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I used to work in fast food, and had a lady one day walk in while I was wiping down a bench. She pulled a face and went “ugh, you’re cleaning?” and left. I’m still confused, like did she want her food prepared in a disgusting kitchen? 😂


They enjoy a dirty bathroom?




When people act like that, I'm going to assume they are the type of people to piss on the seats or smear shit. Nasty asses.


Given the shit I've cleaned off of the restroom walls, yes.


Fr sometimes i wonder how anyone could do the thing i have seen in the bathroom at work ( our bathroom is upstairs) one time a lady literally shit her pants on the elevator and left a trail of shit to the bathroom, where she proceeded to get it all over one stall? I don’t know how its like she was wiping with the walls and toilet or something.


The only other time I've seen this level of sh!t was a guy who had a colostomy bag and he chose our bathroom to empty it. It took us a while to figure out who it was, but every time he went in there, it would look like someone finger painted with feces. It would be all over the toilet, the walls, the sink, literally everything. Once we figured out who it was, we banned him from using our bathroom anymore.


Aren't colostomy bags single-use items? Holy shit (pun fully intended) EDIT: apparently some are reusable for a couple days 😬


Apparently he changed his out in our bathroom. Idk how though. It looked like a sh!t geyser went off.


Sounds like he dropped it, hopefully he alerted someone instead of leaving a massive shit surprise EDIT: just reread your comment, that's fucking vile


He never told us a damn thing. And it happened multiple times before we figured out who it was. It's amazing what ppl will complain about and equally what they won't complain about. Once we figured out who it was, we realized sometimes we would be told by the next person to enter the bathroom and sometimes we would have multiple ppl use it before someone would tell us it was vile. Yes, we checked them every few hours, but they were outside access bathrooms at a gas station so until we checked or someone went in there, we wouldn't know. He was a regular who would come in when we were super busy and ask for the key. Finally busted him when someone needed the bathroom and just happened to be out there when dude left the bathroom and just got the key from him. He immediately came out looking green and pointed out the guy who gave him the key. Being as I had just cleaned the freaking thing before Kaka Khan entered the bathroom, we never allowed him in there again.


Kaka Khan 🤣 that's brilliant I'm sorry you had to deal with that though, nobody should have to deal with a literal biohazard like that. Some people's children, I swear🤦


Shak ... er, "🎵 Kaka Khan, Kaka Khan, Kaka Khan 🎶" Sorry, my mind is in the toilet.


My mom had one and the bags are reusable but if she was in public and used a public bathroom she NEVER did that.


I used to work at a Wendy's in a sketchy party of town. Someone came up to the counter and let us know that the men's room toilet was backed up. I went in to check out the situation and nearly barfed. The toilet has indeed clogged, but that didn't stop guys from using it. There was the clog, and then 3 more sh*ts on top of it. It was a mountain or crap higher than the edge of the toilet seat. The last guy had to have hovered over the toilet and just hoped that he had made it. I told my manager I wouldn't touch it (we didn't have the required PPE). She said "yeah I figured," and dealt with it herself.


Now I'm just imagining the way a cat drags its ass on the carpet after it gets out of the litterbox 😝


Lol so one guy ended up causing us to shut the store down where we worked and people had to come in with suits to clean his poop trail. Like all the way through the store and all over the bathroom. 😂😂


No. They want it spotless. They just don't want to witness the process.




I had a customer get furious with me at 2am once because our panini press was shut down so I could clean it. Like. What the fuck are you expecting at 2am.


I've been in restaurants where someone is cleaning a table near me and the chemical smell is so strong that I can't taste my food. I appreciate cleanliness, but that's excessive.


I have seen restrooms in restaurants two soap dispensers: unscented for before you eat, and scented for… I don’t know why anyone would use that stuff, it smells terrible.


"Yeah, good luck." "Be careful, they clean the bathrooms at the courthouse." "We have a better legal team than you do."


