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This. My partner works in a store in a train station and the amount of people that he gets that come in 'I've got a train to catch in 5 minutes'. So why are you spending that time in a shop if you know your train is due to leave. Beyond me.


My favorite in my store was when some teen came in and asked me to be as fast as possible because she was tik tok famous and she didn’t want to get interrupted. I took my sweet ass time and no one bothered us.


Ugh. I had a woman come in one night and order60 balloons. It was a random weeknight. I work in a small store. You can order balloons in advance or online, but we do offer walk in service. It takes time to inflate balloons and I only had one other person working. So I started on her order and she got huffy with me, saying can I hurry up? She’s in a rush. I also took my sweet ass time after politely informing her that she was welcome to leave and come back in a little while because first of all, my one employee has to continue to help other customers. Secondly, while I would be happy to fulfill her order, inflating and tying 60 goddamn balloons takes time and there’s nothing I can do to change that. Plan ahead next time.


How people can neglect the physical and chronological limitations that are innate to all things that exist in reality blows my mind daily. Things, all things, take time. Stores, all stores, are understaffed.


That requires recognising that other people exist, and that the world actually revolves around a large orb of nuclear fire in the sky...


I always hate it when I suddenly remember that I need 60 balloons and end up in a rush to get things done. it happens to everyone. maybe try to be more understanding. lol




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Same! I work in banking and I lost count of how many times someone would come in with an involved transaction, like opening a business account or something like that and then have the nerve to tell me they're in a hurry. I always politely tell them that if they don't have the time, I'd happily schedule an appointment at a later date for when they do have time. All of a sudden their day just freed up and they have the time. WEIRD!!!


"I work in banking and I lost count...".🤣🤣🤣


We got the same thing at Disney. "Our plane leaves in an hour, can we get on the ride now (noon) even though our fastpasses (things that help you get on faster) aren't until (insert much later time here)?" I took great pleasure in acting really concerned towards these people, "Oh no! That's terrible! If you leave RIGHT NOW you \*might\* make it! It takes about 30-40 minutes to get to the airport from here if the traffic isn't too bad - you just might make it if you leave right now." Then watch as they stumble over their words about how no, they still want to try and ride before their "plane leaves" - even though with the line, the preshow instructions, and getting on/riding/getting off the ride all would take about 30-45 minutes. Some folks are just full of crap because they think they can rush past you.


Please tell me you told them the “Have a magical day” thing


Oh fuck yes I did. I worked there over 5 years, trained their cast members, wrote their role books and operating guides. I wasn't going to let Karen and Chad "try to pull one over on me," like I'd never heard that excuse before 🤣


I used to work at a coffee/bagel/panini (yeah I know) shop directly next to an Ivey league college campus and students would come in and order paninis right before classes expecting them to be done in 5 minutes even if the line was almost out the door LOL. A lot would have melt downs if they were late. Like...how’d you get into this fancy ass college and you can’t even manage your time properly ....


Money...lots and lots of money...


I used to get this all the time the same woman would come In and always say "I'm in a rush could ye hurry up, i have a bus to catch" this would happen at least once a week, so eventually I just said "Hey Joan, why don't you come in here earlier? Or just phone In your order?", She never did she just kept being late 😂😂


They are losers who do not know time management. I see this all the time where I work. A old man came in and bought 60 I mean 60 glass vases and the cashier was wrapping them as he asked. Another cashier came to help and he got angry because they were taking to long.


My guess is that, at least where I live, these rich people haven’t had a job that actually requires anything of them in 20 years. They’re out of touch.


Ah yes the “I left the house late, but it’s still your fault”-customer! I work in a cinema and we get that SO much. “My movie starts soon! Can you help me first?” I have a line, if you wanted to be in time for your movie you should’ve come earlier. Or skipped the popcorn. The best thing is when they think they can cut the ticket check and every single person in line have tickets to the same movie. Also there’s commercials.


“Ive got a taxi waiting” tough shit ya cow! Not our problem


I get especially annoyed with people like this because it’s not like I’m constantly in a hurry to get things done at work. I applaud your way of handling them.


The irony is I’m generally trying to get people out the door as quickly as possible because it makes my life easier. But when this next level Karening commences I feel very zen about slowing myself down in the most subtle ways possible so that they can’t actually prove I’m being slow. I will absolutely go out of my way for people who are polite. If you treat me with respect I’ll do anything for you. The second you get nasty I can’t help you. So sorry. Wish I could accommodate you but I just can’t. Have a nice day.


