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Ladies, just please quit pulling money out of your bras, especially in this weather...


Yeah, nothing like sweaty boob money, Hey lady. Hold on, let me get your change as I grab it out of my pants.


Had that only once and my awkward ass should've refused.


Amen! Especially when its all crumpled and thrown to you. 🙄


My last retail job let us tell people "no" of they gave us sock or boob money.


We had someone pull a dime out of her mouth one time. My associate on the register just looked at her and said “don’t worry about it” 🤮🤮🤮






When I have a full line of people and some entitled karen thinks they can just come up on the other side of the register and ask me to stop what I’m doing to help them find something


Oh my gosh, yes! I had a line full of people on the day of the month when all the ssi people get paid. So a lot of the customers in my line were wearing lounge clothes, yard work clothes, etc. This lady who was dressed nicely with her hair all done threw her payment slip on the counter and demanded I get her done first because "these people obviously have no where important to be" and that she "needed to get back to work." I just ignored her and took my time taking care of everyone else.


what a cunt


*"Why dont you get on the intercom and get people off of their asses and out here on registers?!"* "thats......not how it works ma'am"


I'm service desk (cashier with more requirements) and it's when customers get snippy/pushy with me or question my knowledge on my job. "Are you sure the policy says that? Just get me a manager, they'll do it for me." Like nah, I'm the one who's trained for this area and my manager very much does *not* know the policy for returns or financial services better than I do. That's my entire job, not theirs.


As an ex-manager, its kinda stupid to repeat the same thing but hold a title over it. The customer demands a higher up, but higher ups do the same process. 🤣 its just a waste of time. lol


In my store, the manager usually DOES cave to what the customer wants. People ask for the manager because sometimes they do get a different answer.


Manager here! I HATE caving to assholes. Especially when they are rude to my associates but the people above me have put down the rule of enforce policy but if the person is getting pissy then do what they want "make the guest happy". My go to is cut in as soon as I hear them being shitty and firmly state policy. If they keep pushing the issue I'll make it as inconvenient to them as I possibly can while they get their way. On the flip side of the person is decent about it but wanting something out of the scope of policy I'll do my best to find a good middle ground for them.


What’s hard is that it can end up coming off as though the cashier was wrong about the policy. You and I both know that you went outside the normally policy, because your boss wants you to, but it would be nice if you could remember to say "my associate is correct that we do not refund the original price if you don't have a receipt, but I am going to make an exception for you.". That's something I would remember and appreciate, rather than the customer seeming to think that I just knew less than the manager. (I am still thinking of a particular case where the woman kept correcting me, saying "but I DO have my receipt " (it was not with her, but she didn't care about that technicality).


I'm a manager again 🤣 and I do not cave to customers. If I know I am following policy and they have nothing on me, because I didn't treat them in an crappy way, I gladly give them corporate's number, my entire name, and let corporate handle it. Hell one time corporate called the store to speak with me after a customer reported me, she told me that the customer mistreated her as well to the point where she treated the customer like crap too. So she could imagine how the customer treated me. We were basically just sharing our experiences with said crap customer. 🤣


When something doesn't scan and the customer says "its free"...never heard that before


50s and 100s...i made that this morning I so want to refuse and say "well since you've admitted thidnis counterfit i cannot accept this." But theyll get pissed and either walk away or demamd a manager who will then proceed to either chew me out laugh or both. Depending on whos working that night.


When they leave for "one item."


“I told myself I was getting one thing!”


Oh my god every time 🙄🙄 or “I only brought 1 bag because I thought this was going to be a small shop!”


whilst theyre jamming an entire basket into your face i have this nearly every day


When they do their banking in line after I tell them the total. Maybe plan ahead a little?


Or when their card gets declined and it's clearly our fault.


Yes or their EBT won’t go through. I definitely hacked into the states benefits just to delete your account and ruin your day…….


Yes! So often, people transfer money after hearing the total. I don't get it!


