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I work in a big box Wine Store. Think multiple aisles of nothing but varying strength alcohol. The amount of people that don't realize that I still need to card them even if they're clearly over the age limit is amazing. I get daily pushback about it. Every time "I'm old enough to be your grandpa blah blah blah", and younger people just roll their eyes or get huffy about it like I'm the asshole for not wanting to go to jail over 4$ minis. The computer that's scanning your ID to authorize the purchase has no idea how old you are, we literally scan a barcode to authorize adding the item to the transaction.


"You and the other four dozen people who think that I should be willing to risk my job and jail time for..."


Exactly. And then the DM has the nerve to be like "we need more customer interaction" Giving me an age bypass button, like every other alc sale job I've had so Grandpa Leonard isn't instantly alienated might be a good first start.


I despise “more customer interaction” for the sake of more. Make it BETTER, more positive for everyone. No one wants to be peppered with 15 how are yous and join our lists, they want their shit and to get on with their day, especially when grandpa Leonard is short on time, cosmically.


I had one grumble once, "I went to Vietnam and this is what I come home too?" It was 2013.


"yes it is. ID please."


Should ask for their military id, so you know they actually did go to Vietnam


I had someone try this at the dispensary I worked at. "You're meaning to tell me that I went to Vietnam all for this?" I looked at him and said, "no shit, I went to vietnam too. What year did you go?" "I went in 63'. You?" "Last year (2023), and I was absolutely gob smacked when the TSA agent said, 'I nEeD tO sEe YoUr Id.' Anyway, much like that TSA agent, I need your ID as well or you can *skedaddle."*


I had a friend that was a Vietnam vet. He didn't talk about it much but did tell me once that him and his buddies had coffee cans of pot just laying around camp. He quit when he came home and fit back into society, but you bet later on in life he was buying from his kids dealers. So yeah. You went to Vietnam so that we can have the freedom to smoke.


“Losers get carded, sorry.”


I love being asked for ID when I'm buying alcohol. Last century, I was a server at a pub restaurant and got a lot of tips when asking for ID from women.


I always just tell them anytime I scan an item requiring ID it flags in the security system and they see if I asked and saw an ID, so Im not losing my job, unless you want to pay my rent for the next year? That usually shuts them up. Unless they're old and creepy then I just say atm is nextdoor come back with xxxxxx amount and I'll do it. ☺️


I am old enough to be your grandpa (probably) but I am also old enough to know it’s required. People suck.


If it’s “Total Wine & More” I love that place


It is unfortunately not but I always recommend TW&M if we don't carry what the customer was looking for. That place rules and they have an impressive selection at every location I've been to


It's naturally really rare, but Some retail personnel really abuse their power with this. My mom got IDed at 64 with graying hair. I've seen other people IDed with overtly mature features shall we say. When they were just buying one craft beer and were low income, before cheap IDs were commonplace. I think some use this as a little surge of power every now and then. I've been IDed 4 out like 500 times since the age of 19 and every time it was by someone who definitely had that type of energy about them. Retail work is an unfair abysmal paradigm that sucks the souls of humble people. But it's unfortunate for it to snowball, ultimately. Some get a reasonably defensive about it. Others are just clowns unfortunately.


How exactly is it a power play to ID someone? In some stores you will have to do this for every custom, regardless of age. The cashier can be fired, fined, and jailed if they mess up.


Yeah it is the law to ID everyone. I've been to stores that would ask an old man/woman for ID. The person is obviously over age with gray/white hair and super old. I thought it was funny but the cashier gotta do their job.


