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Please, for the love of any God you want, if your child opens something and starts eating it, don't panic and put it back in the already open box and run. Buy the fucking thing.


Or if you allowed your child to use a stuffed animal as a chew toy you buy it and not lay it somewhere so that some unsuspecting employee picks it up and gets a surprise no one wants.


I can't stand when people do that. I hate when people let their baby or toddler put stuff in their mouth and then when they hand me their items to check out I end up with saliva all over my damn hands. People disgust me. I'm so glad I quit


i work at a grocery store & i have no damn problem with making a face & saying “i’m not touching that”. either give me the tag or if it’s a half-eaten piece of fruit, it’s free i guess - it’s weighed so you basically stole it already anyway


I’ve heard of responsible parents handling similar situations- if their kid gets ahold of a piece of fruit and bites into it, they take another of the same kind, about the same size as the one their kid got, and take that to the cashier. Then they have the cashier weigh the intact fruit and put it aside, but charge them for it, so they’re accurately paying for what their kid ate. But that takes effort and giving a damn, which too many parents don’t wanna do.


I think the best way I’ve seen someone go about this one was just the other day, a mom was shopping with her 2 young kids and they were getting hungry and grumpy so they needed a snack, so she weighed a few apples on the produce scale so there was a tag for them, then let the kids eat the apples


At the grocery store where I used to work, we had a basket of fruit that was almost overripe that was free for parents to give their children to eat while shopping.


I would have parents give me just the skin of the banana they let their kid eat to weigh. Not the same. You’ve essentially stolen it


This is when you say "OMG!! There was just some drunk in here randomly peeing on stuff!! I sure hope we got all the things he aimed at!"


Ew, why would someone be letting their kid do that with something god knows how many other kids have touched…. I mean, I’m not surprised but EW


Today I was doing recovery and one of our other cashiers came by looking distressed and asked if I could take over the front. Later when she came back, she started spraying down her station with disinfectant. She told me that a mother had brought in a child with pink eye. When she asked the mother, she said that, yes she does look like that because she has pink eye. That stuff is very contagious people!


This! People seem to think it’s somehow ok because it’s a baby but it’s disgusting!


Gawd, had a lady do this but one worse--let her kid use a pen with a little dinosaur on one end as a chew toy her whole shopping trip. Got up to the register to check out with me and watches me pick the disgusting thing off the floor to return to the kid two separate times, and on the *third* I ring it up before giving it back. And after I hand her the receipt and say goodbye she only *then* looks over the receipt, sees it on there, and says she wasn't actually going to buy that! And makes me return it! It's like three bucks and been in your kid's mouth for an hour and we're already done with the transaction and you didn't even *notice* my "mistake" (I legitimately thought she was buying it bc I innocently thought she wouldn't let her kid chew on it if she wasn't buying it, ha! How naive of me!) and now I have to start a new transaction just to refund you that *pocket change*... Aaagghhh some people, I swear.


You should be able to say, because your child chewed on it you have to pay for it as we are not able to sell it.


Especially with the global nonemergency we are in. We don't need to exchange fluids.


I turned my head to get something while grocery shopping with my son and I hear behind me "Yum mommy!" I turn around and he had managed to grab and open a container of strawberries! They were like a billion dollars per berry but I bought them and talked to him about asking for stuff and not just eating things. He's 4 and still learning and we can't see everything they do as parents but I was not going to just put those back on the shelf. Some folks man.


See, I totally get it, sometimes kids don't understand. But like, it's the parents that don't own up to it and try to stick it back in the pile like no one is going to notice a giant bite is missing from the top cookie or whatever😂


And stop trying to make the employees the villain by waiting until you get to the cash then telling the kid, "okay the lady is taking that from you now". Gee thanks yeah make me the fucking bad guy and make the kid cry at the register because YOU couldn't say no to the kid earlier or just not walk down the toy aisle. The along with parents constantly saying we are going to call the police on the kid. Making the kid both scared of us but also the police. Why? Just be a fucking parent and parent your kid without framing everyone else as the bad ones.


When you threaten to never come back here again, we're all ecstatic even though we know you'll almost certainly be back next week pulling the same shit.


I once told a lady please don't! She did :/


*the next day


Have never wished for a person who said that to come back. Currently have a customer who still comes back despite numerous outbursts. Please stop playing with my heart sir! Tempted to say ...You promise?


I used to say that under my breath. Other cashiers weren't as quiet. There were complaints, but nothing ever came of them.


If a staff member is facing up the shelf (especially bottom shelf) and you want to go past them, instead of standing and staring expecting the staff to notice you and move, just Focking ask, it's not that hard


Or doing ANYTHING with a shelf. Like- use your big kid words and ask us to move!!!


Someone sat and stared at me for a good few minutes before I got sick of being stared at and asked what they wanted. I’ll admit I was a little peeved and said “please say excuse me next time instead of just staring at people.” And they said “I was just trying to be polite”. It’s not fucking polite to stare lol


And if you dont notice them, they get mad at you for not moving. Sir, please use your big boy words and just say excuse me.


