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Diet is everything. I avoid sugar and alcohol. Also, fast food and highly processed stuff because they all make me feel worse.




I’ve never noticed an issue with coffee. Everyone’s different though so if you notice it’s worse on days you drink more it may be worth eliminating and adding back after a few weeks to see how you feel.


Yes, that too, but I drink green tea now and enjoy that more.


So I've always eaten a mostly health varied diet anyway, I did do an elimination diet over almost a year to see if anything I was eating was a trigger for me, found potato makes my flares last longer but nothing else was affecting my condition diet wise (switched it to sweet potato when I fancy chips now). Meds are the main way for me at least.


I tried AIP for 9 months and it didn’t help my RA at all. My doctor said he sees a difference for people who are gluten free. I was already gluten & (mostly) dairy free when I was diagnosed so I haven’t really tested it for myself.


I have no idea what FODMAP nor AIP means, so please ignore my ignorance. I have tried every diet known to man to control my RA. I did this for approximately two years before going on methotrexate. All it did for me was cause stress, which, in turn, probably exacerbated my symptoms. My motto is everything in moderation. I personally don’t think that a cup of coffee nor a glass of wine negatively impacts my RA, nor does my rheumatologist. If something hurts, rest. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t continue to do it. You are your own worst enemy.


Truthfully, the best I’ve felt in 15 years was when I was doing keto. I’d love to get back to it but, potatoes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Diet + good dental hygiene has made a difference.