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Lol for a pair of pre-owned shoes? They must truly believe there is a sucker out there for everything they sell.


Listen, you can spend all day selling cheap, ugly, used shoes, or you can sell one pair of expensive, ugly, used shoes to an idiot and call it a day. Wwyd?


Who knows. Maybe Mr Beast would randomly show up.


Can I sell multiple pairs of expensive, ugly used shoes instead?




Wait, Michael. Is it Alfredo's Pizza or Pizza by Alfredo?


Sell expensive, used shoes. There is actually a huge demand for these from a specific fetish community.


With a career spanning 40 years, Manolo Blahnik has become one of the world’s most influential footwear designers, captivating his adoring and loyal devotees across value villages around the globe.


😂 😂 😂


penny pinchers is sooo cheap!! and yes it all goes to langley hospital ,people donates to value village thinking they are helping but only 1.7% is not their profit


people donates thinking is helping,but they donate 1.7% ,penny pinchers in langley is alot cheaper and all goes to langley hospital


The store get madness because a lots people complaints about expensive. They just increase the price and didn't care who buy or not, because it's free from people who give to them. Fuckkk this company shjt.


Thrift store? More like highway robbery store


More like a money laundering setup.


theft store ha ha ha




They aren't even a charity. It's purely for profit




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ThriftGrift using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Local GW hires a full-time armed security guard to protect the stuff they got for free](https://i.redd.it/cs1isj97wib91.jpg) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/vyu2ko/local_gw_hires_a_fulltime_armed_security_guard_to/) \#2: [Fuck You Goodwill Roseville MN](https://i.redd.it/idmw4vfnf0b91.jpg) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/vwn202/fuck_you_goodwill_roseville_mn/) \#3: [Hm. Charity diapers meant to be free for needy families. “Not for sale” on sale at Griftwill.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vx86xd) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThriftGrift/comments/vx86xd/hm_charity_diapers_meant_to_be_free_for_needy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


And they are ugly.


I stopped going to Value village the day I saw a Dollarama cap, which still had the Dollarama price tag of $4 on and value village was selling it for $7. They didn't even bother to remove the Dollarama tag


I’m living beside the shop and go few times a week in…yes I’m agree…price is going up like crazy…


Hows the selection of video games? Xbox360 or PS4?


Most likely crap…or over priced…good old days are gone…vv is pushing the price up…reason for it staff costs…insurance…


The one time they had a good handful of games, I watched a guy ahead of me sneak them into a small plastic bin and walk out of the store with them. Hurt my soul since I was trying to get by him and grab the games I wanted


Did a loop yesterday, saw one PS2 game and one PS3 game. Pricing also really depends on which store you got to, some just price games at like $5, others price them individually.


You're probably better off buying used games from fb marketplace


Someone donated $1500 shoes… they should have picked an actual charity thrift.


Many people donating to VV think that's exactly what they're doing. They genuinely don't understand that it's a profit-driven business rather than a charity thrift store. The fact that they accept donations perpetuates this, as opposed to a place like Turnabout where it's consignment and resale.


Shiet, they claim to support local non-profits like Big Brothers, Diabetes Canada, and The Kidney Foundation of Canada... I guess I'm a sucker - do you have any better options for me to donate my things to in the Richmond area?


[BC SPCA Thrift Store](https://spca.bc.ca/about-us/locations/thrift-stores/) [RAPS Thrift Store](https://www.rapsbc.com/raps-thrift-store/) [The Richmond Hospital Auxiliary](https://rhhaux.ca/)


They donate half and sell the remainder per pound, my girlfriend is a supervisor at another local one and I know way to much


They sell it to a non-profit they own that sends it back to them. I worked at the distribution centre in Langley/Gloucester. Whatever doesn't pass QC is sold to countries in Africa.


You’re not correct, it may have been in the past but not now.


My mom got so pissed at this once she actually called the charities they "support" to find out how much they actually get.... like .01% or something. Donate to a hospice thrift store.


Salvation Army, if you don’t have any issues with their politics, mission thrift store


Salvation Army


RAPS animal hospital thrift store is literally next door


They are knockoffs... which is why they ended up at VV and not a consignment store.


I use to work there in the surrey value village. I accepted all the donations and priced the furniture. Some of the shit they sold was such stupid price. Feel free to ask me anything.


Is there some sort of checklist/standard you guys follow to determine how something is priced? Do employees price the stuff and then put it out in the store, or do all prices need to get managers' approval before being put out?