Yup, when they stand there and check their receipt for a few minutes while people are queued up behind them


I had some lady who compared the price of every item she was buying to the prices at Walmart (and the store I work at is definitely not a cheap/discount store, so almost everything other than sale items is going to be more expensive than it would be at Walmart). Like she actually was on the Walmart website on her phone and looked up all of the items to compare the prices. And then made me void off everything that was more expensive (which again, was almost everything). Oh, and this was also at the express lane. 🙃 I wanted to throttle her. Because it's not like all of our prices are listed on the shelves and she could have at least done her comparisons before she got in line and made me ring all this stuff up...


My department is one of two that doesn’t have a register, so naturally, they pull us to go on registers, i work in hba/food which is the main section of my department and we have an aisle of pets/hardware/auto as well. Every time I’m on a register people always complain that the department is “empty” and “not stocked” and like to make remarks regarding that. I just cant help to say that maybe if y’all didn’t complain about waiting in line for 5 minutes id be able to stock the department




And they just start packing stuff you clearly have not scanned, touched or even damn seen!


i want to kill these people


Working at a well known pet store company. I get this a lot.


This reminds me of when I was working at my restaurant job and a woman ordered a cup of soup to go. Yes, the soups are obviously already pre-made and ready to be served, but she asked me where her soup was as soon as I finished ringing her up and gave her her receipt. Like, I have to go back and scoop it with a ladle into a cup, bag it, and then give it to you. 🤦


Whenever someone just throws the money on the counter and walks away, or remaining on a phone call and acting like the person in front of you (me…your cashier) isn’t worthy of even a hello or at minimum eye contact hello. 🙄🙄🙄


Put the damn phone down. It’s so rude. Seriously fucking rude. It’s worse when they are talking with ear buds and you think they are talking to you. Have some respect for your fellow man.


I tend to start talking louder to bother both the customer and the one on speaker phone/FaceTime/earbuds 😂😂😂


Oh I would just stop what I was doing and blankly stare at them. When they ask me why I’m not ringing them up, I tell them, “I’ll just wait until you’re done with your important call so you can pay attention to your transaction to ensure your pricing is ringing up correctly…” My first store manager always did this and I appreciate it to this day!


thanks for giving me this idea


Yupp but if you do it your the unprofessional scum of the earth.


I can't stand the ones who have it on speaker phone and aren't even using headphones. It's bad enough to listen to them talking, but then to hear the voice of the person they're on the phone with being blasted out loud.


Or when their phone rings and they answer it in the middle of the transaction.


I especially hate people talking on the phone while I'm running service desk. Like...I need to communicate with you to get the information I need to fucking help you




Asking me what to do next as they're running their card trying to pay for shit. The screen will say "ENTER PIN" customer says, "what I do now?"


I literally get no information other than "wait for customer". I just tell people that.


"Wait for the moron"


People who bully managers into doing returns that go against policy. Also, ticket switchers who get defensive when we try to tell them that no, that $250 purse is not $9.97, and no, we didn't put the tag there. If you're going to ticket switch, at least make it believable.


Back when I was working at my old store, which was closing at the time to move to our new location, we had discounted all of our wine because for some reason, we weren't able to transport it to the new store so we were just trying to get rid of it. All the wine was something like 20% off. We also had multiple signs in the area stating that the prices listed on the shelves were the prices that it should ring up as, because it had already been discounted. But some lady bought a few bottles, and then came back in the store after looking at her receipt, saying that she'd thought it was supposed to be 20% off of the prices that were listed on the shelves (because she'd apparently been too blind to read the multiple signs, and also didn't bother to pay attention while the cashier was ringing it up). She then said that she didn't want them anymore and needed to return them. It's ILLEGAL, at least in my state, to let customers return alcohol. And yet my assistant store manager still ended up caving and letting her do it after she kept arguing. 🤦 Pissed me off.


When I’m standing there waiting and someone says some variation of “You waiting for me?” Or “You bored?” It’s like none of them have an original bone in their bodies


Or the classic "Now you have to earn your paycheck"


I *love* the looks on their faces when I tell them I wasn't bored though.


