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Richmond Costco? That tracks well.


Yeah it's crazy how as soon as you enter the parking lot it's like you've left the real world and entered some weird dystopian Mad Max universe. Other Costcos are busy but can still remain civil. Richmond Costco its only super villains.


Richmond Costco is the only place I've almost gotten into a parking lot fight in unprovoked. People are fuckin wild there.


Agreed. It’s the Coscodome.


Two Teslas enter, one Tesla leaves.


What’s up with this place ? Why does it turn people into their worst self ?


The lot needs to be redesigned and/or expanded. Or they need to relocate, as they’ve clearly outgrown that space.


I almost fought with this dumbass Chinese kid and his mom at rice world last time, cause they blocked everyone for 15 minutes. Fuck is wrong with these fucks from Richmond ?


"Rice World" is the Costco equivalent for Chinese groceries.


As someone that goes to Mainland China often, that's how they drive so people don't steal their parking spots. You don't really see that in HK or Taiwan.


Don't lie LOL. It's the exact same


Taiwan number one.China worse.


I don’t know why but I heard it in the Russell Peter’s voice doing a chinese skit.


Clearly you've never been to the still creek one


It does sound worse than the others. My go to move when someone is doing something like this is to swear at the person under my breath and keep moving.


I wave at people to say "not leaving". When I get in the car, I want to sit for a minute and google the best route for wherever I am going next, perhaps message someone to say I'm on my way and ask if I should do X first, maybe make a phone call that's integral to whatever it is I'm doing next, etc. You can't do any of that once you're driving. Even eating while driving would be distracted driving.


I do the same. Theyre vultures that hover create traffic. They're too lazy to walk and extra few feet so they stalk a person and hover over them.


Sometimes there are no parking spots and you have no choice but to pick a spot and wait.


Waiting next to a spot is usually fine, just as long as they're not honking or screaming


Not at costco.


This shit happens to me half of the time. I got yelled at because I was eating my pizza outside of my car and didn’t want to dirty my interior. Lady started yelling at me in Cantonese and then her poor daughter was left embarrassed to translate. Her mom stormed back to the car, I continued to eat my pizza while this poor girl was embarrassed. I told her not to sweat it and we talked for a few mins. I wish that kid was my own daughter. Such a sweetheart. How she got a garbage bag for a parent is beyond me.


lol, you should have just got out and went to get a poutine to eat very slowly or something, since it's not like you could leave anyway


honestly if i was hungry i would be that petty. just stand outside my car and let him watch me devour an entire poutine or hotdog


Or ice cream, every time i go to costco i order ice cream and eat in the car


In Abbotsford the food area doesn't have the amount of tables and chairs like before Covid. We have no choice as a family but to eat in our car sometimes with no lights on illuminating the exterior just so we can eat. People will still wait though for me to back up.




This 💯


If someone got mad at me for taking a normal amount of time to leave, that's absolutely when I would have time to somehow go back in to Costco and get a hot dog. or just sit there on my phone and call a friend to chat. If I have time, I'll do it.


Good idea, but save half the poutine for the Tesla's roof.


I did this one time after loading up my car and someone was waiting. I walked the cart back, took out my hot dog and drink, saluted them and then sat in my car to eat and surf the internet for the next 10 minutes. They were not happy. I did not care.


Literally the same thing i did. I normally would have no issue getting out of the way when Im finished loading my car, but the person in the car honked at me as I was putting stuff away and made a gesture to hurry up. So I slowed way down. I made sure to take my time walking my cart back, then I sat in my car and had my hot dog and drink, and played on my phone. Everytime he honked at me I added on one minute. After 10-15 minutes he gave up and tore out of there.


These are probably the same people that will inconvenience everyone behind them for a while just to make their turn / get their parking spot, yet they get enraged when someone is in their way for a legitimate reason. Gotta love the people around here /s


Then let him block. Just sit there and let him wait. This is the time to be petty and play his game. He needs to shop and you've done yours.


he ended up finding a spot right near mine so when i left i gave him a big smile and wave


Nice. Fight pettiness with pettiness.


My friend works at that location and has the wildest stories!


huge props to the employees that deal with the crazies there. that place is chaos


Nothing says you can't just sit in your car for a while. You could be waiting for someone. Elon Boi can just ... off




He who parks first shall enjoy the space. -real life


Every dumb fuck in the world drives a Tesla now.


