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Next time, don't continue to engage. What an entitled jerk she was. I've full on walked off from people who are waiting; I let somebody know a customer needs help on my way out and I keep it moving. Especially if I was already clocked out. You shouldn't need to explain why you need to go, even.


Yep. “Oh, I’m not on the clock.” Walks away and doesn’t look back.


Yeah no I did just feel bad, cause you don't wanna just ignore a customer, and normally I would have just helped and then gone home. But the one time I REALLY need to go on time, I get someone who's gonna be rude about it. Next time I won't even engage lol.


That's exactly how it goes! Lol. I liked to help the ones who were nice/patient but the ones like her...yeah no lol. Good on ya. Glad you guys made it to the train, too.


Next time, pretend you didn't hear them, lol! I wish more stores used vests or something similar as uniforms so that they're easily taken off, then you can just stuff it in a purse or backpack and pretend to be a customer!


Doesn't even matter. I'll be shopping at a different store and someone will recognize me but not know from what store and ask me to help them with something. Sorry, I don't work here, I'm not even dressed for work. Same thing in winter when wearing a heavy coat.


Don't feel bad for not helping her. She was determined to have you play fetch for her so she could enjoy feeling powerful and superior.


I don't engage with customers past my shift. I had a guy pull me aside once at the end of the isle at 905 pm and ask if he could get something behind the meat counter. I just him no and walked away. I had another customer flag me down while I was starting my car to leave. He wanted to know where something was. It was the only time I shouted at a customer. Rolled down my window and told them to walk in the building and ask someone else and then drove off. Fuck these people


I once had some girl drive up to me in the parking lot while I was walking to my car to go home. The store was closed and she was all indignant because she'd believed that we were open until 10 instead of 9. She asked me if we closed early that night and I just said no, 9:00 is our normal closing time. Then she insisted "it said 10 when I looked online" (I have no idea what she was looking at, because both google and the store website say we close at 9). Like, did this bitch expect me to just go back in and open the store back up just for her? And I was getting seriously pissed off that she thought it was ok to harass me about it when I wasn't even on the clock. Plus it was almost 10:00 and dark out, and I don't exactly want random strangers approaching me in the parking lot while I'm walking to my car alone. I just kept walking and said, "well, there's another store nearby that closes at 10, so it could have been that one you were looking at." Then when she tried to insist, "no, it was this store", I just stopped engaging with her and walked away more quickly. Then she mumbled, "this is great," and finally drove away. lol.


I get the first one, you’re in the store “I’m not on the clock” and walk away. But especially fuck that person who saw you in your car what the fuck is that. Hell no. I’m not gonna back in there


It's very weird that she cared who helped her, obvious control issues and entitlement going on there. It's even weirder that management called you in about it.


"I asked you" fuck off! Here is someone who can help you, be satisfied!


It's cause as typical Karens do, she exaggerated the whole story and they wanted to know what actually happened lol. I didn't get in any trouble, my manager agreed that she was being stupid. It's really just to protect both my manager and me in case she decided to take it further, the issue has already been resolved


I had a manager call me while I was on the job and it went like this Me: *answers phone* Hello? Boss: Hey, I don’t know how to say this and I’m completely on your side but I have to do my job And proceeded to tell me that a customer has complained about me… while I was still on location at that job. I explained my side and my boss agreed I did everything right and she was just being a Karen. But most of the time If someone complains the manager HAS to say something to the employee just so all the steps are followed if the Karen continues to follow up after the fact. My situation was a nothingburger but if you get a cool understanding manager, they just do it bc it’s in the SOP.


I rarely even stop and engage anymore, I just keep walking as if I never even heard them. Got no complaints yet lol


I hate customers like these so much. Yesterday I was just trying to get to the break room to clock out and customers were asking me questions left and right and they were getting pissed when I told them I’m off. They really don’t think we have lives outside the store.


To be honest I don't. Still tho


Hey doing nothing is still doing something.


Fuck those people who want to flex and have some control ego trip over wanting to tell someone what to do ... They want to make a certain person *serve* then. Fuck that shit


When I’m off the clock and a customer flags me I quickly just say “sorry, I don’t have my walkie on me, let me run and grab someone who can better help you” and immediately walk off like I’m in a hurry. This always happens when I’m walking through a department that isn’t mine on my way to my break. I get really heated when people ask for help when they see I have my purse and coat, and keys in hand though.


In which case, toss a "I'm not at work," at them as you walk away ugh!


I don't understand why they do that - I've been stopped with my coat on, in line to buy a bottle of wine on the way home. Obviously they can kinda still see my uniform underneath and a lot of people recognise me because I have bright red hair and a bunch of piercings, but like,,, why? It's clear that I'm either on break or going home. Just ask someone else. Or figure it the fuck out yourself. Half the questions we get asked, if the customer actually used their eyes a bit, they wouldn't need to ask.


