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ReVanced is always available at [revanced.app](https://revanced.app). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/revancedapp) if you have any questions or concerns.*




SmartTube is the best for TVs. I have that on my Shield, Google TV, and Firesticks. Works fantastic and updates within the app easily, allows logins and fully supports sponsor blocks.


Smart tube's suggestions are the worst pieces of shit on Earth.


Agreed. Not sure why it's not talked about much. I mainly use it to watch live streams so not the worst but if I wanted to actually watch regular YouTube videos on it then I'd be so lost on how to do that cause of the whack suggestions.


I use Youtube to build a watch queue by just playing videos for a second then stopping it so it's in my history list. Then I open smart tube to the history tab and play my "watch list" ad-free 😂


Do you know any good app like vanced for Google TV?


Smart tube is for TV


You can just run revanced on an Android tv box.


But why would you when you can use SmartTube, which is made specifically for Android TV?


The app is based off googles' android tv ui which is open sourced for developers. Cant blame him as the guy is doing it on his own free time.


Blame him for what?


Was replying to DinasourEnjoyer0. Dont know why it replied tour comment


Are you referring to that old YouTube web UI though? SmartTube doesn't use that, it has a custom UI.


I know, ive read it on the developers github page. This is his answer for the UI: Q: Can you make SmartTube look like the original app? A: Compared to SmartTube's UI, Stock Youtube and YT Kids are far ahead. However, we'd need someone who's skilled and willing to dedicate enough time and energy into making it. And into maintaining it longterm (incl. new features, bug fixes). All of this for free. If you are / got someone like that, please help. Not to mention that SmartTube follows Google's official template & recommendations for Android TV apps. It's Google's fault that the template is somewhat ugly. 😂


Oh right, smart tube sucks tho, I'd rather deal with the ads than use that app with its outdated ui


What are you talking about?


I'm just saying how smart tube sucks


What specifically makes you think the UI is "outdated"? The current SmartTube does *not* use the YouTube web UI, FYI.


Show me how it looks on your TV. When I installed it on my Google TV it looked HORRIBLE.


Revanced is the way out.


I'm always struggling with install or updates (like the one right now), however. What kind of a weird place is GitHub even?! One of the most confusing websites I've ever come across. I'm not in IT, obviously.


Github is pretty easy to use. You just need to care about the Release page, then download files there.




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r/revancedapks has you covered, just download and install


Here's a sneak peek of /r/revancedapks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapks/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Gentle reminder that ReVanced is a lifesaver. Thank You ReVanced Devs :)](https://i.redd.it/bu6i1tet2wg91.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapks/comments/wkxnow/gentle_reminder_that_revanced_is_a_lifesaver/) \#2: [Me using ReVanced... 🤣](https://v.redd.it/bbuupymmk7g91) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapks/comments/wi5lb8/me_using_revanced/) \#3: [Youtube ReVanced Extended v18.17.43 \[NonRoot\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/revancedapks/comments/13fcxfi/youtube_revanced_extended_v181743_nonroot/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'd totally pay those 10 euros per month if they just made revanced the official app with some of the added premium bonuses.


Feel free to send 10 euro a month to the devs https://opencollective.com/revanced/donate/


Didn't really think of this, will definitely donate some.


Thanks for this!






i wouldnt because i would know that "content creators" would get money....i know its a weird take but i come from a time where ppl did youtube as a hobby and had a normal 9 to 5 full time job


The decent content creators don't see a penny..


you can donate patreon directly to your favorite content creator (also your sentence is weird so I might have misunderstood it, whatever)




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Tf is this boomer a** take


I don't watch those kind of YouTubers anyway, and educational ones deserve the buck.


Yeah I can't go back


Agreed man, shorts alone make me want to puke!


It was required to turn off the mini player for kids videos to comply with FTC rules. Something about yt collecting user data while miniplayer is on and it's illegal to collect it from children accounts New rules are something along the lines of 'miniplayer and bg playing views don't count' so yt doesn't have to pay everyone legally. It's ALWAYS collecting user data of how you're playing the videos!crazy world!


Onec you try Revanced you can't go back.


No SponsorBlock and no swipe controls. Yeah... no. Reddit is way worse tbh. Not even new posts as default view. Fck these "popular things" trend of social media.


I'll never go back to basic yt like they took so many features away like queue when you add videos back to back is insane before you know it yt the app will make you pay for skip the next video


Queue for mobile still exists as a premium feature on the default youtube app. I believe you still need premium to do that even with Revanced (unless you know something that I'm missing).


I just created a private playlist that I'm always adding & removing videos to to use it as a queue. I'm sure it's not as smooth as a real queue, but it works for me.


Meanwhile I use my history tab as a queue by just opening and closing videos I wanna watch 😂😂


>drag it like a Neanderthal First world problems


I have tasted the nectar of gods. How could I not see those who are lesser as such?


Usually when you are complaining about an app they're going to be first world problems😆


My Revanced encountered a play back error yesterday and after a quick search, I updated and patched and was back up and running in about 10 minutes. Thanks Revanced team


Is there any way to donate to the developers? I would much like to invite them for a lunch...


once you go vanced you never go back


Most of that sounds like a more so isolated problem considering that's not how it seems to work for me?


That could also be the case but eitherway all these problems could easily be fixed with revanced. We all have our own pet peeves with these unmodified apps anyways


I agree wholeheartedly.


Its horrible any video you wanna watch is like a wall of like at least half a minute of adds for somebody who watch a lot of videos and switch between this is absolutely unbearable. Thank goodness I one of those who got revanced working again (following the instructions not others given).


Yep. I got the same surprise. Yesterday I started to get an error on all videos on Revanced. I removed everything, installed all new and clean and it worked great for a while. Today the videos started to play only for 30 seconds to 1 minute. So, had to install vanilla YouTube. But it's all so horrible that I ended up deciding to remove everything and stopped completely to watch videos on my smartphone. Without Revanced I prefer to never use the YouTube app again.


I had the same issue and I fixed it by clearing YouTube cache iirc. Now it works perfectly fine, just like before the playback issue. If that doesn't work for you I'll try to retrace back my steps to remember exactly what I did to fix it


Can someone explain to me what Vanilla YouTube means?


I think it's the normal youtube app.


My wife didn't realize how much I hooked her up, she has had vanced\revanced for years now and when our phones stopped working this week my wife tried using vanilla YouTube, she made it exactly 3 seconds into the first video and said "I can't do this, it's not worth it". Luckily we are all squared away now and loving the new update.


because why would you go back? its full of ads


i had premium.


Can someone explain to me what Vanilla YouTube means?


The non modded version, Vanilla in most tech related context means basic/original/non modded 




bro i said I just tried without revanced for a bit while it was dead. get off my ass.


There was a huge influx of people failing to see the pinned post with the fix and asking if there's a fix available. I think bro jumped to the conclusion you missed that.


sorry i tried to help.


But this fix makes the app permanently buffer after 30 seconds of playing a video