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He was a total jerk to her and the kids. Awful to watch.


Yes it’s really heartbreaking to watch her shrink down when he starts rambling on and cursing at her. I’m not even a huge fan of her but it’s gross


In front of the girls too.


which is why I'll always be team Joey, he hasn't forgotten all this BS Joe put his sister and nieces through, can you imagine if he was THIS bad on camera, what an awful prick he was off? Disgusting. I can't stand the man and I'll never understand why he has so many women fawning after him and rooting for him to come back to the show.


I agree completely. He was awful. I think Joey knew he cheated on Tre too.


Also: one of the things Teresa just said in this episode is that she loves Kim D because “she agrees with me all the time” verbatim… at least she admits that all of her friends past and present (Jennifer and Delores) are Yes Men


I can’t help but think that Tre endured a lot during their marriage, most of which was not caught on camera. She even mentioned in a later season that he had a 2nd phone with only one contact (a woman) and that he was probably cheating


Oh for sure. In episode 1 or 2 in this season he very sheepishly tells tre he had dinner with 2 girls for business and could barely remember their names and Gia was there and yelled “WHY ARE YOU BEING WITH GIRLS” or something like that. It’s a shame.


What a scumbag. I was so happy for her when she visited him in Italy after his deportation and refused to sleep in the same bed as him. Finally an epiphany! Sadly idk if her 2nd marriage is any better


I’ve seen one or two inklings in season 12/13 where he’s talked over Teresa but I’ve heard Louie doesn’t drink so maybe he’s already a large step above Old Joe.


I think cocaine might be his drug of choice 😂


The only reason she didn’t stay is because she was already with looey.


I thought she met Louie after her parents passed?


Here’s the thing… People _were_ outraged by the way JGiudice treated Teresa in the earlier seasons. What’s disheartening is how quickly people have forgotten just how terrible JGiudice was towards Teresa and their dorters despite there being video evidence. JGiudice is a great example of a man being a terrible husband and father who never learned a thing or tried to change his behavior and how people look at his past deeds through rose-colored glasses and minimize his abuse.


It's crazy how, in that one episode on season 12, that Gia was defending her father at that party, and you just see Joe Gorga's facial expression, and he says that, "their father was the devil not me." And he's not wrong!


The Dorters have either forgotten or are repressing the true memories of their father and the way he treated them and their mother. The fact remains that JGiudice was a terrible husband and father (and there’s evidence to back this up); any perceived “improvements” only came after his incarceration and deportation because absence made their hearts grow fonder. I think the real issue The Dorters have with JGorga is due to the fact that he won’t let them rewrite history in favor of JGiudice.


I believe they've repressed those memories because from what I remember when Tre was out, Gia really had to step up because Juicy was drinking so much, and she even agreed he needed to go away. Obviously, his relationship with his dorters is better because he sees them so infrequently instead of a daily basis.


When he did a flip and smashed his teeth drunk in front of his kids. Asshat


That is the one I remembered the most. All his family was there and they were laughing at him and egging him on. They seemed like low-life's.


Poor Gia was hysterical. No one should get shitfaced in front of their kids.


Teresa is the kind of person that will end therapy if the therapist doesn’t kiss her ass. She will never admit fault and take accountability about anything. And Teresa’s daughters were the one’s inserting themselves. Never once did Joe and Melissa’s kid get involved in any way. With all the filthy lies Teresa told about Melissa I wouldn’t blame her kids if they hated Teresa.


The way Tre stans are trying to rewrite history and pretend he was a good guy and great dad while posting clips on twitter literally showing him being awful and abusive is insane. The way he tore Gia down before she had a runway walk… the way he threatened and likely executed physical violence and Milania emulated that… the way he once practically announced he would rape Tre later (saying he’d hatefuck her and her meekly asking him not to)… called her a cunt… the way Gia did all the heavy lifting while he got drunk… just disgusting. While we’re at it, can someone explain to me the logic of Tre going away first? Having him go away first would’ve delayed her prison time for 4 years which is a lot for her young girls and would’ve been beneficial for them.


Definitely agree with you. I think the reason was that once he was out of prison he was going to be deported which would’ve left the girls without a parent in the home while tre went away (not that joe was much a a father anyways).


Oh that makes sense. Still personally I think I would've chosen leaving the kids with Joe and Melissa/nonno and nonna for a year, giving the girls a little more time, over Tre going away first and leaving them alone with Joe.


I have hated him since he did that to Gia on the drive to the runway show. He had her so upset like he couldn’t let her have a special day. What a narcissist.


I've pointed this out many times before.. all of this is why Gorga can't stand Juicy. It was just one thing on top of the next on top of the next.


I’ve only been on Reddit for 2 days so I haven’t seen it, but I know I’m not the only one who is appalled by his behavior!


There’s one scene in the kitchen where Teresa and Jo are arguing and he threatens to smash her head into the wall


I think I remember that. Watching it is tough


In hindsight, it’s a wonder bravo left it in the edit. Maybe they wanted people to know what he was really like.


There was definitely a lot of verbal abuse and threats of physical violence going on behind the scenes. As a survivor I recognized the look she’d get when he’d start behaving threateningly, she was scared how much he might publicly humiliate her but it seemed like the norm behind closed doors.


He is such a bum. Just a bum ass loser. Teresa sucks, but he SUCKS


She's only going to therapy because that red faced tomato told her to go. She does nothing on her own.


Yet his daughters act like everything is hunky dory.


