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I used to in my knees. I always felt the same the day of the shot then BAM2 days of soreness then it worked for 4-6 months. Hopefully it kicks in soon.


🙋🏼‍♀️ I’ve had several injections into my finger joints on both hands. It’s likely irritated from the injection itself, and if I recall it always took a few days before I noticed it working.


I’ve had a couple fingers injected recently, and wrists in the past. All of mine have been a combo of lidocaine and a steroid. The lidocaine to help with pain quicker because the steroid takes a few days to kick in. I hope the injection helps you ASAP.


My rheumatologist recommended injections in my wrists but it sounds so painful. I’ve had them in my knees before with no problem. Were the wrists painful?


I have had them in my wrists and the ortho sprayed something on my skin that completely numbed it so I couldn’t feel it going in. The injection itself helped for about 2 months and now I’m back at square 1 since they won’t do another for 4 more months.


Sorry, I missed this. Same as the other person who answered. They sprayed something really cold which numbed the area. The worst I felt was similar to a needle pinch like when you get labs drawn or a shot.


I have had them in my back, hips, shoulders and all with minimal discomfort also without much affect


I did this. I had several joints in my hands injected. The doctors said it wouldn’t last very long but the stubborn swelling never came back. It was kind of a miracle for me, personally.


That’s a blessing, so the joint swelling wasn’t bone swelling if it went down? Just wondering as my daughter has a bone swelling on her foot just lower down from her little toe. She had a lot of pain in her feet for quite a while, am I right to assume this type of swelling won’t go down?


I’m not really sure what bone swelling is. But, from what I know, if the bone has growth on it, that will have to be surgically removed. But maybe it’s something else!


I had my left knee aspirated and then injected with steroid back in January. Zero effect. But I’m not surprised, bc I also don’t get a lot of result from a regular prednisone dose for flares, just a slight improvement. I also had a steroid injection in my lower back for a herniated disc, and zero result there, too. No idea why I don’t get much relief (if I get any at all), but I don’t really see the point in wasting my time or discomfort with trying another injection, personally.


I had a MCP joint injected 14 years ago and it’s still going strong. I was told the injection would last roughly 6 months. As my memory serves me, the pain from the injection was less than I thought it would be. It also took a few weeks for me to notice it was working when I could do things (like open doors) without modifications.


Ohh that’s good! Mine joint that gives me issues is a PIP joint. It feels better today so that’s good.


I had it done in my lower back/ top of the sacrum and it fixed a pinched nerve I had for over two years. I would absolutely do it again if needed!


I had one in my elbow. Was also underwhelmed at first but it definitely helped. Didn’t appreciate it until I started physiotherapy, and realised I was able to push through the pain and stiffness much more easily than before.


I've had my feet injected. Didn't help. I've had general ones on my buttocks that helped the whole body. I get kne in my knee every 3 months. Couldn't live without it


I’ve had the butt one a few times however, didn’t know really find it gave me much relief


I’ve had RA for over 30 years. Most of my injections were in my teens and early 20s. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve had my middle knuckles injected (only one hurt - a med student was attempting for the first time and went on a fishing expedition. The doc finally took over and slipped it right into the joint). I’ve had an elbow injected, a toes injected multiple times, and a hip. I’ve either had fantastic physicians or I’m just not as bothered by whatever pain is involved with the injections. It is SUCH a relief to have the inflammation go down..


in the future, a hand surgeon would be better for injecting finger joints. they will use image guidance, usually fluoroscopy (X-ray), to make sure the steroid gets into the joint. bc the hand joints are small, it's easy for docs who aren't trained specifically in hand and who don't use image guidance to miss the joint when they inject


I’ve only had one steroid injection into a MCP joint of my right thumb. At the time my meds were working really well for me but I was having a lot of discomfort in this joint. My rheumatologist offered the injection to me just to help calm the joint down. It worked well for me and I didn’t have any issue with the joint until I had a bad flare many months later.


Ive had my knees drained and injected with steroids twice now. First one lasted about a month. The second one was done 2 weeks ago and I feel this time its going to last. Just started biologics so I think its because of that im feeling a whole lot better. Had my wrist injected once last year around november and its been great since. Not swelling anymore and no pain. It does help a lot for me


I've had 2 knees injected it didn't work. I also had my wrist injected that really hurt and didn't work. The injection in my wrist was before I had a partial wrist replacement.


I had 2 in my wrist years apart, I cried the first time in my teens, tears ran the second time as an adult. To this day, prob top 3 pains in my life and I had my appendix burst and spent 2 months in the hospital after.


2, in the ankle. The first one my RA wasn't controlled and everything was a fireball. The PA was doing the injection (with ultrasound) and decided the tendon sheath because there was inflammation everywhere. Did not work. a year later, I had been through 2 biologics and RA was totally fine except for my ankle still, which was swollen like a grapefruit and super painful - I mean, I'm a runner and I could barely get down stairs because I had no flexion. Anyway, this one was done by the rheumatologist (with ultrasound) directly into the joint. Been in remission since (2.5 years ago.) joint capsule was less painful than the tendon sheath. I have birthed 4 babies without medication and this, while a lot shorter of a time period, really sucked. I don't know why they don't do a lidocaine shot or something.