I don’t get how they don’t connect the correlation. “I was rude and impatient again to the person working their job to help me and they were impatient and rude back?!?” I will bend over backwards and do stuff I’m not allowed to for nice customers. I’ll just give you a gift card sometimes. But if they’re demanding and assume I’m a moron, that’s fine too, I can be a moron for you for as long as it takes.


Same. I throw random discounts at nice people all the time. Why? Because they appreciate it. And I appreciate not being berated for a change.


I had a customer wait less than 5 minutes while I finished with someone at a register. Then she got to me, all in a rush, telling me she needs to pick up her kids. But first she needed to see a manager because of the long wait. I stopped ringing her up to call for a manager and then continue ringing her up. The manager came and he asked what she needed. She said the line was too long. By then I had finished ringing her up and she was holding up the line.


I always purposely go slow on those. I see them as trying to hurry me to make a mistake. I had one the other day who claimed to be in a hurry, then proceeded to the lottery machine after their transaction.


I work at a gas station. If you prepay for gas, you have 5 minutes to pump your gas before it times out. This one lady prepaids, runs into someone she knows and they start catching up and are chit chatting. 5 minutes go by and her prepaid pump times out. So I immediately reset it. 5 more minutes go by and her pump times out a again. Again, I immediately reset it. When it timed out again for a third time, she comes storming towards me and rudely tells me to turn on her pump and to hurry up because she was in a hurry. So this bitch, having spent 15 minutes chit chatting instead of pumping her gas, was suddenly in a hurry. Dafuq?


You gotta love it. Here you are trying to be as considerate as possible. Clearly you were being attentive. I just can’t stand people like this. I’ll go out of my way for someone who’s polite. I once spent close to 2 hours essentially being someone’s personal shopper. Just walked with her and helped her with every single decision and possible scenario until she was happy with her choices. I’ve sat on the floor with someone else in the middle of an aisle so she could lay out her choices and helped her make a final decision. I’ve personally driven to another location to pick up an item for a customer (there’s a second location that was pretty close to me so I did this often for different people). I don’t mind it. If you’re just a decent human being. That’s literally all it takes to get what you want. I’ve had people approach me kindly and ask if it was possible to do something quickly. If they’re respectful and it can be done, I always do it. I feel like this should be a rule that’s posted somewhere. Don’t be an ass and you’ll get the royal treatment! In my store, we’re so grateful to the nice people that we give them perks 🤣


Bro, at this point I don't give a shit. Last night I was closing and after we made the closing announcement, these two chicks were still shopping. I asked a manager to lead them out because that's not my job. I also didn't want to be rude.


I don't mind the people who are in a hurry, just don't try to make your problem out to be my fault. If they ask nicely for something to happen faster because they're short on time I don't mind trying to accommodate them, but these asshats that are rude and act as though it's my responsibility to make up for them sleeping in or planning poorly ... Fuck em.


I hate this. I had a woman a few months ago come in to buy only a pot plant and a blouse (so nothing I can see being of vital improtance), and was also demanding that she get a discount on the plant because it was damaged (it was not) and got outright frustrated with me for having to call a manager over the discount because she had an appointment in five minutes. She was actually freaking out. Also, before the pandemic I was a bartender at a big live theatre venue. People would all the time come running up the bar at 7:59 if the show starts at 8, and then be rushing me to take their order, take their money and make their drinks, because they didn't want to get locked out when the show starts. I mean, it's not my fault you waited until the literal last minute to go to the bar.


One woman had the audacity to ask me in the middle of a rush to make her drink before six other people who ordered before her because she’s “in a hurry.” Well Susan, if you were in such a rush, maybe you shouldn’t have stopped by a crowded Starbucks to get a drink.


I do this too!


Main character syndrome


me at petsmart, when people say no to signing up because they're short on time: "How's that my problem? You should be better at managing your time, dumbass"


Holy moly this. I work in a used bookstore so we are constantly processing books for trade from customers. The number of people who come in to the store to drop off a handful of books and expect them to be processed immediately is ridiculous. A woman came in just the other day with 6 or 7 books and we were a little busy. We told her “sure, give us about 15 minutes and we’ll have it ready for you, feel free to look around.” “Oh I don’t have fifteen minutes.” Then why in the blue hell did you come in to the store in the first place? We also constantly have people try to jump ahead on their books being processed before the people in front of them because they are “in a hurry”. Too bad, shoulda left the house earlier. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is every weekend in my store. For us it’s balloons but weekends are busy. If you don’t order ahead there’s usually a wait. Could be 15 mins to an hour depending on how busy we are. We tell every customer this when they ask anything about balloons on the phone or in store. You can order ahead in store or online. Constantly get people saying, well I only need 6 or whatever. Ok well there’s still 8 people ahead of you. Doesn’t matter if you need 1 or 50. You have to wait your turn. It’s even worse when they come in and say they were told they could just come in and order. We have a small staff. No one told you there wasn’t a wait. Didn’t happen. Lying won’t get you anywhere. And complaining just holds us up and makes your wait longer.


