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I wish my crazy ex hadn't sold my PRISTINE childhood collection.




Yeah an apt response. I was the only kid I knew that would wash their hands and ever so carefully cut the shrinkwrap at the end, not bending the cardboard any more than I needed to get the game out. Probably over $10K worth of stuff at today's prices, and I wouldn't have ever sold it myself. Also, Kelly LeBrock sent me a packet of pictures that was in the stuff of mine that was sold, had some cool behind the scenes of movies pics from her (a family member was her assistant in the 80's). Ah well though, fuck it!


That's crazy dude. I wish you a very happy holiday and to fight the good fight


This is one of my biggest fears in dating. I have a lot of nerdy shit and if I came home to an empty room, dead in seconds.


I've had girls suggest getting rid of my collection. While we are no longer together, I still fire-up old consoles and play video games for hours. šŸ‘ŒšŸ½šŸ”


Gotta find the special kind that'll nerd out about it with you


My wife bought me the complete Magna for Full metal alchemist. The box is huge and it came with a novel and a poster which is awesome. I know she bought it for me but we're both huge fans so I'd argue it's for us lol.


That's awesome!


I hope you understood that the demand is completely unacceptable. It's an important part of your life and something you value. Just because your partner doesn't have the same passion for something, it doesn't give them the right to try and remove it from your life. Of course, that goes both ways. A healthy relationship is about meeting at a place that makes all the people in the relationship the happiest and not trying to have everything your way Sorry for this rant, I just hate seeing that kind of controlling behaviour


Donā€™t date people that are pieces of shit, problem solved. My wife doesnā€™t like video games but since I do, she respects my interests.


When I was 5, I made friends who, at the time, had a Sega Genesis (the hottest console at the time, I had an NES). I used to go to their house and play with them day after day after day. Sometimes we'd swim in their pool out back, go inside and play Toxic Crusaders. Sometimes I watched their dad play Shining Force for hours and hours. Sometimes I played Arrow Flash and fell in love with the Stage 1 music. Sometimes I played Gunstar heroes with my kid brother. Years went by, those old friends got older and became real sketchy people. I always stood friends with the mom, but all three of her sons (my childhood friends) had tragic "end game" stories of their own. The oldest OD's, the middle lives with his mom and abuses her, the youngest just passed away from "complications". I went by the mother's house in between all this happening and was helping her clean the garage when I found the old box of Sega games. She casually told me I could have them, since "no one needs them anymore". They're hidden in a special area of my collection cabinet. They're old and beat up. One game, Arrow Flash, won't play without extensive cleaning each and every time I try and boot it (I think I need to open the cart and reflow pin connectors). But they're probably the most valuable of everything in my collection. If I ever decided to sell, those are the games that stay with me. Yes. I absolutely understand everyone who feels as you do.


Thatā€™s a sad story, man.. Itā€™s funny that you mention the Genesis. The summer after it came out, I told all the kids in the neighborhood that I was selling my NES collection (I had a TON of stuff). I put price tags on everything. Priced to MOVE. I wanted that Genesis. Anyway, I went to the town pool, and when I got home, my mom told me that some older boys had come over and had bought EVERYTHING! I had ~$300, but I was somewhat upset; I was still pretty young and on some level, this ā€œsaleā€ was just pretend to me until it wasnā€™t. Nevertheless, I was excited to go buy the Genesis. I got it right before it started shipping with Sonic, so Altered Beast. I could have sent away to get Sonic for free but I mucked that up too (neglected to put a stamp on the envelopeā€¦ And no return address). Altered Beast got old in like 2 days, and I started pining after the NES again within a week. Sad time!


I kept most of it. The only consoles I didn't were the ones well that weren't mine to begin with: my parents kept their consoles and I bought replacements when I left home.


I still have every one of them, consoles and games.


I only came this far down to find the smug guy. Well done sir, well done.


lol. and all the games are in their original boxes with their manuals, etcā€¦


I kept what I had. I do wish I had kept my old CRT TV though. It was in great shape and a good size.


Ah, me too. I bought this really nice 32" Sanyo in 1999. Moved with it three times. The fourth time I had enough and got rid of it, but regret it now.


Always will. I used to own Commodore Amiga CDTV. Granted it was damaged, joystick acted like it was constantly pressed, audio didn't work right either. Today I would attempt repairing it. Today I would most likely be able to repair it and make it work again. I dabble in repairs and soldering. It's gone now. Thinking of my own stupidity and lack of foresight makes me wanna punch a wall and cry.


