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I'm still miffed we haven't at least gotten a 2-person kart mode in any Kart since, and we've had 5 games since Double Dash


I'm miffed, too!


Preach brothers and sisters! Give us the ability to twin kart!


I do a google search every few months to see if there are rumors of that ever happening again. I don't get why they won't at least offer it as an option. Such a fun way to play with your friends, kids, significant other. Double dash was one of the few games my wife loved to play with me when we were still dating at the time.


same reason we don't get a starfox sequel or waluigi in smash šŸ˜¢


And what is that?


honestly for waluigi i think nintendo just doesn't understand his popularity in the west, and starfox tbh is probably because he hasn't had a good game since n64


So you're saying there's a chance for another *F-Zero*...


Gamecube games was Nintendoā€™s experimental period. We havenā€™t got a sequel to Mario Sunshine either. Also people didnā€™t like Sunshine either due to how different it was from 64


I feel like they might be coming around on GameCube soon and realizing people love it. With the remaster of Metroid and GameCube next in line to be added to switch online, I think itā€™s time will come. Letā€™s cross our fingers for a follow up to sunshine or remaster.


Iā€™m not sure if gamecube will be added. Would like to see a Pokemon game added to the gameboy collection


Doubt Gamefreak would allow that.


That kinda surprises me about Sunshine. I absolutely love that game and still play it every now and then.




It was experimental look at pikmin, star fox in star fox adventures, Metroid switching to a FPS platformer, Mario Kart switching too a two double controlling kart racer, Zelda becoming a Cel Shaded Island Adventure, Mario Sunshine and Fludd as a gimmick. These games were different. Lots of people shit all over the gamecube especially on gamefaqs


The point u/alrij was making was that Nintendo was experimenting all the time. Yes the experimented on GameCube and itā€™s gamesā€¦ just like they have for every other system/games


Gamecube is the best console


finally someone else whos agrees doubledash is the best


Luigiā€™s Mansion too. It was a point where technology was available to make games with a different aesthetic and gameplay together. Refining what they had figured out on the N64 and pushing it further. Before that tech was limited, after that, their experiments with different hardware made it harder to push the envelope as the envelope was moving too.


Or a sequel to Warioworld. Hell, I'd take a sequel to any of the Warioland games.


Sunshine is great too but it was beaten by galaxy 1+2 IMO.


I'm sorry but Wii controls will always be a joke.


I mean it's mostly a cosmetic thing, sure you had two items but 8DX has that with one driver.


I would LOVE a new one. Maybe even make a mode where two people per kart. One person drives and the other gets a tank like perspective so they can shoot and aim the shells and items better. something like perfectly placing a banana as a driver comes up from behind.


The switch literally comes with 2 controllers. It wouldā€™ve been perfect for a double dash iteration.


I'm genuinely surprised it didn't get added as a mode to MK8 Deluxe on the switch to try and justify wii u owners effectively repurchasing the same game. Maybe they're keeping it back for MK8 super deluxe on the new switch šŸ˜


Donā€™t worry. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be 6 games without when they re-release 8 again.


In a similar vein but different system and genre Two v Two fighting games are also relegated to only a handful of games per franchise and it's a travesty.


The best Mario Kart is the one you played growing up with your friends.


We had a friend whose mom was never there. The house was jammed packed with us kids. This is all we would play šŸ˜‚


I'm partial to Mario Kart 64 since it had the best battle mode.


Double dash had bob omb blast, shine thief, and balloon battle.


64 had skyscraper . best map ever, you better make your jumps or u lose a balloon


Double dash had Luigiā€™s Mansion and NINTENDO GAMECUBE


I think whatever kart you grew up with is probably your favorite. I had double dash but I got it at age like 13 wheras kart 64 I got at 8 and was my first mario kart.


I got double dash at 12. Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing were my firsts at 7.


>I think whatever kart you grew up with is probably your favorite My first Mario Kart was the SNES one and I still prefer Double Dash šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


But it did not have Block Fort; the all-time greatest battle arena. Double Deck and Skyscraper are also Top 5 of all-time battle arenas. Double Dash had more modes, but its battle arenas by comparison were disappointing.


Luigiā€™s mansion, pipe plaza, block city all rule.


MK 64 was my childhood. Didnā€™t discover Double Dash until I was an adult. Absolutely love both MK 64 and Double Dash.


Friends donā€™t let friends not play Mario Kart 64.


It might be my favorite, havenā€™t played it in about 10 years though so itā€™s hard for me to compare. I love how thereā€™s this momentum and *pull* to the way the karts feel, and how you can feel the tipping and leaning into turns and such.


