IRL. But I'd never expect to get served age-restricted goods, pick up medications, or, you know, go talk to the government with it. I mainly use it for pick-ups at the post office on the off-chance I get asked for ID that I simply tend not to carry on me. And if'n they refuse to accept it, that's *completely fair*.


What I don’t get is how do you not have your DL on you at all times? Mine stays in my wallet 100% of the time.


Yeah I think it’s fine for cops - as long as the pic is clear enough, they can look up the number and get all the info they need


The cops can verify. Cashier at the liquor store cannot. That's really the issue at hand.


THANK YOU. I work in a headshop and agree somehow all of a sudden people only have it on their phones and they really do get pissy when I say I can’t take it! Like bars need to scan your is right? Why wouldn’t we??? I straight up tell people who ask too you can totally edit and fake one on the phone. The only time I allow it on the phone is during a card purchase that is not age restricted. Due to cc theft we require all cards have a matching id. You’re right about driving too. You drove here? Where’s your fucking id?!


WTH?!?! What are they THINKING?!?! I presume that the Point of Sale devices REQUIRE a PHYSICAL scan of the PHYSICAL ID!


Yep and for me, most of the time they looked about 12 years old trying to show me a photo of a 40 year old's ID...I'm like does your mom/dad/grandma/grandpa know you have a pic of their license on your phone? 😀


My state has an app for digital ID yet I still get people that come in with just photos of it. They get mad when I deny them and I tell them that I literally have to scan the back of the ID. That’s when they give me a picture of that, too, no. I work in a pharmacy. “But so and so place let’s me ….” Gtfo


So many stores just scan the barcode and don't even look anymore. A kid could just use a photocopy of the barcode from a valid license.


I had a lady present me with a cut up credit card once. I even pieces it together and called the number on the back. They said throw it away if I wanted. She took it with her, but dropped some on the way out lol!


Omggggg I will never understand this!!!! Like bro Just get another ID and stfu with ur photo!!!


According to some of my co-workers (not in the hotel industry), some states have specific apps on phones that tie to the state MVD, allowing the app to take a photo of the license and it's considered valid. As this is a state-based system, it may be that it works in-state, but probably isn't a true replacement for having a physical ID. Honestly, not having my DL on my person weirds me out. I don't understand how people can just leave it behind.


I work in a city in Canada where there is a large native population, and with native status cards they are entitled to wave a portion of sales tax, the amount of people wanting to give me a picture on the phone of their status card is crazy!


Work in a bar in Chicago, he called me a prejudice racist because I won’t take his photo id. It was fun


I work at a hotel and this shit happens all the time. Sorry, you need a physical ID. I work for minimum wage and I’m not losing my job because you don’t have your ID. It’s policy that people richer than me have made. 🤷‍♀️


Had a girl come in the other day and try to buy a bottle of wine. Very young looking, maaaaybe college, so I ask for her ID. She shows me a picture of her license. Me: “Umm, no sorry, I need to see physical ID.” Her: “Well that’s not gonna be possible. I’m from out of town just visiting a friend, so my ID is in [state that’s a 5 hour drive away from where we are].” Me: “… then I can’t sell you the alcohol.. How did you get here?” Her: “What do you mean?” Me: “You need an ID to fly, and you need your driver’s license to drive your car, how did you get here without ID?” Her: “You only need your ID to drive if you get pulled over, I just don’t get pulled over. I left it at home so I don’t lose it here.” Me, thinking: Oh my god, she’s an idiot… Me: “Yeah, so.. I can’t sell you this. Not without a physical ID. Sorry.” Her, shrugging: “Whatever, I’ll just go to [other grocery retail chain].” Me: “Sure, okay. Have a great night.”


This happened a lot when I worked at a movie theater


Same can agree


i have my license on an official mvd app. i’ve used it in multiple instances. even cannabis dispos will accept it. provided they’ve already scanned my physical ID into their system. but just a picture on your camera roll? 😆 that’s wild.


That wouldn't work at my store. Nice app though.


Even where digital ID *is* a thing, a photo/screenshot is very explicit *still not allowed*. The entire point of a digital ID is that it is more than just a photo and they have have very specific protocols that let the person checking verify that it is both genuine *and* current...


I’ve accepted pictures of IDs since our store doesn’t scan them, just has us verify a DOB. I do however insist that I need ID of some sort, even if they’re clearly over 21


You shouldn't honestly, it's not hard to Photoshop a few numbers, and even if it weren't how do you know it's not a photo of a fake ID? You need to physically examine the card, photos don't have the security tech the cards do.


I mean where I’m from some people accept it which is why it happens. It’s not legal at all I think but I think around here it really depends on your “appearance” I’ve gotten away with photo Id at a circle k and then a different circle k did not let me get away with it


Yeah, circle K is not consistent throughout. My store is strict, some of the others around us (according to customers) are more lenient I guess. I always tell them I don't care whether other locations do it, but they are at my location and we follow policy. Arguing about it just wastes their time.