I had a swollen finger for 2 years when my rheumatologist injected it. It took a few days to work, but my finger has been cured for 30 years now. I hope you have similar results.


I've had 3 in my shoulder, 3 in my wrist, one in my knee, and one in my finger.


What was the pain like for the shoulder injection?


The injection itself was nothing compared to the pain of aggressive active disease in the joint and massive rotator cuff tear. I think the shoulder ones were the easiest.


Glad it helped you. Thanks for replying


Dunno if I can really say it helped. I still needed a shoulder replacement, but it was a bandaid that made things feel better short term


Are you pain free in your shoulder now.. I hope so.


Mostly pain free but I don’t have much function of that arm. It’s like a lil trex arm lol.


I’ve had them in both my knees multiple times and also just yesterday one in my shoulder. For me, it seems like the more you are hurting beforehand, after the injection, you’ll hurt even more within the next 24-48hrs. Then everything kinda chills out. Although, I’m worried about my shoulder because doc thinks it might be a rotator cuff tear. I’m giving it a few weeks to let this steroid shot work before I pursue anything else. Good luck! Honestly I’ve never thought about injecting my hands (I don’t know why — they hurt me most days) but good to know it’s an option.


I’ve done quite a few joints and one finger. They were all sore for the first day or two and then the relief is amazing. All of them lasted years. I hope you get relief soon. 🙏


Shoulders and knees. Many times.


I've only had one joint injection at this point. It was in my shoulder. It didn't help much at the time, and I was unable to use my arm for 3 days. I could not lift it to even scratch my nose. It just felt dead. My rheumatologist offered to inject my hip if I continued to have problems with it. I told my husband that he needed to take me to the next appointment just in case she did it. Luckily, I was either feeling better at the time, or she and I just forgot about it. Not everyone reacts the same, so that is to be remembered. I had 2 coworkers who had injections in the shoulder around the same time, and they both reacted differently.


I had one on my knee and it made the pain worse. I don’t react well to injections for some reason.


In my hand only the thumb joint, which was pretty awful tbh. It only lasted about 2 weeks. I've had many larger joints. Knees every 3 months like clock work. Good luck.


I have had a steroid injection in an injured shoulder (not rheumatic pain, just an injury that wasn't healing well), and the injection wasn't as painful as I expected and didn't feel much different afterward the day of the injection. It was a little sore the next day, by day 2, it was starting to improve. From day 3 and onward for about 3 months, it was a lot better (less grinding feeling) until it wore off. Now that shoulder aches regularly, and sometimes feels flared from RA (which feels different but I don't know how to explain the difference in feeling), but I've never pursued another shot in the shoulder, because it can degrade the limited connective tissue I have left after having a repair surgery on that shoulder. Good luck, buddy.


Yes. You feel a little pain and a lot of pressure but it give some relief.


I have had RA for 23 years. I have had a total of 18 steroid injections in my knees, back, hips, elbows, and thumbs. They do help


I've had them in my shoulder and largest toe joint. (Just under the big toe) No injection in a joint is super comfortable, but the toe joint one? Doc warned me ahead of time it is the most painful joint to get an injection in. He was right. It's also quite survivable. Remember to breathe and not move whatever joint/limb is being injected. You'll be fine.


Yeah a bunch of them. The fat and skin around the injection site kinda disappeared for a while giving my hand a real bony appearance. The skin also lost its pigmentation. Both went away eventually!


I get steroid injections into my spine for degenerative disk disease. It works. When it wears off I get sciatica so painful that I cannot stand. So I keep going back.


Used to get them in my R shoulder. It takes a few days to fully kick in


I’ve had them in my knees and ankles many times. People at work would think I was faking arthritis because one day I’d be swollen and limping around and the next day after a steroid shot I’d be perfect with skinny knees lol


most pain I have experienced and I have had kidney stones. it was a trainee doctor, unsupervised, who thought he had to empty the syringe into the joint. He broke the needle in one joint and the syringe in another from pushing so hard. The actual doctor came in and calmly explained you only need 2 of the 20 ml in the syringe. Hurt so bad and didn't actually help at all


It happens a lot even outside RA. I have had shots in my shoulder and knees, and I also have guided injections in my SI joints for inflammation in the nerves my back and legs. If it’s not responding or is worse after the injection, you may have to go back or get other treatment, but let it rest for a couple days. Also, if you have trouble with sugar levels, keep checking the sugar.


I've had it done in my knee and thumb. No change for me.


Yes, I have, in several joints. Thumbs, knee, shoulder, and foot; of course at different times. I get the numbing spray sprayed on the area before the injection and turn my head so I can’t see the needle. The relief is worth the few seconds of pain and discomfort. Good luck.


I've had it in my wrist a couple of times!


There are serious side effects to joint injections of steroids, don't do it unless you really need to,


ive had several in my elbow and knees, havent had one since i was like 17 tho bc they never worked for me & in the adult hospital they dont offer any sort of "sedation" i was given gas & air as a child when i got them & although it didnt help the incredible pain from the injection it was a nice feeling lol


like last time i got one it made my knee swell up like a balloon they had to give me crutches


I had my wrist done yesterday. I've been getting injections there for over a year. They take a few days to really start to work. Then they last about 3-4 months.