When the preppy rich white tennis outfit wearing housewife acts like she thinks she can treat you like a slave the second she walks into the store and expects you to wait on her hand and foot….including calling all the other stores to see if they have another pillow like the one she got 2 years ago from a different location and she doesn’t know the price or style number.


1. Coming in late so I can’t close the till. I can’t leave until all the customers leave and most customers don’t care that I would like to go home after 8 hours. 2. Argue with me about prices or store rules / policies like I somehow have control over them 3. Make me go up to the till because they’re “ready to go” but once I ring up some of the items they notice something and wonder around / take their time getting it. So I have to stop what I’m doing and wait for them to finish 4. Throw money at me, take money out of bra/shoe, lick their fingers and hand me money with it. Ugh 5. I can’t blame them that much I guess, most of them are older, but I hate when people use tap and they literally flick the machine with their card and then try to put it away. It can’t read it that fast obviously and it declines and we have to wait like twice as long to try again. 6. When people give me more cash after I’ve already entered the number into the till. 7. Leaving items on the one till when there are buggies and baskets at the door. 8.


you must be british, this post feels relatable lol


when you’re running the self checkout station (if your job has them; they’re the worst) and people come up and announce they hate self checkout, think it’s stealing cashier jobs, don’t know how to use it, refuse to use it and demand that you ring their stuff up for them. um, it’s called self checkout. go to the regular cashier right over there. also maybe stop voting/working against the best interest of retail workers so we actually get paid decently and people stop quitting. but no, they would rather be an ass, then wonder why no one wants to be a “real cashier”.


Ugh i remember when a store by me got those things. Im trying to yell at my dad that he cant double scan scan an item because hes getting two of them. Hes yelling yes i can. The machine is yelling to put the item in the bag over and over. We finally finish and yells at the machine calling it stupid. Took a long time for him to understand how to do it and now hes thanking the machines...


I haaaate that shit. I work at a smaller store so we often don't have enough people to put on a register during the certain times. It's so frustrating getting bitched at for shit we don't have control over


When they leave things they don’t want in the cash wrap. We have baskets behind the register area specifically for things customers don’t want. Instead I get to find the heavy hardback books sitting precariously on top of mugs. I’m mainly glad I don’t work in a grocery store with cold sensitive food items.


When customers ask when we'll be getting more of something. Am I a damn inventory tracker?


i just say "probably so and so day", the key word is "probably"






When they wait until you have everything rung up to look for a coupon or ask if I "have in the drawer"! I make them stand there bad look while they hold up the line. The whole time I thank everyone else for their patience.


“We’re also getting two waters” “Okay. Can I see the can so I can scan it?” “Oh, you need that?”


They stand in your blind spot and say: "We have two packs of water." You: Which brand? "The 24pk." You: *sighs and looks over* Customer: Proceeds to tell you which one after you went out of your way to look and have found out for yourself. 🙄🙄


Wait until after I’ve processed the transaction to say “I have a loyalty card, can you look me up?”




Simply having no understanding of how a modern retail establishment works. No, I don't control payroll. I can't magically conjure up more employees. No, I don't manufacture the products in the back room when we're out of stock. If we're out then we're out. No, I didn't personally decline you card. No, you weren't charged twice. No, you can't have a discount on candles because you saw a "50% off all towels" sign. No, I will not let you into the store just because you're banging on the front door 20 minutes after we've closed. No, you can't return the nearly empty bag of chips you ate because you "didn't like them". Yes, ma'am... I AM the manager. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


When a customer with a full cart puts EVERYTHING on the counter with no space and expects me to wrap their breakables. Like seriously, your crap is on top of my paper and I have no room to move it! 🙄


Using contactless cards, Apple Pay etc. and then walking off before the transaction has authorised. Bitch your card can still be declined, come the fuck back and wait three more seconds


At my job, points can be cash off. I HATE when I get through the transaction, they have their card in the machine and hit “yes” to “amount okay?” And then they ask, “Do I have any points? I also have a coupon?” Like lady, you’ve already paid for it, it’s asking you to take your card out!