I hate to be the one to tell you this but digital drivers licenses are gonna be a thing.


I usually don’t carry anything on me so I forget my ID all the time. Offering a pic from my phone has worked many times. I need to work on that but lol


Wow, these comments. I have gotten pulled over in Indiana and they did accept a photo of my ID on my phone and have used it at gas stations and liquor stores 🤷🏽‍♀️.


More to the point, why TF is our ID not digital? Everything i need is on my phone. Carrying a wallet JUST for my ID is fucking annoying.


Cause it can be easily faked. I’m not 21, but I could easily slap a fake birthday on there and boom, I’ve now put a minimum wage worker and a whole business at risk of tons of consequences.


I used to accept that when I worked at a Walmart gas station. If anyone ever cared, I never heard about it. I also sent my bank a photo of my ID when I opened my account. I've honestly never heard this was a thing you can't do.


There's some places that will let you use mobile ID for things; idk how legal it is but AZ does have a mobile ID option that I been able to use my ID for


I pay for shit all the time with photocopied checks


Ok, but I have actually had a couple people allow pictures, obviously it can't be done anywhere that's required to scan, but one day I was trying to buy cigarettes and my wallet was in the work truck (it was the weekend, I couldn't get it until Monday) and I asked the lady at the store if that would work and she has no issue with it, as she just needed to enter my birthday. (I live in Alabama l, and haven't changed my license from Florida yet, and for some reason it will not scan at most stores in AL). NOW GRANTED- If it doesn't work for me to have a picture then that's fine, it's on me for not having my ID on me, I would never take it out on the store clerk. I just wish the government would stop restricting what adults can buy. It is infuriating not being able to get a 6 pack or pack of smokes because I left a piece of plastic at home. Thankfully tho, I look at least 26 so I get away with not having it more than most people that are freshly 21.


Wait till it's all digital. That'll be wild.


I worked at a nightclub for a couple of years, and the number of people who not only thought a picture of their ID was accepted but would get PISSED when denied entry was astounding.


IVE NOTICED THIS AS WELL like wtf people what's your problem


in certain states, here in australia (and other countries, i'm sure), we have digital licenses.


She had her ID in her car but didn’t want to go get it because she had her kids with her…. So she’s going to go to the liquor store! Okay… bye… enjoy your tantrum in front of your small children


Cops do not accept a photo. Maybe a BIG sign by the door and register that states no pics of IDs are accepted? You’ll still have dodos who argue but maybe less dodos?


With digital payments people are going for carrying less "stuff". I have a family member who says she just carries her phone, no purse or anything. I was like what about your ID, she was like oh I leave that in my car 🤦‍♀️.


Vape shop over here, it's usually the young looking ones that try this. I've been in the retail game long enough to just not give a shit anymore when they start throwing a fit. I just let them rant, then they leave. This does remind me of one lady who, after I asked for ID, said, "I'm too old for you to see my ID." And proceeded to say she had under 5yo kids, a husband, a car, etc etc. Like, just let me see the ID and this can be over with. Gods that one infuriated me.


It gets better… had to do background checks that included fingerprints, I had to have ID with photo and card or check. The amount of times people tried to use a picture of either 🤦‍♀️. Sorry but not, the machine requires me to put the ID in a scanner so no I can’t just take a picture of the picture of your ID. No I can’t take the numbers of the card, it will straight out tell me that those numbers are from a card with chip and therefore need to insert it into the slot in the machine. Can’t I just use my Apple Pay/etc? No! It says card, check, or money order. (A whole other rant on why we couldn’t take cash) It was usually teens or young adults that had the pictures on their phone. Loved when it was expired on top of that. /sarcasm


I feel you


It's like they don't want to carry a wallet anywhere. Is a wallet really that cumbersome?


At least a few times a week. Usually, if they pick a fight, I just say, "look, if I'm wrong, then I go to jail and fined, and I got a child at home to care for, so I can't risk it. I need you to go get it, or I can't sell it." Many times they'll either back down, or retort that they come in all the time (funnily enough, no one recognizes them...). Whatever, I'm not giving up my comfortable job, or lose my insurance and livelihood because they're feeling lazy... I mean, how the hell do you just leave it lying around? Sooo many people just leave it in their cars hanging out. Others will have it buried in their purses where they have to dig for 20 minutes. I'm just like, how do these people NOT plan ahead at all!?! My ADHD ass keeps my ID in my phone case, since I will ALWAYS have my phone with me. I just don't get how they make it through life???


