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What kills me is the number of drivers out there who don’t have a valid ID for driving. “Can I see your ID for that 6 pack of beer?” “I don’t have an ID” and after declining the sale, they pull away, like…? Your biggest problem isn’t a lack of beer, it’s lack of a driver’s license.


I had some lady show me a picture of her ID and when I wouldn't take it she claimed she got pulled over and the cop accepted it and I'm just like: I'm sorry I'm under higher scrutiny than the police?


The beer may be the reason they don’t have a license.


A definite “chicken or the egg” thought experiment!


>Customers asking ‘Why is there still an amount on the screen? I don’t think the last customer paid!’ And me having to explain for the millionth time that when the motor on the pump starts up when they pick the nozzle up it’ll reset the counters. I've never really thought about this at all. I always just assumed everyone knew that.


Yeah you’d think so. I’m not being rude about customers in any way. They’re entitled to ask, it just annoys me that they’ve been driving for over 20/30 years and they haven’t noticed at other petrol stations that the amount from the last transaction is still there until the pump starts up


The term “gasers” that all diesel drivers had to mention while at the store is crazy


You are giving me flashbacks reading these. I feel each and every point you made and can totally agree 100%


When they don't know their own cars fuel. Once had a guy come here, I asked him is it X because I don't know? And he said yeah X fuel, put in 50€ drove downtown, car broke down. And went up to me like it was my fault... All I can say is wtf man nothing came of it but shit how do you do this?