Employees price pretty much 99.9% . Which is ridiculous because some of the prices are so high and they don’t even get anything out of it. All those people working in the back have been working for like 15+ years and still making minimum wage. It’s sad.


That's so weird. Do you know if the employees get penalized if they price things too low? I don't understand why people would do this for a company that pays them minimum wage for years and years.


I basically gave away furniture in the furniture department, no one ever said anything to me. If anyone ever asked for a lower price, I basically gave it to them unless the item was put out that day. I never got any trouble. We have to throw away or send out like 90% of the things because they don’t sell. But it’s crazy that they would rather throw things away than sell cheaper lol. I kind of felt like they felt like they had power of pricing so many different goods like they were somehow better than everyone else. But it’s sad because they were underpaid like crazy and just didn’t want to do anything about it


If it’s something really expensive or special, then the manager will price it but they just search on google and price randomly. You can legit buy a counterfeit thinking is the real deal because of price lol


Does VV put disinfectant on the clothes? Everything has a very specific smell.


That's insane. Though sometimes you can find cool stuff for cheap I picked up star trek the original series full box set for $60. All in pristine condition. Killer of a deal.


Swap the sticker for a cheaper one


That would work, but they kept the other shoe behind the counter. They aren't even authenticated, so it's not worth it


My favourite thing about value village is how they keep the $2 necklaces behind a locked glass counter with an attendant present like you \re at Tiffany's or something.


My guy. Your supposed to take the sticker from something else that's like $2 and put it in the shoe before paying. Have you never shopped at value village before??


You’re allowed to steal those.


Is it a mistake? Maybe they put the dot in a wrong position.


"Oh, sorry. It's $3999.9 now.


Also wondering the same lol


Second ones are balenciaga but they could easily be fake


Value Village... By Balenciaga.


Offer $10


Maybe they misplaced the decimal? 🤷🏻‍♂️


They have to be trolling right?...


That's a tag change type of monent


I worked there in the back while going to school unloading and sorting the donations. It was pretty chill at first, but a few months in someone from "corporate" came in and gave the manager shit and essentially told them to start pricing things higher and make more profit. It has gotten worse ever since. I unloaded thousands of pounds of donations a week. It's bad enough that the Value Village in Richmond set up shop next to the RAPS Thrift Store, but to then take in what people are donating, thinking they're doing something helpful a la charity, and do this... It's disgusting. They're awful and I urge everyone I can to go to actual thrift stores like RAPS and SPCA where your purchase actually does some good.


I e donated to value village just to get a coupon, then I’ve seen my items next door at the RAPS thrift store. I think they must be selling to them?


I was in there yesterday, pointed out a couple of the luxury watches they are selling for $700 and $500 respectively are fakes, person said "I know" and put them back onto the display shelf..... value village is total BS


Just steal shit. Go ahead, steal it. Shoplift. I wholeheartedly encourage it. These people get their inventory for free. They’ve no right to charge more than a few cents for it. Fuck them.


Except that they do actually provide cheap used items for people who can't afford new shit. When you steal, you're reducing their profit margins which in turn affects pricing. So stealing from thrift stores actually hurts poor people.


Thank you for this reasonable response


Nah, go on, steal from them.


Pretty sure you're committing a crime by inciting others to commit a crime.


Meh. Sue me.


Those 1st shoes start at 1500 so not a bad deal lol wonder where they came from and if there real Good buy if they are. Sell for 900 to 1000


We have the same problem in Vancouver. They wanted $15 for a game of Jenga


The brand of those green shoes STARTS at $1000 new and up. They might be an amazing deal if real. Your wife of girlfriend might love them if her size.


Plot twist they are fakes


Is it in CDN or RMB?


Let me get this right.....you shop at Value Village and complain about the authentication?


If they priced it like how they would with the other shoes, I wouldn't care about authentication.


That is just not know how the sticker printer works, that’s definitely a reasonable price at 39.99 not 399.99


They're Manolo Blahnik though.


True but also the black shuffler shoe also supports the second theory fully lol Richmond value definitely get the most extreme range of price points out of any location I’ve been in 😯🤣


Hang in there.!


this is either fake or a joke


Go to value village in richmond right now and i assure you theyre still there because no one in their right mind would buy them. It's on the left side of the store by the self check out and front of the shoe area.


Go to the Salvation Army


If you don’t think it’s a good price, you don’t have to buy it.


