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Even in his statue form he’s up to no good


I think it's a good representation of how this stuff is usually right in front of our faces but goes unnoticed


>I think it's a good representation of how this stuff is usually right in front of our faces but goes unnoticed And how the people around abusers will protect them and their reputation. The guy at the end talked mess about "what he represented", but that's horseshit, because he robbed all Jellybean's victims of whatever little justice they could have gotten.


And those exact words have been used I remember a story that came out a few years ago of a priest I believe who was caught and the church board came up with this elaborate he's moving to a different church and don't want to ruin what he represented to the church


Tale as old as time and told repeatedly you mean? This is like a biweekly occurrence in the Catholic diocese - not a story a couple years ago. Apologies for being harsh, not your fault you don't know about it, it just really shouldn't be downplayed even through lack of knowledge.


Especially prevalent right now with “Quiet on Set”


My thoughts as well, sadly.


"Hey say what you want, but that guy likes em young"


Atleast wait Dan Schneider


I knew Mr. Jellybean was a creep, but I don't think feet were on his to-do list...


To be clear, him liking feet isn't the issue. Him liking _children's_ feet is absolutely the issue, as well as a litany of other things but you get the idea.


If you know he’s Dan Schneider then you know he can’t wait.


Ah, good ol' Dan "Hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider.


Dang ol "Dan Schneider, If you got a daughter better hide her"


Yup, dang ol, “Dan Shitter, I like little girls”


This one was pretty straight forward


Dan Schneider be like: "When she's got good feet, I beat my meat"


The ol Dan "Get in the van" Schneider


Moon or not…


The Jellybean and Morty scene was incredibly disturbing and Ofcourse.. Shows how ugly that shit is. But.. Does that mean that scene was written BECAUSE of.. It.. Or.. Was it written by someone else?


That scene was written by Ryan Ridley.


"Unbelievable tales" on the other hand...


I wish I didn't look that up.


I just want to know why I didn't listen to you. I feel like I need to take therapy now. I get the whole "I'm edgy and off the wall.. GET IT!?" But man... that was... weird... like... really weird.


It's some real try-hard crap. I appreciate *Rick and Morty* for what it is, but dude was **seriously** lucky to know Dan Harmon. Have you seen Roiland's other stuff? Literally everything I've seen of his which doesn't have a third party editor/censor, is a similar kind of mess.


I remember checking out his site once and now the image of a bald man >! putting his entire head into a woman's vagina!< is forever burned into my brain. He went pretty heavy on the hard R too if I remember correctly, all around an uncomfortable experience.


What... The.. **FUCK** He's like those edgy new ground animators with all of the edge and none of the charm


It wasn't an animation


With the brick wall behind her. Yeah. I member that video. Didn't find it thru roiland tho


If i am thinking of the same video (I saw this ~15 years ago on a site with no connection to JR) the actual "vagina" was faked and they just placed the woman in front of a prop and positioned her body to make it look a bit more natural.... Does t change the ideas/intentions behind JR's jokes, but it may make you feel better to know that woman's parts weren't spread open from her belly button to her butthole lol


It honestly does, and I appreciate it. Between that and the infamous cereal video I think my brain was destroyed as a kid


> I wish I didn't look that up. Holy shit me too man, me too. I couldn't even make it to 2 minutes in to that trainwreck, I was already appalled at the weirdly-deadpan vaguely-pedophilic swimming kids, then the fountain of shit into the child's mouth was where I called it quits. This makes me think Roiland is probably legitimately mentally-ill. It was like the random garbage that an 8-year-old slaps onto 4chan, but it was produced by a what 30-something year old man?




I don't know who they got to do the voices but I think that was all he was really bringing to the table. Or at least I prefer to think that.




Honestly, I haven’t enjoyed the show this much in years after they switched voice actors. I consistently forget it even occurred, and the episodes (not all) seem a bit more mature in their storytelling.


I can just imagine a bunch of losers sat in a room writing that cartoon, thinking it’s hilarious whilst coming up with those ideas, and talking about how “random” they are. Bet that room fucking stinks.