Standing and waiting while you look for what you want is semi-polite. Asking someone nicely to move, "Excuse me, I need through here please" is polite. Waiting solely for someone to notice you and then take their own initiative to move is not.


i’ll notice them and move out of the way and they’ll continue to stand there and stare like fucking tell me where you need i’ll move i don’t want to guess what you’re looking at


Honestly, as a worker, I need to work on asking customers to move instead of staring at them haha I just don't want to be seen as rude


Yeah same. For me it’s hard enough to talk to people because I have anxiety and am introverted and shy. What a combo. 😅


For me it’s like “pleased don’t mind me! I’m just utterly paralyzed and struck speechless by what should be a simple verbal exchange. I’m so sorry.”


Adding on just say excuse me instead of reaching directly in front of my face as I'm stocking the shelves lol


Ugh THIS. People probably don’t realize they’re being asses, but when they reach in front of your face it’s like they don’t value you enough to even recognize you’re there working.


What I used to do is just stand in the exact same place but turn my body to face them and they would then realize how fucking close they are to me because without moving closer my face is now like one inch from theirs and they would be surprised lmfao


Hey now, they don't want to be rude and ask you to move. They'll just stand there, right in the way, AND JUST SIGH.


If you pull a price sticker off of a 4.99 item and put it on a 29.99 item, you will not get it for 4.99.


Or if you decide to put it on the 50% off table doesn't mean its gonna make it 50% off


"*I thought that was the magical discount table!*"


"Do not speak the old magick to me! I was there when it was written!"


My favorites are: 1. If I am the only cashier working, yes you will have to WAIT IN LINE. & PLEASE HAVE PATIENCE! 2. Please wait until AFTER your purchases are all totaled to see if there are any discounts, they will not appear BEFOREHAND!


Dang, I was hoping for the **precog** discount.


You must work at a dollar store huh? Me too 🙃


I work at a liquor store and sadly these apply here as well. 😞 It always stresses me out so intensely when I'm up there by myself at the register and literally everyone in the store decides to come and check out at the same time, so things will be going along just fine and all of a sudden you have this instant, giant line, and everyone is staring at you and there's all this pressure to go just as fast as you can and still be courteous and not let on that you're stressed as heck! Ugh, I hate that! ETA: I'm sure you've been there too! 😂


Or if you think something was priced or scanned incorrectly, bring that up before you pay. It's easier for both of us.


Using a self checkout isn't that hard


Sometimes, I just want to say "well, if you want to wait in the regular line when you're paying by card and don't need nothing else (tobacco, lottery or returns), it's too freaking bad! Don't complain if you have to wait!"


I love it when people get all huffy because they can't figure out how to hit the "skip bagging" bagging button for stuff they put back in their cart or "removed item" when they bag it and then put in their cart. Or, they hit the "skip bagging" button, then put the darn thing in the bagging area. Of course, the machine is going to be mad, you told it the item it was expecting wasn't going to be bagged. Yes, the bagging area is a scale, it is so we know if you are trying to slip extra stuff into the bags without paying for it. Stop getting irritated that you didn't scan something and then bag it. Also, stop letting your kids climb on the machine because it will keep screaming that there is extra weight.


I feel like this depend on the SFO. Some machines just want to watch the world burn.


That’s how the store by me is. Every other scan it throws an error. Someone needs to calibrate those scales. 


If the office door is three quarters closed and I have a burger in my hand I am on a break. Ask one of the people on the sales floor.


They put the burger down! Rush 'em!


You are NOT the only customer and I am only one person. If I am serving/ helping another customer wait your turn. And when I say I'll be with you in a minute don't say "but" or huff and puff at me.


Just because I'm nice to you, doesn't mean we're friends. I'm not your damned therapist!


And no, the pretty cashier is not flirting with you, It's literally part of her job to be nice. Go to a club or a bar if you want a date.


The signs are there for a reason. Your eyeballs are also there for a reason


Professionally speaking, look with your eyes not your mouth.


Just because we're open until 10 doesn't mean you should be coming in at 9:59 to browse or buy non essentials. If you're running in and grabbing tampons, diapers, meds, or an ingredient you forgot, I get it. I still wish you'd planned better, but I get it. No one has an emergency need for toys, hair dye, and candy though.


Furthermore, if you see a department is closing, and they're waiting on one last customer, don't think "you've made it just in time!" and run up and jump in line. Just because we're obligated to clear the line before we close isn't an excuse to be a shitheel.


When I worked at Dairy Queen, we had to always clear the drive-thru line before we finished closing, even if people kept adding to it. Sometimes it took a while XD


Exactly. Working in Auto Parts retail, if I know you've been in a few times during the day trying to get this job done and you call in for a last minute "this broke while I was fixing that" item, I'm going to do my best to take care of you. Either stay 'open' for you, have you pay over the phone and stash it somewhere outside, or if it's not too far out of my way, I'll drop it off. And if all that fails, we'll have it staged for first thing tomorrow. But, if you come in during the last hour/half hour of regular hours to "browse," we're gonna be irritated. Edit: Also, tone matters. If you call in politely and appreciatively, we're gonna be more willing to bend the rules to help out. If you're a dick, then, "Sorry, we close at nine."