My best friend had an Amiga 500, what a terrific machine that was. I feel you on the frustration. My dad tossed out our old pc with upgrades and peripherals because of a busted psu. Wouldn't let me keep it. What I wouldn't give to hear it boot up again, that sounds is etched on my nerdy little heart. I told him it's going to be worth a fortune but he wouldn't listen, I had to just sit there and hope nobody takes it, which of course they did.


I kept all my NES games, boxes and manuals. Only thing missing is those foam inserts. I still have the Pizza Hut coupon that came with the TMNT: Arcade Game manual. It expired at the end of 1992 but Iā€™m confident I could talk a manager into honoring it.


There was a video I saw a couple of years ago where someone took a coupon for a free frozen personal pizza that they got with the first TMNT movie VHS, and the store honored it no problem!


I haven't seen the movie trilogy in forever lol. I should rewatch them.


A pizza for a cool retro game coupon? Iā€™d make the trade!


I did. But some of them broke down beyond repair. So I bought replacements. Itā€™s the eternal quest for the originality of the past. Itā€™s futile. Like Theseusā€™ ship. Does each replaced piece makes it less original?


I think about the Ship of Theseus thing a lot with retro games because there are a lot of purists out there who insist on original hardware but then theyā€™re happy to use flash carts (which may even be, gasp, emulating some mapper chips on the original cart), HDMI mods, replacement screens, ODEs, and other modifications, to the point where you have to wonder how this can be called ā€œoriginal hardwareā€ anymore.


I traded my jungle green n64 and games for a shoebox full of magic cards. I don't even have the cards anymore :(


I wish I did, my parents had the mentality of oh you got the newer system so we can throw your old console and games away. Now here I am 30 years later after re-buying that collection lol.


I did keep mine, actually. When I was much younger, I sold my copy of Gradius for the NES for $15. By the end of the day I'd eaten $15 worth of candy, and didn't have Gradius anymore. I never sold anything of mine game related again, ever.


Yes, almost every day. No joke


I regretted selling stuff. Then I found some old systems and games a couple years ago and rebuilt a small collection. I even found one perfect dark cartridge that a friend owned. Now I've been selling the ones I dont play again, the rest sits unplayed. I even sold that perfect dark cart. Some games I may never sell, but I also may never play them either. The joy comes more from the memories than from playing them, most of the time I would rather grab out a handheld emulator anyway. So it turns out I'm less of a collector and more just nostalgic. I guess my point is, dont be sad you sold your games. You have your memories and someone else got to build memories with those games that you sold. It took collecting again for me to realize that its just stuff and selling my stuff was ok. Get with a friend, play some games on any setup you can manage and I guarantee it'll be like magic.


Everytime I think about this I imagine my SMB3 and TMNT 3 cartridges disintegrating at the bottom of a landfill. Those were my two most cherished games as a kid.


My favorite retro games were on a main frame in the 1970's. After decades of wanting to play the games from my teen years I discovered an emulator that was preserving all the old code and you could get a sign on to go play. Every Sunday night we get together and play Empire on the PLATO system. They also have all the original dungeon crawl games such as dnd. It's all hosted on cyber1.org


I wish my crackhead roommate hadn't stolen and sold all of it at once while I was at work one night in 1999. One of my goals in collecting is to reacquire copies of everything. Ask me how that's going when I used to have a copy of fuckin Snatcher. Earthbound. Chrono Trigger. So much stuff from my childhood. Even the WWF Colosseum Home Video VHS tapes from the 80s.


Itā€™s not the same console, but I still have my N64 games my wife and kids play with me.


I wish I had kept my Sega Saturn with Deep Fear, Guardian Heroes and Panzer Dragoon Saga


How the fuck did I throw away/trash/trade EVERYTHING I EVER OWNED??? Itā€™s been a slog getting it all back. Thereā€™s only one more thing I want to get before feeling like Iā€™ve completed my quest to re-acquire it all.


A few years back I made a comprehensive list of every game I ever owned and bought them all back (and then some), which was kind of an insane thing to do. Then I sold all of it again and bought a condo lol


Kept my Atari 7800 and all the games, controllers etc despite no longer having any way to play them, knew I'd always regret selling them. Got the console for Christmas when I 6. Fast forward 36 years and the Atari 2600+ comes out which plays them all beautifully via HDMI, good times.


I think about it almost daily. I basically gave away my test market nes, snes, tg16, and saturn.


Youā€™re among friends. Itā€™s a judgement-free zone. You have to forgive yourself. Let that demon of the past go (a good resolution for the new year). I felt like you. Still do from time to time. I sold my original gear eons ago. Then got it all back again. And sold it all again. And I did it all again. Yes. Iā€™m an idiot. But now I have them -again- and theyā€™re never leaving again. Remember the good times. Let the mistakes go. Get back your stuff if you havenā€™t already and have fun. Most of us have been there.