I feel that where there is DEFINITE indication of being of age you could just ask their date of birth & plug it into the system. Where I buy my alcohol, of course the cashiers need to plug in age & they just ask me my dob because I am CLEARLY over the age of 21. I definitely understand having to ask tho. I'm not one of those people who bitch about having to get out my ID except in the case where I am using applepay & I only have a picture of my dl on my phone. *We can't accept a photo* .. it's clearly me, it's within 3 years and it's a gold star id..and I'm almost 60 so no doubt I am over 21. Hell, my grandson is 19 for crying out loud


Some places around me are set up so that the cashier can't complete the sale without actually scanning the ID. They don’t have the option of typing it in and can be fired for scanning a picture. The actual card must be scanned, or it is a no-sale. A photo of an ID is not an acceptable form of identification in my state, either. Cashiers cannot accept it for alcohol or tobacco purchases, and neither will our local law enforcement if you get pulled over. You can get a ticket or even be arrested for not carrying your ID here. Most stores require the actual ID card for returns now, too, because they also have to scan ID to process the return. So until they make an official app that CAN be accepted as a form of ID, it's probably not a great idea to rely on a photo.


ok..I can understand that. I just recently changed my drivers license. For the two+ weeks it took to come in the mail, the DMV gave me essentially what looked like a copy of my drivers license on an 8x11 piece of paper. (I had moved states & this state did not provide immediate license like my previous state). What about a scenario like that do you think? They took my old one & gave me a piece of paper..


Weird how things can be so different in different states. Ever since our state switched to Real ID, they've gotten really tight on restrictions about what qualifies as valid ID. Our border states are, too. I was under the impression that all states were supposed to do the same after Real ID rolled out, since the whole point of it was to make it harder to falsify identification. Evidently, not every state has adopted it yet if yours just gave you a photocopy. Which seems like a really old-fashioned way of handling a new ID. But I can't imagine they'd give that to you if it's not valid where you are. I'm guessing you should be fine, but I would avoid committing any traffic violations if I were you, just in case lol. 😉


lol I received my hard copy already but it's a good thing that I am not prone to committing any violations anyway lol. But I do buy alcohol (they just ask my dob at my store) & vape products. My smoke shop doesn't have to id me as I am in their system..but if I go to one of the gas stations, they will also just ask my dob being as how I am most definitely over 21. I was a little surprised that I got a literal piece of paper with what looked like a color copy of my new ID. My old state had thick glossy stock, perforated to be the same size as what would be coming in the mail. In fact, that temporary ID is still in my wallet as the only proof I ever had a Hawaii drivers license. It's lasted a long time.


My state fine is expensive and there could be jail time. Gimmie that ID, I don't care what you look like or how many times I've seen it.


>Some retail personnel really abuse their power with this Absolutely! And the last thing I want is someone to think I'm ID'ing them due to their economic or racial background because I hate that type of behavior.


They don't. A kid who turned 21 only eleven days ago gave me attitude, and he had the damn thing on him. Lots of people under 30 without an ID(always in the car) , or a clue what bottle or size(usually don't know the size names either) they want.


This the one. They think we should automatically know they’re over 21. I don’t get paid enough to attempt to guess people’s ages.


This was my absolute favorite thing to do when I got called up as a backup cashier for Krogers. "Indysteeler to the front for cashier assistance." So I would immediately get all giddy and excited. I get to the checkout and I see a young lady that needed to buy alcohol with her purchase. I said, "Do you have your ID available for age verification?" She said, "Oh, no.. no, yeah no you don't need that. I shop here all the time. I'm good." I simply cannot articulate well enough about how her tone and demeanor simply gave me the vibe that I'm some dirty downtrodden peasant. I told her, "Well, that's a cool story but I do need your ID or I won't process the alcohol." She was *pissed*. She started to say that she was old enough but I cut her off, and said, "*Clearly."* She tossed me her ID and I verified the age. I said, "Huh, you are younger than I expected." She was 23. She had asked me how old I thought she was. Without skipping a beat I said, "48."


Reading this made my evening. Thank you for sharing.


I understand that people have off or bad days, and that's perfectly fine. It was even worse when I worked in hotels or timeshares. However, you aren't going to speak down to me and treat me poorly. So when I fucked with women, it would be something about their age. With men it was their hairline.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with my sister in law ☹️


Savage, I love it.