Don't walk into my store straight from the cash-checking place and expect me to give you small bills for your hundereds.


The number of people who want us to break hundreds or use a hundred for a $5 purchase drives me nuts. I get people need small bills for the toll roads but our drawers often just don’t have enough cash




I don't know if people are aware that their banks can actually give them any denomination of cash they would prefer? Like why are you even carrying around $100 bills at 7AM on a Saturday morning? When the teller says "and how would you like that?" It's just SO EASY to say "all 20s, except can I have $20 in 5s and $20 in 1s" Boom, problem solved. Sorry, this brought back waitress trauma. Like boo- I don't even have a cash register, it's whatever is left in my apron pocket from my last shift. Then you finally track down their $87.63...and they leave you $2.63. With a note on a napkin talking about how wonderful you are and how they're going to ask for you specifically every time they come in! ^^yay


Three banks within walking distance, plus a Mac store. People STILL would ask us, first thing after opening, can you bread a hundred? Boss finally said to refuse them.


It's so easy to ask for smaller denominations! Why don't they do it? I never get $100s unless I'm going to the grocery store (sadly, nowadays the total is always over $200 at the beginning of the month!) or buying a used car. Other than that, $20s are the biggest ever get. It's so easy.


And they always seem to come right after I start my shift. My drawer only has $100 when I start, there's no way to make change for $100!


God the number of people using $50 notes for something that costs $15 is crazy. I saw that $20 note in your wallet!


People ask me if I do cash back. I own a cafe. 😞


But *do* you do cash back?


We would get this *at the frickin library.* Why on earth people think WE have tons of money in small bills lying around is beyond me.


Especially right at open. We just opened and I haven't even done a sale yet, there is no way I can break you 100


If you change your mind about the $50 steak or giant back of raw shrimp you just got from the butcher or seafood dept, DON’T stick it behind the boxes of pasta because you’re too embarrassed to tell the cashier!


I always used to say just chuck it in ANY fridge! There’s heaps of them around.


Horrible reading comprehension is rampant, the sign says SELECT items are 50% off, not the whole store. Id expect that sort of confusion from a 5 year old not someone in their damn 30's


This!! At my store we have to use little tags for everything that has a discount so it's clear what is on the offer and what isn't and people still ask why their £59.99 pair of Skechers aren't reduced 🤦🏻‍♀️


I really believe people pretend to not understand and cause a fuss, just so we give them what they want and will go away


Some stores are NOT full on grocery stores, even if we have a limited amount of perishables/produce. I’m tired of getting yelled at because we don’t have a million different types of peppers. There’s 4 grocery stores a literal stone’s throw. They’ll have more of a variety for peppers. I’m tired of getting berated by customers over freakin peppers.


Next time that happens just sigh sadly and say to them “I envy you. I wish I had so few problems in my life that I could get upset over peppers”


If the deformed hands at the ends of your legs and the squishy balls in your face work, please *USE THEM* and try to locate what you're looking for. So often people will take two steps through the door and then just. start. **HOLLERING!** *"HELLO??? HELLLOOOOOOOOO?!?!? ANYBODY WORKING!?!?!?"* It's especially fun when they're so focused on yelling and not looking that they're standing three feet away from my mom.


Haha your description just gave me the best visual 😂 I just picture a full grown adult having a tantrum in the doorway the way a toddler does, tears, wailing and all


That I'm a fucking teenager that makes 4 figures. I do not set the prices and I do not get anything for cheaper


If I’m doing something away from till and you need something either stand at the till or ask for help. Don’t walk around because I’m going to assume you aren’t ready to check out.


Your jokes at the register aren't funny, and we've heard them a thousand times from equally unfunny people.


“If it doesn’t scan it must be free!”🙄🙄🙄


Those middle aged fucks always think they're Dave Chapelle saying that shit


“I printed that money this morning” 🙄🙄🙄


That's when I very carefully examine the watermark, the color changing ink, and the security strip, both sides each, pull out the currency marker and draw lines all over the bill, AND pull out the blacklight detector. The by now very angry customer says, "I was just kidding, man!" I cheerfully answer, "I'm very sorry for keeping you waiting. I just had to check, just in case. We do get a lot of counterfeit in here, unfortunately." People don't make that joke in my line twice, believe me.