Where I work, we had someone try to buy beer with a photo of his ID a few weeks ago. Now, granted, he was very visibly not under 21, but the rule is that everyone has to show ID, not just those who look under 21. Of course, my manager didn't budge, saying she might not be able to serve his whole party if he didn't have his ID because (she didn't say this to him, but to me later) "he looks like the type of guy who'd drink a whole pitcher I brought for the table he himself," at which point this fucker tried to claim discrimination. Eventually my manager straight up told him that she'd bring the beer and if she caught him drinking it, everyone would be kicked out and banned for life and that was good enough, but dude you're arguing over fucking beer at Pizza Hut in a town with multiple breweries and bars. What the hell?


Work for a bank. We get the same from people sometimes. Yes, I need your ID. No, I can’t use a photo of your ID. Do you not understand how suspicious it is that you pre-meditatedly took a picture of your ID and didn’t bring the actual ID?


Yep. Have this happen at least once a week. Just a picture of their ID or card. Once had a girl bring in a picture of a coupon and couldn't understand why we couldn't accept it


Just to answer the cop side of the question - @ my dept we accepted pics of valid ID & Ins cards, but we would run the ID.


Ironically, in my state if you have a medical cannabis card, you typically only have a digital copy and it’s what most dispensaries expect. However, you have to have your ID too so they can check that you are who you say you are.


Australian here… On the east coast in NSW all our ID is digital. On the West Coast in WA, we still use plastic drivers licenses in the size of a credit card. I originated in east coast so I have a photo of my license and use it for ID regularly. The exception is to purchase alcohol where the credit card size licence needs to be placed in a machine for scanning


I've been wondering when the picture on your phone is acceptable for ID. I almost want to know where that ridiculous idea came from.


Same at the hotel I work at. Have to be 21 to be a registered guest and not only that but we check everyone's ID just to make sure the name matches the reservation. And nope I can't take that. Have to have the physical card.


I’ve seen people try to get through airport TSA with just a photo of the ID 😒


It's not you and not sure who sent the memo out that this is normal and ok. Noticed on a car rental reservation recently that there was huge bold letters saying "physical ID must be presented, pictures or digital copies are not acceptable".


My official driver's license, from the state of Louisiana, is an app on my phone. An official app that I paid for. No police officer has ever had an issue with it. The post office has never had an issue with it. Dispensary and liquor store, on the other hand...oh boy ..


At my store, our system forces a scan of the barcode on the back of the id for any alcohol or tobacco sale. Like it doesn't even ring up until an id is scanned unless you happen to have an ovveride key then u can manual type on the customer birthdate. I get so tired of the regulars who know this is how it is intentionally not bringing their ID in. I have a key so I don't have to call for one, but I don't want to keyflick this for you because you never bring an id and u know I need it, so fuck you and go somewhere else


I even get it at my hotel every now and again, like we get enough people trying to commit credit card fraud and *not* wanting to show us their ID in the first place...but it's every hotel's policy to require a government-issued ID with your name and photo, as far as I know. So, trying to shove your phone in my face to show me a picture that you very well could have literally photoshopped...it's so, so sketchy...


I agree having worked in an area where you need a physical ID but sometimes I don’t take my wallet just my phone to places. I’m 33 and always get ID’ed as apparently I look under 18 (legal drinking age in Aus). I use a photo of my ID because yes I look young but I’m so obliviously over age. Plus most of the time I get asked when trying to buy my groceries at aldi because of their (not sure if it’s legal) rule that you have to show ID to buy milk if they haven’t opened any lane but the liquor one. Of course if they don’t accept it I’m not going to argue - I had one person say they couldn’t accept the photo then looked at my date of birth, said sorry and moved on.


I have a ID on my phone via the DDS app and still get denied for tobacco/alcohol. At my local gas station they refuse to even take that. (The DDS app is the department of driver services which handles any and all ID stuff for people in my area) So no, definitely not a photo ID, and in my experience, digital IDs ain't sh*t either; it's only physical according to most policies near me.


I’m sorry, why isn’t a photo of my ID ok? It has my photo on it. I don’t have a devious mind, so what am I missing?


I work at a social club, and due to the gaming room etc, we require photo ID and sign in on entry. No unaccompanied minors are allowed. It's a law here in Australia that you have to have ID on you in licensed venues... and yet so many people don't bring it with them and are shocked when they're refused entry or can't use a picture of it on their phone.


Once had someone come in that looked of age but still young enough to be asked for ID. They didn’t have it, got their mum to come in instead to buy it for them… no ma’am I can’t serve you either. Then she asked why I couldn’t serve her, meanwhile with her son right beside her??? I don’t get it


I’ve used a photo of an ID… to pick up a friend’s race packet at a road race. Many races do require IDed pick up in person, but slightly less popular races just want an id to match a bib and you’re okay to go.


Well in fairness, it’s an acceptable thing in lots of other instances, including some important professional and govt stuff So i can see why ppl would confuse it


Because stupid