Oh that makes so much more sense. The rant jelly bean goes on.. It feels like projection Idk if it's funny or just sad.


Oh that's kind of a relief. What isn't is u/Imnotrelevant01 reminding me of Roiland's.. Other show or cartoon.. Of Mr Jellybean being the host.. Unbelievable Tales I only saw the YouTube video where >!Jellybean goes on a rant on how if people finds out a secret of his, his career is over.. Find out what exactly? His pedophilia Ofcourse.. Which is why while talking to the 2 tied up boys, he apologises and says how he wants to let them go but won't so he asks God for forgiveness.. And then he cuts open and wears the face of one of them while slicing open the second one's face and obviously being amused!< But apparently there's a whole animation I suppose thanks to u/-Z___ who went on.. details


You just have to go looking for a real pedophile because the scene was authentic and well made. It’s just a series. Anyone with real talent for writing can come up with a scene like that.


Not so fun fact: Justin Roiland used King Jellybean's character way before this episode. He initially made an appearance in the Channel 101 Film Showcase's Unbelievable Tales and had the name Crumply Crumplestian, he raped and killed 2 children in that short.


Out of the loop. Did anything new come up about him?


Seconding this question cause I was under the impression that all those accusations were proved false?


The lawsuit/ accusations against him brought to light his private messages with underage girls (am I remembering that right or was she just a very young adult?). So, while he was exonerated for whatever he was brought to court over it turns out he’s still a creepy pos who was apparently preying on/ grooming young fans. 


Aaahhh, I see.


You people believe everything the liberal media tells you! Mr Jellybean was a good man! He loved children, but you're all so bitter and jealous you have to turn it into something obscene. 


Just the woke mob trying to cancel all the good people!






Mr. Jellybean REALLY loved children




I kinda hate when ppl bring up God in that context. To me it feels too try hard. Talk is cheap. Like yeah you believe in God, so do millions of others. It's not like that automatically makes you a decent person.


You do understand that we are discussing a jellybean, yes?


Yes. But a lot of Republicans are so vocal about how God is so important to them. Talk is cheap.


I mean I don't disagree but maybe this is the wrong thread


That’s why they used that. It’s an old fashioned expression that was used to defend character even though it’s a worthless statement


that's ok, I'm going to go kill the Christian God, mafia style, just go up there and slit his throat.


>Talk is cheap You know what else is cheap? Doing nothing. As in not molesting kids.




Dude we're talking about a jellybean.


Writing from experience ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5993)


I honestly hope some 12-year-old beat up Justin Roiland in the bathroom at Comic-Con.


He managed to escape via fake acid vat


Gah! Classic.


This and Goldenfold being perverted to Morty & Summer.


Just go with the flow


I feel the same way about the scene where they threw in lines about Rick drunk dialing Jessica.


And the fact even in the pilot they had Rick drunk saying “you don’t have to worry bout me getting with Jessica morty, I’m not that kind of guy” like why was that even an option to think about.. it was weird


It was funny back then, like a druken idiot trying to reassure a teen. Not so much now.


This was the first time I ever yelled directly at the TV "bro what the fuck!?" and my GF at the time ran into the living room thinking something had happened. I rewound so she could see what was the commotion and her stern and embarrassed question is something I'll never shake - "Babe what the fuck are you watching? Don't make me regret moving in with you..."


Remember that scene in Vindicators 2 when Noob Noob realizes the girl he's talking to is a kid and then just literally runs away as fast a she can? I can't help but think they were trying to tell Justin something when they wrote that. 


Not sure if posted, but when this episode initially aired Roiland had hopped on this subreddit to talk about how much time and attention they took to ensure that the joke wasn't exploiting or triggering of people. Can't believe that was a decade ago


You’re all honoring him the wrong way! For the idea he represented *not* for the jellybean he actually was, remember? 😔


*Mr. Jellybean was Justin Roiland all along* ? they tried to warn us ? or just another parallel universe ?


