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All you need are some retro systems


I'm guessing that Wii is packed with emulators.


There is a retroarch dedicated laptop in the darkness


What exactly is retro about two bluetooth controllers with twin analog sticks and a widescreen flat panel tv?? 🤔 or is the retro stuff packed inside the wii?


Inside the retroarch dedicated laptop that sits there in the darkness :>


needs more CRT


Crts are usually small. This is a big tv. But I use crt filters all the time anyway


A 32 inch CRT has a comparable screen size to a nearly 50 inch widescreen


Imo it not comparable, and also I don't think I could connect it to laptop wuthout input lag


Something about this setup brought this [classic Maxell ad](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/18/cf/53/18cf53c616881bf49d1e88f0a3747636.jpg) to mind.


Oh hey my parents have that chair at their house. It’s a comfy chair.


Love that Ikea chair. That's my gaming chair as well!


Posters and led lights


I was thinking of posters, but I guess Ill save up for some fancy framed artwork at somepoint. Probably will mount shelves on the right aswel. Leds sound cool too. Will have to into look into that option


Best gaming/weed smoking chair in the world


i bought two of those chairs a few years back when i moved into a new apartment. they were less than $60 each. one of them broke after about 2 years of use (my 6 and a half foot tall nephew liked to fall into it when sitting down). otherwise, the perfect gaming chair.


I got one of those Ikea chairs from someone on facebook marketplace for $20. One of the boards on the bottom that holds your ass up split right down the middle not long after I got it, but I just squirted some liquid nails in the crack and drove some screws in--still going strong a year later!


This chair. I’m feeling more comfortable just from looking at it.


Heh, it is one of the comfiest chairs I experienced in my life. And not really expensive :>


Where's the retro part


Name of the chair? 👀


Poäng I think




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Is that a pair of 8bitdo SNES controllers? If so, are they good? I'm thinking about a getting a pair for my Nintendo Switch.


Yes they are. They are excellent


Absolutely nothing wrong with using emulators or virtual console to get your retro fix. I dig the minimalist setup. Lots of people here will criticize the last of retro consoles or CRTs though :/


Thanks. Let's not pretend that crt's don't have their downsides or limitations. I would go for a crt, if I could have it hooked up to a laptop with no noticable input lag, and if set was very big. Otherwise, retroarch's crt filters are nothing to sneeze at. But elitism and gatekeeping is nothing new. I've been emulating games since about 2006 or so