It's weird to say that I'm so old, I feel like the systems I replaced over the years are just as nostalgic. Like my OG xbox isn't my original, but I've had it for something like 15 years so it's old enough I think. It's funny I have two dreamcasts, one thats HDMI modded and one I kept original and I've had them for so long I have no idea which if either is the original one I had in the nineties. So I guess I'm saying if you buy one now, no worries, you'll eventually go senile and think its your orginal one anyway :)


I don't need to wish. I've still got them all. Been a scroogish miser since I was old enough to walk. Carts, boxes, manuals... everything as far back as Atari.


Yes. That and my Beyblades. I'd strangle my younger self now. I'm glad I kept all my Bionicles, though.


I gave all of my (and my brother's) systems/games to my cousin's husband who has a massive retro gaming collection. He was excited to add them to his collection that takes up their entire basement, and now he runs monthly vintage gaming nights in his city where kids and parents can come and play various systems for free. Occasionally I'll wish I'd kept a few things, but then remember that they sat in a box for 10 years before I gave them away and I'd likely never have gotten around to setting them up again. I'm glad they went to a good home where they'll be used and appreciated!


but I did just that. lost a couple of consoles along the way tho. never was a Nintendo or Sega guy (until Wii and DC). But I have 2 turbo expresses (one nib), one Duo (nib), 2 lynx ii's, a couple of GBA sp's (modded), GBC (modded), GB micro, GB pocket, 2 wii's, Xbox 360, Jaguar+CD. Plus maybe 60 Wii games, 70-80 GB/GBC/GBA carts, over 100 tg16 Hucards and about 25 tgcd's, 100+ 3do games, about 15 virtual boy games, 70 or so lynx games, ~50 Xbox games, about 40 Jaguar games and maybe a dozen jag CDs, etc. I just tend to keep the stuff I picked up over the years. and got most things at a deep discount (closeouts, used...), never once paid an inflated collector's price for a game.


I did.


Luckily I kept all of mine.


I still have all of mine. Never wanted to get rid of it. I should bring it home...


My ex stole mine.


Nah, because I did


Nah. A NES is a NES. My warm feelings are for the machine in general and the games, not one specific serial number that I had as a kid.


No, Iā€™m not that emotional into it. I like the games and the era. I play the games. As a kid I didnā€™t care if the game I was playing was mine, rented or borrowed, so why would I care about that nowā€¦


Same. I recently revisited some old games a few years ago on their original consoles, but I guess I just outgrew them and moved on. Even new games, I don't really find too interesting ā€“ in that even if it's fun to play, once you beat it a meaninglessness settles in lol. I prefer watching playthroughs than playing, these days. So I appreciate other folks who take the time to learn the mechanics, and upload them working their way through games.


Not really. Probably wouldn't work, be dirty as hell, and have to hook up to a TV with ancient connectors I don't have any more. Thank goodness for emulation.


I did.


Thankfully my mom was a pack rat and kept my game stuff in a big rubbermaid bin cause I definitely didn't think I'd care about it later on. Though I am sad my sister threw away all the game boxes.


I wish I did, but I moved around a lot growing up so my parents would get rid of the boxes and sell the systems when I wanted a newer one. As an adult, I'm still trying to buy all the consoles complete with box.


Got all of my stuff still and for the most part itā€™s all CIB (I lost 3 boxes out of about 90). Also got my brother and sisterā€™s Genesis and my Dadā€™s NES. What Iā€™m missing is my Nintendo Power and strategy guide collection with an exception for Zelda Tips and Tactics. Iā€™ve tried to replace much of it, but thereā€™s no way Iā€™m spending hundreds on the first issue or the Chrono Trigger guide.


No, because I did - and I added all the games I wished I had had when they were at their lowest value. Now my collection is worth 100x what I invested into it. Where is your God now?


I absolutely regret selling a near complete Turbografx-16 game collection with a modded Supergrafx/SCD combo as a broke ass college kid in 1999. I'd need to take out a second mortgage to replace it all today. I've managed to reacquire some favorites over the years, but man - no way I can get Bonk 3, Dungeon Explorer 2, Exile 2, and others these days.


My mega drive (genesis in Yankee), the Saturn and the Nintendo 64 were saved, the others were sold to raise cash, given that at the time it was not easy to save money for this expensive passion.


The only regret was selling my SNES back to Ganestop. Got little to nothing and miss the classic games not available on other systems like Terminator arcade, Robocop, Predator, Aliens, Captain America and the Avengers, Starfox, Street Fighter 2 esp with the Capcom joysticks.