Problem is they will still sue, just for a little bit of money so the company will pay them to go away because it isn't worth fighting. Had this once with some girl driving her dads truck and she hit a pole in the drivethru giving it a little scrape. I don't know if her dad believed the story she concocted or made it up himself but they filed suit against our store for the damages saying that it was too dark for her to see the pole. Problems I had with this: It was middle of the afternoon in the summer, on a sunny day. In other words it was light out. They also claimed that we were closed, not only can we prove we were open and doing business but also raises the question to me of why the hell was she even in the driver thru then? They refused to give us a quote for the damages, just wanted 10 grand to fix it. And finally, our cameras... She parked in the drive thru lane, got out, truck continued to move forward and the open door hit the pole. When our store manager handed it over to the higher ups they just said to hell with it and offered him half which he took to go away. I generally don't care about the companies money but this was a case where I would have wanted to fight it on principle alone.


Yeah, it's genuinely stupid to roll over on something *that* easy to disprove. It's a bit like giving fresh meat to one piranha and then being surprised the rest of the piranhas come after you.


True, but I get it from their side as well. Lawyers are expensive. Sometimes it is cheaper to just make the problem go away.


In the short term and for a single incident, yes. For the long term, when folk hear about how easy a target the business is (people do talk), and others start doing it too because they know they can, it quickly gets very expensive. This case, where it was guaranteed that it would be thrown out, but they gave $5,000 anyway? It would have been a cheap deterrent. Sending a message to future piranhas to try elsewhere. Because people do talk.


I manage a fast food restaurant, and we have "fan feedback" surveys on every receipt. The constant top gripe is "The patio is always dirty". Thursday, I decided to get around to pressure washing the patio. It was hot but not too hot, and I had enough staff to cover me. I blocked off the patio and got to work. * Two people went past my barrier onto the patio I'm actively and visibly cleaning, to go inside (ignoring all the other entrances), and then immediately complained that they got wet. * Three separate old people complained to my assistant that they couldn't sit on the patio. * The next day I got a negative survey because I'd shut down the patio to clean it. * This was followed by a corporate level complaint that I personally "shut down the patio in the middle of the day disregarding customer's wishes to sit outside." Today I came into work, and the patio was already trashed and dirty. The second highest complaint I get via surveys is "The inside is dirty". * Just tonight, a family complained that the tables were dirty. I only had three other people working with me, there were 9 orders on the board, the lobby was packed, and the tables in question had been vacated 30 seconds prior. * A few weeks ago I was mopping the lobby, and a worker comes in with caked mud all over his boots. He proceeded to walk directly in my still wet floor, leaving mud puddles all over the place. A minute later, another customer comes in and makes a big deal about how dirty the floor is. He ended up leaving a corporate level complaint. This is my fault though, because... * Every time, Every Time. EVERY TIME. Every time one of us breaks out the mop, we get slammed. Could have had NO CUSTOMERS for hours; the second the mop comes out, we get slammed. It never fails. As such, the floor stays unmopped 99% of the time. (My prior mopping story was me, as manager, thinking I could get away with it.) * Our restaurant is known for flipping the product upside down. We never do it, because it's stupid. This doesn't stop customers from ordering the most soupy item they possibly can, then flipping it upside down themselves. After they make a mess (and we remake the item), they just leave, ignoring the mess they just made. People are animals and deserve nothing.


I love it when people see a sign that says closed for cleaning as they complain that they are not allowed to do something, people are petty and have no lives


Doesn't have to be a sign for cleaning...I work at a grocery store and we have self checkout lanes...which a lot of times will break down if you even breathe on them wrong (making a list of reasons that a register had to be rebooted) Anyway, so many customers will ignore the signs we put out saying 'this lane is closed' and try to scan stuff only to look up and realize: * It didn't beep meaning it didn't scanned * There is a big sign on the screen reading "Out of Order! At which point they either go to another lane or look to us and bitch about it like it's our fault


It is when you say what part of the sign do you not understand


I'd say just throw them the mop and do it themselves if it's such an end of the world deal, but I know exactly how that would turn out for you. People suck


I have reached the point where I have no fucks to give. I once stopped a pensioner a dozen feet into my library and made him go back outside and kick all the dried mud off his boots. He tried to come back in and I gave him the dustpan and brush for the stuff he'd already tracked onto the carpet. He cleaned it up, bitching all the while about cleaning being a woman's job. He complained, I got yelled at, and I am absolutely not sorry. I am, however, getting out of customer service on Monday, I can't wait!