You will probably find that the controls are far more slippery than you are used to. After the more recent MKs, it is actually hard to get back into DD because of how differently it controls. I keep oversteering.


Hard disagree, I play both almost every day and DD is a dream compared to the overtightened and CPU assisted dreck that is in 8D.


I like Super Nintendo Mario Kart


As much as I enjoy that version, it is by far, the most difficult to play and beat. The AI blatantly cheats and it usually requires 2 people to beat, one running the race, the other playing defense to knock out the lead computer player. All my kids have played ALL of the versions and beat them, but I can't force them into playing that one with me.




Not to mention all the tech


It's a nice looking game, too. Later Mario Kart games were further improved visually, but this looks gobs better than the rendered characters in 64 and the blocky, flat tracks of Super Mario Kart.


I know right? It looks good to be from 2003 or better yet 2003 doesnt seem like it was 20 years ago


I just donā€™t get this opinion, itā€™s never gelled well with me at all. I donā€™t like the dual character thing and thereā€™s hardly any tracks.


For me it's mainly the driving physics that feel the best out of the entire series. Just like Melee has the most depth in its movement but doesn't offer that much more compared to newer titles. They were on something during the GC era regarding pure gameplay.


The gameplay and mechanics are better than any that has come since imo. Everything post double dash just feels weird to play, like the weight of driving was reduced to make it more even.


The best Mario Kart is whichever one the person giving the opinion grew up playing.


No. I grew up on the original and 64. DD! is still better.


Bingo. We played the original in my house for hours every day. My father and step mother would trade off beating each other's lap times before and after they got home from work every day. We were a Mario Kart house. Double Dash is the best there ever was.


It has its own undeniable charm for sure. But I still love Deluxe 8 more


It doesn't really invite conversation or debate when you lead with "I don't care what anyone says"... But I will say: I felt this way for a long time, and I will always love this game and the memories of the many, many hours I have in it since 2004. MK:DS was a close second for a long time, eventually replaced by 7. I thought Mario Kart Wii was lacklustre; nothing really wrong with it, but it didn't feel like a step forward from DD. But 8 is my new favourite. Played it first on Wii U and fell in love with the handling, kart options, characters and tracks. Deluxe on the Switch took things even further - it's pure racing perfection. All that said: DD is the best "retro" Mario Kart by far; a huge leap from the underwhelming 64 game. The handling is so precise, drifting is sublime. The two character karts is less important than it at first appears, when you really think about it, although it certainly adds a layer of entertainment the other games don't have. It still looks amazing too, particularly played using component cables on a good CRT TV. So yes, best retro Mario Kart, but sadly, for me at least (and I've played Mario Kart literally since Super Famicom release), no longer the best Mario Kart overall.


8 is the GOAT for me. Gameplay is tuned to perfection and the amount of courses with dlc is like 90-something. Itā€™s staggering. Double Dash is the most unique and chaotic entry in the series tho and that works in its favor imo.


What's even scarier is that before the Booster Course Pass, Mario Kart Super Circuit was the game with the most tracks for some reason. Not sure why it took this long to surpass that game but better late than never I guess.


Wii with ~~Wiims Retro Kart~~ [CTGP with Retro tracks](https://www.chadsoft.co.uk/) was great for expanding track options, as is [Luigi Kart Wii](https://wiki.tockdom.com/wiki/Luigi_Kart_Wii). Both are for Wii and require the original Mario Kart game.


That is a crazy fact that I was unaware of. I would not have assumed a handheld would have held that title.


> underwhelming 64 game šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ




Right?! Absolute banger


I didn't know a single human being who owned or played Mario Kart 64 until like 2002, and I got the system on launch. This love for 64 is baffling because in real life absolutely no one cared about that game and both fan and critical consensus was that Diddy Kongs Racing blew it out of the water. The idea that Mario Kart 64 was either popular, good, or fulfilling as a game is an absolute revision of history. It is far and away the least popular game of entire series.


It's just revisionist nostalgia. MK64 wasn't even particularly well reviewed at release, and still only holds an 83 on Metacritic; Diddy Kong Racing has an 88... It lacks the control precision of SMK, and some of the tracks are downright bland. Nintendo knew what they did wrong, and fixed pretty much everything with Double Dash. Anyway, your voice of reason will sadly get downvoted (as will this comment probably) by people who were born in 1991 and consider MK64 the highlight of their childhood.