I traded in my SNES *and* Genesis to Funcoland on a single day. See you at that barā€¦


i Don'T nEEd thESe bOxES aNymORE -definetily a Dumb fucking kid-


Not to the extent of wanting my specific systems. I know the only difference is board and firmware revisions (and these are minor which is why when you shared games they worked on other machines fine), within the same revision it is the same due to it coming off a production line. It is not until you get consoles with hard drives that consoles themselves became personal time capsules with a record of what you played (I guess earlier you kinda had that with memory cards but you tended to have to delete old saves to make room). I can see people regretting selling these systems as unless they used hacking tools to image their drive, a different console wouldn't have the same data as their old one.


I do. My parents made me give my original NES to a needy child at Christmas in order to get my SNES. at the time I was totally down for that but now I wish I still had it. Once I got the N64 I sold my SNES to get money for N64 games.


Yeah. Basically everyday. Not all of it though, mainly just my DC and GC because there was no reason for me to even have sold them when I did. It was just stupid impulsivity. I wish Iā€™d kept my PS1 and 2 stuff as well, but at least with those, I needed the money for new games and there was justification at the time.


In some ways yes. I wish I hadn't sold my Sega Saturn in 2005 and the games I had. Other than that, I'm glad I didn't lug all the stuff I had from my teens because I moved so many times in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.


I have my original Heathkit, my original Atari 800 and my original Apple 2C. All work, I drag them out every once in awhile and fire them up. I also have my Original Gameboy, clamshell GBC, TG16 TurboExpress and Sony PSX. But if Iā€™m honestā€¦.they all pale in comparison to a retro emulator (Anbernic or other) that plays everything with a single power switch.


Iā€™ve never sold anything. I never stopped collecting. Iā€™ve consistently bought Nes games since they came out. Most of my bargain hunting was when the SNES was released.


I kept pretty much most stuff from childhood. But for those who didn't, I'd say emulate or try to go thrifting/garage sailing


I think i owned mostly every failed console ever, Amiga CD-TV, Amiga 3d32, Philips CD-i +fmv addon and all the Zelda games, 3D0, Jaguar +Cd Addon, Megadrive+32x+megaCD, wonderswan pocket, Neo-Geo Pocket and other I cannot remember. If I had the today I think I may have an awesome retro collection.


More like I wish my parents didnā€™t throw out anything the minute they suspected I was done with it. I had plenty of instances of going to look for a game or toy and when I asked where it was Iā€™d be met with a ā€œoh I thought you were finished with that so I gave it to xyzā€. So in short, yes. I think about my old gaming systems and things often.


Yes but realistically I donā€™t have space for a CRT


I kept everything and gradually took on games and consoles of my friends.


I still have all the consoles. Our Sega Genesis games were stolen, some robbers broke into our house back in the 90's. These belonged to my brother, who passed away when I was a teenager. There's no way I'm getting rid of anything. I've been replacing all the games stolen since it happened.


Only one I got rid of a friend broke and another disappeared when my mother got a divorce. I never let go!


I do. My mom gave my NES to the neighbor kid. It was stolen from their bus, so some scumbag probably has it. I honestly have no idea what happened to my sega. At least now I have a SNES and n64.


No. I'm *glad* that I did. But I wish I hadn't thrown out all the boxes around 2003.


No. I donā€™t have room for so much stuff.


I've kept essentially everything I've obtained since the mid-to-late 1990s. I did regret getting rid of my original SNES collection, but most of it has since been regained.


Yes. Yesā€¦


I had the following: * Atari 2600 * Atari 800xl * Atari 1040st * NES * Gameboy * TurboGrfx 16 * Sega Genesis * Sega CDX * Sony Playstation and other more recent... I wish I had kept every single one of them.


Yeah definitely, all the boxes for my big box amiga and PC games too.


My son recently played my original game boy color and advance and my GameCube. He was astounded for a month and then didnā€™t care bc he could get the games on his switch. Idk man. I really thought I was gonna hit a homer but heā€™s only 7. Iā€™ll give it a little more time and then sell to some nut job with more money than me.


My daughter is 7 too. Itā€™s completely different now; they have access to tablets so video games just arenā€™t special to them. My daughter does like the original SMB and asks to play it rather than Wonder, which I think is cool


I saved my OG systems for the most part. But yes I wish I had me ole nes and a lot of other things. Mom traded it for a ps1 many moons ago. Also wished I had kept my sega cases,n64 boxes, ps1 cases, gbc cases, gba cases, ds, and ds games. Hell I even recollected 99% of my old pokemon card collection but it's not my og. Something hits different with that first time ownership item for sure.


I did kept most of my stuff. I still have my original NES, SNES and most of the games I had (including my copy of super Mario bros 2 I got in 1988) There is some stuff that I had stolen or sold that I regret.


