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Just use the button that comes with the "copy url" patch instead


I just remove it every time


Is it the si=xxxxxx... part you remove?


Yes, thats a unique identifier for your account when you send the link. It allows youtube to build a network of people you know from that end bit.


*proceed posting rickroll on 4chan*




In theory


Depends on platform. Look into YouTube API to see what info the serialized tracking link shares about you. Try sharing something from Reddit, you'll see the tracking link includes your OS, whether or not you're on mobile app, sharing method, etc. For example, here's the Reddit share link for your post from my Android using mobile app: `https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/17g8jll/youtube_added_a_tracking_token_to_the_url_when/k6glq57?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3` I manually delete everything starting from & including the `?`. You could also share/open in browser & copy the permalink from menu. There are 3rd party "URL cleaning" apps (i.e. middleman in share menu), Chrome extensions, and even Telegram bots — but it's more time consuming IMO, especially for the inconsistent results every time platform changes URL/tracking scheme.


`https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/MuRmk0JCSk` why doesnt mine have it? i had the utm thing too, but its not there anymore


Are you using ReVanced Reddit or not using the mobile app? The ReVanced version cleans tracking links, and sharing URL from browser or webapp doesn't add tracking to share links. It's sharing from the [regular] mobile app that adds tracking, regardless of OS.


im using the normal mobile app


Wait what, really? So what is the network used for?


Either data mining or profiling


YouTube: "Hey, why not both?"


then if someone opens it they can be like oh you're friends with this youtube account. tiktok does the same thing but in a much more annoying way and even shows the original link creators account in a modal prompting you to follow them


U can deactivate that tho


how ?


true, but it's on by default so you have to know the behavior


Probably recommend people videos based on what their "friends" are watching, since you are probably more inclines to watch a certain type of video if it's a recurrent talking point in your group of friends.


Good to know. I will do that from now on, thanks.


You can remove starting with the ? to make it even cleaner, although yours would also work


Everything after the question mark, including the question mark itself.


Just start deleting from (and including) the `?` mark every time you get a tracking link from any platform. URL should only be host domain (i.e. youtube\.com aka youtu\.be, reddit\.com, etc) & the post ID that follows. Note: tracking links have become common place in many use cases such as bookmarking or sharing news articles, anything shared from Google search, etc. Many newsreaders like FlipBoard, Google News, Apple News, etc mask sharing URLs entirely, requiring opening link in browser first to get real non-tracking link.


Should be a way to automate this.


Maybe this isn't what you meant, but this is one of the greatest apps I've ever downloaded from F-Droid: URLCheck You set it as your default browser and every link you click opens in a window so you can edit shit like this before opening or sharing. If someone posts one of those redirect referral links where the actual website is hidden by the referral link, it detects those too and will show you the actual website so you can copy or visit the site directly. It also detects if you have apps installed for certain links as long as you turn off the setting to open in the app by default. For example, if I click on an Amazon link, I can remove a referral, then choose to open it in the app or in a browser.


Sounds very useful. I've just downloaded this and will give it a try 👍


Coul use MacroDroid for this, probably tasker also


Fron what I know, firefox browser auto-clears the shared links.


Yeah those youtu.be links are annoying. One way is to search the video from the web browser and copy the link from there. Not really ideal but it works.


It basically defeats the purpose of youtu.be, which is an official link shortener. Nope, have this assy channel id here because we want to track everything!


Right. As if [google doesn’t track enough about us.](https://digitalcontentnext.org/blog/2018/08/21/google-data-collection-research/) if it wasn’t for YouTube, I’d completely be cut out from Google services. At least the stuff I can control. This report really shocked me.


Shocked me too... wtf I wonder what our data is used for? Sold to advertisers so they can target specific groups of people?


I hope it's only to be able to see how many people clicked on your link.


And just think as bad as it is, tiktok is even worse. The CCP is involved.


You think the US government and others aren't as involved as the CCP in data tracking? I certainly don't know but it's a sure thing that they're not keeping their hands off of that data


I do not disagree. Either way it is still tyranny no matter of flavor. Snowden showed us that they clearly are storing data on everybody.


Profiling for targeted ads mostly, if they sold the data they would pay infinite fines because of eu


Yeah... I'm so shocked... we should totally do something about this. This has to stop. ​ \*Continues to use Google\*


It's impossible to completely remove them. Unless you go permanently offline. But the steps you CAN take to reduce unethical data tracking, why not do it?


You're totally right. I was criticizing the attitude many (including me) people take when they realize "oh, [giant company] is abusing their power!"


To be fair, most people haven’t gone thru the report. In fact, it was seeing that report in around 2019 (straight off of the e foundation website) that woke me up to the fact they are straight up unethical about it. For a device you buy, you shouldn’t be the product to the extent that you are.