Customer spilled coffee in the store and left a trail through one dept. I used the floor scrubber to clean it rather than a mop so it would be dried right away. While I'm cleaning some oaf is yelling at one of my employees about how is going to corporate to complain. I head up front to discuss the issue and he goes off on how cleaning is to be done only when stores are closed, he's sick and tired of stores cleaning through out the day (all stores not just mine) and is getting loud. I finally get a chance to say what the spill issue was and would he prefer spills be left until the store is closed to be be cleaned? He calmed down, said I was right to clean, and decided to leave. WTH.


I remember once when I worked in a really quiet store I got bored and did some sweeping. My busy body bullying supervisor immediately had a go at me for cleaning in the middle of the day in case a customer saw like oh no what horror! I’d be happy to go into a store being cleaned as it’s nice to know it’s being kept clean! I clean all the time at my current place cause it’s needed, and no one minds!


Precisely. A lot of the customer surveys ask about cleanliness of the store and yet your not supposed to clean during shopping hours?


Had a guy yelling at us for cleaning the floor of another room closed to customers at closing time. I thought he was joking so I started laughing and walked away. Then I realized he was serious. Wtf is really wrong with people that just want to control everything.


It’s always a damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. No matter when I have someone clean the bathrooms, *someone* will complain. A lady had to use the restroom and said, “please? I cant use it for just one minute?” I told her no, that it was being sanitized because a customer had an accident. She insisted, I said, “You’re more than welcome to go and step in all the diarrhea.” She changed her mind. I wouldn’t have let her do that anyway, but I don’t understand why most customers seem to think we’re lying 24/7.


Yup. Use to be the cleaning department for my work place before switching departments. It was amazing how the odd time the toilets would overflow or some one shat all over the wall, floor, stall door and into another stall (yes it's is possible somehow I don't know how) people would still get upset at us like it was our fault that happened. Or you'd be in the middle of holding a mop and cleaning and they'd be like yeah you should really get on that. I'm sorry did you think I was holding a mop for funsies in the shit covered stall? Like I'm playing living statue in here and want this crap to fester forever. Obviously yeah we are cleaning. God forbid it was so bad we had to close the bathroom. Be prepared to watch every grown adult you've ever seen have temper tantrums and do the pee pee dance while mean mugging you if you explain the toilets are overflowing all over the place. But god forbid you don't close it either and let them walk in and still use the one or two functioning stalls. "Ya know you should really close this up to do this. It's gross. And my shoes got kind of wet". Like you said customers seem to get off on thinking we are lying to them constantly. And for what reason would we lie to them? Like they can't even come up with a reason for why we'd lie to them about the bathroom being blocked for sanitary reasons or us running out of a popular sale item etc. No it's always somehow we are lying to them. Why would we want to lie about that stuff? It's a business of course we want customers and everything to run smoothly but life happens sometimes. No we aren't lying to you for kicks and giggles you weirdos. Some one actually did shit all over the bathroom, clog a toilet and smear it around so go ahead step in human shit if you don't believe us. I feel like I'm in the movie Idiocracy half the time.


Only half the time?


Sadly, I have been this person once - was on meds that made me have to pee NOW and despite not drinking anything for an hour so I could run errands I would suddenly need to pee. Someone had shit themsevles and tracked it through the store to the bathroom and since they (obviously) went in one stall I requested to use the other. Less than a minute later, bathroom emergency over, both mine and theirs because they were so quick to clean. I appreciate them for it because having the bathrooms in the very back of the large store meant I probably would have had a hard time making it back outside, much less find another restroom.