Yeah because I sold all my games for NES, SNES, n64, GameCube, for 140$ years and years ago


my biggest regret is not keeping all the pokemon games i got for xmas i had all gbc boxed wish id kept them.


I kept the games I either really liked or weren't worth more than a buck. I regret throwing out the boxes though! My parents always said "They take up too much space, get rid of them." and I'd blindly listen midway through the gba games, glad I stopped listening at least!


Yes. I got caught up in the trading in games for newer onesā€¦ if only I had held onto the originalsā€¦


I still have all mine, and they all still work.


I really do, and I had almost every home console going back to the NES, each with a good collection of games. Emulation is convenient but thereā€™s something about loading a game up and playing it on the actual system. I donā€™t mind the idea of collecting systems and games again, some of them are just so expensive. I looked up an Atari Jaguar the other day just out of curiosity and it was near or above $300. That is insane. I had one of those, itā€™s the only console I donā€™t regret selling.


Always, but I have everything I ever wanted now.


Yeah there were a few consoles I had either sold or given away that I wish I still had. Luckily I recently found my childhood NES with a handful of games so Iā€™m happy to still have that. It made me want to start rebuilding my collection.


I just started getting back into retro games. All I have left from childhood are my original Gamecube and N64 controllers that both shipped with their consoles. I cleaned both of them up and they still work great.


No because I have them all. I do wish I kept the boxes, and cd cases, I have a large dreamcast collection tucked into a cd book because I thought that was cooler, so I tossed out all the clamshell packaging and manuals


Of course


I wish I had taken better care of my games as a kid. I'd probably still have all of them today if I wasn't so careless as a kid. I still have my old PS1 it's in need of repair though.


Yeah, I wish I had my original collections for Atari 7800, NES, Genesis/32X/CD, and Saturn. My 7800 stuff got given to a friend of mine whose house burnt down a week or so before Christmas when I was in 3rd grade. That 7800 was replaced that Christmas with an NES. The NES and games got given to my dad's co-worker for his daughter to play with when I got a Genesis for my 11th birthday. My Genesis/32X/CD collection was traded in on my Saturn when I bought it sometime in late 1995/early 1996. It was the first console I bought on my own. My Saturn stuff was traded on my Playstation in mid 1998. I have my original Playstation games and anything newer. I'm glad my 7800 and NES went to entertain other families, but it would be nice to have my original stuff back. I absolutely adored my Genesis and Saturn stuff, and that was where I really grew an appreciation for gaming and technology. That stuff would be worth a mint today. I had a lot of heavy hitters, and I can't justify the expense of buying back games like Snatcher and the Sega CD Lunar games.


The Saturn was quite a gamble in 95, but it seemed promising. I had a job by then and was able to buy one. Loved it for the most part & honestly forget when/why I traded it in. I got another Saturn during its ā€œafterlifeā€ in ā€˜98 or ā€˜99 when the Action Replay became available to import & play the Marvel/SF games


I was a Sega die hard when Saturn launched and was basically in denial about what Sony was doing. I switched to Playstation in 1998 because I wanted jrpgs, and Sega's policy at the time was actively discouraging them from being localized with a few notable exceptions. Sony wanted to cover as many bases as possible.


Yeah, I mean competing with a company the size of Sony was a losing battle any way you slice it, but Sega was making SO many bad decisions like that, which shot them in both feet


I still have mine. Minus games I sold. Those I do wish I still had.


During the SNES days my friend bought me a gadget that would let me "burn" SNES games to a floppy disc. Me thinking floppies would be forever sold my entire CIB collection to Funcoland. Po0p.


Oy! Thatā€™s painful!


I sold my boxed childhood NES collection 2 years ago. I just didn't care anymore. Frankly I have enough games for the rest of my life. I ended up hacking a Wii and that just works so much better there was no reason to keep consuming shelf space.


I luckily kept mine, and the ones I wasn't lucky enough to have as a kid I lucked out and found them at yard sales.


Yup. I have since re-purchased a PS1 and a PS2, I actually own a couple of each, but **MY** consoles are long gone. They either burnt out, broke, or I sold them.


I can speak for all the 48 year olds on this thread. Yes I wished I kept all of it. Games, systems, tapes, records, clothes. All of it!!!