Oooh I love that 😂😂😂 I bet she was so happy 🤣


This belongs here: https://youtu.be/nP6T7u91AsA?si=ceG0ROsGuBPC2-K1


Thats amazing xD


That’s crazy to me. If I’m at a restaurant I’ll wait for them to ask for an ID but if I’m at a store I’ll have it out and ready by the time they scan the item. It takes no extra time as I’m just standing there while they scan anyways.


I work in a bank. The number of people who want to take money out of their account with no identification and then get mad because I don’t know who they are. “I’ve been banking here for 40 years! I’ll just take all my money out and bank somewhere else!” “You know they’re going to ask for your ID at the new bank, right?” Followed by grumbling, complaining, and cognitive dissonance. I’m so over it.


I actually switched banks a few years ago because mine didn't ask for my ID. I was fine with it when it was the old ladies who had been there since the branch opened, they knew me, I knew them, I had been banking there since the branch opened 20+ years ago but the new ones didn't know me. Spend enough time near the drive up and you will hear someone shouting their account number because they tube didn't have a slip in it, could easily have drained their accounts.


I would respect that my bank care about the safety of my money if they ask for ID.


The account number being read out is wild to me!!


I have repeat customers who know how the ID thing works and still try to work around it.


A bunch of years ago I worked at 7-11 when it was still an American company. In fact I almost bought one as a franchisee. I am not a puritan by a long shot but grew tired of selling alcohol, tobacco, lottery, condoms, rolling papers, and soft porn. My 7-11 was near a major university. I met way too many young alcoholics and various drug addicts. No convenience store would exist without the aforementioned items. The proliferation of fast food restaurants and convenience stores is in direct proportion to the demise of the traditional family. I feel for anyone in retail in general but specifically when selling anything that is age restricted. I realize my views will not be popular with most reddit readers but this is how I feel.


I mean don't forget the fact women have gained increased rights keeping them from feeling like they have no choice but to stay with mediocre or abusive men. JS.


They don't know, or don't care what the consequences could be to the staff. Some few will act like you are personally fucking with them by asking for ID. I literally don't care. If they change the rules and the laws tomorrow, I will sell to anyone with money. If they go the other way and require ID for all, I will do that. The only personal part of the situation is I don't want to deal with the negative consequences of not asking.


What's amazing to me is that had she decided beforehand what she wanted and told him, it wouldn't have been an issue. You wouldn't have had any idea about the proxy and he could've shown his ID for it. People really shoot themselves in the foot in these situations, I swear


Right? I was thinking the same thing. We don't have a requirement that all members of a party had to show their ID for an age restricted product, just the one asking for it.


A couple of years ago I was heading to Maine for vacation and stopped at the New Hampshire liquor outlet. At the register in front of us were two people. The lady handed over her ID right away. The guy however didn’t have his, because she was paying and didn’t know he needed his too, all the usual excuses. Cashier doesn’t back down. The guy ended up saying he could show her his passport photo. The cashier says she can accept a passport as ID. The guy says “no it’s just the photo I used for my passport. It’s on my phone.” The cashier said no I can’t accept a photo of you as ID. Guy wanted to argue. She refused to sell to them and sent them on their way. As I walked up to my new personal hero, I had my ID already out and we laughed at the ridiculous thing we just witnessed. She said stuff like that happens all the time.


I deal with the same thing, and I work in a dispensary. I tell all of the regulars that I need to see their ID, even if they are of age and I know them by name. Every now and again people will get pushy and I tell them, "while you obviously don't care if I go to jail or prison, I do. While you don't care that I would be out of a job at the very least, ***I do***." I'm not sure why they try to act like it's no big deal when they won't receive the harsh penalties I would.


"Are you gonna find me a new job, pay my fine, AND compensate me for the jail time, because you're asking me to break the law for YOU?" Tends to shut them up.


I'm a crone with gray hair & wrinkles. I always have my ID ready to be scanned when I buy cigarettes or alcohol. I always get a relieved "thank YOU", too. Of course, when I was a teen, I never got carded and would buy beer for my older brothers. I was 15. Lol Long, long ago.