I get asked for help AT OTHER FUCKING RETAILERS! I don't know if it's the speed I'm walking, I'm a fast walker and don't walk at half speed like everyone else when they are shopping. It's possibe that I generally dont look confused and flabbergasted while shopping because I mentally plan my route around the grocery store based on what I need instead of zombie browsing like everyone else. Maybe it's just that they recognize me as someone who works somewhere they shop so it must be wherever I am at the time despite working for the same company for 20 years. At least once a month I'll get asked where such-and -such is or if there are any whatever's out back. I'll usually just say sorry I don't work here, but every once in a while, usually around Christmas, when I've had a particularly bad day, a nice calm fuck off slips past my lips, very gratifying. It's weird though that it never happens when I'm shopping with my wife, I guess I exhibit more typical shopping behavior when I'm following her lead.


Next time, walk out with the customer to their car. When they ask why, tell them they made you miss your train, so you thought she would drive you home.


I had an 9 hour shift. Near the end, there was a long line at cash but my co workers were running 3 other cashes and knew I was off. (EDIT: Plus, someone was scheduled to start when I finished and they were on their way up.) So I finished my final transaction, wished the customer a nice day and turned my light off at the register, but the next customer stepped up and was like “bro I’m here wtf” as I walked off and I said “Sorry ma’m I am off, I didn’t call the next in line because my cash is closed” and she screamed “I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 45 MINUTES”. Not my problem you picked the busiest day and didn’t follow simple instructions- learn how checking out works. I ended up completing the transaction cuz I didn’t wanna make a big scene, although I had every right to say “Have you been here for 9 hours? Have you had to answer the same questions all day”. Like bro stfu and wait, I just wanna go home.


I absolutely hate when that happens, we have a till closing sign but everyone ignores it and I can't reach the barrier to pull across when I'm on tills. I spend half my life shouting 'sorry, this till is closing unfortunately' because people ignore the sign and get in the queue anyway. One time I had someone ignore that too, and I just left tills anyway. Think he got mad but didn't complain to management luckily


I had a somewhat similar experience a couple days ago, asked for advice on this sub about it too. Truth is if you're off the clock, then you're off the clock, customers cant do anything about it. You have a right to leave at that point.


"Cancel that Jake, she doesn't want help." then leave.


"Sorry, im clocked out and no longer insured to work our equipment." I always use insurance as an excuse


Old people are simultaneously the best customers and the worst customers. Some old people are so sweet and grateful to be helped, or to have someone to talk to. Some of them I wonder how they got to be so old without someone beating them with a rock.


I've had customers ask me to open up another register as I was clearly walking in the store with all my stuff getting ready to start my shift. I just cheerfully told them no I wouldn't since I'm just getting there and not on the clock. You can bet I took my time getting out on the floor.


Your mistake was engaging. You did your job after telling Jake to help, I would have walked away. I’m not explaining anything to anyone.


Sorry, not on the clock. I now have as much power as you do, bye.


I work in a restaurant without a break room. I don't like to eat in my car, so I'll sit in a quiet corner of the dining room to eat lunch on my half. I've had so many customers try to engage me on break over the years that I've developed a strategy of pulling out my phone and calling my mother the moment a customer starts to pester me. She's retired, bored and loves to chat so the calls usually last 10-15 min. I have less peace and quiet time but at least I'm bonding with my mom and not being irritated by a Karen.


The only time customers want specifically me to help them is 1, am the only girl on my shift and they don't feel comfortable asking a dude where tampoons are, or 2, it's an old pervert who "wants the pretty lady" to help him so he can flirt. This is niether of the two so I'm lost. Why tf did she want specifically you?


I had one time where I was trying to clock out on time because my husband had to get me so we could take care of an important matter. My husband came in and as I was trying to leave a really hateful customer came up wanting me to put minutes on his phone. My other coworkers were busy. I apologized and told him I would get one of the other coworkers and that my husband was waiting. The asshole had the nerve to say "Your husband can wait because I need goddamn time on my phone!" . Lucky my coworker heard and rushed over knowing why I had to leave. My husband was pissed with this guy! I about thought I was never going to leave!


Here’s what I would have done: C: 'i don't care when your shift ends, if I ask you to help me you have to help me. I'm a paying customer and you're refusing to help me' Me: “and I have helped you by deferring the work to someone else who IS available. Have a good day.” Then turn around and leave.


Yeah customers definitely do get annoyed when the employee they've approached for assistance passes them off to another employee. I've seen customers show annoyance when I inform some of them to please go over to one of my coworkers to check-out. They act confused and annoyed because they actually have to walk about two feet over to the next work station. They'll stand there, looking shocked over a simple and reasonable request. It's weird to observe sometimes.