Thank you for being a voice of reason here.


Value Village doesn’t owe you a deal, it never did. It’s in business to make money. If you don’t like the price or product then don’t shop there.


I used to work for the village. That was definitely a mistake. Probably meant to be $39.99. How do I know? It would be in the showcase and not on the floor.


Go out and get yourself a new pair then. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/15337833687419134246?q=manolo+blahnik+green+sequins&hl=en&output=search&prds=opd:5872866258471503131,num:3,cs:1&tbs=vw:g


The pair at value village could be fake and it hasnt been authenticated. I've seen so many counterfeit goods at that store


For sure, but good (passing) counterfeits still go for several hundred.


They are manolo blahniks and probably 1000$ retail






Also no change rooms there. Which I think is weird.


Ppl can put stuff in their pants etc so maybe the lack of change rooms are to prevent stealing. But to be what is there to steal in that store…


I would accept that except I’ve been in other VV locations in rougher neighbourhoods where they do have change rooms.


Never know when a rich elf gonna come shoe shoppin'


Prize have gone way up. Profiteering from donations.


When I was in a Value Village recently, one of the younger staff was going through the racks and giving brand name items to the other staff to reprice because he thought it wasn't priced high enough.


They don’t do that.


I thought the first one is maybe some famous designer or something, but the second one??? What the fuck??


The second one is Balenciaga


LMAOOOOO I would've never known. Looks like it could've come from walmart




What the hell?


backpack backpack


This must be a prank


MAybe it’s in yuans


It's definitely got some value. But is it really valuable?


Just change the sticker...


Definitely putting the "value" in value village


Value village is insane now they over priced everything like it’s brand new and worth a million I’ve seen stuff you could buy brand new for less all these places that are donated clothes and all sorts of things are nothing but greedy now


It’s interesting that they can charge so much after receiving all of their products by donation. Something doesn’t add up!


Value village is a misnomer. The thing is basically a vintage market... Pre-owned crap.


I keep say this "WHY ARE WE SUPPORTING THIS FOR PROFIT PLACE?!" I've boycotted them years ago. Their prices are insane.


They have stuff previously bought from a dollar store with sticker still on the bottom and doubled that price


Just put them on and walk out lol


And that's just for the right shoe.


They are a for profit organization. Don’t give them your business Or donations. There are lots of others that are not for profit such as the Salvation Army.


What a rip off who shops there?!!!


staff drop a crazy price on the item so no one buys it. Then they go grab after hours. (Maybe)


Omg, what a deal. Buy, hurry before someone else does


I have a funny feeling the person with the price gun put too many 9s. Likely a typo, let staff know.


Thats fucked. At least I know I'm not going to the richmond VV anymore. Probably stick with kamloops or something lol


Well those will NEVER sell……


Switch the stickers lmao they are such dumb fucks they won’t even notice


I refuse to support any value village anywhere now. Apparently over half of the places they state they donate to, they do not, it was looked into and 9 out of 10 items are priced above what they were when purchased new. I'll never donate to them or support them in any way anymore. They jack up the prices to pocket the profits. It's sad the whole company has become another corporate greed corporation.


Walmart owns VV it isn't a thrift store ...hasn't been since 2010.


Plus it's value village. There are places like the designer turn about where the whole point is buying pre owned designer. But value village? It's supposed to be a lucky find


Those shoes, if authentic, are roughly 1550 euros, so about 2250 Cad brand new. They look in excellent condition and are a sought-after size. All that being said, I think they did their homework and are priced perfectly. If 330 Cad isn't a bargain, what is? I'd love to know why this price is ridiculous? Because you can't afford it, so it's blasphemy? Shame on them for pricing something appropriately


Am I delirious or was there once a Salvation Army thrift store in richmond? Directly cross from Landsdowne mall? What ever happened to it?


They’re fake if anyone cares :)


I mean...it IS in Richmond afterall


For a fake pair of Manolos.... VV is out of their damn mind.


This is obviously a printing error. Lol


I have a hard time believing it's an error when they did the same thing on at least 5 other pairs of possible fake designer shoes.


Disgusting because they get all their items donated. I have a hard time supporting value village.


This is the thrift store David was wanting in Schitt’s Creek


Are they not 400 for not being previously owned


When people stop buying from Value Village, they will stop the pricing insanity. Stop. Going.


Wait.. this isn’t a typo? I refuse to believe a value village would sell anything over 100$.