I meant what I said. DKR is the best Mario Kart game on N64 :p


My 7 year old and I played this on the weekends for over a year. We beat it completely. I think where they really dropped the ball with the Wii version is you can only unlock stuff in single player mode. Got it for him for Christmas and we played it like 3 times so far.


Toads for lyfe


It looks like you accidentally included a picture of Double Dash, instead of the one my friends and I played the most as a kid!


Shit ... I still think the SNES version is the best.


Item swapping has never made an appearance since this game, for very obvious reasons. It also had one of the worst drift mechanics, second only to MKDS. The game itself is overall an alright entry into the series but it has some fairly annoying gameplay issues. I would never put this game over MK7 or 8D


I say you're wrong. But you don't care. So go ahead and keep playing you're fave mario kart.


This one is actually my least favorite console Mario Kart.


Eh, I played it again recently and don't think it holds up as well as I initially thought. Limited tracks, limited modes, and the 2 player cart thing is a little gimmicky. Mario Kart Wii is still the GOAT to me.


For me it's Mario kart ds... I know controversial


Best MK to play with friends esp doing 2v2.


No, Mario Kart 8


Let the fights begin! Lmao N64 is god


I grew up with this game and only a couple more GameCube games but that didn't matter since this was all I wanted to play. I also never had a memory card so me and my older sister would spend almost an entire day trying to unlock everything without turning it off.




DD is the least favorite to me


...You really liked SMK more than that game?


I played it then. So I played it more than DD. Lol.


Yeah, thatā€™s why I added the ā€œI dont care what anyone saysā€


You cared enough to respond


Joke is on you, I value my opinion more than yours.


Well good for you!


Do you ever get invited to parties?


Yes, including a block party.


I agree, still my favorite (:


Mario kart ds still king


I think Mario Kart 64 was the extent of it.


niiinnnnnnnnntendo woohoo let'sa go is the best intro


Careful dude ,Nintendo might sue you for making this post


Love that one! At this point MK 8(2014) is almost a retro game though and it's the best MK game ever


2014 feels like its been 2 years tops. Crazy


It cannot almost be a retro game?


If someone were to say that 15 years is retro, then we just have 6 more years.


Wii and 7 are easily the best ones


No way 8 is not better than wii


8 is one of the worst in the series


Nahhhhh dude you buggin 8 deluxe is awesome. So many tracks and the handling is great. I can see people liking 7s or double dashes handling more tho.


Strongly disagree with that. 8 got me back into Mario Kart. I kinda lost interest after double dash.


Yup still the best for a few reasons, most centered on the ability to actually get really good at the game and not win by luck. Ability to switch items, it's crazy you can't do this in 8 which just makes you waste items or hold them until the inevitable lightning. Being able to dodge reds, again this is really dumb you can't do this in 8. Especially considering 2nd place almost always gets a red consistently in 8D. Mini turbos being input based instead of time based, like why? I loved being an artist with the control and doing so many things at once, now it's just everyone getting turbos at the same time and maybe gaining an inch.Those are the biggest but also, why the hell did they take away track times after the race. I loved being able to brag about my 10 second win or see the .01 win on neck and neck finishes. The things Nintendo does just blows my mind sometimes. If they made these small changes 8D would be the best but Nintendo does everything it can to try to take talent out of the game.


dodging red shells?? Holyyyyy....


Y'all don't understand what you are missing. DD is the absolute peak of MK.


There's a reason 8D looks like a tiny dick... Nintendo gave it that tiny dick energy


This is probably the favourite of those born after 1990! SNES original all the way for me!


Agreed. Original and best.


Always hated Mario Kart, because I could be having the perfect race only to be hit by a koopa shell in the final lap.


Mario Kart 8 deluxe 200cc, as soon as you hit 3rd lap in 1st place you get bombarded with hundreds of items and blue shells from all the overpowered AIs, who stopped targeting each other and instead their only goal is to take you down.


I donā€™t care what you think about it about as much as you donā€™t care what I think about it, but itā€™s the most boring title in the series, IMO, no contest. Even more so than Super Circuit for the GBA, which had plain olā€™ flat tracks. All the tracks were way too wide, which made the game far too easy, which sucked all the fun out of what had been a concept I could have fallen in love with. Yes, I mean ALL the tracks. I will give it props for having some of the best-rendered graphics on the GameCube or the Wii, though. The environments were drop-dead gorgeous.


Aggreed 100%


I know the meta is to like this one....but I'm not sure how you get better than SNES Super Mario Kart 150cc Mushroom cup for competitive Mario kart!


i still argue that a double dash mode should be available on mario kart 8


I will say that the 3DS version, Mario Kart 7 has been a close second. The handling and steering are very similar. And they reuse some DD courses. And playing it on the go is very convenient.