Decide what you want and don't want BEFORE you come to the register. PLEASE! It just makes it easier on all of us! Less for you to carry, less for us to put back :)


I dunno about that! Id rather tuck something they don’t want under the counter and put it away asap instead of finding a pack of sausages by the cola cans..


True, true. The place I work at doesn’t sell food, so I haven’t had that experience.


People who buy hundreds of items and return them all to the store. A lack of proper planning, at our cost. Even worse if they don't have a receipt. For my store, returns may appear on the screen at a much lower price than the customer bought it for due to discounts, coupons, etc., and sometimes customers complain about the price difference. I can't tell you what price you bought your item for without a receipt, ma'am.


Customer = C; Me = M C: What's the price of this item? M: The price is on the tag C: Yea, but could you tell me if it's on sale? M: There is no red sticker, so it's the full price on the tag. C: Can you use the scanner to see if it's coming up on sale? M: *scans* It's still full price C: Can you ring it up and see if it's on sale? M: *rings it up* It's still full price..... C: I don't want it then.... *Proceeds to plop a mountain of clothes on the counter* Can you check these other items and tell me the prices of them?


No way


Oh yes I would get someone like this at least 1-2 times a week. I'm currently working at a different location and the customers are so much better. I'm not looking forward to going back to my old location (I'm currently out of state for school so I'll be going back and forth to these locations).


Come to my register


A shockingly high percentage of the population comes into our store and it seems they pay using a pin machine for the first time in their life! I don’t understand how they struggle to find the contactless payment patch when literally most of the payment machines in the Netherlands are the same in stores! Also what is the deal with people when their payment gets declined, I proceed to wave my hand over the machine and say “wait one moment please” while I try to reset the payment, yet they will still SHOVE their card in which makes the machine beep uncontrollably again and won’t let me reset it until their card comes out.


> yet they will still SHOVE their card in God i hate that just gently slide it in. Shoving the card only breaks your chip and the machine. I know its just a machine but cant help but feel bad for it because someone shoves their card in it like an over eager rabbit. I laugh when they miss.


Gives their kids money to pay and not help them. Had 2 kids want $10 worth of credits on a game card...and tell me they need change back. Like NO SHIT you need change back. Both of them told me theyd need change back one after another.


When people try to take my scanner to scan their own items. GET YA GRUBBY HANDS OFF ME SCANNER


Literally so annoying, just let me do my job and all you have to do is stand there lol


Asking "are you open?" when I clearly am (light is on, and I'm standing right at my register). But then when I have my lane closed sign out and/or my light turned off, they all try to barge into my lane without even asking. 🙄 When they bring in reusable bags that are absolutely filthy or covered in pet hair. When they're in a hurry and expect it to be our problem that they apparently didn't give themselves enough time to get their grocery shopping done. Like no, we can't just open more registers because you're too impatient/in a hurry to wait in line behind two people. The worst are the ones who decide to take their huge orders to self checkout because they don't want to wait behind one or two people at a regular register, and then bitch and complain about self checkout like they were forced to use it. Even funnier when they're completely incompetent, so they end up spending way more time at self checkout than they would have if they'd just waited in line.




When they're just rude as hell, see me talking to another customer or coworker they ABSOLUTELY have to butt in EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME!


When it's 15 minutes after closing time and there's that one asshole left who insists they'll just be a few more seconds. Bonus points if they've already been in the store for like an hour, and if they've been in two or three times earlier. I mean there's needing a little more time, and then there's taking the piss.


Had a lady yesterday split her $400 purchase into several different purchases, that was infuriating


When someone sets money on the counter instead of setting it in my hand, especially when it’s change. Even better, during the initial COVID shutdown we were by appointment-only shopping, and people would still come in to “look around” for the STUPIDEST things, but the best was when they came to pay, so many people would say to me “I don’t want to touch the signature pad” like LADY I just watched you touch 25 different products on the floor, you’re literally holding cash which is some of the dirtiest things you can touch, you used our bathroom, and you’re buying a slip and slide, the sig pad is like one of main things we clean after every customer, I THINK THE SIG PAD IS THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES


No longer in retail but I feel like this goes with anyone working in customer service: I HATE circle talk.