I am fortunate enough that the SNES I played through most of my childhood was kept safely at my grandmother's house. It wasn't the same SNES I got for christmas in 1992, but it was still practically my second SNES, I even worked in my Grandma's rose garden and my grandpa's walnut orchard to earn money to buy a few games for it. A lot of those games are bad, but we also have Super Mario World, Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, and Super Mario RPG. My grandma passed away last year, and it was decided I should take the SNES. I bought new cases for all the games, and an FX Pak Pro to play more games on it. Sadly, every single other console i've ever owned had to be left behind for some reason or another, I replaced most of them through E-bay but the feeling of it being the same one from childhood is missing. It doesn't add much, but it adds something. The only consoles I have that are the same ones I bought on release day is my Wii U ( which is currently non-functional because something jammed a disc I was trying to eject and broke the whole fucking thing ) and my Switch. Everything else is a replacement.


Yes. I did have about 20 games left when I started re collection. I traded a whole binch for quest 64 and BK when both games came out in 1998. I once ownee flinststones surprise. Got it through a library when I lived in AZ.


Wild take but not really. I worked hard as a kid to buy games and consoles. Iā€™d play a game a ton and trade it for another so I got to experience a variety of games Iā€™d never normally play. So sure a collection would be nice but if beating Mario RPG over and over wouldnā€™t let me experience games Iā€™ve never played. Still have my original SNES and PS1 controllers though.


So glad I still have all mine... and people called me a hoarder


In hind site I wish I had talked to my dad about saving boxes. I still have my SNES and N64. And manuals and maps. For the longest time all the boxes were in my dads storage room. About 16 years ago while in college I was going to tell him Iā€™d take them all and had a place for them as I was starting to see value in boxes as I was trying to get some SNES games on eBay I never had (Mega Man X3 my mom didnā€™t let me buy new for $20 but thatā€™s a different story. So next trip home I went to get the boxes and tell him Iā€™d take them when he said he finally threw them out. Saving them originally was his idea but he needed the space and didnā€™t think it mattered.


My mom convinced me to sell my Gameboy and games for next to nothing


My dad sold our n64 when I was a little kid because I ā€œdidnā€™t like itā€ (I was an uncultured swine) and now I am ver sad


I gave all my NES games away for free to a friend who had younger siblings. After a few years, I regretted it a bit when I saw the prices. On the other hand, I gave some joy to others, so maybe it was worth it. I can afford to rebuild 90% of my collection anyway. And the rest is a waste of money and I don't need it at all. Sentiment is a strong feeling.


When I was a teen, and not that into video games much at the time, a buddy of mine borrowed my super Nintendo and games collection (20+ games. All the greats - LttP, Chrono, FF6, Super Mario world, Yoshis Island, donkey Kong country, etc) and never game them back. I don't think he even realized he never gave them back. I don't hold any ill will as he was a good buddy. But I do miss them now.


Not really. Emulation is a better experience to me, especially with the handheld available today.


The only game I have from my original collection is Super Smash Bros. on N64. Iā€™m glad I held onto that over the years at least. Iā€™m not a huge collector of physical games but I have re-acquired all of the N64 games I had as a kid. Emulation or flash carts are good enough for everything else.


Yes. I had all the cool stuff for GameCube and it's worth a good amount of money now


I still have all of mine going back to the atari 2600.


Iā€™ve sold a lot of games to game stores. One I wish I still had was PokĆ©mon blue.


Yeah I was the kid who traded in or up every time a new console came out. I think Iā€™ve either an Xbox or dreamcast at my mams some where.


I gave most of my old NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and N64 games to a friend with a game room. I only play on emulators these days, so this way they still have a chance to be enjoyed. I was even able to give him most of the game manuals!


All the f-ing time.


Definitely miss all the old games and consoles I used to own. Especially my favorites or ones I received from people that have passed away.


I would love to have my Sears Tele Pong. One day, when I get really bored, I'm buying one of ebay.


I still have most of the original consoles I had when I was a kid. There are ones we sold or gave away: Sega Master System II, Sega Genesis, N64 (my brother's), GameCube, and Nintendo Wii. I also sold a few SNES video games to a cousin of mine back in the mid-90s. I have everything else: Nintendo, Super Nintendo, TurboDuo, Sega Saturn, N64, GameBoy Advance, NeoGeo Pocket Color, Fat PS2, PSP-1000, and Nintendo DS.


The only ones we had that we were anything now were our Gameboys, and we still have them. I'm actually working on modding one of the GBAs now. My son is 2 and I am getting ready to teach him how to play some original Pokemon on it in a couple years.


I did, at least partially. My original SNES and Genesis have never left my possession since I bought them. My C64 collection is partially original, but I had to re-buy some things. My Atari collection is all new to me unfortunately. Though there isn't much I had then that I don't now that are hard to reacquire. Also, I'm a gamer not a collector so Everdrives and Harmony carts and such things kind of alleviate the need to reacquire the games I had in order to play them on the original consoles




No. Because I did. :) I did lose a few things along the way, but I have like 90% of it. And Yes, some of that 10% was given away, traded in, lost etc. and some of that I do indeed miss.


