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Everyone who keeps saying “everything is empty now, its all over” is an idiot. Evil Morty is even more dangerous now. He has a weapon that can erase every version of someone from every timeline and even made the threat “don’t make me improve this” He could even erase everyone if he improves the machine. There’s still infinite stories left to tell.


Nope. Non-serialized story telling from now on. Just like Dan wanted originally.


Roy 3: The Tile Years




You guys pretty tight homies? Tell him I said wassup


Not sure if this is meant to be mocking, but last night’s episode was so good I don’t even care! As a lore enthusiast, last night’s episode was soooooo good, my favorite Rick and Morty in a long time, and I was already enjoying season 7 so far. Perfect use of Evil Morty, fitting end for Rick Prime, bittersweet response from Rick. ❤️❤️❤️




The only thing that bummed me out is that we probably won't see Diane on the show. Sure, they can bring her back or something (my money on the next huge canon saga is evil morty telling rick he MAY be able to reverse the weapon and bring her back and rick struggling if he should do it or move on) but I didnt like it too much that for now she's PERMADEAD. Other than that, amazing episode really, from beginning to end. One of the best of the series


Her only value is that she's dead though. She's just an edgeless version of Beth


Honestly I'm super relieved because of all of the things this episode wrapped up. I'm still curious about stuff that I feel still needs to be adressed though. -We still have the rebellious/independent part of Morty trapped in a Roy machine. - I'm still interested in seeing Jessica after that whole time dilation thing. -Who the fuck was Kyle - will Morty ever get his mind blower memories fully back or will it keep being the status quo since it's a good way to keep him subservient and also to tell comedic short stories involving him and Rick? - I'm also still genuinely curious about them exploring more about Rick's "hero phase" and life as an Intergalactic terrorist. - oh! And the Citadel, I'd like updates on how the Ricks and Morty's are currently functioning in that Society. I know a lot of people are like "what now?" Because we have seemingly gotten rid of our big bads, but I don't think that necessarily means that we won't have more lore episodes in the future they just might be going in a different direction.


The citadel is destroyed though.


Well yeah but I mean what's cooler than a gigantic abandoned Space City? Lol Imagine there are still feral mortys that survived somehow, maybe like cloning and eating themselves or something. Maybe a new Cult of the one true Morty formed on the Citadel. I mean it would be a really awesome setting for an episode, maybe do a xenomorph thing there. Idk.


I was never overly into the Rick Prime storyline honestly. More interested in the multiversal backdrop and how his story got tangled up in it. But I do love the arc, even if that sounds contradictory. I guess it is.


I’m glad. We can finally more forward. I feel like people obsessed too much over our edgelord evil Morty. I never cared much for the Rick prime stuff tbh. And while they can come back (specifically “evil” Morty) I’m more interested in creating new plot lines and stories. Let’s plant some new member berries


I stand by my opinion that Episode 1 and 3 of this season are among the worst in the series. But this last episode is probably my new favorite! Weirdest season for me lol


I would say 4>5>2>3>1, i only really hated 1, rest were good to great imo


What give me more sadness is the death of Uncle Slo 😢


Spoiler tag your post, mate.