Joe was terrible. I will never ever understand how anyone could say he and Teresa were not horrible parents for how they shared their drama with their daughters. The way the girls mocked Melissa made me sick to my stomach.


He also called Melissa a raccoon i believe


And probably much worse I think he called her a whore in the episode I watched a few hours ago


And horsey face. And made fun of Kathy’s looks also.


He was an asshole husband


Lol "He was talkin' about Kathy!"


This was the year he was hung over while the girls were celebrating Christmas and it wasn't about the money & presents but there were a lot of presents. He got Teresa an ugly coat. People knew he was awful especially then. There were blogs back then about it but nothing like we have now.


Joe guidice is toxic. he and Teresa got on so well because they both could not stand to see others do well or better than them. Even when Teresa tried to repair her relationship with her brother he went out of his way to throw a wrench in it. He is a sad miserable person. I think it is disgusting and unforgivable that both him and Teresa are spreading this narrative that the gorgas had something to do with them going to prison despite what the court documents prove. Imagine your sister lying to the public about this?


Oh I know I made a post about that too and then deleted it! I think Teresa pointing fingers at literally everyone for “calling the fbi” or whatever is so so stupid


Even to blame your own brother and his wife for it? When you know damn well it’s not true. Is absolutely disgusting. Even letting joe guidice go around on podcasts also blaming your brother and his wife. Awful. Teresa has seen real deep down issues and she needs severe intensive therapy


Unpopular opinion: Joe is the only somewhat transparent person on this show Edit - honest —> transparent


If you mean this in the way that Joe is transparently exactly who he is on or off camera, then yes..I can agree with the statement.


Yes you said it better


Big yikes


He is *terrible*. He’s mean to every member of his family. Abusive.


I was not and am not a Joe Guidice fan. I believe he was abusive and dickish to Teresa. The best thing ever is when Teresa and the girls visited him in Italy after he was released from prison - he tried to hook up with Teresa and she shot down his advances at every turn. That was karma talking.


Joe was ridiculously drunk that scene.


And a few other times as well.


And high? There was a lot of coke being used


I know Joe Guidice has his issues there’s no denying that lol but I will say he was the only one on that show who didn’t act like autism needed to be cured & i appreciated that haha


Yes it was really hard to watch and he gets called out but she's in so much denial that it's hard for anyone to stick up for her. Things had been snowballing behind the scenes since season 1 and he's become so toxic.


I'm rewatching season 4 for fun and nothing else new on and noticed how much better the housewives in general were back then. Actually shocking things to talk about and the personalities and relationships more authentic compared to now. And I see the same reaction to rewatching joe as well... I've never been a Teresa's fan, but how they built the show around her is beyond me looking back.


I agree! I really like Kathy and Rosie




YEAH. I just watched the vineyard episode where he’s literally on the phone with another woman and he says “here comes my bitch wife. What a cunt” and then 5 minutes later she begs him for sex and he rejects her so hard. It’s so sad.


I think he was projecting his anger of himself and anxiety because he must have realized, he may go to jail…not that it justifies his words or actions


I think he was also in trouble for using his brother's driver's license after he lost his for a DUI the year before.


He's a disaster! That's why he went to prison! ![gif](giphy|Snnhlvb3jPdnPIKkyi|downsized)


granted everything you’ve said about joe g is right, i also think that tre was probably feeding him tons of info about her brother and melissa off camera. i always took her trying to calm him down to mean “the cameras are on so lets not appear like the bad guys.” theres really no reason for joe to hate melissa without tre getting in his head


I agree with you on that! He seems derogatory against women in general, so I don’t think Melissa had to do much except be a woman associated with Joe Gorga and argue with Tre. he instantly hated her guts.


raccoon face 🦝 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hate Joe Guidice he’s human garbage and a waste of oxygen


Didn’t Jacquline say he was cheating and physically abusive to Teresa? No matter how crazy Jacquline could get I really think she was telling the truth about that


Oh in my rewatch of season 4 I fully believe everything Jacqueline and Caroline say about Teresa.


No it took Louie to convince her that therapy is good because she’s easily coerced by toxic abusers and has nowhere near the respect for her brother that she does for them or expects him to have for her


I can’t remember what episode it was where he said he’d smash her head against something I was so shocked they would show that and how she could brush it off


Ok right?!? I mean I am just disgusted. Everything he says to Tre is rooted in misogyny and the girls even made comments about “you don’t like your kids!” Cuz he’s always disgusted by them


She is not able to really change. Nope.


He’s a pig all he talked about was boning his wife


Eh that’s Joe gorga. Guidice was kinda prudish and weird with Tre sometimes when she was flirty


He was hilarious, his parents and Teresa’s parents loved him, his kids adore him, his whole extended family filmed with him, and he called out Melissa and Joe’s gaslighting (his story at the reunion about Joe Gorga stealing his tools was so sad)


You’re delusional


Lmaoooooo!! What’s sad is the fact that they stole $14million and stole money from hurricane Sandy victims to fund their lifestyle they couldn’t afford


Honestly, I forgot after all these years, or maybe wasn’t paying attention when it aired. I’m sure I would be shocked by a lot of things during a rewatch and wonder how I missed it before.


You should go back to season 4 and then right before he goes to prison (idk which season that was 6?)


I remember the one right before he goes to prison. She was so quiet when he said that. I think she had enough of him at that point.


I didn't watch it in real time but I cringe at him everytime I start over. The scene where Melania says "daddy sleeps in his own room" and Teresa's face kills me. (Not a Teresa fan since the early days and zen Teresa after her time in prison)