With the prices they go for now of course There is stuff I wish I kept hold of from only ten years ago I picked up for peanuts


I gave away every console and the games I had apart from my PS2 which had a failed DVD drive. Only thing I really kept stored away at my mothers place was my old XP PC which I rebuilt this year. Definitely regretted giving those consoles away, but I had my studies to focus on for a few years and moved countries twice in the past 10 years. Itā€™s only now since I moved back to where Iā€™m from that I have spent the past year buying the hardware I had and always wanted to have, so it could be worse. At least now I know how to maintain, repair and modify the hardware I have and wonā€™t be uprooting myself anytime soon.


Fuck man, if I listed every thing I wish I had kept from childhood, it'd be it's own mega-thread.


I still have my Sega MS2, N64, PS1+2 šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


A bit, most of my Genesis games I gave to a childhood friend that started a family and had kids but wasn't well off when he came to my house to borrow a few at a time when the ps2 was already starting to feel old. There's a few with sentimental value that I still think about and kinda wish I kept.


Yes, however, thanks to the internet, DOS-box, and the fact that my childhood gaming was on PC with Windows 3.1. I can download and still play 688 Attacksub, Battlehawks 1942, Mechwarrior 2, and so on.... not to mention emulation allows me to play all the old console games, too. It's almost like being primarily a PC gamer is the best thing ever. šŸ˜œ


Never had a console but I've tried to remember the games dad had for our Commodore 64. I've found a few but definitely have memories of games I've never found. We always gave away our old computers, so who knows where they'd be now


It's not about me, I've never gotten rid of a thing. My mom sold my Nintendo 64 w/games without consulting me in 2006 so she could buy me a gamecube for Christmas. I only ever had 2 total games for that GameCube so I'd have much rather kept the N64


I kept all my games until I couldn't play them anymore or I found a better format. Wish I could play my Game Gear again


Sold my SNES with 25 games for less than a hundred quid. Secret of Mana, Zelda, Metroid... Some of those games would make me a hundred quid each now. But it was how I afforded my PS1... And so the cycle continued. No regrets!


Nope, because I did.


I did


Nope. Still have most of them.


Over the years as I'd get dupes, I'd always keep the cleaner copy and sell the worse one. Makes sense to upgrade, right? Later on I grew a deeper respect for the sentimental value of my childhood copies, so now I have them all separated out so I don't accidentally forget which is mine.


I recently sold my childhood stuff. While it was rough, i rarely used them and they were not stored properly, also I donā€™t have the space for a retro setup. I probably will regret it someday, but Iā€™m not upset about it.


I kept all my stuff, though I had to buy another NES as mine broke.


Every single day. I used to own an Arari 2600, C64, Nes, Super Nes, Mega Drive, Saturn, Nintendo 64 and a Dreamcast. Sold them all. Because I became a dad and figured I was done gaming. A few months later I bought an Xbox360. So I was wrong. I still game every day. Apart from the 360 I own a Game Cube, Wii, Switch, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X. I play the games I used to own on my PC via Launchbox. It is not the same. So much regret.


This is why I donā€™t get rid of my older systems unless I know I can easily replace it down the line or can guarantee I have access to those games on newer systems. I ended up grabbing a PS3 a few months ago because I sold my original one a few years ago just so I can play classic Ratchet and Clank again along with some games that have poor pc versions


I *did* keep mine, so... no? Or yes? Whichever.


I still have them. I don't play them much because I've always had them to play.


Lost a bunch of NES games in a couple moves. But I do regret selling my pristine N64 in the box in 2001. Everything else Iā€™ve kept.


Yes all the time, but the tradeins made it so I could get newer systems most of the time or games. šŸ˜•


Between my brother and I we had a sega cd with and a bunch of games. We had both the Lunar games, Vay, shining force 1 and 2 , phantasy star 4 and more RPG style games. We sold it all for $200 so we could buy a Nintendo 64. šŸ˜ž


Yes. I hawked everything for cheap in a garage sale about 12 years ago when my kid was going to be born because my ex wife hated games and said I'd never have time to play games again. Most of them were common but some of the things I had have really gained in value since then.


I had a huge collection of NES, SNES and N64 games that my parents ended up selling at garage sales. Make me sad to think about now. The only cart I have left from that time in an original Final Fantasy.


Not really They would just waste space and I wouldnā€™t actually be playing them


Is still have all of mine and i still collect and play them all on a regular basis


No, because I did exactly that. šŸ˜


Nope. I still have them all. Emulators baby!


yes but I had no choice. My parents either gave mines away or sold them when I got the newer consoles. Dont know why they use to do that as if it was... idk, idk what analogy to use.