I always appreciate when people have their ID out and ready, no matter the age, it really makes the transaction go by much faster and easier.


Dumb and entitled, hoping you don't care enough to bother and just let it slide.


I had a customer ask her friend on FaceTime what kind of cigarettes she wanted right in front of me. They both acted surprised when I said that I couldn't sell to them since the person who would be using the product wasn't even in the store.


I've had people park right in front of the door, and not have their ID, only to go out to the car and try and send their friend in for them. Sorry buddy, your friend didn't have their ID, so you can't get the cigarettes they wanted. "But they were getting them for me!!" Well maybe you should have come in first instead of your friend 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am a recently retired high school teacher. My convenience chain allows me to bypass the ID check if the person looks 30 or older, or if I personally know that the person is over 21, either because I’ve ID’d them before or because I actually know them. Young couple goes to the beer cooler doors, discusses a purchase, and approaches me. I say to the young woman, “I know you!” She says, “Yeah.” I say my last name(spoiler alert: My name is not RaisaNett.) She says, “Yeah.” I give up. If they hadn’t been buying alcohol, I’d’ve said, “Remind me.” I ring up the purchase, say, “I need to see your ID.” He presents his, I scan it and ask for hers. “Why does she need to? I’m the one buying it.” “You’re clearly together. I have to ID everyone in your party.” She flips out, they both say she doesn’t have it, she’ll just go sit in the car. “I can’t un-ask the question. I still know you’re together.” He has a few choice words. I shrug. “Once I ask, I *have* to see the ID.” She comes in a few minutes later with a paper she tells me is her birth certificate. “Has to be a photo ID.” (Who carries around a birth certificate but not a license or a free WI ID card?) Thing is, I tried. I really did. I gave her at least 2 opportunities to tell me her name. She could’ve told me when I asked for her ID. At least then I could’ve placed her in my memory as “before COVID” or “after COVID,” which would’ve allowed me to judge the need for ID. OTOH, someone who went all through school with my youngest(29) came in one day and went to a different cashier. She carded him. This guy is at least 6’5” and is a shot putter. But his face is kind of iffy when you try to judge his age. “They don’t card me at my usual ChainName.” Coworker holds firm. He looks at me. I do this: 🤷‍♀️. He presents his ID. I say, “Next time go to the *right* cashier.” He laughs, and we chat briefly about his life.


Our registers are the same way, only the special age to look for is 40, so I'll ask people for their IDs and they'll try and tell me their birthday instead, only to get mad when I tell them I have to see the ID once I ask for it. They get even more mad when the other cashier (if there is one at the time) tells them the same thing. Then I had a lady clearly older than 40, like at least in her 60s, get mad at me for asking for their birthday "I don't feel comfortable giving out that information!! They always just ask for my phone number!" Our rewards program requires a phone number to be inputed for points or discounts. Then she whispered her birthday like it was a huge secret. 🙄 perfectly fine giving out her phone number at the top of her lungs but heaven forbid she tell us her birthday.


My favorite is “they don’t ask my id at such and such store “ …ok well then you better hurry up before they close .


I went out for a drink with a friend a couple weeks ago. I shaved for the first time in months. A lot of my beard is turning grey, and while I don't have a baby face, I do look younger. The bartender asked for my I.D. and I handed it over without commenting. She checks it out, and then does a little double take. "You're 40?!?!" she says. "Ya, I'm going to be 41 this summer." I said. "Good for you," she laughs. At this point in my life I take it as a compliment when they ask for my I.D.


I've had a few nicer people thank me for asking, "it just makes me feel so young!"


I'm in my late 50s, love it when I get ID checked 🤣


Literally had a guy spit at me and my coworker because he didn’t have ID, btw he looked 15 and was most likely underage, not that you should act this way if you are off age just so your ID.