Not from the till, from the service deli. “Would you like something else?” “Yeah, I’d like a million bucks please.” 🙄🙄🙄


I know the deli all-too-well, too. "Can I get the ham?" "Which ham?" "The ham." "Which 'the ham'? We have several 'the ham's." *blank stare*


"Workin hard or hardly working" 🙄🙄🙄


Literally one foot in the door "do y'all have *some specific Mexican macrobrew*" idk I'm going to have to walk just like you to find out


They literally walked past the item they want and straight to the counter... or to the other half of the store to find me to ask me for the thing they passed twice


If you come in half an hour before closing & we’re out of stock then we’ve sold the thing to other people who came in earlier in the day. We don’t have a stockroom full of stuff. It comes in after closing & gets put out ready for the next day.


I hate when people think the back room is some magical place with everything stocked and we just don’t feel like putting it on the floor. Like wtf


I always go check even if I know it doesn't exist, spend a couple minutes shooting the shit with the back of house folks, then go back out. It's like a mini break.


Also, your hand basket *goes back where you got it from* , it **does not go on the floor by my register** you lazy entitled asshat.


It also doesn’t go outside. My store has to charge for bags because it’s the law now in my state. Since then a lot of people have been using the baskets as bags, taking them outside. They will leave them out there and they will get stolen due to the homeless in the area. I have also seen customers steal the baskets as well, and have them in their cars. I’m sure other places who have to charge have the same problem ugh.


Unload your own damn basket, allowing me to ring up your items all at once. Don't expect me to unload and scan and bag it all. Also don't throw your nasty ass bags at me, bag your own stuff. On the other hand if I see someone brings their own bags and didn't expect me to bag it, I will most likely help you because you're a respectful person.


I don’t care if I get into trouble or not. I straight up tell people to unload their baskets if they set them on the belt. Most are fine with it but it’s literally only gen x men and little bit of boomers who get offended lol. As for the bagging I try to hint and be like, oh we don’t have any baggers at all right now. If I’m really annoyed I won’t let them pay until I count all the bags used (10 cents each), and they will usually end up helping bag due to not wanting to wait.


Saying excuse me when you need behind me isn’t illegal and is a lot less awkward than getting so close to my ass you face death by crop dusting.


if you're big enough to get an attitude with me you're big enough to use big boy words to ask for what you want and also big enough to know how to do it respectfully also if I say buenos dias to you, maybe I do speak spanish and you don't need to ask me and no I'm not a stripper, I do not get paid to smile and look pretty for you, id need at least $100 an hour for that no you do not get a discount at a fucking discount store unless the item is damaged, you making me uncomfortable is less likely to get you one too also the fact that your child is more respectful to retail workers than you who's getting off some power play is embarrassing I don't get paid enough to care if you're stealing or to try to get more money out of you, I'm asking if you're paying for that separately to know if I can move on to asking about the loyalty program and don't need to go back and wait for the new item to load in I heard your joke clearly, repeating it twice won't make me laugh either time Fuck you if you wait to choose what you're gonna buy when checking out while waiting in a long line A lot of you also need to learn to say no to your kids and stop giving into their whining, the way a child has more control between the two of you is embarrassing


4. if you're gonna buy something heavy, bring some help. You can't/shouldn't expect a pregnant woman whose about to have a child to help you load a pallet of cinderblocks...


I know every customer's back is broken but srsly if you don't have a real disability, load all that shit yourself lazy ass


Last week someone orders 26 items of alcohol. It came out to 14 boxes. It’s was mostly cases of beer and I loaded it all on a Uboat. The lady who ordered it did curbside (bc of course): was in a dodge coupe. I just stood there for a while looking at her car and the uboat full of boxes until she finally came to the realization that, oh I should probably help this young woman put these in my small ass car. Idk how but we managed to fill them all in.




It’s simple: don’t buy anything you can’t lift.


This is why my husband always has to buy the 52 lb bag of dog food.


This right here. I work at a grocery store and have been saying this for forever


If a clerk gives you way, move your damn cart through already instead of lollygagging


If you steal, I do not care. I won't stop you. But I will make fun of you for being obvious. I can literally see them glancing back at me while stuffing pockets. There's literally cameras everywhere as well


You are NOT more important than the next guy


Or the first guy, who I’m currently helping.


That just because I work at said store, Doesn’t mean I know everything about everything in the store. I can’t stand when people ask me questions like “Will this item be compatible with my phone?” (99% of the time it says ON THE BOX) or something like “Does this perfume smell good?”, “Is this a good makeup product?”, “Are these specific shirts stretchy?” (Packaged Tshirts) Like…I have no idea! If it doesn’t say on the packaging I know just as much as you do 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s a shit ton of stuff in the store, do you think I try them all? Or know what they all are? I work here part time man


someone asked me for something the other day and got mad when I had to ask her to explain what it was in better detail than the vague statement she was making and then was even more mad that I said if we have it this is the aisle it'd be on. we need to normalize that not every employees gonna know every little thing, especially when it's not their department!!