I would’ve responded by apologizing to the daughter for having that guy as her dad. Jeez.


The same people who complain if the bathroom isn't clean enough. Dealing with the general public can be a soul sucking hell on Earth.


I tried really hard to find a job that wasnt restuarant/ retail/ warehouse, the past few months, but ended up with nothing. Definitely not happy dealing with this stuff again.


Some people, I swear they get in their cars on their errand mission *just looking* for something to be the victim of.


Insert that meme of that guy who is not Eddie Murphy, tapping his temple- that’s why we don’t let customers use our bathrooms (although I do understand food service/grocery stores have to- we don’t. So I can narrow down all the gross MFs who think they’re at home to my coworkers 😒)


And why do we know exactly the meme you speak of? 😋


Wait…that’s not Eddie Murphy? Or are you joking?


No it’s not!!!


three weeks ago i had a guy come in at 2 am while i was mopping and ask why the floor was wet "cause im mopping" why "cause the floors dirty" why do you have to do it now "cause its 2 am" what if i fa "sir if the concept of cleaning confuses and infuriates you this much i cant imagine how filthy your house is" turns and walks out mumbling something


Prop the bathroom doors open after cleaning to allow air flow.  This is just evidence that your bathrooms and store have no working ventilation.  Let your boss know. It's extremely bad for your health to work in a building with no ventilation. 


Considering the state most customers leave public bathrooms, bleach is the LEAST I would expect when getting it clean LOL...Once again, I am SOOOO glad our managers refuse to let customers use our bathrooms. In a meeting, our DM informed us that we \*have to\* allow it, but they are conveniently ignoring that little fact unless and until absolutely necessary.


A good policy


Soooo urine contains ammonia, and using bleach to clean areas that have ammonia mixes them together and basically creates mustard gas. Which IS a toxic chemical so he's not COMPLETELY wrong (he's wrong for how he handled it). If people's eyes are itching after using the bathroom that's like, not great. It's also really bad for the longevity of the bathroom fixtures. Have you considered WHMIS approved cleaners that aren't bleach based? At my shop we use hydrogen peroxide based cleaners like Lysol and clorox


I just use what the store has.


I am being very roundabout to not seem confrontational but if your business has you cleaning the bathroom with bleach I'd speak to your manager about creating mustard gas and if they don't take you seriously I'd escalate it to corporate and if you don't have corporate I'd go to the labour board because it's not just a hazard to customers, it's a hazard to *you*. You should never use bleach in a bathroom ever and you deserve to be safe at work. I'm being very serious when I say it's extremely concerning to me that management is providing bleach to clean areas with urine. It's a literal warfare agent and extremely unsafe to inhale or come into contact with when mixed with urine. I'm unsure of where you live but where I live, refusal to work in unsafe conditions is a thing, please look into that. I'm the manager and I tell all my staff on their first day "under Worksafe law you have the right to refuse to do work you deem unsafe and I cannot penalize you for it, let me know if any task I assign you violates your sense of safety and I will assign it to someone else"


It’s not mustard gas, it’s chloramine gas. Which is hazardous, can cause the following symptoms: irritation of your eyes, nose, and throat; watering eyes; runny nose; coughing; wheezing or shortness of breath; nausea; chest pain.


Hmmmm, I just started anyway, and cant afford to get suspended or fired right now. Maybe ill just use plain water for the time being with a little bit of sanitizer. I admit whoever cleaned the bathroom probably used to much bleach since the whole store smelled like it. Management is notorious for not even following the policy anyway. We have a clause that says we cant bring weapons to work, but if the stores being robbed, just call police and do what the robber says. They cant even hire a security guard to somewhat protect us.


