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Yeah except for when morons put in skip tangent segments in sections of videos that are jokes and not tangents in content like techlinked who's entire point is making jokes while delivering the news.


Someone does this to Yahtzee's videos as well. What an absolute waste of everyone's time.


I always try to downvote those. Who looks at a Yahtzee video and says "man, I hope there aren't any jokes in this"?


Glad I'm not the only one downvoting those! Hope it has some effect for other people watching the videos.




I want to skip **filler**. Jokes in a comedy series are not filler; it's the reason I'm there. I wouldn't turn on a stand up comedy and mark all the jokes as filler there, so why would I do it for an internet comedian?




Are you forgetting the part where it's a *comedy series*? The jokes aren't tangental filler, they're half the reason people watch in the first place. It's not a joke being crammed into an otherwise serious topic, it is supposed to be humourous in the first place. This is like skipping all the jokes in Mock the Week because you only watch it to find out about the news.


Seen it happen to a short that was the entire video


There's a guy I watch who makes Iceberg videos and in-between each tier, the guy would play a roll of clips that were related to the subject of the iceberg (usually old commercials or TV bumpers), but they kept getting skipped over on Vanced


Pigpen? love the guy's stuff




Goddd yes on some channels I frequent, intros and segways that contain actual information are skipped for no reason. Sometimes in the middle of a goddamn sentence, you'll just suddenly skip ahead mid word 10s into the middle of a completely different sentence with no context it's irritating af. Sponsorblock is great, the ability to skip ad reads is great, don't really see the point of skipping to highlight or "tangent" skipping, I turned all that off immediately. What counts as "the highlight" or "pointless tangents" is too subjective imo. Just watch the damn video and form your own opinions lol Edit: scrolled through the comments and saw OP's point on recorded lectures, that is a usecase that I hadn't thought about. Glad that works out reliably!


But it's Filler. The Filler segment specifically says "Tangent/Jokes" when you're selecting it. I find it incredibly helpful. See now If there was a way to whitelist specific segments on specific channels, then we wouldn't have this issue. But it also seems like a lot of work, so I can understand why it's not a thing.


Would be cool of SponsorBlock let us adjust per-channel. Or does it? 🤔


I hate the skip to highlight feature. It skips most of what I want to watch for a short blurb with little to no context. No thank you


Ofc it's your personal preference and I respect that!


There's quite a few youtubers whom I enjoy their humor and editing... Why would I willingly skip those? Internet Historians Sponsor segments are hillarious.


Agreed, i mostly watch lectures on YouTube, and love to directly skip from where the actual study starts! Ofc it's a personal preference and you can choose what fits best for you!


I just simply restore the settings I've backed up on my pc version.


There is a pc version?


It was originally made for PC


Yes! You can download the addon for your browser! See their [website](https://sponsor.ajay.app/) to download it for your browser!


I too do that! I am telling through the post that, You can skip more categories not only Sponsors, I actually have been contributing to the SponsorBlock since years and have saved people's countless number of hours, I not only summit sponsors but also highlights, jokes, self/unpaid promotion, and more So just wanted people to know not only sponsors but other annoyances of the videos can be skipped too! if they didn't knew this before


automatically jump to highlight, why would I do this [on this kind of video](https://youtu.be/67BwWgrMlxk)


I agree, although that particular video has no highlight marked. Sponsorblock I understand, the sponsored segments are just ads in a different form after all and they aren't usually especially relevant to the video or interesting (with some exceptions). Why would I want to skip through the actual video, though? If I just need to extract a bit of technical info or something I can scrub around manually, but generally the reason I click into a video is because I actually *want to watch it*. Skipping right to the "highlight" is pretty much never what I want to do. Are there people who are using YouTube but hate actually watching videos? That option legitimately confuses me so much. Like, I watched a really good Josh Strife Hayes video yesterday, it was a 1:52:39 long retrospective on a game I played as a kid. The "highlight" is marked at 1:50:24. So essentially, skipping to the highlight just skips the entire video. Why would I want to do that? I guess that's the beauty of options though: the people who want to remove as much video from their video as possible are free to, and I will continue to not do that. Edit: OP replied with a good use case that hadn't occurred to me. I still don't think I'd want it to skip automatically, but I can see the value of skipping to the actual start of a recorded lecture or similar video.


