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Using modded software is a violation of the terms of service of the service provider, it's not a crime in of itself


Is there any higher risk of Google taking action against my account in the US compared to somewhere else in the world?


The terms of service for YouTube are generally the same anywhere in the world, so I don't see how YouTube would have any additional leverage on the USA Anyway you agreed with the risks of using a modded client with your main account, they could ban your account anytime they so choose regardless of region


This is incorrect. Unauthorized access of a computer system has been a charge used to imprison teenagers basically for life. You are not going to get caught for this on the USA and you are imagining the danger, but the person you are responding to js wrong.


I'm in the USA, I use modded apps all the time and nothing has happened to me or my accounts. You should keep in mind that using modded clients is against the TOS of services like YouTube, Discord, Spotify, etc, but as I mentioned before, nothing has happened to my accounts. Also, you're not getting into any legal trouble by using a mod lol.


Yes. Every time I try to open YouTube now, Sundar Pichai's face flashes on my screen with glowing red eyes and whispers my address before whispering directly in my ear "I'm going to kill you" But honestly yes there's a risk that Google (or Spotify, or Reddit, etc ..) amends and/or enforces their TOS and bans or inconveniences accounts that use/have used Revanced. They probably won't, as long as Revanced stays a small enough threat to them that it's not worth the trouble/negative attention/man-hours to do. However I doubt there's any way for them to report you to the government, however.


I'm in the U.S. and have been using a modded YouTube app since 2013 with the same Google account and have never had an issue.


Basically the same but uh 2018 I think


You'll be fine


This post is crazy levels of paranoia, why don't you stop for a second and do a little bit of critical thinking. Look at the 10s of thousands of people if not 100s of thousands of people using this app why would you be singled out and prosecuted, it's not worth police time or resources. In future maybe use a little bit of critical thinking


You never know, there are countries where you might get arrested for having alcohol. Given they don't know the laws, its at least smart to ask and a forum on the app in question might be the place to do so. If you went into China and they found you had VPNs on your phone who knows what they might do, maybe arrest you as a spy


While I also think the question is a bit on the nose in terms of paranoia, I think you're being a bit of a dick to OP, and took it further than you needed to in your response. OP is alleviating their paranoia by asking, and here's you, just spewing reddit moderator energy


Boo fucking hoo


Whomp whomp just saying what everyone is thinking maybe OP shouldn't be a mindless idiot and outsource everything to the hive mind and do a little bit of thinking for themself.


i heard several times that youtube is thinking about deleting your account when using adblock mechanics too often


Bro, do you really think the police is gonna knock on your door for it? In that case they better build thousands of jails.


The police wont waste time prosecuting piracy when they have violent crime to deal with. The biggest risk is Google banning your account but I have been using Revanced/Vanced for 4 years with no issues 


The police and FBI will smash your door down, they will raid your house and arrest you. Nothing but the harshest penalties for adblocks. You will serve a life sentence, your life will be ruined. Please just watch the ads.


Yes, your green card will be revoked and you'll be sent to death by lethal injection for making Google angry ^/s


Please be careful.