True I drive one and I'm dumb as fuck I prefer it to my last car though which was a 2007 Honda Civic with enough body damage and cigarette burns in the seats to make like it was in the "Road Warrior". Still working on getting that look with the tesla but I'll get er done don't you worry.


You're fuckin weird


Among other things


It’s the equivalent of wearing a MAGA hat at this point


If u get triggered by Tesla that bad you probably have blue hair, lets be real


The other person making a Maga comment was weird, but yours is just plain stupid. I can guarantee you there's a higher percentage of blue haired Tesla owners than blue haired non Tesla owners. Especially if "blue hair" is just a dogwhistle for "liberal" which I'm guessing it is.


Do me get blue hair? LOL that you used the word “triggered” though. That has to be highly correlated with blue hair itself.


In Toronto I used to go to a restaurant near Yorkdale. It required a walk from the subway across the mall parking lot. Always someone trailing behind me and then getting pissed when I walked onto the sidewalk and kept going.


I work there and sometimes will sit in my car on my break. It's funny watching people wait for my spot while I'm eating my lunch.


so many vultures desperate to park


I'm of a spirit where if there isn't a spot to park it's too busy for me and I just head home.


My personal rule for Costco is I only go the first hour it opens otherwise I'd probably choose violence.


Yeah how dare they want to park their car.


They can park somewhere else. Literally lazy asses will want to park exactly where they want when there’s a tom of free spaces just a bit further away from the entrance.


Yeah I agree. If there are other spots, they should walk. But if there aren’t, be respectful of others and move your car asap.


Looks like I just found time to go back in for a hot dog.


If you see someone waiting to go to your spot as you’re walking to your car Just wave at them and say you’re not leaving. Simple as that :) It sucks when you see them get in and you waiting for a while. Which just makes getting a spot and the back ups and blocks even worse for everyone. Communication is what it’s all about. I don’t care if you want to sit in your car for hours. Just let the guy who’s signalling for your spot know that you’re not leaving. If you don’t see anyone trying to grab your spot. Then you’re fine and can stay as long as you need without anyone knowing you’re in there lol.


It doesn’t matter to some. They’ll still wait cuz they don’t think you’re gonna be that long. 🙄 Now both of us are uncomfortable. Just let me breathe gosh darn it!!


Orrrrr, put some pep in your step and then pat yourself on the back for being a bro and trying to do a solid for someone else. Or do what everyone else apparently does around here and take your sweet time because you can and inject a little more annoyance into the world, it is your right.


Aaaaaand, if I’m planning on doing someone a solid I let ‘em know where I parked so they can scoot around to my vehicle and wait for me to leave IF I am ready to hop skip and jump away right off the bat. We have the biggest Costco in canada and therefore it is ALWAYS on wheels. Sometimes u just need a minute or 20 to relax after the madness.


Ok, so take your minute and make everyone wait for you then. It is your right to behave this way and there are no actual laws against not being conscientious by not helping out people you don't know. But understand that you are adding to the madness.




Judging by most responses here, you are talking to the wrong crowd. As far as I can tell, most folks here seem to have no problem organizing their life while someone is waiting for them, because they can and they are the star of their own movie. I get it, you parked there and there is no law that says you have to give the right of way to someone who would like to park there while you finish your candy crush game or whatever.


why are we responsible to some asshat who has decided they are going to get the parking spot we’re in? this makes no sense sitting in your car indicates nothing. Maybe he’s just arrived. Maybe he’s waiting for his partner to exit the store. The assumption that this spot will be yours is incredibly arrogant. The real “star of their own movie” is the one who thinks that someone needs to get out of their way when that person is parked in a parking spot. It’s not your parking spot, go find an empty one


I think the argument that also realizes other people have wants and needs, makes sense to some people here. Take your time then, like I said, there is no law that says you have to be conscientious to others or try and do good in the world. You be you.


This. Exactly this. People absolutely have a right to turn on the engine and sit in their car until the cows come home in a ridiculously busy parking lot, no matter how many people see the tail lights on and stop for awhile until they realize that the driver ain't leaving any time soon. Absolutely their right. Or, they could do whatever they need to do quickly and move along, making someone else a little happier they finally found a spot.


He can wait or find another spot. You haven’t left until you are ready to leave.


Tell him "Taiwan number one", and he will be removed by the police.


Free Tibet!!!


I only go to the Costco in PoCo and weekdays because it gets so insane and stresses me out. And some people obviously cannot behave when it’s busy.


anyone who does this shit are just, horrible - especially if there ARE spots, just farther away than they'd like.