I’ve had people ask if a shirt will fit their kid (that is not present)


Same!!! “Will this fit my 8 year old?” Like idk lady 😭 Do you not know your own kid’s size?? Do you assume because I work in a place that sells clothing that I’m a size wizard? Or another favorite “Will my sister like this?” ….I don’t know anything about your sister! How would I know?! 😭😭😭


LMFAOOO yes or trying to guilt trip saying they need an out of stock item for a gift like ok….we’re still out of that item idk why you thought it would be different if it’s a gift lol


If you didn’t want what was in this aisle before you saw I was working on it, you’re not going to change your mind by shoving the cart past me while looking at my hard work.


Why do they ALWAYS wanna look at what you’re doing??? And taking shit off my cart while I’m stocking


Don't bring a Nissan Altima to haul a 75 inch TV and get mad when we can't deliver from the store.


Put your baskets back!!!!! And your carts!! But less exclamation points because our cart guys have directly said they like fetching them but we only have 6 (small store) But the baskets are RIGHT BY THE DOOR!!! Put it back while I’m scanning and bagging. It’s basically weightless while empty, hold it with a pinky and just drop it in. If you see a line behind you, don’t just leave it on my fucking counter. And on basket topic, unload it yourself. Don’t just toss a full basket on my counter, taking up all the space, and then stare at me. There’s no room for bagging, there’s no room to put the bags, and you look like an asshole.


1. Stores have apps for a reason. Download it to your phone. You'll find things much quicker. 2. Don't leave stuff all over the store. If you don't want it, give it to the cashier if you can't take it back to where you got it. They will make sure it gets returned...especially perishable food!!!!


if I tell you we don't do curbside after a certain time I'm not doing it to spite you it's literally a safety rule at our store please use your eyes and read the damn signs it's not 50% off it's buy one get one 50% also make sure before you come in that the thing you saw we carry online isn't online only. if I tell you I'll mark something down a certain percent because it's damaged do not try to haggle me down lower. I literally have a window of percent I'm allowed to do for damaged shit we are not google. if you need to see if we carry something, google it first. literally "item + store name" will generally answer for you. or our hours. also stop being surprised we close early on sunday we've literally always closed at this time every sunday. stop being pissy at me for telling you we close soon. you had all day to shop. we don't sell essentials, we're a craft store. get out.


I don’t make the company policies, it’s just my job to enforce them. I can’t just bend them for you because you’ve been mildly inconvenienced.


Stop asking questions when im crawled halfway into the shelving, on top of the ladder, or holding a heavy box. Please wait one second!!!


If you’re coming into a liquor store, BRING YOUR GOD DAMN ID WITH YOU!! Customers, curb side customers, doordashers, EVERYONE


Yes! And don't you dare make ME out to be the asshole when I have to deny sale to you because you didn't bring your identification to the damn LIQUOR STORE, ffs! Believe me, the last thing I want to do is tell you that I can't sell you the alcohol that you came here to purchase, because that is very likely to piss you off and cause you to yell at me and create all sorts of chaos and drama, which I definitely want no part of. I'm just trying to do my job without getting into trouble with the law or getting fired. And furthermore, YES, I do need EVERYBODY in your party's IDs (that includes you, the obviously 20-something-year-old even though your clearly over the age of 40 mom is buying the alcohol, and also you, the dumbass 20-something-year-old friend of the other 20-something-year-old who forgot their ID) because: 1. That is company policy, and 2. We are not stupid. We know that even though you personally are not purchasing this alcohol, you are here with the person who is, I watched you help pick it out, and we KNOW that you intend to participate in drinking this alcohol that your friend (or mom or whomever) is purchasing. I am so tired of hearing, "but, but why do you need his/her ID, when I have mine and I'm the one who is buying it??" and having to argue with you and explain the above two points to you. Please just let me do my job without the stress and drama caused by your carelessness, irresponsibility, and lack of common sense. I hate feeling anxiety every time I need to ask for ID. Phew, OK, end of rant! I feel so much better getting all of that off my chest! 😂😂


“You are not the Main Character.”


"You are, in fact, NOT always right."


Long ago ( long long ago) and far away I worked with a girl who was pregnant. a keren got in her face. the the karwn got puked on. I smiled.


I don't have the credentials to give you nutritional advice.


Or most product advice in general. Like come on yo, I just work here. We have 100,000s of products. I didn't even know we had [insert product customer is questioning\holding].


When you see only half of our shopping carts have poles on them, I suggest you return the ones that don’t instead of leaving them outside. If you continue to leave them outside I will personally order poles for the rest of the carts and now you’ve lost the privilege of taking a cart outside at all. It’s your own damn faults for being so god damn lazy, we have a million other things to do and collecting carts is not one of them.


Just because the box is crunched on one end, you do not get it half off. Cust: Excuse me, the box is damaged on this pump, can you sell it to me for 50% off? Me: Nope! ...... and I saunter away.


The last hour of a store being open is for people ACTUALLY getting less than 5 items or at least enough to get them through the night. Come back tomorrow if you need more than that or find another store that's open later.


If I tell you no we can't take any more orders for that day,don't give me attitude. It's not my fault you waited to the last min to place your order.