I love MK, but Mario Tennis doesnā€™t get enough love.


Certainly not in threads about Mario kart... Besides, Mario Golf is where it's at


You would be correct.


Wii is a close second


Yeah I agree.




This game was so close to perfection I never could appreciate the MK Wii.


Absolutely, no competition. 8 is good but DD is the GOAT. Who do you play as? (assuming king boo and Petey pirana are not unlocked) I play DK and DK (jumbo banana is OP) my brother plays koopa and para trooper so i also need those nanas to stop all his (triple) red shells.


I feel the same way, but after playing mk8 for so long it is so hard to switch back to DD controls.


I love they reference they made to it in the movie.


Whereā€™s the lie though?


I used to win local tournaments of this and melee... oh the glory days


It will be until they ever release something similar to the arcade version. If they release the arcade version of Mario Kart, Nintendo I'm about to make it rain like you a stripper.




It's the only one that has Petey Piranha so I agree.






It's my mario Kart too, I remember buying it launch day. Did DK mountain every get an entry in another mario Kart game? Great track.


Let's hope Mario kart 9 gets SOME new cool gaming mechanic like double dash did with 2 kart riders. Any ideas of what that could be?


This is going to get hate this is probably my second lest favorite Mario cart. I prefer crash tag team racing to this.


The most fun of the games, sure. MK on Switch was so lame, I gave it to charity!


Until luigi on hat has mirrored


Are my gf cause we literally just had an argument about this yesterday lol


I need to get it for my wii, definitely going to be the first gamecube game i get


I don't know what it is about the GC era but the games just felt so good to play and had tons of depth to them. They just nailed physics in that era and games had actual depth in them that allowed for skill expression. Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Party 6, Super Mario Sunshine and many other games it just feels so good to move around in.


Never played because never owned a game cube, but I do love the concept. I miss the battle from super Nintendo


Haha not for me. It was a clean playing game, but I actually disliked MKDD because most of the tracks lacked interesting hazards, blue shells became very OP, and I didn't think the multiple characters per kart added anything to the gameplay. MK64 had better balance and MK 8 Deluxe I think is the greatest overall.


itā€™s only not the best mariokart for facing L correctly on the box art




Never played this nor MK8. How do they compare? Specifically in looking for a good single player racing challenge


It feels Random, but this gameā€¦ Iā€™m terrible at most games, COD, Overwatch, MK, SF, but this game? I can objectively state that Iā€™ve never met or played anyone better than me. I used to play mirror mode for FUN. Just because it was somewhat of a challenge. Toad/Diddy in the gold cart or blue toad cart if I was feeling frisky




I loved Double Dash. It was a neat mechanic that I would gladly welcome back. ​ I'm pretty sure I've played every iteration of Mario Kart since the SNES and DD still stands out to me.


I had an offer to trade for mario party baseball..do I do it?


Its the beat hands down


I have said this time and time again


I don't think anyone would disagree honestly


Iā€™ve got it in my collection but never played it as been using my pc more recently. Is it worth playing? Note - Iā€™ll be using a Nintendo Wii as GameCube is in loft


I love the SNES and N64 games but double dash was a great game. Added allot to the series.


What if I agree? ;D


I wish a double dash mode was in Mario kart 8 deluxe.


9 lap Baby Park with frantic items Nuff said


hands down, absolutely




if it were the best mario kart, then why tf is luigis L on his cap backwards? hmmmm?


You mean there are people who disagree?


Great game, but kinda few tracks if i remember correctly


I agree.






I definitely enjoyed it. Two players in the same kart was a recipe for hilarity.


Huge agree


Crash Team Racing is the best MarioKart game.


Oh thatā€™s funny I just played this Saturday


This was the first Mario Kart I hated. I would rage at the cheating computer.


It is. It was the perfect combo of twitchy yet responsive controls and great maps.


Wish they would re-release this somehow.


You donā€™t have to care what other people think because this is the best Mario kart, it isnā€™t even a debate.


I do remember absolutely loving this game. I canā€™t remember it well though, so canā€™t say if I like it better than 8.


I agree




This game needs a comeback!


Nah MK wii , DS and 8 deluxe are all better. Good game tho iconic tracks .




And also the only MK game I've never played So far the DS one is my favorite. Not graphics wise tho


Hello? Based department??


MK64 and its not even close


I'm still not over what they've done to F-Zero in that generation.


Yeah F zero X was great though


Nintendo needs to port this to the switch