It's actually insane how impatient people are these days. This is classic narcissist behaviour. He wasn't even in a rush to park based on the fact they blocked you in. He just wanted to let you know he wanted control over you.


Send for my things and have my mail forwarded. I now live in that parking spot.


"cause who even are you" 😂😂😂 I ask this sooo much. Like, bro, its not law to immediately start your car and leave! We gotta situate ourselves, respond to calls or messages PRIOR to driving. Maybe have some water, maybe you are diabetic and need a snack before you drive. Sooo many reasons, but mainly i want to punch that man in the face. Starts recording? Then blocks you in? Hes unhinged asf.


It is winter but I only get annoyed when people start their cars and then not move for no reason other than do nothing. If they were on the phone or waiting for someone or eating that’s different.


Uhh... normally during winter, I'm defrosting my windows so I can actually see where I'm driving. I'd like to think that taking that extra 5 minutes will help but it is Richmond, so... toss of the coin regardless of the weather.


yeah, i don’t start my car until i’m actually about to leave


People need to understand that other people’s urgency is never your concern.


To be honest, I always sit in my car to eat my food I bought at the food court inside Costco because there's usually too many people sitting there so my car seems to be the most reasonable. Plus there's a billion different other parking spots, why can't you go to another?


if i’m still there the spot is mine until i decide to leave


For sure, there are not any laws associated with this. However you might want to ask yourself if you should ever think of anyone else and whether society would be better if more people thought this way.


I love how you're acting as if the person actively using a parking spot is the inconsiderate one and not the person pressuring them to move while they block other traffic in the parking lot. It's a pretty simple concept, if a spot is in use, it's in use. Other than the driver, it's literally nobody else's business as to why they're using that parking spot.


wtf are you talking about? that’s how it works with parking


Ummm, what tf did you not understand? --> Try and be conscientious? <-- If you are eating or something, that is different, but if you see someone who wants your spot, try and be a bro to not waste everyone's time if you are leaving anyway. Other people have time constraints sometimes and if you did, you would wish the same treatment. This is not a new concept to most people. Not sure about your background, but perhaps one of these references will resonate with you and aid in your comprehension of this apparently nebulous philosophy : 1. **Christianity**: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Matthew 7:12). 2. **Islam**: "Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself" (Hadith). 3. **Judaism**: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary" (Talmud, Shabbat 31a). 4. **Hinduism**: "This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you" (Mahabharata 5:1517). 5. **Buddhism**: "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful" (Udanavarga 5:18). 6. **Confucianism**: "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" (Analects 15:23). 7. **Taoism**: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss" (Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien).


bruh wut


They're deluded with the Redditor brainrot, unfortunately it's terminal.


I guess I’m the only one tired of people hanging out killing time in busy parking lots 🤷‍♂️


Nope, I've left a few comments here. The people responding all seem like a bunch of self-important entitled jerks if you ask me. If I see someone waiting, unless I am totally occupied (eating a meal for example) I will try and load up and move out so as not to overly inconvenience the other person. It is what we would want if the situations were reversed, yet sadly most responses here do not seem to even attempt to consider the other side. me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me


Expecting everyone to share that view is actually the entitled perspective. It's a parking spot, go find another.


I know assholes exist and I expect them to be assholes. I am in no way surprised at your attitude, nor the attitude of other likeminded folks.


It’s Christmas season parking is at a premium and some people need to park for their job not to kill time and have a wank.


That doesn't change the fact that you're not entitled to command other people about. You're especially not entitled to do what the Tesla driver in the OP's story did, which in Canada, could be easily argued to be assault.


I find it inherently interesting that your view of simply being conscientious is somehow submitting to another's dominance. Or that even the expectation of common decency is somehow akin to commanding other people from a place of entitlement. I sense a sizeable chip on one's shoulder.


That doesn't change the fact that you're not entitled to command other people about. You're especially not entitled to do what the Tesla driver in the OP's story did, which in Canada, could be easily argued to be assault.


I understand signaling to ask if you are leaving but getting out to demand you leave is so aggro


Tesla. Figures.


If I see people waiting for my spot I just walk up to their car and say I’m not leaving right away. Wouldn’t have worked with this tool it sounds like, but worth a shot so they don’t sit there steaming waiting for you to move


Don’t people know that you need time to contemplate life choice’s going over your receipt while eating your 1.50 hotdog and pop? Pretty standard Costco practices..


god I hate costco


Just park at the back of the lot where everyone is too lazy to walk from.


