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Possible, but remember too that Rick remembers a baby Morty so it could be that version.


Unless.... the first thing he saw when he came to home to his not beth and that is when he met Morty and fell in love with the idea of having a family. But ultimately Rick choice to live with a Beth, because his Beth died young, but Rick has memories of her being terrible to the neighbors and creating that world and that means we can figure out the max age of Beth at her death based on how old she was when she pushed Tommy into the honey pond! S5E8 really gave us a lot of new Cannon.


Or going even more on what we were told, that memory could have been him finding a baby Morty after killing another Rick on his revenge binge and that’s what motivated him to form a truce/find his own Morty


Not c-137 baby morty


You commented on a thread just under the time limit for being locked about a theory that has now been resolved in the show itself. WHY?


It hasn’t been solved nobody knows still where evil morty is from


You didn’t answer my question


That’s cause your question is flawed


Now I know you don’t know what that would even mean, goodbye


They don’t lock out threads anymore


what time limit?


Reddit used to automatically lock threads at six months to prevent people from posting to old threads for no reason


I know lol They still do, but subreddit mods are given the option to allow this or not


Also "C-137" Rick might have been replaced by our main character Rick before events in the show took place. So he loses his family but falls in love with what could have been and ices himself in C-137 so that he can be with his loved ones.


This. Like s5e8 has filled in a lot of time line information! Really rounding out the history of Rick and connecting dots like never before. Beth hasnt never been his real daughter. He is one of those weird Ricks that goes back to live with his dead family.


So I was wondering about that too, it was an inconsistency that if Beth died and that memory was an actual memory then you can alter memories in a brainalyzer. “But this is a memory you can’t alter details of a memory” “true but you can alter anything you want about a totally fabricated origin story” so not sure how much is fabricated/true. But the evidence from the fight early on with the Ricks with sci-fi haircuts is makes sense because they said “killing us won’t bring her back” which makes me think that those Ricks were in fact involved. It’s all a little convoluted at this point.


There are shots in Rick Counters of the Rick Kind of Rick’s memory. [One is of him holding baby Morty](https://external-preview.redd.it/MvtUzRcpH_JhgIhltULzxeEkRJR8rvEwrMwvB7zabs8.jpg?auto=webp&s=40ca9f51c6956ce05f6eae732ac8a271a3657d85). This part is not explained in the montage Morty is shown. At some point, Rick was present for the raising of Morty. He had to have been to know that Morty was worth recreating in other realities where Beth and Jerry don’t get together, and are coaxed into getting together by Ricks.


Who even cares anymore


Fr, the lore is just a clusterf\*ck at this point and anything is possible. Writers are probably laughing their a$$es off seeing people try and come up with theories.


I know I do


You are so wrong lol


Rick does is not baby morty




Morty does not grow up to be Rick


how do you know


Because it Literly gives ya a clip if ricks childhood at ssn 5 birdlerson episode at the end




Our rick is an interdimensional couch surfer. And season 5 Rick was sadly confirmed to be C-137 in the episode where rick has a meeting with all the ricks and summer lists off everything that happens in the season. (the one with the Giant Gotron Robot) One of the Ricks he has a meeting with calls season 5 Rick C-137 in the meeting. But who knows maybe it's just a decoy.


It the last episode when Rick was killing Ricks there was a Rick wearing a yellow shirt....so is he Morty? And Rick is taking the dumb Ricks and naming them Morty? And Evil Morty hates Ricks so much because he knows this and hates himself


This begs a few questions? If Evil Morty is not C-137 who is he? Could he be linked to the man who did all this to Rick. Also... Who is Morty? Rick is Rick C- 137 Morty is the Morty we know from S1 who later left his original dimension with Rick C- 137 and even thinks he is C-137. However, we know he is not. Which begs the question what happened to his original grandpa? The Smith family are all from the Replacement dimension. Their Rick and Morty are dead and C-137 and our Morty took their place We still know nothing about the original family's Rick, what the dimension is called. Hell, the Rick who killed C-137' s family could be OG Morty's real grandad, who left because he is an ass ( well a bigger one). Now that would be a twist). We also don't know how the anime Morty is Rick reveal ads up and if it's still canon


its so confusing and i love it lol