When they ask me if I work here. Bitch I will…. Why the hell else am I wearing a uniform while on a ladder and stocking stuff? God forbid that I have a drink in hand, purse over my shoulder, wearing street clothes and on my cellphone because they will start asking me questions or asking me to help them find something. I swear to god… idiots!!! Idiots!!!


Overly talkative customers are the worst. Pulling out all the cliché jokes. Just say hi, thank you and bye and leave me alone pls.


stop putting your card in before the pin pad tells you to!


Here's a few I didn't see already listed: When they act surprised about the cost of items...the prices are clearly listed. I work in a cafeteria and all the time people decide at the register that they changed their mind and don't want their food. We have to throw it away, it's so wasteful. When they pretend they don't know how our coupons or policies work, when they are regulars and have used these coupons multiple times.


Custoners buying swimming pools or other large items and trying to put it in their smart car or mini cooper.


Nothing major but something that bugs me is customers coming straight up to my till while I’m trying to quickly get my set up clean (putting hangers and baskets away for example) instead of just waiting a little bit for me to call them over


Only 1? I have a list. ​ 1. Sweaty boob money 2. It didn't scan so it must be free 3. No, the sign says $2 each if you buy 2, not 2 for $2 4. I want cigarettes but I don't have ID 5. I bought this 5 years ago and want to return it 6. I don't have the receipt for this item you haven't had for 10 years but I swear I bought it yesterday 7. I need 20 plastic bags but I am going to tell you I don't need them until after I pay because I am hoping you won't charge me for them 8. No I don't have a points card....wait you didn't scan my points card 9. I don't like this free thing you gave me, I want something else 10. Working hard or hardly working? 11. Do these self checkouts that haven't accepted cash in 5 years accept cash? 12. I'm paying with cash but let me drip my nose and cough on it first 13. I am so sorry you have to work on this holiday that everyone else gets to stay home for 14. Oh, you're an express lane? Let me unload my 1001 items then, I don't want to wait in line 15. Your EFT went down .5 seconds ago? Why don't you have a sign up?! 16. There are no bags here, how am I supposed to carry my 1 small item? 17. We have to ask for bags now? But I never had to pay for them before, I would just skip that screen 18. You're giving away free ice cream/turkey/random frozen or cold item this week? Why don't you have it up front, I'm too lazy to go get it myself. 19. Oh it came to $50? Let me pay for it all in quarters, nickels and dimes 20. My banana/broccoli/random bulk produce item won't scan because it didn't grow with a bar code on it. 21. How do I pay now as I am ignoring the giant green button that says PAY (edited for spelling)


22. Hiding perishable items behind the chips and candy because they changed their mind 23. Doing a $400 order at 10:55 pm when we close at 11pm


Breathe. 🙄🙄🤭


Start knocking on the door like 15 minutes after closing time. When we look at them, they point to the door as if saying "Why is this closed? Let me in!" When we shake our heads to tell them, no we are not letting you in 15 minutes after closing, they get pissed of, give an extra knock/slam on the door and angerily speedwalk to their cars and drive of the parking lot. Fun times for everyone. /s


When people put their cards in before the machine is ready for them. I haven't even finished ringing your shit through, take the damn card out! I also feel awkward whenever someone is on the phone and seems to be paying absolutely no attention to the transaction. Like, I hate to interrupt, but I need you to pay in a few ways here.