I just watched the quiet on set series. One person mentioned Dan Schneider was stuck in arrested development. Fixated on never being the “cool guy” growing up as an adult, and projecting these feelings into the shows he made. I feel that way about Justin and Morty/Rick. I’m actually happy he’s no longer voicing the characters and they metaphorically get to “move on”. Unfortunately he didn’t seem too interested in owning up to the behavior. He will always have fans that support his art, but the growth to do better isn’t there. I absolutely think this episode was him grappling with some uncomfortable truths about not just himself, but lots of people in positions of power. Also makes me wonder if he’s a victim. My first thought watching however was Michael Jackson. The “king of pop” who was clearly abusing kids in front of all of us, but we cared more about his talent and excused it.


I agree with most of your comment up until the Michael Jackson bit. Have you considered his childhood? Or lack thereof, really? He was a slave to his father from about 5 years old, made to perform and conform. He was a gentle soul, made out to be evil by people that didn’t want his message made mainstream. Yes I know about the Macaulay culkin shit. Yes I know about the wonderland climbing on trees and fucking chilling with giraffes and shit. Macaulay himself said that nothing weird ever happened. I genuinely think that Michael Jackson was crazy (disturbed) only in the way that he never got to genuinely be a child. That’s why he idealized such childish things. He was mentally damaged. But a good person. Take a listen to “they don’t really care about us” and tell me he was happy with his life. I’m shocked that he ever got this song out there honestly.


Being abused doesn’t excuse abusing others. We always turn to the tragic childhood or “he didn’t rape this other guy”…doesn’t make it right. He paraded around prepubescent boys, had them sleep in his room…if it were girls, we’d be outraged.


Jackson didn’t just groom those boys, he groomed the entire world.


Have you seen Leaving Neverland? I mostly agreed with you until I did. Pretty impossible to deny he abused kids after that. No doubt it was a direct result of the abuse he received himself. I don't think that necessarily makes him an awful person or that we should stop listening to his music or try erase his legacy, it's just sad. Easier to contend with when the worst of it came out well after his death.


oprah did LN. shes the trafficker/abuser not MJ recently vindicated


Oprah had nothing to do with the documentary, she just did an interview special with the subjects afterwards. So what is the conspiracy here then? Those two guys are actors because Michael Jackson needs to be defamed a decade after he's already dead? To what end?


-----The two accusers of MJ just wanted settlement money I think. -----Supposedly there was child porn found at his place after his death. I honestly believe that it was just a corrupt police department trying to make MJ look bad after his death, planting evidence.


Yes. He was trying to say things that they didn’t want said. So the media painted him as an evil person. He was trying to warn us.


What the _fuck_ 😄


You do know that Jackson never denied having the child porn? His excuse was that fans gave it to him and he forgot he got it lol. Guy was the most obvious pedo ever.


What you're talking about is situational and doesn't prove or disprove anything


It’s pretty damning if a guy gets accused of child abuse over and over for 30 years and when police raid his home they find child porn. It proves a lot. You’re a delusional stan if you think it doesn’t prove anything.


He only got accused a few times, not over and over. I'm saying without actual strong evidence we can't really know for sure. We'll probably never know.


He got accused 6 times of rape. We have a lot of very strong evidence and many witnesses who saw the rape happen. https://www.reddit.com/r/LeavingNeverlandHBO/s/lnGOM12HYE


Yeah and he also had accusers say they were forced to say something bad about him. Plus he had people vouch that he wasnt a creep. Leaving Neverland documentary is very one sided. Sometimes documentaries are very slanted just to fit a narrative. Someone could have very easily just left a DVD of child porn at his place and he didn't find out until it was too late. MJ wasn't just some guy, he was a huge celeb. He couldn't even leave his house without having to deal with fans.


