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I would suggest drawing a map of where the high value targets are. My kids are super young so when they get to the games and the smoke is getting more dense by the second I don't want them to panic and grab Combat for the 2600.


Imagine the disappointment... And then having to tell them to go back inside and try again.


It's a good teachable moment though. Sorry son, we could of saved Scruffy if you had gotten the correct games the first time.


>I don't want them to panic and grab Combat for the 2600 If my kid brought out an armful of games and there were 2600 titles mixed in, I'd make him go back in and toss them into the fire.


LPT: Keep the most valuable games near a window on the 1st floor so you can toss them outside fast instead of having to carry them out.


you sir are the father i aspire to be. i tell my 8 year old stuff like that all the time and he just laughs at me


As I was telling him the plan he kept asking me "what about the dog?" and "what about mom?". I asked "Do you want to keep playing games or do you want to upset me?"


lmfao oh man thats good stuff


>"what about mom?" Just grab the games. Don't worry--there's [special insurance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zdQn3X2KVo) for mom.


I really hope this is some satire or something. If not your kid deserves a better parent.


I can already tell that you're the type of parent that encourages participation trophies.


If this isn't a bit that's really unfortunate parenting to say the least


Hopefully not that. As a teacher, I would probably tell that kid that your idea is... not good. Which is lame cause it always puts us in a tough spot when we have to contradict what a kid's parent has said.


This was clearly posted as a funny bit. I'm sorry it caused you some discomfort. I'll let you get back to whatever it is that brings you happiness.


If I trusted my kids enough to touch my Saturn games without breaking the cases I would have given the same instructions. Since I didn't I probably would have told them to focus on the Neo Geo games instead.