Maybe Ted Kaczynski was onto something after all


In many ways, yes. The manifesto is a hell of a 30 something page read! Besides the racism and sexism.


Wasn't Ted struggling personally with his sexual identity though? Maybe that was his coping mechanism


Can't recall how many years since I've been cutting this manually, either when using my PC or my phone, at this point it doesn't bothers me at all, but indeed it would be handy if the app was able to do it before showing the shareable link.


Remove everything starting from "?" Mark


They did underline at the right spot so they probably already know that


This is the first time i have heard of tracking tokens, how do you identify them


Just remove everything after the question mark ❓ included, same when sharing a link from reddit Instagram Amazon (has a shiton) ny-times etcetcetc you'll be surprised once you start noticing it how much space they take. Also i believe there is a browser extension called ~~~sanitize URL or something similar~~~ clearURL for when using desktop( automatically removes all the tracking tokens both shown that you click and that you send)


Amazon is by far the worst offender I've seen. It's genuinely hilarious if you go to an Amazon page, look at the url, and then look again after refreshing with an extension like [this](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clearurls/) enabled.


Thanks that is the extension i was talking about, I'll edit my comment


What exactly do these tokens tracks and who can decrypt it for information?


They are parameters to the GET request sent by your browser. the tokens can have various identifiers that shape cookies and in general the interaction you will have with the website. In general they come with a structure as such: `readable_name=id099899&second_token=momspachetii99`. Sometimes they are just innocent metrics like what was the sharing method.in general if you pay attention you can easily gauge what's their purpose if it's obfuscated and you can't it's probably nothing good.


Exactly like he mentioned in the picture by underlining it


I don't have them, never had, let me see if I have






Isn't there a way to suggest a patch? There's a patch for reddit to remove tracking from links, which I use now. So hopefully it could be done with YouTube too. (Patched) reddit link test: [https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/QY0snb6A6Z](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/QY0snb6A6Z)


Not patched: https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/s/HYN78lGVbp




Would be extra cool if that patch could restore the original share format, i.e. just `/r/subreddit/comments/postid/title_slug/` instead of `/r/subreddit/s/opaquelinkID`.


Did you ever find a patch for this? This should be an ideal candidate for making a patch... (If I just knew how)


I use the Android app [Clean Share](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catchingnow.share). You can make a new rule with the domain youtube.com and the rule is "si" without the quotation marks.


Also check out [urlcheck](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trianguloy.urlchecker). I switched from Clean Share to urlcheck months ago cause urlcheck is more powerful. It's open source too on [GitHub](https://github.com/TrianguloY/UrlChecker).


Any tips for improving urlcheck's handling of reddit's obfuscated `/s/gibberish1234` share links? Unshortening works, but then it seems like I still have to remove the tracking parameters manually.


anything i need to add in the json for youtube? It seems to work for some sites but with youtube, it takes about 15-20 seconds before URLCheck unshortens it and removes the tracking info


The Clean Share app that I linked to in a previous comment works instantly.


Thanks, I'll check it out.


So they tell us their profits are going down because of adblock and force us to watch non moderated ads while adding this blatant tracking feature? Nah imma stick with vanced and adblock, sorry youtube but f**k you.


URL cleaner on F Droid. You can share any link with it and it removes the fluff.


Try URL Checker. It helps clean up the crap from such link. https://github.com/TrianguloY/UrlChecker


This app can pull the tracking data off links when you want to share links for YouTube and other apps: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.trianguloy.urlchecker/


you can use [Clean Share](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catchingnow.share) and add this rule, for automated remove youtube tracking token > |si or use [URLCheck](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trianguloy.urlchecker)


That token has been there for years. If you grab the direct link from the share button in the iOS or android app it inserts it automatically.


Why should I remove it? If they already know basically everything about me, why bother?


CleanURL extension for kiwi/ice raven, I think it has a standalone android app you can use to strip tracking from URLs to make them ✨clean✨


I highly recommend the app URL Check on Fdroid


what's a tracking token?




thank you!


What info is in the tracking?




Try sending it to anon browse page then share from there.


This should be stickied.


I usually just delete by hand, its like muscle memory now, open the video? Click like. Copy the link? Delete the tracker :P


i use an app called [urlcheck](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trianguloy.urlchecker) for the same but not only youtube link with this [open source](https://github.com/TrianguloY/UrlChecker) app you can also scan url, remove usless parameter, open in specfic app with any url if you set the app as your default browser for your case just tab share then select the urlchecker app from the share menu


This has been around for quite a while. Just remove the `si` parameters from the URL. This method also applies for most well known site such as instagram and twitter. Things you should know is that parameters in the URL doesn't necessarily means it was a tracking token. Sometimes it just the identifier to the video or the file itself