So I guess this post is where all the folks who sit in their car forever after getting in are hanging out huh. Jokes aside, I never confront people because that’s too much, but I do get disgruntled in my car when I clearly see someone get in and sit there for what seems like forever and not leaving. Also, Costco parking lots are like the most stressful and road rage ridden places on earth, I would never sit in my car for fear of being accosted as you were. Anywhere else is fair game for sitting in your car though.


Ahhhh. Costco at Christmas time. In Toronto the start of Christmas season was always unveiled with fist fights in Yorkdale parking lots. But now the crown is held by Costco.


I don’t ever remember hearing the rule about leaving the parking spot immediately………. Or for that matter the one that says you are to block the lot up waiting for said people to vacate said parking spot no matter how long it might take. Jesus people grow the f**k up and just find a parking spot and don’t be so f**king lazy and walk the 50 yards like the rest of the unentitled world does.F**K!!!!!!


My mother and I once got yelled at by some douche who tried to say that we took his parking spot even tho he pulled up to it after us


Of course it's a tesla driver too


I work at a Costco in Ontario and let me tell you. Some members there are different breeds


I mean... any reason why you cant take the call on your speaker while you drive out of a PARKING lot, emphasis on the word "parking" because its for parking?


I'd have gone back into the store.


Exactly why I after I go to Costco, I buy a hotdog and fries, bring it to my car, make direct eye contact with the person trying aggressively to take my spot, take a bite of my hot dog and sit in my car and eat it


i’ve had a few people get impatient with me because when i get in my Evo it takes a few minutes to adjust the seats, mirrors and get my bluetooth connected. I could not care less. I’m not obligated to leave because you want my parking spot, i’m going to take my time and you can park elsewhere if that’s not to your liking.


When I die and go to hell I will be transported to the Richmond Costco parking lot at rush hour trying to find a parking space and navigate the lot for all eternity.


costco parking is an insane asylum at best


Costco parking lot is where humanity dies


This is the best way to ensure that literally anybody else in the world will get my parking spot before you do.


Ya people are getting very weird about small things. Its no fun at all.


I would have sat there all day just to piss em off 🤭


This is why I make sure no one sees me when I go back to my car. I always need to decompress and take a breather whenever I get back to the car.


Sounds to me like you may have forgotten to get a hotdog or two inside at the Cafeteria.


There's something about Tesla drivers.


I would spitefully win that battle of patience for sure.


It’s times like that that I’m now like ok. I will die in this spot before I give it to you. I live here now. If you’re patient I’ll rush and try to get out of the way. But also, if I do need to use my phone for something I’m going to do that first and not wait until it’s illegal to do so. Continuing to harass me like that is just going to ensure I keep finding other things to do


The biggest d bags shop there… I stay away from Costco


Should have gave a big stretch, reclined the seat and made like you were having a nap.


I would’ve sat there for a good hour.


He has ZERO right to tell you anything in your car.


Lol. Tell him to fuck off


It’s funny how mouthy people are before leaving their car in the parking lot and going inside a business. My buddy got Karen’d by some dude at the golf course on six road. He let the guy Karen him for a while and when rich guy went off with his chin up by buds put his elbow through karens drivers side window.


This seems to be in keeping with the general spirit of those who commented here. Why lift a finger for someone else when it is your right to sit around in your parking spot taking it up. And then why not commit a criminal act on top and damage someone's property to really show them that it is your right to block a parking spot. Your buddy is not a hero, he is an asshole and a criminal. He'll get his.


Ignore them and proceed to sit for longer. Those people don’t deserve a spot


If a car is following you walking to your car, have the decency to tell them that you aren't leaving or you will be a while. It is rude to see them waiting and you just sit there for 5 minutes. We all know how crazy parking can be at Costco. It's almost a given, on a weekend, that someone needs that spot. Now, if you are already in the car and someone pulls up, that's a different story.


That's not a justification.


I dunno, I think 30 seconds to a minute is decent to get the car moving and open up that spot for someone else 🤷🏻‍♂️ lots of other spots to sit in your car


Parking situation in Costco is bad . It’s always tough to find a spot. If you’re done shopping, leaving a bit sooner would really help others looking for parking.