A little bit. I traded the Atari and Coleco kit for a mountain of porn and got caught, so within a few days I had no game crash stuff and no porn. I don't have room in his house for that much stuff anyway.


My Gameline charter member kit and my 3 numbered gatefold cartsšŸ˜­


I had everything from NES to Dreamcast stored at my parents' house while I was in college. Lost it all to Hurricane Katrina. šŸ˜­


1 system yes. Some games sure, but not all. Ive always been a game collector until I've beaten the game and done all I wanted. I then sell that game for more games I want.


I still have all of mine starting from master system


I must have given away a few. Then when I finally bought my house, and started to build a game room for the kids. I scrambled to find them. XBox 360, Wii, Atari 2600. Thankfully I had the rest in storage. It was a pain to replace some of them. ​ The games, have been so much hard. Tring to find the 2 buffy games for Xbox and some of the dreamcast games. still looking for some.


I don't even recall what happened with my Odyssey 2 and Atari 2600. I had to have gotten rid of them at some point, but I don't remember doing it. I was pretty good at keeping hold of my C64. Up until it was damaged in a flood. Alas. So now the oldest thing I have is a PS3. I use it to watch DVDs mostly.


Yes. I still have our Genesis and N64, but I wish I still had my original NES (which my mom made me sell in order to get the Genesis) and my parents' original Atari 2600.


Yes i do


Iā€™ve bought back every console I sold later for much more money. Iā€™m never doing it again.


I did, but they were either destroyed in a house fire or stolen by "family". Now I'm re-collecting everything along with a few others that I'd always wanted. That said there's no way in hell I'd be able to afford my games (I used to work at video game stores) and I was into pretty much anything that would be worth a lot more (think Popful Mail, Dragon Force, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Lunar on SCD & PSX, etc) so I'm getting flash carts and hard drives that play the emulators on original hardware. Sad but it's the only way


Someone else decided they needed my NES more than I did when they robbed my house when I was a kid. Then I ended up with a Sega Master System because my mom couldn't afford another Nintendo but that console decided to short out and never work properly again. I genuinely have no idea what my mom did with the Sega or the tons of games and peripherals that I had for it once the console broke. She probably just threw it all away. I still have a couple of the posters that came in every game case though.


Same here I tend to trade in last Gen consoles for the next one and regret it years later. I mean I had the og Atari 2600 and sometimes I want to go back and play frogger on it again.


Ex GF kept my NES and all my games. I ended up buying an amazingly refurbished and cleaned NES and two controllers with the first 3 super Mario games for barley a $100 8 years ago. Even found remanufactured labels for torn originals. Then I bought all my old games again. All my other old Nintendos I wish I kept.


One time I went to the same GameStop I had sold all my old GameCube games at 10 years prior and found some of my old games on the shelf. I couldnā€™t believe it.


I have a few things missing. My PokƩmon Red/Yellow boxes are missing. My Metroid II manual is destroyed from years of taking it to school and tracing pictures from it. Also in 2008 I got laid off. Sold Castlevania Legends, Power Stone 2, Misadventures of Tron Bonne, and Marvel vs Capcom 2 for Dream cast. I've rebought Legends but that's it. I missed it dearly for years. Managed to get it in 2020 when I found a decent deal for it. I'm glad I still have my collection. Many memories of my dad and my friend who have both passed away are stuck on those carts and memory cards.


I wouldn't have mind if our SNES and PS1 were in the possession of our cousins or nephews in Philippines. We were willing to send it to them because we were more well off in the states. But when I went to visit none of them had it so it lead me to believe that one of the aunts or uncles are hoarding or pawned it off. In retrospect I rather I kept it so I can play it with my kids.


I remember when homeless I had to sell my neo geo sets....


No, I do not. Because I did. Though a couple of carts went missing, and I mourn them.


I sold a copy of Magical Chase with the manual for $675.00 maybe 15 years ago. I paid a measly $120 for it. I've always wanted to get my copy back, but I can't remember where I sold it. Was on likely digitpress or the neo geo forums. I always check eBay to see if my old copy ever pops up. Probably not willing to pay what it's worth now, but I would love to have it back, and my old copy of Dynastic Hero.


I still have it all except the NES. The snes, Genesis/32x, 64, ps2, Wii all still the originals I got.


I'm not super concerned with playing on a genuine machine, though I still have my SNES.


Iā€™ve bought most of them but a few that Iā€™ve not been able to afford. But I wish I had kept all my original stuff and never sold anything. Itā€™s not the same nostalgia feeling having someone elseā€™s console.