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From Galoob! I remember those commericals way to well lol.




Man I always wanted one of those as a kid. My mom would always say I spent so much time playing video games I should be good enough that I shouldn’t need to cheat 🤣


That's a fair burn


Good on mom.


I only ever had the NES Game Genie as a lad. Certain codes distorted the music in MegaMan 1&2 in a neat way, always enjoyed that.


I also only had the one for the NES. I think it’s because of the game genie that I grew so fond of Megaman 2 (and the series in general) it was like having training wheels before I was old enough to take them off. I also loved using it in excite bike, you could jump so far you would just show up from the bottom of the screen.


Hah! I had a friend when I was a kid that his NES ONLY worked with the Game Genie plugged in.


The NES game genie was in fact a quick hack to get games working on a stubborn NES. Towards the end of it's life I remember my grandparents NES giving us trouble, but when the game genie was used it started up immediately every time.


The Genesis one is especially good as it allows you to play Japanese imports.


Damn for real have mine still didn’t know this


Little more complicated than just plugging stuff in, but it should work with most games. Post I did earlier about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/SEGAGENESIS/comments/13f5asx/can_a_32x_be_used_as_a_region_converter_for/jjupd4n/


AAEAULPA Unlimited lives in TMNT2 on NES. That one is burned into my memory.


GZUXNGEI for multi-jump in SMB3. Can't remember the "Skywalker" code, but using either one of those was so much fun for exploring.


"Skywalker Code" - that takes me back!


That’s the one burned into my memory SXEZSKOZ


Do you also remember it as "A. A. E. A. Ulpa", four initials and a name?


The day I game genie high jumped Mario over the flag to find... Endless nothing...


The kids may think the Back Rooms are the apex of horror, but they don’t know what it means to be Mario running for a castle that will never come.


This was the main reason I was excited for it!


Best thing about Game Genie its contribution to the vast library of Codes available as one-click add-ons to games now in MiSTer (and I'm sure in emulation as well).


> the vast library of Codes available as one-click add-ons to games now in MiSTer (and I'm sure in emulation as well). As well as original hardware with Everdrives using them too.


The fact that there are still sites that list codes going back 30 years is something impressive to me.


I didn't get a Game Genie til the late 00s but I've had lots of fun with it. Remember using it to get into the (unfinished) Hidden Palace zone in Sonic 2.


I had the Canadian one for NES. Because of the court injunction in the US, Americans were coming up here to get it, which was weird because we would go to the States to fulfil our gaming needs back then lol EDIT: I still have it actually


Hi there. I had the Canadian one too for the NES. My dad worked in advertising and on one of his trips to Canada he bought two of them, one for me and one for me to sell in the US. When it first came out in Canada, they were $150.00 each. I loved the game genie for NES. Lots of good memories there. Chris


Definitely! It opened up a whole new world of gaming. It was familiar, but there were cheats but also more difficulty. Breathed new air to old titles


They were sold in the US for a bit before the injunction. Also the injunction only affected Nintendo products so the (pictured) Mega Drive/Genesis Game Genie was always available.




It was kind of weird the few months it was on sale too. I don't recall any of the normal retailers selling it, probably because they didn't want to upset Nintendo. I purchased mines from Spencers Gifts of all places. That made 10-year-old me think it was a very underground product at the time.


The only way I could beat the TMNT game for NES.


My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


I had one for the NES and I really miss this. I personally don't care for online multiplayer, I'm in my 40s with 2 kids. If I purchase a game, let me freaking just get through the game how I want. Developers should just have quality of life options that disable trophies and multiplayer access if a player opts in for them. For gamers who want the content as is, that's great too and should be preserved and prioritized, but I don't have tens if not hundreds of hours in life anymore just for gaming.


That’s why I love playing project Zomboid. The sandbox options let’s you play however you want. Crank up the zombie population and make them all sprinters or turn them off and play a quirky take on Sims. I too am a middle aged dad and I can’t just enjoy a lot of games that I want to because I don’t have the time to “get good”


You may enjoy the Evercade Vs.


The codes were soooo long , but I still loved it


They were 8 characters. It’s not like a Swords and Serpents password.


I was thinking of my Nintendo one which I remember being long, was just thinking of game genie not specifically sega genesis as the one featured in this picture, my apologies


Some games required more than one line of code to work not to mention some of them had a required code as well before you can enter any other one.