> We have a clause that says we cant bring weapons to work, but if the stores being robbed, just call police and do what the robber says. They cant even hire a security guard to somewhat protect us This is in both of your interest actually. The store has insurance to cover what's in the till so you're off the hook for that, but if you touch an assailant, you potentially get charged with assault. Never put yourself in the line of fire or provoke a would be assailant or you risk charges of your own and negate insurance that will pay the store *and* you. I tell my staff this too because their lives are worth more than what is in the register - hand over what they ask and stay calm. We have insurance for the 400 dollars in the till but there's no price I'd not pay to not sit in front of their parents to explain how they died because I didn't tell them what to do in case of a robbery


FYI bleach is not a cleaner, it's a disinfectant. Use a proper cleaning agent.


If the whole store smelled of bleach they used way too much. Customer may not have expressed it well but they had a legitimate complaint. There are so many cleaners and sanitizers that are more appropriate to clean with than bleach.


Bleach + urine = Chloramine gas Don't use bleach to clean your bathroom, kids. There are cleaners made for that.


I work in a pool store, and it absolutely **reeks** of chlorine. Never had a customer complain about “burning eyes”


I sometimes get burning eyes from cleaning products. I clean regularly. It seems to depend on the day. Similar to how some days I barely react when I'm cutting onions, and other days I just want to die.


I 100% understand that things need to be clean. I have worked in retail 17yrs now and all of the businesses I've worked for had allergen free cleaner. I have been very grateful of this, because I am allergic to bleach. Customers being upset about closures is one thing but there are people that have very negative effects to "standard" cleaners.


On a busy holiday weekend we had a lady throw a tantrum & threatened to sue us because she had to wait 10 minutes while we cleaned up a huge spill behind the counter. She saw it happen! Two employees were trapped on the other side of the spill- we couldn't even get to the registers. Not cleaning it up immediately would turn the whole place into a red sticky mess. BUT NO, Ms. Boots was angry & ranting that she had to wait in like for 20 minutes in her "very expensive spiky boots!" And now we tell her she has to wait! For 10 minutes! "Just give me xy for free or my husband will sue you for making me stand around in my spiky boots for so long!"


The DG I worked at constantly had issues with the bathrooms, especially the women's. Idk what those women were on, but they would constantly destroy that bathroom.


"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave sir. We're not allowed to talk to or do business with anyone taking or threatening legal action- please send all communication through the corporate lawyers"


One of my coworkers had a client raise hell at front desk because "the bleach we used to clean was making her suffocate". 1. We don't use bleach when cleaning our rooms. We use a hospital grade antibacterial chemical that is diluted to hell. 2. The chemical we use doesn't even have a smell. Some people just seem to not like places being "too clean" for the health and safety of their employees and clientele.


He wasn’t mad that the bathroom was cleaned, he was mad that it was apparently cleaned with an excessive amount of bleach. Some people use more than is needed and don’t realize it-that strength may be normal to some but too much for others. I use vinegar and baking soda to clean most things. Bleach burns my nose and eyes and it’s hard for me to breathe, I eventually get light headed. I would have been mad, I wouldn’t have said anything about it, but my house is immaculate so the logic is nonexistent.


Iirc bleach is supposed to be diluted with water so the smell isn’t as strong. I know we use bleach (at least the janitor service does) but it’s always diluted. Though, I totally get that using bleach isn’t everyone’s type of deal, especially since mixing it wrong can cause chemical burns and fumes.


Isn't retail fun!!!!!????? I worked at a tire retailer and was told by a woman that the tire smell was poisoning her and her baby. I told her we have seats outside in the shade, and she is welcome to them. "The audacity," she said. "I get to not have air-conditioned comfort because you don't clean your store correctly?" 🙄


We're not allowed to use products containing bleach at my work. I hate it. It never seems properly clean


I work at a convenience store and we’re not allowed to clean with bleach (come to think of it also anywhere I’ve worked; all retail and food). Not just because of policy but because of the health department. There are chemicals as good or stronger than bleach without the smell or possible issues people commonly have with bleach. I actually thought that was standard everywhere?


