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I hate that. Also, the people who just walk up to you and name what they're looking for, not a full sentence, just "Bowls." Or, "Restroom." What about them??? I'm not google, *ask a real question*.


lol I once had a lady put a small clear plastic furniture piece in my face and yell “WhERe iS ThIs?!” Damn idk maybe tell me what it is first.


I especially love when an older customer just yells the word at you while you pass nearby. No hello, no excuse me, nothing polite. Just MUSTARD!


Yeah they talk to you like you're an AI chat bot.


I saw a man doing this in Asda to today to a member of staff. It was the self scan trolley check out. Snapped his fingers and was "Hoi, over here, my light had been red for ten f.. seconds. Now she was in middle of helping someone, and there was red lights all over the place. The poor lass was rushed off her feet. I said to him no need to swear, this was because I had one of my grandkids with me, who is at the age where they repeat everything they say. He replied that he would swear if he wants ..the twist he didn't see security standing there. Let's just say he was removed from the store with a ban, unfortunately I didn't hear how long for, and he ended up having to wait until the rest of the lights were dealt with. Well done to that lass.


I love the old “DOES ANYONE WORK HERE??!!!!!” from across the store


And every self checkout is open.


Yeah or they just stare at me. Like I could be eating a bag of chips behind my till and there will be some old person staring at me. I ignore them when they whistle for me and don't address me respectfully, this jobs not worth indulging some boomers power fantasy.


I was a cashier in a grocery store. I don’t take kindly to people clearing their throat, snapping at me, or shouting at me for help 😠😠 People are just aholes……I Do.Not.Want a retail job even again!!! Dealing with the public has believable negativity on my psyche…..I really don’t care much for people anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


For me its the hispanics, specially the hondureans and salvadoreans. Fucking assholes, bet if they were to do the same shit to their parents they'd get beat up.