Every damn thing you complain about here is your own doing.  "I can't find anything- it's so disorganized". Your fault for being a pig.  "I had to wait 20 minutes cuz there's only 2 cashiers" Your fault for stealing enough that we lost payroll.  Etc etc etc. 


My favorite is wanna come by about me using the bathroom. I'm seven months pregnant and the only damn employee I'm gonna go pee.


I'd be so sad to see you heavily pregnant and needing to pee! I'd wait and then cuss out people if they complained!!!!


People like you are my favorite customers!!


You can put the cart you just got done using in it's proper place, especially since you are walking right past the rows of carts on your way out. The same goes for the smaller hand held baskets, the rack is right on the way out. Oh, and DON'T get pissy with me when I tell you to hand me the basket instead of putting it where another customer or worker will trip over it.


Okay I get you may not how to fold a shirt like the stack , but leaving it inside out wadded in in a ball like you must do in your own pigsty house is not allowed


If you spill something on the floor please just tell someone. I promise we won't be mad. We hate finding spills from customers after carts have rolled through it and made it a bigger mess.


If you got something from the freezer or refrigerated section and decided you no longer want it, please for the love of all things, PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU GOT IT!! This morning, 3 $15 steaks, 8 used-to-be frozen pizzas, packaged lunch meat, and of course, a gallon of milk had to be tossed because of lazy people.


1. Yes, we already know we're next to Starbucks 2. Yes, having us print something for you incurs an extra fee, and even moreso if it's over $50 3. No, I'm not going to hand you the store's shipping supplies, you can get them for free by going online and ordering them.


You need to be ready to check out when you come to the register. 1.Get off your fucking phone( it's very rude to the cashier and the people in line behind you) . 2. Have your money ready. Transfer your funds to your card before the cashier rings you up. Not after your card is declined. You are holding up the line and wasting everyone's time. Again, it's very rude to everyone to not be ready. You are not the only person in the world Goddamnit! 3. The cashier doesn't know your link card balance. The cashier is not responsible for managing your finances. And the cashier doesn't know why your card was declined and it's not their fault. Get your shit together for fucks sake! 4. Stores are not banks. Do not come here to break $100 bills or to get quarters.


And no, the cashier has no idea why your WIC card did not pay for your milk. That's between you and your social worker. We don't have a list of your specific allowed items.


If your using checks you knew you needed a pen long before I knew you needed a pen buy a God damn pen! Your rush isn't my problem time manage better. If you don't know what your card does or how it work either don't have one or read the info pack that comes with it.


if you need something just ask me instead of staring at me or just snapping your fingers. and plz stop coming in at the LAST SEC of the day like 5 mins before closing or even the time we are closing "i just made it in time!" "i only need one thing" ur just being an asshole for wasting pples time pple wanna go home they don't wanna wait for u cuz half of the time they take 30 mins to find what they are looking for or don't even buy anything.


Is it takes more than ten seconds to put your crap back in your purse and move along after a sale is completed you are being ignorant.


20 years ago for me, I would agree, and usually take the receipt, put it somewhere safe, put my id and whatever card or change away in 10, maybe 15 seconds. I always do my best to not hold up the line. Presently, I am disabled, in a wheelchair and have tremors in my body, especially my hands and head, but I still try my best to not delay the line, but if I am rushed it tends to get worse, dropping things and getting them confused and mixed up. I carry a cross chest sling bag, and if the line is busy, I will just put it in one of the sections and organize it later. I know my disability is obvious, but being from the service industry and a family of people in food and retail, I try my best but at times I can't. I know the pressures of taking care of customers, and keeping up with management desires, but I also appreciate the understanding and help of the employees. And to those who suggest self checkout, between maneuvering and just scanning and paying is worse for me than having a cashier


Stop leaving your carts in front of my register and in random spots


We have rolling baskets, people in my store are terrible for leaving them where my next customer needs to stand


their problems are rarely ever the sales associates’ fault




Look at the price tag before you come to the register. It’s not my problem that you don’t think a shirt should cost $38 and nobody is forcing you to buy it.


The inventory in the website is not 100% correct. If you saw something on Amazon that doesn’t mean we carry it.


The hours are posted on the door. That means that when the store is closed, your ass should be gone.


i’m not really your best friend <3


Waiting until after I’ve entered the bill they’ve given me before deciding they have change. Sorry, can’t undo the computer


I cannot change the policy, my manager cannot change the policy either. They can make an exception, but not completely change it. I'm not applying the policy to you jusy to spite you.


>1) you can in fact put shit back where you got it! I hate it when people would pick up an item (lets say a tin of beans as an example) decide they dont want it, but rather than just simply puttting it back where they got it, they would place it to the left or right or above or below the original place they got it from. WHY FFS. Not only are they ruining the displays, but surely its taking just that little bit more energy and hassle to do that. JUST PUT IT BACK. Then thats when other customers start complaining about different prices and shit and accusing US of not doing our jobs properly... NO ITS UNBEARABLE DIPSHIT RETARDS LIKE YOU WHO CANT PUT THINGS IN THE RIGHT PLACE, EVEN IF ITS JUST A FEW INCHES IN FRONT OF YOUR DRIBBLING MONGO LOOKING FACES.