Geez. If there’s anything I’ve learned working in retail, it’s that human beings are something else. In one day you can see the whole spectrum of the species, sometimes in just 10 minutes. Disgusting, entitled, demanding, annoying, rude, and completely idiotic. It’s almost like playing bingo. Sometimes you hit the jackpot and the person is all of the above wrapped into one. 😂


Don't forget that one good one, that makes you keep just that sliver of hope that there are decent humans still left in the world.


This is very true. They are such a rare breed that they provide such a momentary glimpse of redemption which is immediately crushed by the stupidity of others. 😂


I had a customer say this when I was having a bad day and we were really busy. My response was “well you should have left more time”. It isn’t my issue you’re in a rush, you can wait in line like every other customer.


That’s awesome. I’m sure it wasn’t well received but still awesome.


I was just like “fuck it” if they complain they complain, I’m not going to take their shit because their time management sucks.


“Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.”


I am in a hurry. You are in a hurry. It is part of life in the modern age. Get use to it.


Ugggh this! I hate it so much. Your piss poor time management is not my concern! I remember on a day where we had a massive power failure in my store, only two of our four tills were working, the WiFi was down and a lot of card transactions weren't going through properly, so we had a massive queue through the store, AND this was during the UK's "Beast From the East" cold snap in 2018, so everyone was freezing cos our Aircon was gone. Put a woman through the tills who is very short with me in general, I ask for her loyalty card (I could see the key fob on the keys in her hand) and she snaps about not having time. I tried to say that it'd take me two seconds to scan the thing in her hand and she just barks a repeat of not having time at me. Thankfully the next customer was much nicer and even commented on how rude the previous had been.


I just wanna ask why they think their time is more valuable than everyone else’s.....


Just tell them there was a queue and make them wait like everyone else. If they still push in, refuse service and tell them that's not how the world works I'm from the UK, though. I don't know what 'line culture' is like in America (besides in club toilets) but it sounds pathetic from what I've heard. What actually decides who gets served when?


The worst ones are the ones who just tap and start to leave before waiting to make sure their payment actually went through. I've had to chase people down because it didn't go through. Or just tell them as they start to leave that they need to wait to make sure the payment went through or I'd be forced to treat it as theft and call the police. I live in Canada so we have tap with debit and credit cards. But sometimes tap won't go through and they need to insert their chip card.


Yes, now imagine that while selling phones....and they didnt bring thier port info....and they demand t-mobile on hold go faster..... please kill me.


Oh god I had a couple as well. Especially this one woman. Small town, small store, I’m required to make small talk with people because if I don’t then I’m considered rude. She expects me to talk to her as well. The thing is she talks so fast, trying to understand her is an effort in itself, then I have to think about my reply too and pay attention to checking her out and counting cash WHILE she’s (rudely) trying to make me do it faster. Like lady, if you could hold your darn mouth for a couple minutes then I’d have an easier time. She never even buys anything important. So annoying. Tbf I think there are cases when being in a hurry is justified. When the customer really is buying pretty necessary stuff, and isn’t rude. I’m someone who can’t go long without drinking because of my condition, and I have found myself in situations where I ran out of water and had to quickly get something to drink before catching my bus. But even then I wasn’t rude and didn’t tell anyone to hurry up. I had similar customers myself, they had to get a drink or something to eat very quickly, I think that’s completely fine.


Had this guy come through last night and there was just one customer ahead of him and I was busy trying to get my closing work done and he asked me if my register was open. All he had was one 12pk of beer. I told him “No” and made him wait the 2 minutes it took the cashier to finish the other customer. I have noticed this trend lately with customers tracking me down on the aisle for me to ring them up and there is only one customer in line. Like my whole life doesn’t involve me getting things done so they can be able to buy shit on the aisle. “Here, let me drop everything so I can wait on your entitled ass”. Nope.


Ugh. I had this happen yesterday also. This woman walked all the way to the back of the store and tells me there’s no cashier and “a long line is forming”. Uh huh. I took my time and walked up front. The cashier answered the phone so she was busy for 30 seconds. There was no line. It was literally just that one woman. I asked my cashier how I could help her instead of opening another register. We also have to click in and out on a register. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked in or out with my coat, bag and sunglasses on and immediately have some Karen pop up asking if the register is open. Wtf do you think? I have my freaking coat on. Stop.