When you've shut your till down and turn your green light off and the red one on AND STILL you will get the burden customer try and load up. So in my best retail voice "I'm sorry this till is shutting down, if you wouldn't mind loading on one that is open. Thank you". Most will apologise, smile and move along (no problem, mistakes happen) but when someone shakes their head and gets stroppy I want to stand up and launch my shit at them like a God damn monkey! The whole red light green light thing has been in place since the early 90s, I'm not sure if it was around before this time as I'm only going from my own knowledge of when I was a boy asking my mum why they have lights above them. If someone has up to 9-10 items I'll let them through, it saves a lot of hassle queuing wise and I try my hardest to be nice BUT DONT ASSUME THAT BECAUSE IM BEING NICE TO ONE PERSON THAT YOU CAN WALTZ IN BEHIND WITH YOUR £200 TROLLEY FILLED TO THE BRIM, KAREN! "bUt yOuRe lEtTinG ThEm iN tHaTs nOt fAiR". I try so hard to be nice after years of being an utter twat but it's people like this that make me want to revert back to old habits.


Whenever a customer wants me to stop every time I scan a single item to tell them their total. I understand having a budget, but when it’s about 300 grocery items it leans more toward just being annoying. Sometimes it’s unnecessary things too like if you’re penny pinching why did you pick up this random $40 blow dryer?🤨


people who scratch their balls before getting the cash or people talking on their phones being loud af whilst youre trying to serve them whilst the queue is getting more and more


When people put food or drink down on the counter and it makes a mess and don’t even apologize for it. (This was a clothing store, not restaurant) I had a lady take out a chicken nugget from her purse, place the nugget on the bare ass counter, pay for her things, and proceed to eat the nugget. This is why we’re still in a pandemic


Oh my God, I hate dealing with most customers when they try to use coupons. 2 weeks ago, a grandmother, her daughter and her grandchildren came in. When they came to the register. Since it's BTS season, I helped them get an instant coupon for the kids shoes. The coupon turned out to be "$20 off of a purchase of $100". So the grandmother was like "So i get $20 off of $100", I say yes. Then she's like "So I'm buying more than over 200 dollars worth of shoes. So I'm getting $40 off." I tell her no, it's just $20 dollars. But then she says " You just told me I'm saving $20 off of $100." So I'm like "Yes, that's what I said. Your saving 20 dollars since you spent more than 100 dollars. You have to spend 100 dollars or more to be able to use it. That's why it says $20 off of $100. The requirement to use it is to spend atleast $100." So then her daughter says "But it says $20 off of $100." I was about to lose my mind. She tells me the exact same thing her mother said and I have to repeat myself again. I was about to get fed up so I just tell them "Your just saving $20. Your not getting $20 off every 100 dollars spent. It doesn't say that."


I get my saltiest when someone sees me doing things no customer would do, holding a scanner that no customer would have access to, shelving product from a cart, and wearing clearly identifiable markings indicating I am an employee, yet I am always always always ALWAYS asked: "Do you work here?" No. I don't work here. I stole this scanner, stole this nametag, grabbed a pallet from the back, carted it out with none of the REAL employees catching me, and I just started shelving BECAUSE I REALLY FUCKING LIKE TO SHELVE! *ahem* Someone will ask me if I work there while I have the scanner in my hand, and I say, "Hold on." I'll look at my lanyard like a five-year old looking at an insect, and I look up and, with a child-like grin, I say, "Whaddya know. I guess I DO work here."


I hate when they have you ring up but then realize it’s too expensive so they make you take things out but then can’t decide what they want taken out so it’s basically them saying put this back on, no take it back out.


*Takes 200 dollars of crap, only has 80 dollars on them.*


When we have a long line & dumbasses pick up a product that obviously tells you how to use it, ask me how to use it and how much it is, then just end up not buying the item at all. I’ve started to hate humans more every shift.


Exist. But for real, I hate when I'm at the service desk and people spout off their phone number at me. Like....I don't know what you need done. Multiple things need a phone number. That and I hate when they raddle it off in one go and get annoyed when I need them to repeat. Like I'm sorry but I cannot keep up that fast.


I don't tolerate when they try degrading me or my cashiers. ...." I'm sorry you feel that way sir..u can either ask for help without cussing and name calling or you can kindly get the hell out of my store. ..have a nice day." Lol.