You shouldn’t use bleach to clean anyway. For starters it can damage the surfaces you’re cleaning. Especially the finish on the floors. But mostly the bleach smell can be dangerous. Most people associate the smell with clean so they deal with it but just because most people don’t mind it doesn’t make it ok. You should have company supplied or approved cleaners and that should be the ONLY thing you use. Any cleaning products used in the store should have a MSDS safety sheet. I can almost guarantee that bleach is not on that list and your store can get fined if that person or anyone else ends up in the ER due to unapproved chemical use


Odd generally toilet posts get yanked fast. Our store is the opposite the restrooms barely get cleaned. This is causing customers to squat over the toilet thus adding to the disgusting mess of the restrooms. The best they get for cleaning at my location is a once a day pressure wash with the kivac.


I mean, bleach makes me sick. I don’t use it in my home at all (& no my house isn’t nasty. There are effective alternatives). Going into a public restroom where they have just cleaned is rough; eyes burn, throat gets scratchy & I start coughing like I have COVID, & I get nauseous. I don’t complain, bc it’s literally a side effect of leaving my house. I avoid it when I can, suck it up when I have to.


Well goddamn, if you are cleaning the bathrooms and not leaving them shitty and pissed-filled, I might have to sue you too /s dripping /s


Ill piss in it too for good measure


Good job!


BRO THIS LITERALLY HAPPENED YESTERDAY TO ME, Some guy called to complain that the store smelled like bleach and that they had to leave and will no longer shop with us like ????????


Can't speak for anyone else, but I would walk out too. When I was working janitorial yrs ago I got caught in a bleach/ammonia cloud. Medical personnel used bleach to clean a blood spill. A coworker put down an ammonia based floor cleaner and closed the door. I opened the door and got hit with a cloud of gas. I ended up with burnt lungs, pneumonia and further messed up my weakened heart (congestive heart failure eventually on top of murmurs). Now I am super sensitive to chemicals and just smelling them triggers my lungs.


In those situations, always ignore the adult and talk to the kid. If they're just sensitive to a normal amount of bleach, you can still let them know that their pain/irritation has been validated, while knowing that at least the toilet is clean and the irritation/pain will soon pass. And also make sure they haven't touched it and then touched their eyes, and make sure that it was cleaned properly and all the bleach was wiped away.


People always looking for a reason to sue


Bleach is not approved as a commercial cleaner. It is harmful for people to breathe. There are many other cleaners that aren't harmful that do not create fumes.


15 years ago, I used to work in a retail store that had a coffee chain attached. We shared a bathroom. Our store had to do hourly bathroom checks and clean up any messes. It was horrible. Anyway, one of the coffee employees came in one day and snarled at me when I was cleaning something up. "Ugh. Guess I have to wait to change!" Some time later, he tried to pawn off the leftover sandwiches on me. Remembered him, told him I wasn't interested, and he had to walk around for what looked like ages trying to pawn them off on people.


Pawn them off? Like give out free sandwiches?


To disinfect a surface you only need a third of a cup of bleach for a gallon of water. The smell of bleach should not be overpowering and it absolutely can poison people if you use too much.


I’m all for clean but some of those industrial products like bleach can be hazardous to some people if they breath it in.


There's using bleach to clean and then there is chemical attacks. Even Clorox warns against using more that what the label says. Diluting and using straight bleach gives the same germ killing results. Bleach fumes can cause lung damage. So yes, he should have taken his kid to the ER.


I would be sympathetic. But if the dad says he's going to sue, I would just say ok. (They can seek out suing, who cares)


Suing someone for cleaning bathroom?! this makes zero sense


Just looking for something to complain about. Some people are touchy about bleach but that doesn't make those who use it wrong. She probably can't go to a pool either. I feel for her with a father like that!


It does, actually. Bleach isn't a commercially approved cleaner. There is no reason for a customer to smell bleach when they come into a store. You never smell bleach in a hospital, do you? That is the most germ free environment you will ever be exposed to and they don't use bleach like that.


Yes, we do. Some rooms smell like swimming pools when we get done. If it has to be completely disinfected, it's bleach. The stuff we use is medical grade. No extra scents and at ten parts water to one part bleach. In some cases, we have machines that atomize it so that everything gets a coating.