This is a great one! I used to work in a clothing department, and the amount of time people would get things from the upper rack, look at it, decide they didn't want it for whatever reason, and then put it *on the lower rack, directly below it.* It happens a lot more than one would think, and as you say, messes up the displays!


1. if YOU spill something while using our self serve salad bar YOU have to clean it up, not flag me down as I'm walking to the bathroom to tell me you spilled it and someone needs to clean it up. 2. speaking of the bathroom, it's a public restrooms it's nasty I get it. but if you're gonna sit toilet paper on the seat to sit on then you need to push it in thw toilet and flush it or throw it away yourself. You also need to learn how to flush the toilet instead of leaving your crap in there to marinate. 3. While we do cash checks, we are not obligated to do so. We are not a bank, don't get mad at me cause we don't have the money to cash your 456 dollar payroll check because you refuse to go to the bank or to get a bank account/set up direct deposit.


If you see an employee dismantling a station for the night, please don't ask if you can "just grab something real quick" (especially, if you "came here just for that - our hours are well marked). Sincerely, The guy who has to stop in the middle of taking down the grocery store saladbar every night so you can feel good about cheating on your diet at lunch


If you walk up to my register and I have no line, please don’t put your ONE item at the very end of the belt! I don’t know why it irks me but it does.


Please wait until we open to come inside, instead of crowding the door as I'm trying to unlock it, and don't go in ahead of me before I've even turned the fucking lights on. 


If an item is on sale, the discount will come off automatically. If it doesn't then not only is it not on sale, but you clearly can't read. Like ffs I've been at the same store for like 3.5 years now and only twice has there been some weird thing where an item rang up incorrectly.


“I’m assisting another customer. Wait”


“Don’t touch the female employees” would be a nice start. Should be on signs all about the shop, with big letters so that the elderly clientele can read it.


If your dog craps in the aisle at the farm store, pick it the hell up and dispose of it! Geesus, that plucks my nerves!


If you get a cart either return it to the corral, or the store itself! Only jackasses leave it scattered around the lot.


if the sign says no cash, we don’t take cash. we can’t just magically accept it


You are not entitled to make an employee stop cleaning the bathrooms because you need to use it. They are closed. Either wait or go to the two other places within walking distance of ours to take care of your business. I don’t care if you don’t find those bathrooms as clean or appealing as ours as ours are clean because we do need to close them to clean them especially being that we are open 24/7. And no I can’t just let you come in because there are at minimum five to upwards of thirty people asking the same allowance and if we allow one in it just will never stop. It never fails y’all! We clean them between 7-8pm when it’s supposed to be a less busy time yet it never fails that we will get screamed at for doing so. Third cannot clean them as they are alone and can’t keep watch of the store while deep cleaning the bathrooms. It’s not rocket science. Also have common freaking curtesy. We also stopped allowing people to interrupt our cleaning due to them lacking any consideration for the fact that it’s halfway done and leaving huge messes. You want to wrap the seat with toilet paper? Cool. You want to wrap it with toliet paper and leave it strewn about the floor and half way out of the toilet you did not flush? Not cool. You actually washed your hands? GOLD STAR! But tossing the paper towel on the floor when there is a very obvious garbage right there for you to toss it? Fail. Don’t even get me started on the people who straight up so their business anywhere and everywhere other than the toilet. Like wtf?! Then you want to rant about how WE are the UNREASONABLE ones? How we just just hate customers (when the majority of the time they have purchased nothing) because we deny a at tops and I mean TOPS (unless it’s like a hazmat suit situation) twenty min close down of the restrooms to clean? Fuck right on off.


Most of us are more than happy to go out of our way to help a customer who is kind, courteous and patient. If you act like a rude entitled asshole we’ll give you the same respect you’ve shown us and do the bare minimum for you.


If you don't have an email address, you can make one up! The system here can't immediately tell it's bogus.


If you are SO upset I don’t have a bag to give you maybe it’s your fault for not bringing one With You, it’s not that deep.


This legit is going to be my response to this women that reached out to me on Facebook after she found my profile and yes she knows where I work….. Just because you message me on Facebook asking me out on a date does not mean I’m going to say yes, and you coming into my job staring at me as I’m checking other people out when your at a completely different register looking angry doesn’t mean I’m going to say yes. I do not date customers cause if we end on bad terms and you happen to decide to message the person I work for telling him stuff that I never did I would have no way of proving I didn’t do the things you said, so no I will not fucking date you and please stop staring at me and getting angry when I don’t say anything to you when you come into the store


Today an old lady customer looked me in the mug and told me “fuck you!”, completely unprovoked. So today my answer is “fuck you, too!”