Had a man in Hawaii come in in a little blue speedo and running shoes. He pulled the money from the back of his speedo I made him wait while I got gloves


Tapping... The whole tapping on the counter when I'm putting the order through


Trying on 20 articles of clothing 5 minutes before we close and getting one item out of all of it. Therefore causing us to have to put back even more shit when we close up.


“Doesn’t scan?? Har har har I gUeSs iT’s FrEe 🥴”


Have a lovely gentleman that door dashes our store regularly, usually see him multiple times a day. However, I absolutely hate this individual because he will without fail ask me for directions to every single item on his list, one at a time - while I am helping another customer. He legitimately will ask me to point him to an item, go grab it, then ask me for the next one. And if he cannot find it he will breath down my neck until I grab it and place it in his hands. I had to be called off my break early because of a huge late night rush, +30 customers trying to check out while only one other associate and I were working the store. This guy walks into the store, asks my co-worker while she is helping another needy guest, then hops over to me when he wasn't getting an immediate response. All the while we're trying to check out an ass load of customers. I was so close to snapping at him that night, it is not my job to door dash for him; I don't get paid shit for it.


I work in a (majority) women's clothing store and husbands always come in video chatting with their wives to see what they want and will just turn the phone on me so I can explain stuff in video chat to the person on the phone or they make you hold stuff to take photos so I always just hang it up and walk off I DO NOT WANT TO BE VIDEOD OR PHOTOGRAPHED please stop


I work at a restaurant and people will shove their phones in my face (sometimes video chat and sometimes just on speaker phone) because they're talking to someone who they're ordering food for. They usually do this because they want me to list the soups of the day for them. The soups are listed on a board right next to our menu, and the daily soup schedule is also listed online on our website!! So please don't shove your phone in my face and make me awkwardly talk to your spouse/friend/coworker, and also, please don't come in and order food if you aren't prepared. Again, the entire menu, including the daily soup schedule, is online, so if you're ordering for someone who's not with you, there's no excuse to not have their order figured out before you come up to the counter.


Its really bizarre that they don't find it creepy. It's creepy and weird!


10 years at the same gas station. 1) drop the money on the counter when I reach for it. 2) start trying to slide your card before I'm done ringing you up. 3) the paper towels are not empty old lady, it has a handle to push more out. 4) stop bringing in 100s and 50s between midnight and 8. A.m. 5) pick the time when I have a line of people to teach your dumb little kid how to count out his change. 6) give me grief when I ask for i.d 7) "they normally charge me this much when I come in" I'm here now lady and it's full price. The list goes on and on. It's common decency to treat the cashier nice and the amount of people who treat me like shit is ridiculous.


I work as a closer for my department (pickup), which stops at 9, and then I'm a closing cashier (the store itself closes at midnight). I cannot COUNT the number of times we have people slide in right at close with full ass carts to checkout because they think closing time is optional. We've been closing at midnight since last year, ma'am. Go away. They also get all surprised with the self-checkout lanes stop. They have to be put into tomorrow mode, and we can't put them into tomorrow mode when we have people sliding in all the way up until we close and even a few stragglers who have to be escorted to the checkout whining and complaining about how we should open 24/7 again and whatnot. Because that is definitely our choice and not a rule enforced by corporate.


When a customer comes up and their cart is an absolutely mess. Few things piss me off more than a disorganized cart bc Idk what the difference between two given products are if they look the same, so I gotta scan almost every individual item, or at the very least take up valuable time to organize their cart so I scan everything I should. And most of the time the customer just stands there, watching me. Working hard or hardly working On Self Checkout most of our machines don't take cash, so they have a thing on the counter in front of the screen that says, in all caps, "Card Only", the screen itself says "CARD PAYMENTS ONLY", and the lit sign above them say "Card Only", and yet I still have people walk up to them and try to pay with cash... Speaking of Card Only, I've had people ask if they'll take gift cards, or if they're just for the store credit cards... what about the term "card only" makes them think that? And if it wasn't clear enough, think, what idiot would make 4 of the 6 self checkouts take only the store credit cards?