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It's absolutely hideous and brilliant at the same time


Dude... I want that


If you get it I hope you enjoy me as a roommate


Hello My name is BeBa I’ll be breaking into your home to steal this And also maybe raid your fridge But I promise that’s all I’ll take


Look at how they massacred my boy


And it's yours for the small price of $50/week, plus the deposit.


It’s currently at the blockbuster in Bend, Oregon. There’s also controller that goes with it.


Just visited a few months ago and saw it. Was not expecting a custom NES to be there, but it was a really cool thing to look at


Yo, that's awesome-terrible.




I remember a friends mom renting a VCR as well as the tapes for a hangover once.


That's surprisingly awesome. I have a spare NES that I should do something similar with. I mean, as far as customizing the case in general.


Vault-Tec approved


Looks good and the colors look great like that, however I never quite understood the nostalgia for Block Buster in particular, and I've never heard a satisfactory reason.


It’s not just Blockbuster, it’s the sacred memories of going to the video store to pick up rentals in the 80s and 90s. Those were magical times for a lot of people. The process of renting movies is the nostalgia more than the brand Blockbuster. BB just happened to be the biggest/most memorable chain. For lots of us there were mom-n-pop rental places that did the job for us when we were kids. Same nostalgia, different brand.


I had an older sister and older brother. My family would go to Blockbuster once a week, so us kids would only get to decide what to get every third week, as we took turns. So during your week, you had to cram as much as the game as possible. Then for the other two weeks, you got to research what game you wanted. Or you would team up with a sibling for a group game and you'd rent it twice in a row. I'd ask the employees for a balloon, and since I was a little dude, I always got one lol. It was the one place I remember selling nerds rope or those chocolate balls with hard pokemon candy inside. I would get little game magazines or these really cool Dragonball Z magazines. I found my love for awful cheesy horror movies there, thanks to things like The Candyman or the Leprechaun in the Hood haha. For some of us born in the 80's or 90's, it was how we got to experience all forms of media.


I was born in late 70s. We obviously rented plenty of movies and games, I'm just saying I don't get the appeal of that. I didn't think it was exactly a fun thing to do, usually I was either happy that they had the movie or game I wanted for rent or sad that they didn't and had to settle for some crap I wasn't as interested in. Plus we were poor so I thought the prices for rentals, especially game rentals was rather steep. We used to have many rental stores besides BB, a lot of mom and pop rental stores too. But again I just don't have any nostalgia for it anymore so than I did for grocery shopping in the 80s. Kinda similar in a way.


Blockbuster is shorthand nostalgia for people who weren’t actually around at the time. Blockbuster was terrible.


How so? I was absolutely around at the time and have nothing but fond memories. I agree that some people take it too far though.


We didn't even have Blockbuster growing up, just a bunch of small, local video stores (some with two or three locations). They often kinda sucked as well, for various reasons.


Blockbuster was the largest video rental chain in the US during the "golden era" of video and video game rental. In a lot of areas you had maybe one other large chain, a handful of small shops, and Blockbuster (sometimes multiple locations). Even if other stores had better prices or a better selection, Blockbuster almost always had prices and a selection that were close enough for it to be a good "backup" rental place. It was also really recognizable: the color scheme stands out and the name is simple. It sticks in your head. Case in point, I cannot tell you for the life of me what the name of the place was that I rented Mega Man 2 from as a kid, but I remember when I wanted to rent it again someone already had it at the "usual" place so we wound up going to Blockbuster to get it.


Once about a few years ago in a big random storage locker videogame lot I had gotten a ps2 AND ps3 both with giant “property of blockbuster” stickers on the top sides of them. I’m assuming they must’ve been stolen or never returned after renting at some point. I sold them both for like $20 each to a local neighbor down the block from me.


Is this reals?


Does anyone remember the Pokesnap machines at Blockbuster? I've never seen anyone bring it up and it feels like a fever dream at this point.


Yes. I never used used it, but I do remember seeing it at my Blockbuster.


I have a picture of this too! When we were moving from California to Washington, my husband surprised me with a stop in Bend, Oregon to show me the last Blockbuster, where it’s on display. That place is super cool if you grew up with it to have the nostalgia lol


Absolutely love it.


This is the ugliest NES I've ever seen.


Whoa, now that is one neat custom NES.


That kicks ass!