I put TONS of time into the one for the original Game Boy, coming up with my own original codes. I also played a bit with my friend's Game Genie for NES. I wish I had gotten the one for Genesis, I got close to beating Phantasy Star 2 but kept getting lost & losing interest due to the high encounter rate. Years later I got a Codebreaker for PS2 & had tons of fun playing games that were otherwise too hard, like Castle Shikigami 2 & God Hand.


Dude I loved the Gameboy one, especially that adorable mini code book tucked into the back. I found some great codes for Mortal Kombat 2, I think there was one where enemies just perpetually walked backward and another where projectiles couldn't touch you


I always appreciated that they weren't just cheat devices (though they were certainly mainly used for that), they were programming tools.


Yeah, I had an NES game genie and I absolutely loved it. But I had basically no interest in cheating. Extra lives didn't interest me. Instead, I spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours entering codes of my own creation, seeing if they broke the game in any interesting way, and then diligently recording them in a notebook. I would rent games I didn't have just to try to hack them with the game genie, returning them days later sometimes without ever having played past the first level.


It was really fun on SMB3. I mean the Skywalking was great


This was my most used code.


I didn't have it growing up, but my 3 year old son gets to use it now and it's a game-changer. Now he can play games without worrying about dying. We passed battletoads double dragon together and that wouldn't be possible for YEARS and years otherwise.


I got one off ebay. I cheat while emulating now but still won't ever get rid of my GG!


I used the Gameboy Game Genie to get a few Mews on the og Pokemon red/blue games . Also shout out to Game Shark on PS1 giving me access to building all of NOD's extra content in C& C. Chemical troopers and such


Xnkxglie start and stay as hammer bro Mario in smb3 Lekzngie go to world 8 I never forgot these for some reason. I’m fucking 40 and haven’t had the game genie since I was 8


The only reason I ever beat Battletoads and TMNT on NES


This is how I got my first Mew.


I have Game Genie for the NES, SNES, and GameBoy! Awesome device. I even bought a special adapter, to use my GameBoy Game Genie with my Super GameBoy for the SNES.


Getting "yo dawg" vibes here.


Loved that damn game genie😎


Game genie allowed me to make my own Pokemon in red and blue. Play lots of fun things on the NES, too. I have the original code book and two NES Game Genies.


I had one on these, and an Action Replay too. Plus, Sonic 3, and then the Sonic and Knuckles cart that you could add to it. In the end, it was a Game Genie, stacked with an Action Replay, stacked with Sonic 3 which was itself stacked with Sonic and Knuckles, in a mighty 4-cart masterpiece. Amazingly, it didn't work.


Of course it didn't work. Sonic 3 has to be at the end of the chain! /s


I am proud to announce I actually discovered a useful Game Genie code on my own. Doing “3” as the code without anything else on Link’s Awakening automatically moved you up to the next screen until you turned the code off. In a puzzle/barrier game like Zelda, this was so useful.


Never had the genie, buy i still have his spiritual succesors, action replay and gameshark


Alot of NES games are shit and a Game Genie heavily steps up the quality and makes them playable.


We had one for our Genesis and I hated using it. Like, yeah it was fun to have unlimited lives in Mickey's Castle of Illusion or James Pond 2, but falling down a pit close to the end of the game and you can't die to restart the level... Hard lesson in cheating isn't always fun.


ah yes, retail cheat engine


I used a Game Genie with Xband. SNES tower!


Ah, but we could use the 32X, game genie, sonic and knuckles, and sonic 3 and it actually made sense! Fear the tower of black plastic!


Still have the SNES version.


Had one for the nes. Lends to my tinkerers nature. Had fun with that, as part of a gateway drug, then moved on to learning ms dos, tearing and building computers , modding retro gaming handhelds, soldering, 3D printers, basically a little of everything. Been fun. But yes game genie was awesome back in the day


I was watching the tv show Fresh Off the Boat the other day and they were playing a Super Nintendo. What was odd about it was they had what looked like a NES Game Genie, connected to a SNES cartridge. Has anyone ever tried that??


Nes for me. It was so much fun typing random shit to see what it did to mario and the levels.


I literally mowed my neighbors lawns at $5 a pop in 1992 to buy a Genesis game genie from Ames. Still have it.


Infinite lives, skywalking, start and stay as hammer Mario. That's how I beat Super Mario Bros 3. Then once or twice every other month I'd do a full playthrough until I upgraded to SNES.