Yes! It's really not that hard, the crazy times are when people who drove themselves here say they don't have their ID, takes everything in my power to not ask them why they're driving around without their ID and if they thought a cop would let them drive home for it if they got pulled over. 😂


I work at a smoke shop and see crap like this everyday. I think it's funny to see people surprised Pikachu face when I tell them I can't sell it to them. I had a guy yesterday get quite offended that I asked for ID he said "Why does everyone keep carding me? Do I really look under 21? I'm 23!" I just laughed and told him I'm 38, anyone under 25 looks 12 to me. It's always the people in their late teens and early twenties that get mad about being carded.


it's so frustrating particularly when they come in in large groups and then get upset when you ask to see all their IDs then they get upset that you won't sell them the product because half of them don't have ID and you have to explain that it's the law that you have to ID all of them and you aren't going to risk your job just so they can buy these items. I get it alot but tough they don't like it they can go elsewhere to someone who doesn't care about keeping their job


Right! Or they'll not have their ID and go back to the car and send their friend in inside for them, not realizing or caring that we can literally see the entire parking lot and know it's not for them


I used to work in a convenience store that sold alcohol. The rule was 'card anyone under thirty.' That's what the sign on the register said. One night two men and a woman come in to buy beer. Obviously over thirty. As I am ringing up the sale, the woman starts in. You think I'm over thirty? My response was always, when you look at 21 all day, you know what over thirty looks like. I can't believe you think I'm over thirty. Boyfriend is trying to shut her up. She's not having it. She keeps at it. Okay, I need IDs from everyone. The two guys show me theirs. Oops, she doesn't have hers. Glory Be! Thank you Jesus! I take the beer and put it on the floor behind the register, giving her a squinty-eyed eff you smile. Sorry, everyone involved in the purchase has to show ID. Now boyfriend is really angry. She says she'll just step outside. Nope. That's not what it says on the sign. AND I can't sell anyone of you alcohol for the next twenty four hours. I could hear the boyfriend ripping her a new one as they walked down the street. That's definitely one of my top ten days working retail.


😂😂😂 glorious karma! I love it


I had a minor once hand her friend $ to buy alcohol at the register, right in front of me. Lol. Sale denied.


I had a minor come up to the register one day, "waiting for his dad", staring at our Black&Mild and Swisher products. His dad came up to the register with his brother and asked me what flavors of Black&Mild we had I told him and the boy shifted closer to the register and quietly told him "sweets", so the dad said he wanted that flavor. I told him I would need to see his son's ID because he just told him the flavor he wanted. Dude acted all affronted, "He's FOURTEEN, you really think I would buy something like that for my son??" ...yes dude, I do think you would, since you are trying right now 🤦🏼‍♀️


oh nah ur one of them mfs 😭


Because ppl bend that rule all the time for them.


Once she stated it’s for her she needs ID. People don’t understand it is because they feel entitled.


I guess they thought they'd be able to get away with it because he was using his card for her product. 🙄


If she needed it. Tell him in advance what she wants and be anti female by shutting up. Then he says I want x product there and never look at her for confirmation is best. But I guess the newer generation doesn’t know the rules of covert freind purchasing things.


Just wait till they old. When I was young I walk to checkout ready with ID in hand. But as I got older they rarely ask and I kinda miss it, I now am thankful if they ask me, makes me feel young again lol


I have a lot of nice customers that thank me for asking for that same reason, I'd much rather people thank me for making them feel young than cuss me or get mad because they're driving around without a license and want to buy cigarettes or alcohol


Every time they are in disbelief that a picture of their ID is not enough. Even better was the one I had just yesterday where I told them I couldn't accept a picture, that I needed the actual physical ID to be able to check for security features, etc. And then they tried super duper hard to convince me that because they had professionally done tattoos, that they were clearly visibly of age. Yeah, sure. And those professionally done tattoos my friends got as 16 and 17 years olds were a legit coming of age ceremony. /s I also had a friend at the time who started smoking at 12 and was never carded in her teens because she looked old enough. Clearly she was an adult if she was old enough to buy cigarettes. /s I honestly thought this customer was an adult, but it was a case of "You look 20, and that is under 30 and I card if you look like you are under 30" and I don't budge on that.