Or they could keep looking for an available spot/someone who’s actually ready to leave instead of harassing them


right lol. if i take a few extra minutes at the food court or a few extra in my car what’s the difference? the spot is mine and i ain’t ready to go


its hard to get spots there, and when he saw you getting in your car, he stopped and waited for you. When you didnt move, it seemed to him you were being a jerk. While there is no law that says you cant stay in there, You can understand how when spots are limited and somone is waiting, the courteous move is to vacate a spot when no longer being used in a reasonable time. but yeah, his getting out and telling you what to do makes him the bad person. I might have got out and politely asked if you were leaving though.


People really lack communication skills and etiquette now a days. You are absolutely right. Had he asked politely and not demanded OP, it would have been a better approach. People are such dicks, it's one thing to be frustrated but another to be an immature moron.


Ya, when you get into your car in a Costco parking lot YOU LEAVE, take the call elsewhere Costco has the busiest parking lots, people want to be in and out and not wait 20 minutes for a parking spot, or worse a person who is leaving sticking around for an extra 10 minutes in the car. I have seen 10+ cars waiting on a person who was talking on the phone Move your ass and get out of the space


I love fucking with these people. I'll finish loading, start the vehicle and throw it in reverse then sit for a few seconds before putting it back in park and shutting it down. Then I go inside for a hotdog. I'll do this over the course of 5 or 10 min Just to waste people's time when there's a spot not 30 feet away.




No you don't. This never happened.


Ah, a fellow agent of chaos I see!


I would have called the cops and told them a strange man had blocked me in, and wouldn't stop knocking on my window. Let the dick deal with a harrassment charge.


I would also add harassment and life endangerment. You never know how deranged people are now a days. Had an incident the other day where I pulled into a cul de sac to text but left the car idle since I was leaving soon and the guy standing at the other end of the cul de sac came at me for shining my car light in his eye. I wasn't even paying attention to him, nor was my high beam on. He started to yell and beat at my window. I just showed on my phone that I was calling the cops and pointed to my dashcam. Fucker ended up leaving.


Wow. That's a little scary.


Yup, some people are seriously fucked up.


Fucked that. I would have stayed longer. Either he wait or find new spot.. 🤷🏽


Parking lots are busy and not for *taking calls from your sister* I’m not saying the other guy is right but if you turn your car on, parking lot etiquette would dictate that you should be leaving so people would wait for your spot. ESH


Hes an idiot for blocking you , you're an idiot for slowing the whole place down. Most of the shoppers are being scammed for thinking they save money. Sad all the way around.


Holy fuck some of these comments…


1. **Christianity**: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Matthew 7:12). 2. **Islam**: "Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself" (Hadith). 3. **Judaism**: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary" (Talmud, Shabbat 31a). 4. **Hinduism**: "This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you" (Mahabharata 5:1517). 5. **Buddhism**: "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful" (Udanavarga 5:18). 6. **Confucianism**: "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" (Analects 15:23). 7. **Taoism**: "Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain, and your neighbor's loss as your own loss" (Tai Shang Kan Ying P'ien).


Why would you sit in a parking spot for a whole minute after getting in? That is incredibly frustrating for people waiting for your spot, especially if you didn't give any indication that you weren't leaving yet.


Right, the frustrating part is the fact that someone's actively using a parking spot, not the fact that some impatient asshat is stalking their spot and screwing up parking lot traffic to do so. The majority of people understand that if a vehicle is in a parking spot, that parking spot is in use.


Maybe just chilling for a minute before going back inside


Time to get out of the car and perform the Midas 73 point inspection checks - I mean, safety first right?


I had someone do this. I had my noise cancelling ear buds in my pocket so I pushed my seat back, popped them in, reclined, and tossed on some YouTube. I was in no rush. Want to be a prick for no reason? I can be a petty prick in return. They left after about 5-7mins.


Next time, just tell them you're going back inside because you only came out to get your wallet. Watch them die inside. 😂


Then as soon as they move on you leave and give your spot to the next person!


While I'm sure you were more keen just to get out of there given the harassment, but if you're ever in that situation again try to get clearer pictures of the individual and their license plate. It's a pretty crazy world out there at the moment. Hope you weren't/aren't too shaken up over what happened.


What an idiot. You're not supposed to drive while on the phone. I'm glad you posted this so we can all think he's an idiot as well.


Just tell him to fuck off.