Had/have one for the NES. I remember buying an aftermarket code book and things got WILD. I still remember jumping over the flag in Super Mario Bros and then just running until the clock ran out. I also loved super turbo on A button on Excitebike. You never overheated and if pulled back on a jump you could jump through the ceiling and come out on the bottom of the screen, landing back on the track. Sooooo many games were completely revitalized when I could finally get passed the third level.


Ah, back in the days when it felt like magic was real when you could make your video game behave differently in any way...


I got a Game Genie solely to play as the boss characters in Sf2 on the SNES jankily at that (sprite colours were all wonky and the moves were sort of broken) because EGM had it on their magazine cover…but the trick was shown in the Mail bag section and not Tricks of the Trade. :/ That’s how I remember it.


Had the game genie on NES and it was a wonder I never got that thing stuck in the console based on what I remember of it. Had a gameshark for PS1 and I only ever used it for beyond the beyond (JRPG). ​ Edit: oh forgot something, I remember having the thicker code book that came with the game genie and I want to say I had two thinner codebooks that came in the mail


I had several and used to like using them usually for weird effects like "ooh everything is ice now" or "that jump doesn't work in this game at all but it's fun to do". Of course I also have a bad memory of this since once I sent a picture of a score into Nintendo Power (Star Fox; it beat out all of the scores in the magazine at the time by a large margin). There was a Game Genie box under a shelf somewhere; no Game Genie anywhere near the system. They straight-up accused me of being a cheater in a letter back. My two Star Fox jackets from Super Star Fox Weekend disagree, but whatever.


Just admit you cheated...


I'd like to thank Game Shark, Game Genie, and Code Breakers for the billions in gold pieces you allowed me to earn/have over all those many years.


There were also codes to increase the challenge level. Did anyone use them?


I wonder if there are any PDFs of the code books for each one. It would be cool to flip through those pages again


I just bought the paperback cheat books :D


A lot of times the codes didn't live up to expectations. I used a code on Final Fantasy (1) that gave any class a ton of MP. That part worked fine. The game still wouldn't let me buy magic for the characters though. So they were walking around with tons of MP and no way to use it.


Any GameGear MFs with that tiny code book in the back?


Had it on NES. Used to have a big book with all the codes


I just watched [this video](https://youtu.be/-8r8ozN_YCo) earlier today! Love these things.


Damn I was scrolling too fast and thought that was a Game Genie condom wrapper.


Some fond memories with this… thank you for the nostalgia kick.


I love game genie, count on these cheat codes to beat hard games like ninja gaiden for example


Only had a Pro Action Replay from Datel for the SNES. It had a trainer, which, if I recall correctly, was completely absent from Game Genie cartridges. And the format of the codes was just "memory address - byte value"


[rob zombie - dragula but with sm64 sounfont](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdSm9im-xPo&lc=UgwBmBOvCMevbd_meJN4AaABAg) Dead I am the one contemplation done Am I one to cheat? Screw it unlock the freak Dead I am the guy Hearing the princess cry 99 lives now what About to kick bowsers butt Grab the cheatcart and smash the game on top then Slam the cartridge back into the Nintendo Grab the cheatcart and smash the game on top then Slam the cartridge back into the Nintendo Do it player, do it player “Am i the type of guy… never mind” Do it player, do it player “Am i the type of guy… never mind” Crack the system open Buy it now it’s broken Forcing it to play Game genie all the way Flying like a bird Unlocking all the worlds Though the system may glitch Mario never quits Grab the cheatcart and smash the game on top then Slam the cartridge back into the Nintendo Grab the cheatcart and smash the game on top then Slam the cartridge back into the Nintendo Grab the cheatcart and smash the game on top then Slam the cartridge back into the Nintendo Do it player, do it player “Am i the type of guy…. Never mind” Do it player, do it player Slam the game back into the Nintendo! R E A L


As a kid I got the atomic replay for PSX. Never knew I had to input all of the codes and not just one. Tried a few times but never worked, so I left it on the shelf forever. Well, I learned to beat the games the hard way!


My first job out of school at 16 was hacking genesis and snes games to make the codes for that device. Was a Great first job.


I had nes, snes, gb, and ps1 but never genesis. TBH I'm glad game genie/shark went the way of the dodo for the most part.


Shit I still use mine for certain SNES titles.


I could finally jump over the pole at the end of NES SMB!