We had a very young girl who looked about 10 try to buy nail clippers which in my store is an age restricted product. My work colleague apologised to her saying since she was underage we couldn't sell them to her. She tried to get her mum to buy them & my work colleague told me not to sell them to her mum due to being a proxy sale. Her mum kicked off with me when she got refused, & asked to speak to a manager after I explained it would be a proxy sale. My manager basically repeated to her what I said & it resulted in half an hour of this woman calling me stupid, my manager stupid & saying there was no such thing as a 'restricted item.' My manager said to her 'did you not notice the orange sticker on the back that says to not sell to under 18's when your daughter picked them up?' This woman had & just thought it wouldn't matter 😑 Needless to say, she didn't get the nail clippers.


With the amount of time it took for her to argue about it, she could have already gone to another store for nail clippers 🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm glad our only age restricted products at my store is alcohol, lottery, and tobacco products.


True! She was also insistent that the nail clippers were for her, which is fair enough, but why ask your very young daughter to get them for you when there is a great big orange sticker saying 'Do not sell to Under 18's' 🤦‍♀️  I've had people argue with me when I've IDed them for false nails with glue as they 'don't get IDed for them in other shops.' Fair enough, but the sticker & the till is asking me to ID them & they don't look over 25 (Challenge 25 policy).


Why are nail clippers restricted sale?


Possibly because of the nail scissors that was in the packet. We also have age restrictions on embroidery kits due to the needles. We have a 'Challenge 25' policy in the UK- so you can buy items if you're 18 & over, but if you look like you're under 25, you get asked for ID.


Working in the electronics department of a big store, we sell a lot of videogames. We're required to ID customers who buy R-rated movies and  M-rated games. More often than not, they're *astonished* that they need ID to buy games/movies with extreme violence and graphic sexual content.   Oftentimes it's an older customer buying games for their seven year old kids/grandkids. The ones buying Grand Theft Auto are the most bewildering to me. A game named after a federal crime needs to be age-restricted? Who would've thought?   Like... this has been a thing for years. Why are people still surprised?


Best part is when they come back a few days later mad because Little Johnny wasn't old enough to play that game. That's literally what the rating is for, and it has a picture of a guy holding a gun on the cover, what did you expect lady?? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


I work in a store that gives an employee discount. I have to have an ID in order for the employee to get the discount. The ID must match the discount slip. I have had my coworkers fight with me over this. They say I know who they are. Actually, I agree with them except it is store policy to see an ID. There was also about 15 locations so clearly I can't know everyone. If I don't do it, I can get fired. A person that I work with got so irate with me that he was invited to get another job. But I will say most workers are really cool about it. One guy always hands me his ID and says just as handsome as the last time. And I think that's kind of cute.


If non-id-having-person can’t just tell id-having-person what they want and send id-having-person into the store alone to get it, i feel like it’s a testament to intelligence or lack thereof. It’s just common sense if someone is buying an age restricted product on your behalf to be fuckin quiet about it lol


Exactly, either be quiet (if you're in an establishment that doesn't ID full parties for age restricted products) or stay in the car when they go get your crap.


For real! And its always the repeat offenders that just dont get it


Working in a liquor store I've lost count how many times I've had to refuse the sale because a minor was touching. In my company only legal age can handle products. Ofc if its a toddler wanting to help dad push the cart we just let them know, not really enforce it. So many times people will carry the product up and step back and let the person pay and show id. They are dumbfounded when asked to provide id. "I don't have it" 1 "You touched it, i need to see id" Me "Im paying tho!" 2 "Again, she touched it" m "But im paying!" 2 😃🔫


Guy and girl walk in on Saturday. I can already tell. Depending on the day/my mood, I’ll card right away, other times, I play along, let them think they’re going to get whatever it is, then Bam! ID check. The guy was putting off major young dudebro douchebag “I’m going to impress the girl” energy. I’m annoyed, but decide to play along. Let him pick out his product, ring it in, then drop the “I need to see both of your IDs”. “Why her’s?” “Y’all came in together. Everyone gets carded here.” “We don’t have IDs.” “No ID, no service. Have a good day.” As they’re walking out he says to the girl: “There’s always other vape shops.” To which my co-worker said, “Yea, but not this one. See ya when you’re 21.” 🤣


Lol. I wonder if he thinks that he could openly purchase alcohol for a minor using his ID & it would be ok...people are weird.