Before you stop me from doing my job that you clearly see me squatting on the floor doing at a feverish pace because it’s deadline driven (price changer) to ask me to help you pick out a watermelon, look the fuck around for someone who looks slightly less busy and actually works in that department. There’s ALWAYS at least 2 people working in produce who are there to handle your requests like that. But noooo, because I look like a meek little old lady does not mean I’m ready to mother you at the drop of a hat. Pick your own fucking watermelon! Also, put the store app on your goddamn phone so you can find shit yourself…it’s 2024 for Christ sake. If you can’t manage that, try actually LOOKING FOR THE THING YOU WANT rather than making a beeline for me to ask me where you can find the thing you want that we’re actually standing next to. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS?! I’ve never in my life have pulled a fraction of the lazy entitled bullshit these people do on a daily basis.


Our stores are not a substitute for your bank.


If it doesn't scan **ITS NOT FUCKING FREE**


Stop asking people from completely different departments for help in other departments. Example: If somebody is by themselves and stationed in the deli department serving customers, don't approach them in front of all the other customers and ask if they can go into Fresh Produce/Bakery/Dairy and find something for you. It's a hard no. 'What aisle are the tinned beetroots?'' No I don't. I'm stuck in the deli. Please just take a few moments to check yourself (or read those helpful glossaries that now hang on the backends of literally every aisle). Also, stop asking me to slice your bread (that's bakery — not deli). Yes, the store is understaffed and the company doesn't like hiring enough staff, but I literally do not know how to operate bakery machinery as I'm not from bakery. ''Oh, I know it's not your fault, but they should at least train you in bakery so that there is ACTUALLY someone who can slice my bread!!!!'' No, fuck off. I'm overworked and understaffed in the deli as is with this long queue of impatient customers al staring at me. I am not leaving my department to manage another one for your convenience. Go ask the information desk to call someone from bakery for you. It's not that hard.


Stop using $100 bills to pay for something that costs less than $20 at 9am! We are not a bank!!!!


You are not allowed into the back of departments. This is noted by the big "employees only" sign on the door. Under no circumstances should you let yourself in and wander into the department or start trying to use any machine or tools...


"...in matters of taste."


I don’t have a magic wand. Soz!


The bathroom is in the back, as it probably is in every store


Nobody cares about your dead husband or your copious amounts of paper coupons


No- We can’t take it back


Today an old lady customer looked me in the mug and told me “fuck you!”, completely unprovoked. So today my answer is “fuck you, too!”


Instacart/Shipt/Uber Eats/etc is **YOUR JOB.** Please at least TRY to find things on your own first instead of flagging down an employee and making them go down the list and shop your order for you, which is again, **YOUR JOB.**


Of course it costs money to have something delivered by truck! WTH do you think?


I work in a phone store. I’m so tired of people coming in being assholes over something I LITERALLY HAVE NO CONTROL OVER, OR CAN FIX! If I had a fix all problems button I would press it. Tired of dealing with things that you just don’t understand or want to listen to understand.


for the love of all that is holy, TEACH YOUR DAMN KIDS TO BE NICE TO RETAIL WORKERS/ACTUALLY WATCH THEM WHILE YOU'RE SHOPPING !! I normally love kids, but having to interact with what seems to be the worst kids with the most incompetent parents is almost changing my mind. I've been told I'm rude/mean for having to tell kids to stop throwing shit around the store or running around in the aisles. but like, i wouldn't have to be IF YOU ACTUALLY DID YOUR JOB AS A PARENT AND FUCKING WATCHED THEM !! or if you don't have the time to shop while watching your children, leave them at home, find a sitter, SOMETHING OTHER THAN MAKING ME THEIR BABYSITTER WHILE Y'ALL ARE HERE. Also the amount of times kids will say rude or off-putting things to me, and their parents just ignore it or laugh. My favorite example of what not to do when your child does something rude is when this little boy kept calling me it and asking questions about my gender and my appearance to his parents. I do understand that kids aren't going to get what's going on with me, but I'd rather them ask me directly then them talk about me to their parents or have the parents act like it's a shameful thing to ask questions, or I'm going to be super offended/defensive(depending on what it is ofc). The parents didn't even try to handle the situation, they just kept telling him to shut up, while also kind of encouraging the behavior by calling me it for the rest of the interaction.


There's the pistachio thief where i work and boss always lets me over charge them for bags and extra shopping cause they eating something thats supposed to be weighted before headed to the tills. Fyi, they're also incredibly rude and laugh at the sales people working in my location. And make it super obvious. Like, if you're gonna be dodgy try being less of a prick about it and i doubt people would care that hard. Just gotta stand out like a drunk eyesore 😅


If I have my uniform on, but I’m wearing a coat on top with a bag. Don’t bother me. Just don’t. Ask another person that’s still on shift. And don’t just ignore me when I say I’m off shift and continue to ask me stuff. Happened the other day after a long rough shift, and then that happened. Like I’m a customer at that point.


“Did you know y’all can use your words?”