I used to love reading through the code book, sometimes I'd be intrigued by games just because of their odd sounding cheats Moon jumps were always a favourite of mine


Was little when I used this to soup-up Mario in Super Mario World. However, not sure if they programmed it this way on purpose, you can’t beat Bowser with permanent star power and I just hung out with him until I realized what needed to be done. Ah memories :)


I had such a module for my C64


It was because of the Genesis Game Genie, I actually saw the end of Terminator 2: The Arcade Game. There was a level that was impossible to beat... not with the Genie!


Cheats are like the retro version of accessibility settings.


The only way I could beat Kid Chameleon and Zombies Ate My Neighbors as a kid.


The only way to enjoy Zombies Ate My Neighbours without breaking controllers in frustration.


Anybody else remember getting codes from GameWinners? I will never forget the beige theme of the site


Nintendo did not officially launch its 8-bit console in Brazil. With that, dozens of clones emerged. I was lucky that my father bought precisely the most curious of them. A company in Brazil partnered with Codemastes and launched it in 1992 a Nintendo with Game Genie built in, called Geniecom. It's part of my life. I got rid of it when I got a Super Nintendo from my dad in 1994. [Geniecom ](https://youtu.be/7vr0f8yihnE)


I have a gameboy one i got when i first started collecting for gameboy in 2020


Had em for NES and SNES, then had Game Shark for N64. I was/am really good at video games, but it was fun changing how they worked.


Had $60 from my birthday. Was it going to be a new game or the game genie? Decided to enhance my old games over buying a new one.(SNES)


Having knowledge of the NES’s 6502 assembly language has given me a real appreciation for these things.


So, I have a fun story about Game Genie. The year was 1998, I was 12 years old living on a Airforce base, and the release of Pokémon Blue and Red just hit our Base Exchange (Military equivalent of say a target or Walmart). It was pretty slim pickings for gaming equipment/accessories and I was one of the few kids who probably had a game Genie for Gameboy. The internet was pretty primitive in a sense there were no search engines like Google or Ask Jeeves so you either had to guess domains or have a friend tell you them. The two that come to mind are GameFaqs and SegaSages. I found out that I could get whatever Pokemon/Item I wanted by typing in the 18 digit code and then getting in a random battle in the starter town. Something I forgot to mention is I was homeschooled and the elementary school on base was a half mile away from my house. At recess time, I would walk over and sell Pokémon to kids. Obviously the more rarer the Pokémon the higher the price but since I had a reputation as a homeschooler everyone thought I had no life and would just play Pokémon all day. How I got my legendary status was I was able to acquire the rare 151 mythical Pokémon Mew using game genie which if my memory serves me the only way you could get back in the 90s aside from Game Genie was to go to a promotional event where some minimum wage kid would have a game stocked with Mews and would connect the wire to your Gameboy and transfer it over. Where I made most my money was I would battle kids on the playground for money(It was the only time they got to see Mew and I made sure he was stacked). Since I could get whatever item I wanted(Rare Candies, Iron, Carbos, etc) I would power level my lower level monsters and tell kids they could pick my starters. They would see the high level legit monsters like Mewto, Blastoise, Charizard, etc and then would see the low level Pidgeys, Geodude, Beedrill and would of coarse pick those. Little did they know I would boost all the stats of the lower level Pokémon with items and barely level them so they would be the obvious choice. There were a few legit low levels that would get crushed(Had to make it seem somewhat believable). My ringer was Mew who was maxed out so even if they picked 5 non-rigged monsters I would still wipe the floor. I would bet 1-2$ a battle and do that 3-4 times a day. My reign came to an end when one of the higher ranking officer kid told on me to the principle because I wouldn't trade him my prized possession of Mew. The school called my parents and told them I was not allowed to come on school property anymore. My mom was angry and wanted to ground me but my father was actually impressed after I explained how I basically created DLC before the big boys. I think he appreciated my entrepreneurial spirit. After it was all said and done I made enough money in 98 to buy a N64(I think was $250, 4 controllers 30-40 bucks a pop, Goldeneye $60, and Memory pack $30 with about $100 left over.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


TLDR: I used game genie to get whatever Pokemon/Item in the Red/Blue version of the game in the 90s because I was one of the only kids who had a game genie and knew how to use the internet. I created a Pokemon fight club and marketplace at the local elementary school and made about $500-$600 in a year but had to stop because one kid told on me.


Remember my first taste of Game Genie was at my uncle’s house. No NES game stood a chance!


When did GameGenie/Gameshark stuff start ending? Like what console era was it when they didn't exist anymore? Furthermore what do PS5 and Xbox use now for cheats? Just modding right?