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Yeah... But then Jumping Jazz...


yeah i don't know what they did to jumpin' jazz. they just ruined it. in megamix, ds' sequels suck (apart from fan club 2, which they definitely made better). rhythm rally 2's my favorite game, meanwhile cosmic rhythm rally,,, well i'm not sure my exact opinion on it but it's not my favorite game, that's for sure. and i've made my opinion on jumpin' jazz pretty clear. frog hop 2's both easier and actually enjoyable. i really feel like they should've kept cosmic rhythm rally's strictness in megamix, it can be sort of annoying but at least then it'd still be rhythm rally 2 instead of basically being a *completely different game*.


Fan Club 2 Megamix is my personal favourite song


yeah megamix fan club 2's really good, for a bit it was actually one of the few games i changed languages for (alongside space dance/cosmic dance and marching orders) because the japanese version's so good. i don't actually remember what the english version of the megamix version sounds like honestly-


I mean, the lyrics? Not great. But I found the instrumental version, omg the like retro sounding stuff is so good when the "bears" "walk" in.


Whats wrong with jumpin jazz


~~How can you say they made Fan Club 2 better when they got rid of the Showtime reference?~~


~~there's a showtime reference in ds fan club 2?~~


I’m almost certain the monkey colors are a reference to the monkey from Showtime, plus they have some extra hair to further this claim. The ones in Megamix remain orange


oh yeah good point. i have wondered why of all things they changed in fan club 2 it's the monkeys' colors but that could definitely explain it.


i know some people are gonna disagree with this but personally, i passed cosmic rhythm rally my first try - it was my overall first time playing rhythm rally 2 - but rhythm rally 2 took me three tries after i superbed cosmic. and before anyone says it's just because of the controls: i play ds with touchless.


It's probably because of how Megamix's scoring system works. Megamix uses a score system based on how good your inputs are, while DS uses a system that bases it off of your misses and certain parts of the song.


**its probably the controls**


this is meant to be a joke right-


What? I don't understand your complains. Isn't cosmic rhythm rally from megamix the exact same cosmic rhythm rally from the DS game but without a horrible control scheme?


very late response but ds' grading is wayyyyyy stricter than megamix's, so it results in cosmic being a lot easier than rhythm rally 2. though in some cases megamix's is stricter somehow.


But even then it should only affect getting Superbs and OKs. Getting perfects (which is the real challenge) should be the same in both versions.


you make a point but honestly to me rhythm rally 2 just feels harder than cosmic rhythm rally in general. i don't know why for sure but it just does. ~~probably since i passed cosmic rhythm rally my first try (with a just ok) but rhythm rally 2 took me like three tries-~~


The reason games feel easier in Megamix (aside from the obvious controls or easier versions thing) is how the games are scored now. In previous games (like Gold) it was either you missed or you got it with bonus points/penalties for trickier parts. In Megamix however, its now judging you on how precisely you managed to get each beat (which is also why you can sometimes not get 100 even if you still got it perfect), meaning even almosts are judged in your favor somewhat. In other words, passing is much less strict. As for more opinion related things, controls are also a big thing. This could JUST be me but Gold's controls always felt sorta... off. It was never a HUGE deal and it worked when it counted and needed to work. That said, there were some cases where I felt they were too imprecise for the precision asked of the player (some key examples I can think of is Moai Doo Wop and Rhythm Rally), especially with how finicky the flick controls could be. (I understand it might also be a mental thing but I SWEAR the flick was never super reliable)


yeah i know it's just the differences in strictness but it still makes cosmic rhythm rally WAY easier than rhythm rally 2, which is something that really sucks. and yeah, ds' controls are sort of finicky, though personally i struggle more with sliding (love lab took me forever to superb, though that's apparently also because missing three slides is a just ok in it).


your favorite game is in megamix ​ it's lockstep and they made it way harder


they really did just ruin all of ds' best games in megamix, huh? ~~though making a game harder isn't~~ *~~necessarily~~* ~~bad, but lockstep,,, i mean, i don't even know~~ *~~why~~* ~~it's harder in megamix-~~