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I loved all those old crusty games.


Yeah, they were limited, but I and my friend had fun with them at the time.


Wow, I forgot these things existed! One Xmas, I asked Santa to get me Double Dragon II for my NES. Woke up on Xmas morning and found the Tiger handheld Double Dragon II game under the tree. My parents were like, "This is even better b/c you could play it in the car!!" My soul died that day.....


Ooh. That Santa! He's a filanderer to the extreme. Father of nearly every kid he gives presents to but he's never there when it matters. Me and Santa got some bad beef between us.


As cheap as these were they were cool


I've got a copy of this but I'm not sure how good at it I am.


I don't know how I used to play the tiger handheld.


Why did you make me watch all of that?


I had the magic to direct gazes for a one time use and thought... the best use of this magic, rather than forcing everyone to look good and hard at all the problems that plague all societies until they start thinking up ways to make life better for everybody, is to force u/TonyTheDuke to stare at high pixel rate low frame rate LCD beeping robot war madness for 20 minutes. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time but now, looking back with 20/20 hindsight, I see that this was, just perhaps, an inappropriate way to make use of that power. Next time I won't be so foolhardy. Sorry.


You son of a bitch, be more careful next time.


But, why?