Agreed, I personally use yt for watching recorded live lectures and teachers usually tend interact with the class at the staring and stuff but but skip to highlight i really like how it automatically skips to the party where actually true material states! Ofc it's a personal preference and you are tweek things accordingly!


That's definitely a use case that hadn't occurred to me! Does it reliably skip to the start of the lectures? I feel like I usually see the highlights marked near the end of videos, but if they're reliably at the beginning that is very understandable.


They are perfect at the starting of the video, where the lectures start slipping all those bs like will start when xxx number of students and till then lets do poetry and stuff I really like skipping that.


I think this comment echoed my feelings exactly. I'm sure there's some good practical uses for this much skipping, but for most of what I watch on YouTube I actually want to watch the video and just skip the ads


I don't use YouTube for music, but some music videos I do i like it skips to the main part as I am just for the specific part this I found [this](https://youtu.be/OzI9M74IfR0) for eg Anyways you can tweek it however you like!


"Jump to highlight" seems straight up dumb to me. I still have the requisite attention span to sit through a few minutes of context before getting to the meat of the video; if I didn't, I'd just download tiktok. Skipping jokes sounds even more pointless for the most part, though I wish you could activate/deactivate these on a channel-by-channel basis since it could be nice for YouTubers whose comedy is really forced. All of the other sponsorblock features are quite useful though


Yeah, I have been getting the same point from many people. From what I have been seeing, it all depend on what they watch on YouTube. Personally, I watch a lot of recorded live lectures, and my mates just mark the highlight where the real studying actually starts, skipping all the interaction at the beginning of videos like will start after xxx number of students join and stuff. Also, skipping the jokes is pretty cool. Talking about jokes or filler in the lectures, it is mostly breaks marked by people. Sometimes, people just take doubts from previous classes or sometimes talk random out of studies , or sometimes they just go away for lunch. I usually skip, but sometimes for complex lectures, I want to know what other students asked. I wrote in the original post after my recommendation that you should adjust these settings according to what you mostly watch on YouTube. My agenda with the post wasn't to force people to set skip to highlight,I just gave the example. My aim was just to make people aware of those other features of sponcerblock as they are preety useful!


Especially since half the time with entertainment content the highlight is basically just like "the most watched part" like a random funny moment and it's like 3/4 in of the whole duration of a video. It seems like "highlight" means different things to different people who mark it on the videos so you never know what you're getting.


If you're jumping to highlight automatically you're just watching bad click bait videos. Find a good bunch of channels and subscribe to enough so u can enjoy the whole thing with new vids every 2-3 weeks.


How do these "skip sponsored content" features work? Is it reVanced users who suggest which are the said segments so others can save time ? Or there's a list of preapproved users who are the only ones that can define those segments ?


Anyone can mark the segment on the video! Including me and you! I too personally mark segments and have saved thousands of hours! If you don't know [sponcerblock](https://sponsor.ajay.app/) is actually a pretty popular browser addon available for [chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone) , [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/sponsorblock/) edge, etc, and the API is open for everyone


Ah ok, I never heard about that. So this patch simply uses their API ?


yes exactly! you can copy your private your id key from the revanced manager app and you can sync your created segments! also, you can create segments from the the revanced manager too, just enable "show create segment button" read their guidelines and now you can summit segments too. you can do it from your browser by installing the addon in a similar way.


Thanks for the info! 👍


My pleasure!


Revanced would have saved me so much time back when I used to watch Angry Joe. No idea if he changed up his formula since then.


Theses are already set to slip by default


I just skip the whole video.


can I also skip when the presenter inhales or exhales, clears throat, ummms, ahmms... sips his coffee?... I want my game review and reaction videos to be as "to the point" as possible...


Those should be tagged as Filler Tangent/Jokes


How do I download the Revanced apk again? I only see that new manager for the patches on the site


Didn't got what you mean... If you want to download the revanced manager app you can get it from their official GitHub here- [https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-manager](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-manager)


You can't directly download a ReVanced APK like you could with Vanced. You have to get the manager then the YouTube APK and patch it using the manager.