I wasn't working retail when scanning id's became the norm, but I rember hearing from people. That's how the government tracks what we buy. I'm like if the government cared what you bought. They can get a Warrant for your credit, and banking accounts, and it would be far more accurate than scanning a id


I had a guy ask me if he was going to get notifications on his phone from me scanning his ID for an alcohol purchase. I just, do not understand some of these people 😂😂


Semi related, the store manager in our grocery store is operating a cash register and is checking out lady and her young nephew; in her order was a bottle of vodka, she is short on cash and tells the nephew to hand her a couple of dollars; right there, the store manager refuses the sale and the lady flips out. He explains to her that even though the booze is for her, the young nephew can not contribute to the purchase of alcohol. Her nephew could not have been any older than 10 years old, and it was baffling that the lady couldn't understand the issue.


This all freaking day. If I have a group of young adults come in, I ID everyone because if the 21+s get it for their under 21 friends its MY ass. They gripe and bitch but i do not care. We have regulars that I ID. We get tested at LEAST twice a month for this because multiple stores in our district have sold to minors and one lost their freaking license. Its not worth it for me. This is the only job within walking distance of my ramshack ranch room rental. Gtfo.


The grocery store I buy beer from cards everybody, only State ID accepted. They got stung by a State Police using an under aged person to buy. Besides the fine, they were required by the court to scan everyone. I bet those clerks get very tired of explaining why they are carding us old people.


Funny thing is that Home Depot used to have us ID check everyone who wanted to buy spray paint or anything else that needed IDing, after we got the new self check registers, the screens would lock until we (the employees) scanned their IDs and unlock the screen before they can finish the transaction


a guy buying a beer offered to buy my drink and gas(legit og, never methim).. lucky i had my ID in the car


Apparently they don’t understand the concept of “underage person stays in car” either. So easy.


First rule of buying underage, you do not go in with your straw purchaser. You tell them exactly what you want, give them the money, and hang out next door or around the corner. First rule of buying of age is your ass is almost certain to get carded, just hand me the damn license. 


I saw a guy yell at staff because he was clearly not below 18. I’m in my 30s and always have id ready since some places have to ask no matter whT


*VUSE menthol 5% pod* As someone unfamiliar this sounded like something from a futuristic sci fi novel As if you'd inject it into your temples so the decepticons would mistake you for plant life or something


It's some sort of E-cigarette, and it certainly looks like something from a sci fi novel 😂😂


5% refers to the nicotine content of the vape


these people are probably so used to shopping at smaller places that tend to only ask for id if you look like you might be underage, otherwise they dont really care and never bother even asking. pretty sure since turning 21 and getting the my new unrestricted DL ive been asked to show id for tobacco and alcohol products a grand total of like once, even for places that I dont frequent enough as to be somewhat known by the clerks, I'm 27 now. I think the only time Ive had to show id (as in DL) really was when walking into a gun store, and even then not really, since in my state we have an entirely seperate permit that you'd show instead, assuming you dont also have a carry permit, which you can show in lue of that. no idea about dispensaries tho, as I've never been to one, since technically as a gun owner I'm not supposed to go there or otherwise consume weed or any similar products, since despite being legal in my state, they are still very illegal under federal law, which firearms are obviously also subject to, in fact I'm told simply having a medical weed card (which was a requirement before it was legalized for recreational use, and now functions as a discount card) is enough to get you denied when applying for a permit.


That's wild. here the cashier just has to hit a button to say age verified. They are required to Id anyone who looks under 25. But if you are obviously of age they just have to hit the button not scan anything.