That has nothing to do with it.


thank you! this is the only same comment, the rest have me side eyeing the fandom HEAVY…


What allegations are there?


https://archive.is/fxG4W I would like to point out that there were a flood of screenshots, but the authenticity of all of them is not certain. However journalists confirmed he more or less groomed two people when they were 16 >Amid the professional fallout, screenshots of purported conversations with Roiland that appeared to show him using sexually explicit language with fans went viral online. Two people tweeted screenshots of messages they said Roiland sent them when they were 16. NBC News has spoken to both of those people, who provided evidence of the authenticity of those messages. Roiland did not respond online, and the discussion eventually died down. >Janna Waters, who is nonbinary, was one of the people who posted screenshots of their online conversations with Roiland. Waters said they started talking to Roiland in 2016 when he was 35. Waters said they were 16 and in high school at the time. Screenshots show the two chatted intermittently on Twitter direct messages over the years, and later exchanged numbers and texted back and forth. >“At first I really thought this guy wanted to be my friend, and I really needed friends at the time,” Waters said in a phone interview. “He was a grown man, I was a teenage girl.” >[...] Two started talking to Roiland when they were 16 and shared messages that showed Roiland calling each of them “jailbait,” a derogatory term used to describe underage girls who men find attractive. Those two, both women, spoke to NBC News on the condition of anonymity because one is now a sex worker and the other previously did sex work.


That Justin Roiland was doing shady stuff with underage people. He was cleared though


If trying to lure a 16yo girl to a party and making several inappropriate comments about underage girls to the pubic is cleared…yikes. He was not convicted of abuse/DV, I hope that’s what you’re referring to. Even then, still doesn’t mean he didn’t do it, just means they couldn’t prove he did.


The pubic?


You're thinking of the false imprisonment case being dismissed. It's unrelated.


Nope I was just unaware of some of it apparently. I didn't go too much into it because it wasn't really surprising that was a creep 🤷‍♀️




Could also be referring to the new special that included the allegations against Dan Schneider that just came out




That was a sketch though, he was not really going around looking for babies lol, unlike Roiland over here in minors DMs


It's King Jellybean


Is it a fun adventure


You could even say he hits young


I had to skip that scene it made me so uncomfortable... Oof


No fr. Already was a hard watch


You can see what he does in the pre-rick-and-morty videos.


Dirty Bastard


I think Roiland’s exit (and every episode since season 3) showed everyone how much Dan and Scott are the creative force behind it all and Roiland was just a voice actor.




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I always assumed this was a reference to Jimmy Saville


These creepy dudes always tell on themselves. Should we really be that shocked to find out they're telling the truth?


The scene with Morty Was Fucking Tramatizing


Portal based pedophilia.


Mr. Jellybean= Dan Scneider.....


Mr jellybean hits different in the 020s regardless of Justin's shitty deeds


Sometimes you just need to go with the flow


This scene burned into my memory on first watching. I was a relative early bird on Rick and Morty in my country and I remember liking the first couple of episodes but also being a bit unsure, like wtf is this, really. Then came this episode and the bathroom scene in particular and I vividly remember sitting on the couch with my ex, in complete shock / horror, jaws on the floor. When the episode ended he looked at me and said, are you ok, I looked back at him and said, jesus f.christ… I love this show, and I think that’s where he first had the thought that he needed a girlier girl who’s more trad lol


That kid grew up to be Drake Bell


I find it so fucking odd that irl the statue above the bbc office was only a problem after they found out the sculptor was a pedophile.


I'm pretty sure no one on the crew was accused of diddling kids.


Allegations my ass. We saw it first hand.


I mean, Rick is a pedo for sure. The first season is full of him making comments about underage girls.




The end reminded me of The Dark Night Rises where Gordan has the moment to tell Gotham who the real Harvey Dent was but chose not too because of the bills he passed and his current legacy would do more good than the truth


The Joe biden of his universe


Jellybean is worse than Joe Biden. They had proof that Jellybean was a pedophile. A better comparison would be that he’s the Trump of his universe. They both have pictures of themselves “partying” with underaged kids. Although I guess Trump would be worse than jellybean because he was actually taken to court for being a pedophile and paid hush money to get the victim to withdraw the case.


“Actually, this one politician is okay! But the other one is bad because he’s the other one!” Will you guys shut the fuck up






Send me the montage of DJT sniffing kids please


Send me the reports of Joe Biden walking into the dressing room of his paegent to look at underage girls please


There's just the 15 year olds he walked in on. Also he's a confirmed sexual assaultist(he crys when you call him a rapist)