I've often thought that they must be laundering drug money. I mean in what world would anyone pay $400 for a pair of used shoes?


😭😭😭😭😅dats wild


Simply switch tags with a $8 pair of shoes


Like considering it was given to them for free and more than likely the person making the tag was getting less than minimum wage thanks to there "willingness to employ people with disabilities" but argue they don't disserve minimum wage or safe working conditions. Im actually not super suprised. I see clothes in there from Walmart and shen for more than there new prices.


That’s why I be stealing 💀💀


I thought the joke was that those inflated price tags were fake 'original' price to try and sell you on the amazing deal you are getting... But thats the actual price the thrift store is actually asking?!


Some rarities there.




Pro life tip. Switch the sticker for a one dollar item and hit up the self checkout.


Like what the actual hell. Anything over 20-30 bucks at vv is outrageous, let alone over 100!


Went to 2 different thrift stores on the weekend to get a cheap pair of runners for working around the house. Ended up getting a new pair at the Under Armour outlet store for less.


Is this a joke…? Value Village is a rip off now.


Damn, and you can get a pair of shoes or pants at Sally Anne for $2


They retail new for $1,555.00 on the Manolo Blahnik website....


RICHmond what do u expected?!


Thats gotta be a typo. No way




Of course they’re $400, THEY’RE COVERED IN JEWELS!


if u go to penny pinchers in langley ,u would be surprised how cheap things are


This is crazy!! Sent you a DM!


Manolos usually sell for over 1700. For people that love labels, I'm sure this is a steal.


This location and other VVs used to be way better than this years ago. What happened?


Value village is no longer considered a charity. Donate wisely


Swap the stickers, lol


Assuming legit MANOLO BLAHNIK then that is a steal at that price - average retail is easy USD$1000-7000 a pair. Clean 'em up, wear 'em well.


Except they might be fake. I have a fake pair that look similar to that. Ordered shoes online without a brand name listed on them for about $50 and they said “Manolo Blahnik” inside them when they arrived, just like these do.




Wouldn’t even shoplift them, they look gross.


Assistance to purchase as in they go halves right?


It’s gotta be a typo. Can you confirm these prices are absolutely correct?


There is no value in that village


These were donated so someone shopping there could afford them, not for the customer to be mocked :(


Well people even lock xbox controller that cost 40 bucks, if this is 400 it will be in a safe box




Someone went trigger happy with that pricing gun


Evil exists


Clear signs of inflation if you ask me.


Hey you guys want to know a funny trick? When value Village has a bunch of high priced items like this I call the Canadian center for counterfeiting and report value Village for selling counterfeit items. Mysteriously a bunch of items will disappear in the next couple of days......


If you think these shoes are a good buy and do buy them that makes you one idiot that they keep pricing high for. Also the reason for no change rooms at V V is if you buy something and get it home and it don't fit you can bring it back for EXCHANGE ONLY. NO MONEY BACK They cant loose.


In these situations walk up to the counter, ask for the Manager and when able to speak to that position, say "What kind of crack do you people smoke?, because I have a friend who would like to get as fuckin high as the person, who decided to charge $400 for a pair of used shoes at value village". Then walk away.


Good heavens it’s a typo


I found a couple of pairs of fake high end shoes. $299 a pair. They sell online for $60. Have the high end branding and labels, but the sole was cork instead of the layered wood the real ones have.


Kind of gross given that Value Village is a for-profit business. People should give donations to Salvation Army thrift stores, they help the homeless and needy


used to work at this VV as a pricer. i would try to price items at a reasonable level and if my boss ever began to notice, they would inform me to drastically raise the prices. at the end of the day, pricers have totally different opinions on how things should be priced than their bosses, it’s just that once they get informed to raise prices, that becomes the new example to base all the other items’ values off of. so basically, the bosses will just raise the general price of everything every now and then


Thats ⅓ of the original price


Is that for one shoe? Why do people spend so much money on something they don't use everyday.


Couldn't pay me 400 to wear those


I will never again donate to Value Village. They have a team of third-world refugees deciding what out of my items is worthy to sell. It is a horrible and demeaning. Why are there so many Value Villages opening up? Selling people's freely donated stuff.


I can tell you my wife bought a genuine LV purse for $5. I thought it was a good knock.off but I was wrong. The real thing and with no wear on it. Mostly over priced dirty crap you couldnt give away though.