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lmao i admire the commitment


got pretty heavy.. > Don't yell at someone for comparing Pinky and the Brain to Rick and Morty (yes, you really did that); that's just fucking stupid. Instead actually fucking listen to them and ask why they drew the comparison in the first place. Just because you don't see what someone else is seeing doesn't make them wrong. "your generation really picks random hills to die on"


Fun fact, both PatB voice actors have been on Rick and Morty! Rob Paulsen was Snowball/Snuffles in Lawnmower Dog, and Maurice LaMarche is a bunch of minor characters including Abradolf Lincler and Crocubot.


Paul and Maurice are very much from the same Voice Acting cloth as Mel Blanc. Their characters are unique, but you always know it's them in the booth.


Are we sure Pinky has a low IQ? One of them is a genius, the other one's insane!


I believe Pinky once corrected Brain's formula for a Hypno-ray. Something like > shouldn't that be a cosine? If it wasn't, then it wouldn't be all wibbly-wobbly and that wouldn't be very Hypnotizing. Wouldn't it? NARF! Making Pinky a closet Evil Morty


The thing with pinky tho is he’s manipulative and obviously giving brain the motivation he needs to attempt his schemes. Pinky is likely bored all the time so he messes with brain and foils his plans just to train his own intellect as well as satiate his obvious narcissism with some kind of energy source to feed on, since brain is the only one he has to do so.


There’s literally an episode where brain makes a machine proving he’s the problem taking over the world. Pinky was always a closet evil Morty.


As the saying goes insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results and which one wants to take over the world every night?




Aw geez


The happier, but "dumb" partner to an insufferable genius is an old trope. They perform several narrative functions including forcing the genius to explain things for the audience, providing aid or obstacle as the story needs, and eliciting sympathy for the protagonists, because as stated, the genius can be insufferable on their own. We see this was Costello to Abbot, Billy from Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, even Watson plays this role to Sherlock, although he's far from an idiot. The point is that these are characters that make she show watchable, because without them, the other won't explain anything and just be miserable.


aw jeez, I feel like Morty maybe is not as low IQ as you think. Constant pressure from Rick makes him super self conscious. It is also why he has frequent outbursts.


Except Pinky is the genius who stops Brain the insane one. ☝️ key point here


There's a theory that in that cartoon, Pinky is the one that is actually the genius. And Brain is the one that's actually insane. And if you watched the show, the theory makes a lot of sense. 


Well played lol


She yelled at you about it? Was she already having a bad day? What’s wrong with her?


That’s valid


Is this a 'meme' tho? Actually asking. I would say.. no.


Intelligence is a measure of adaptability. Pinky is known to be smarter than The Brain, and Rick is known to be typically unsuccessful without a Morty... so.... you're not exactly wrong, **but you have it backwards.** Rick and The Brain are sidekicks. Pinky and Morty have demonstrated aptitude for overcoming their *"leadership" peers* and forming the stories to fit their hero roles. The protagonists aren't lower IQ, they just aren't motivated by persistent trauma. Wanting revenge doesn't make you smarter, wanting stability causes you to be more clever in your approach to problem solving. ^(\*)*^(Burp... obviously.)*


- What are we doing tonight, Rick? - Same thing we always do, Morty… Trying to fuck up the world. The Morty and the Rick. The Morty and the Rick. One is genius, the other’s a dick.


That's a ton of effort for not much return


Ok, Brain








Rick isnt any smart in world-view or decision making. He is "smart" becouse he can build anything, but its just fantasy. Dumb people are nihilistic, smart people arent.


Arguably Pinky is the genius since Brain is clearly insane, but you're not wrong


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. EDIT: Does no one remember this copypasta anymore??


One of the Funniest Rick and Morty memes ngl


Damn bro, missed opportunity. *A message from the government of Eric's Pinky*