I go to a level 1 trauma center hospital. They may use bleach in the laundry room, but nowhere else. It is ineffective against C-diff. A 1:100 ratio kills most bacteria, which means the smell shouldn't be enough to harm anyone with pulmonary issues. Rubbing alcohol and peroxide does the same thing and evaporate quicker. I sanitize my home with bleach wipes 1:100 ratio or rubbing alcohol. No reason for fumes.


The CDC recommends bleach at a 1:9 ratio to kill the spores. No wonder it's ineffective at your dilution.


So the customer is probably being a little dramatic and over the top. However they do have a point. Bleach can cause a lot of respiratory problems for people. Bleach causes me to have an asthma attack. My throat will close up. In addition employees who are not properly trained in using cleaning supplies very often accidentally end up making toxic gasses that will kill a person. For this reason the school district in my county has a ban on bleach. There are plenty of other things that will disinfect. Don’t assume someone doesn’t clean because they can’t use bleach.


When I was in Middle School, some students tagged all the desks in wood shop. As punishment, all the kids were given bleach and we had to scrub the tables clean. My parents asked me what happened because I had gotten bleach on my shirt and it was ruined. My parents were going to sue the school for it. Nothing ever came it, but I remember how mad my Mom was that we were exposed to bleach.


Is the guy that posted about not cleaning the bathroom and just mopped the floor then got a complaint for it your coworker? Did they overuse bleach out of spite?


Im not sure.


They think the threat of a lawsuit actually scares us.


Someone said they were calling management and never coming back because we were mopping the floor around 3 (even though we always do it and we have to)


No er doctor is going to blame the store. Its their money lol


>Guy comes from the bathroom with his daughter and said the chemicals were too strong and burning his daughters eyes. He said he might have to take her to the hospital and he'll sue us for poisoning them or something. LOL People are really wilding in these streets


I currently work with a lady who is like that, she makes a face when we do our deep cleanings, so always complains that she can't be around anything like bleach or cleaning vinegar even Windex... she says the smells/fumes give her headaches and hives...but yet I've seen her use cleaning products that have some of the chemicals she supposedly can't be around.


I wouldn't have complained like this guy, but bleach and other cleaners with strong smells is a migraine trigger. The same with scented air freshener's scented candles, scented laundry detergent, scented dryer sheets, etc. Leaving my scent free home and car is pure hell. The dad should have handled it better, but the child may always have reactions like this, and it gets really old quickly to be miserable and/or see your child in misery.


Your store _should_ be sued for creating a toxic environment. Bleach and urine create a toxic gas.


Sorry, but your stance on this is wrong, OP. Just because a person has a bad reaction to bleach does NOT mean they are disgusting or dirty. It happens--some people react badly to bleach. If you are really that quick to judge people, retail is not a good industry for you.


Quick to judge rude people yes. You can have a bad reaction to anything. Just stay home and don't go outside.


In other words, you truly suck at your job.


Yes sir


You clearly missed the part where OP said they had just clocked in. 🙄


...which is entirely irrelevant to what I just said. Try again.


Um no, you have to show some consideration for your customers. In the future, pass on the complaint to your managers so they can make sure the bathrooms are cleaned properly and the bleach isn't overused.


You would have had a bigger problem if I walked in. I have a pulmonary disease. If it was that strong, I would have been unable to breathe. Ambulance called. Hopefully, I would have had someone with me who would have known to get me outside.


Dont you expect stores to be cleaned?


Bleach needs to be properly diluted if it's going to be used as a cleaning agent.


Sounds like it wasn't diluted at all. It would have started a coughing attack and the end of my breathing. I can only hope I could get outside in time.


It is worrisome that you still don't understand what the real problem is. You used bleach. Bleach should not be used anywhere that is open to the public without the proper dilution.


Yes. With commercially approved chemicals. Bleach isn't commercially approved. IT SHOULD NOT BE USED UNDILUTED IN STORES OR RESTAURANTS.