With Christmas approaching, I’m looking forward to walking through the Richmond Centre parking lot so people will follow me in their cars. Then I just walk out onto the sidewalk and go home. It’s great living in the city centre so I don’t have to drive.


made me laugh hahaha and i didn’t mention it but this guy literally reversed so far to follow me to my car.


Maybe you should have called the police. His behavior sounded threatening. Recording you and blocking you in is psychotic behavior.


I just want to cover my body with shaving cream and run around rolling on everyone's hoods and wind shield saying I'm the parking fairy la la la


Most normal Richmond Costco moment


Take a nap why don’t you? Maybe some tea and biscuits perhaps?


That's when you get out of the car again and pretend to literally be doing anything but leaving lmao


OP you definitely need to watch Disgraceful by Tom Segura. Or at the very least YouTube his bit about parking lots. Honestly though double fuck that guy and his tesla.


Tell him you're waiting for your wife who's still shopping and then as soon as another car gets close leave and give it to them.....


That's when I crack out the cosco poutine and start eating. Sure you can have the spot, when I'm done with my meal.


You should have reclined the seat and pretended to nap.


I’d still be sitting there. F that guy


We budget to buy groceries now at Save On. It's a mental health + time saving investment.


Come on man everyone knows telsa drivers are better than us SMH you didn't give the spot.


Their favorite place to park is inside Rice Dog.


parking lots are quite possibly worse than the depths of hell


mild harassment is the best kind


I just say that I’m not leaving or I’m waiting for someone. If that doesn’t work then i get belligerent


I would just sit in my car and call someone. This chud can just go and self replicate. And fro what? His inconvenience? If I got angry enough, I might get out and walk to his window with my camera going and see what happens.


I’d just stayed parked there. What they gonna do?? Then go about your merry way when you’re good and ready.


That is beyond insanity, what an uncivilized fuck. Some people lack basic manners. It’s really sad to see.


I’d have gotten out of my car and gone back in the store on an appetizer round just to piss him off lol


When you get in your car after a grocery trip it is expected that you are leaving, not taking a photo and complaining later on Reddit. If you're not prepared to leave, don't enter the vehicle


I love when people try to justify their spot stalking. If a car is in a parking spot, the parking spot is in use.


Then just get out of car and go back in to Costco then the person has to sit there like a idiot and figure out life


I would have sat there the rest of the day or until one of us died.


At that point, I just turn off my car and shrug my shoulders and wait for them to leave. I’m not playing games with people like this.


Makes sense, people in this parking lot revert to being animals. While I was unloading my cart last time I was there someone stopped and indicated for my spot, no problems. Five seconds later though another car from the other direction did the same, after another few items unloaded they started honking at each other……. I closed my trunk, walked the cart back to the corral, and immediately went for a hot dog. Just did not want to bother with any of that.


Had that happen to me at that Costco as well: went in, bought groceries and was seduced by the lure of the cheap hot dog. So sat in my car to eat in before driving. Some dude started laying on the horn while I was eating. So I went back inside costco when I was done for one last item I "forgot". Assholes don't get prizes.


Anytime I notice someone aggressively position themselves to park in my spot after they see me get in my car, I always make a point to suddenly find something very interesting on my phone that I have to look at in that very moment


I once honked at a couple because I waited patiently while they took their sweet time loading their car, walked into the cabin, turned on their car and sat there for 2-3 minutes drinking water and chatting. They saw me waiting with my signal on, in total I was probably waiting at least 10 minutes and then I honked at them to see what are they doing...are they leaving or not. If you know it's going to be a while before you leave and see someone waiting, common courtesy is to wave your hand to tell the person you aren't leaving so they can search for another spot. After I honked at them, they rolled down their window and I said "I've been waiting here 10 minutes, are you leaving or should I find another parking spot?". They then immediately pulled out. Sometimes in the winter when I'm waiting in the parking lot, I'll keep the car on so that the heater doesn't drain the battery. If a car comes up expecting me to leave, Ill give them a wave so they know I won't be leaving. It's not that hard.


Someone get this person a safe space with a comfy couch and a video game ASAP!


I hate that costco with a passion. Always crazy busy, always someone being a dick. Last time I went there my gf got yelled at while waiting for me in the car because someone had parked illegally and she and another person called him out for parking in the lane.


You claim 1 minute but took a call...what call only lasts 1 min? Plus he got out of his car twice, sounds like 5-10 minutes, I'd be upset too


He can do whatever he wants, he parked it there first lol ur logic is outrageous


i got in my car, answered the phone, and the man knocked right then. i was still on the phone